Days of Our Lives - Mon., July 23, 2018

At least Jennifer got to use a small part of the Salem Brain today.
Good point. With Jenny it's usually rant first and think later.
This is Days. The have a crash course at Salem High for anyone who wants to screw around with people's lives. Duh!
It sure does. In fact they probably offer Basic Forgery, Intermediate Forgery, and Advanced Forgery. In fact, Salem U. would offer a major in the subject if any member of the Salem in-crowd ever attended classes, took tests, and actually graduated.

Finally, Slimy O. McCrud must have taken a course in advanced b/s when he was in school. His nonsense about Abigail's child being conceived in love, his claim that "Gabby" was real, whining about his father's "rights" etc. were straight out of fantasy land. Even that other DiMera rapist romeo, EJ, never stooped this low.
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