Days of Our Lives - Mon., July 23, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, July 23, 2018

Jennifer sits at a table in the Pub waiting for someone, who turns out to be the guy from Child Services who inspected JJ’s apartment. She is very firm and strong as she talks of Brady losing Tate, custody awarded to Theresa, JJ claiming the drugs were his, but were not. She knows this guy planted them, he was paid to do so, she knows he was cited last year in his job for missing so much work, threatens to go to his supervisor. The guy breaks down, admits some flunky gave him a bunch of money, he doesn’t know who, could describe the guy, but he was working for someone else, he doesn’t know. Jennifer convinces him to go to JJ’s supervisor, tell all this, and she will then not go to police. If he doesn’t, the whole story will be on the front page of her paper.

Stefan comes into the family planning clinic, calling for Abby, who appears. He knows that she is pregnant, (she denies at first) and baby is his, gives her the DNA results paper, saying it came from Gabi. Abby cannot believe he got it from her best friend, they argue big time. He is all about Gabby and his big love for her, the baby conceived in that love (Ugh, we get a flashback) & since she was “integrated” during her therapy, she has to remember, too. He goes on and on, she is yelling at him, what a horrible man he is, recalling how when he first came and she knocked at his door, and he said to come in, was naked…a disgusting man. He blabs about having changed, Gabby did that. She talks of what he did being rape, he denies it. Lots of yelling and arguing……but finally he agrees it is her body, her choice, what is she going to do?

Gabi sits at the bar with her pink martini, talking aloud of all the bad things that have happened to her. JJ comes in, asks what she is doing, she claims praying. At a bar with a drink in front of you? Yep. And now we get Gabi going on and on about prison, getting beat up, scarring, unable to have more children. Ari thinks because Gabi was gone so long, she did not want to be with Ari any more, also, (and isn’t this sudden) Ari is tired of being an “only”, wants a little brother or sister, but Gabi probably won’t be able to ever do so. She goes on with her pity party, drinking all the while, claims she knows Abby was sick, so doesn’t blame her for what she did, but she does blame Stefan. JJ brings up her saving him, his angel in time of need. She denies being an angel, then abruptly, finally decides to leave, JJ offers to drive her home, she declines, wants to walk, get some air. And here is the miracle, my friends, she is digging in her wallet, takes out some bills, lays them on the bar, and takes off.

Will is reading the note again, the one shoved under his door, saying I know what you and Sonny did. He shoves it in a drawer, answers the door to find Paul, who seems to want to dig around for Leo. Will says case is dismissed, Leo is gone, let’s forget it. He tells of getting the memory of Kate from several years ago, her saying she could tell him anything, and figures it was when he was struggling to come out. He professes his love for Paul, kiss, Paul got fixings for dinner, Will is gonna bring the wine, see you later.

Sonny is arguing with Chad over how he is running Titan, Victor appears, questions what is going on. Sonny goes thru the litany of what he considers mistakes by Chad, who defends all he has done, including stock values going up 25%. In the end, Victor is keeping Chad where he is, not bringing Sonny back yet, as Leo could still appear again. Sonny & Chad are alone, Sonny hopes he did not come on too strong, Chad is his best friend. Nope , Chad is fine, all is well.

Jennifer meets with JJ, tells him that agent is going to JJ’s supervisor, tell him the whole story, so JJ will get his job back. Jen will get to the bottom of who paid to plant those drugs.

Victor gets a phone call, “what do you mean Jennifer Horton is on to Murphy”?

Will calls Sonny, who is happy the case is dismissed. Will says they have to talk, this is very important.

Gabi walks along, stops, pulls out the real DNA results, using a lighter, sets them on fire, drops them, satisfied look on her face.

Stefan is home, pours a drink, flashes back to asking Abby what she is going to do. She is going to keep her baby.

Chad is home, Abby comes in, he has to get back to work, she has to tell him something, and it is very important.
Thank you, Poirot.

At least Jennifer got to use a small part of the Salem Brain today.

Was Sonny truly trying to discredit Chad's leadership of Titan? Or was he playing devil's advocate so Uncle Vic would defend Chad and keep him at the top?

I hope Stefan and Gabi become a couple, and leave Salem together. They're both being manipulative, devious, and nasty, and they deserve each other.
Well, Kayla gave the envelope to Abby, and it WAS addressed to Abby, but I do agree that she should have seen the results, been told them personally, or checked on the computer. Abby is her niece, and I would think Kayla would definitely want to know the outcome of the test. And a report should have been given to Kayla by the lab.
Inasmuch as Abby came as Kayla's patient, of course Kayla should have gotten results. This definitely is writers, who just think no one will notice these flaws. Shame on the Director!
While I can appreciate Jennifer's compassion for the social worker's "situation," if it was actually true, I do not appreciate a child care social worker who is untrustworthy going into homes and being responsible for other children. Hadn't Jennifer already accumulated negative job performance information about this particular social worker? So, as long as JJ is okay and she finds the villain who paid the money, does that mean it's okay to let this man continue to work in his present capacity? I don't mean to be harsh but this man has committed a crime and it isn't Jennifer's job to be the judge and jury.
Someone explain logically to me how you make a copy of medical test results and can easily change them to make them still look official? Oh silly me, I said logically. This is Days. The have a crash course at Salem High for anyone who wants to screw around with people's lives. Duh!
Thanks, Poirot.

Did Stefan change Abigail's mind about keeping the baby or did she decide
before he came in?

I'm wondering what Abigail will do to to Gabi since Stefan told her he found
out from Gabi about the baby.

Will JJ get his job back after the case worker tells JJ's boss what he did? And
I'm not surprised he was the one who put the drugs there.
Jennifer does tell the guy who objects to telling his supervisor, who might go to the police or ??? that it is "your problem" then.......cause Jen will tell the whole sordid story on the front page of the Spectator..........which of course would cast bad lights on that entire agency, let alone the worker, his boss, etc. etc.

Days has a very bad habit of making it easy for veritable strangers to get hold of medical records, and change them, whether in computer, paper, payoffs or whatever. If they spent too much time figuring how it could be done .......well, they would be wasting time, right? I mean they all don't visit doctors, hospitals, clinics, or have access to Google or other search engines......oh, I forget, Salemites use Ewe Search. No wonder they cannot find anything out.
The writers for Days always take the lazy way when writing these moronic stories with switching of test results.

I just came from a follow up appointment with the doctor for workman's comp. The doctor filled in everything on the computer, and clicked on print. Then I had to walk 6 steps over to a window with a pass through slot. There was one worker locked in that tiny room with the printers and a monitor. She had to check my ID, and then made me sign 3 papers before she'd even hand me my own discharge papers.

Yep, no way would a hospital lab just drop an envelop or folder on a doctor's desk.
@macgyverswife . I ask the same question previously of just how Gabi
was able to falsify/change the results. In reality she would have to have
password access to sign on plus the same to get into the actual files as well as time to print it out.
Of course if my memory is correct Kayla once again left a patient in the middle of an
appointment to take a call. I just really wish the writers wouldn’t have tread down this
well worn path again.....I realize this is a soap, a fantasy but they could slap some
reality/common sense in there without compromising the story.......sad writing