Days of Our Lives - Mon., July 9, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, July 9, 2018

Those of you who missed last week's shows, and have not read any summaries, this episode is for you, as all of last week is recapped, even some flashbacks. Ciara wakes up coughing, sees the cabin is on fire. (not as much smoke as last Friday, though) She realizes she cannot get to the door, but perhaps the window. She gets out of bed, and instead of crawling/dragging herself, she stands up, putting pressure on her broken leg, cries out in pain, falls to the floor, passed out.

Sonny paces in the Kmansion, remembering all that happened with him & Will, disposing of Leo's body, including long flashbacks. Justin arrives, wants to prep Sonny for the trial tomorrow, but Sonny is distracted, keeps apologizing, seems to want to tell Dad what happened but doesn't. Justin tries to show him how Ted will question him, Sonny finally tells about meeting with Leo, pretending he wanted to get back with him, if he dropped the suit, recording it. Yes, big mistake, he knows it, Justin is not a happy camper, Sonny gives him the info on Leo, fake name, previously hooker.

Meanwhile, Paul returns, wants to hear about what happened when Will met up with Sonny, did he tell him about his memory? So, Will explains it all, fills him in, Paul is happy. However, Will now makes excuses about working on big story, going out for coffee, will see Paul in the morning.

Brady starts to tell Eve about finding the amulet in Eric's room, just as Eric is knocking on the door. He wants to try and negotiate a truce with Theresa, says JJ is talking to her. Brady explains all the background stuff with Theresa, who just wants Brady, not concerned about Tate. When he said no go, she sued, Eve starts in about Theresa's lawyer trying to discredit Brady, even accusing him of murdering Deimos, and she knows he did not do it, for a fact. Brady shuts her up, tells all the rest of the tale, Eric realizes it is a no go for a truce, leaves.

Brady now fills Eve in on who killed Deimos, wasn't Eric, goes thru the whole story, including him being jealous, vindictive, etc. and forcing Nicole to leave town. Eve is all for telling this to the cops, nope, Brady will not do that. Nicole had a miscarriage, a stillborn, thought no more kids, and then came Chloe, Holly...only Chloe went for custody, Nicole had to go thru that. He is not that same person now, because of Eve, so will not do that to Nicole. Eve thinks he will have to be that former person if he wants to have his son.

Roman fills Jen in on all about Ciara mad at Claire & Tripp, leaving on the bike, the accident, Ben being released, Marlena thinking him o.k., Chad riding him out of town, and now Hope & Rafe think perhaps she is with Ben. Eric comes in, he & Jen chatter about what he just did.

At the cop shop, Rafe checks, and sees Ciara's phone went on, yes a location. Hope upset, that is where Ben held Abby. She tries calling Ciara, who heard her phone, but cannot reach it before passing out. Rafe & Hope reach the cabin in record time, lots of smoke, (man, that wooden cabin would be complete ashes already), they get into cabin, see Ciara on floor, Hope is calling her name, Rafe takes off that leather jacket (ahhh, so that is why he was wearing it in mid-summer), beats some flames down, they get to Ciara, waste time trying to get her to come awake. Rafe carries her out, Hope at his side. Ciara is on ground, Hope doing CPR, Rafe calls for ambulance, also fire dept. Smoke is getting thicker, Ciara wakes up, coughing, holding on to Hope.

Will & Sonny have met, too late to go to cops now, will have to go put Leo in driver's seat, crash it into a tree. Alas, they return, upset, seems Leo's car is gone, as is Leo's body.

Back at the cabin site, Ben has returned, is yelling Ciara, but Rafe has his gun drawn, order him down on the ground, mutters he is probably disappointed his plan did not work. Ben is saying I didn't do it, I swear, I swear, as Rafe handcuffs him.
Thank you, Poirot.

Dang it! Couldn't Days have given us a nice conversation between Eric and Brady without Eve sticking her nose in?!?! Grrr. That character just rubs me the wrong way, and I see way too much of her.

Looks like Rafe and Hope will try to railroad Ben unless Ciara sticks up for him.

The Sonny and Will comedy show is just too stupid for words.
That is about what I felt like doing.....since I watch every all those recaps/catch up dialogue did nothing for me. Roman is still talking about all that food he cooked (BBQ) as he explains to Jen why folks just were not interested in coming out. Though did not hear why Jen herself did not come. Ha.
Big Boy Sonny may be committing Salem's biggest blunders at the moment, but others aren't exactly clicking on all cylinders.

Brady: He actually tells the vengeful widow that Nicole killed Deimos. Good thinking.

Rafe and Hope: If they want to revive Ciara who's suffering from smoke inhalation, they might want to try moving her out of the smoky area. Rafe also ought to take it easy on Ben. There's no proof that he set the fire. When this is all over, it might make for some good scenes if Ben sued Rafe for police brutality and hired Ted to be his lawyer.

Jenny: She owns the town newspaper. Why is she the last to know about the return of Ben and Ciara going missing? (The ugly rumors must be true -- she never goes to work.)
Oh, he sort of wandered around. Listened to Brady's tale of woe since Theresa returned, then went to the Pub, and told Jen all about it. He did offer at first to try and mediate the situation between Brady & Theresa, but after learning Theresa wants Brady in her bed, otherwise no dice.....he withdrew. :)
O.K. I know Days has a very limited budget, but can we have just a bit of realism, a tiny bit? I mean, first, there is this wood cabin, that already has been thru one fire, but amazingly is slightly habitable. To find clean linens, blankets was amazing, and I swallowed that.

And now we have a 2nd fire....wayyyy more smoke than the 1st one, bu t again, absolutely amazing, as for all the time it had to take for Rafe & Hope to get to the outskirts of town, (during which they did not notify any other law enforcement units, including the nearby Mammoth Falls) somehow, that fire remained very small, only creating lots of smoke. The cabin is still intact, despite being just one big room, really no damage. Not even to the bed. Wonder what kind of wood was used to build that cabin. It sure is fire resistant.

And Dr. Baker........I would absolutely love to have Ben sue for false arrest, harassment, and more, with yes, Ted as his lawyer. Rafe did not even ask a question, just assumed...

I like Rafe, or always have liked him, but since being hooked up with Hope, his brain cells have been disappearing, and common sense deserted him.
Thanks, Poirot.

Poor Ben. Rafe started choking him when he was on the ground. I hope Ciara
them how Ben was taking care of her.

And how did the fire start? Did Ben do it accidentally start it while he was hallucinating?
Or did one of the critters in the forest do it? :)

Was Hope at the cabin before when they found Abigail and Chad? I was wondering
because she said that's where Ciara's phone was today when she saw the
location. Maybe GPS showed on
map it was the cabin that Ben set on fire.

So Eve knows Nicole killed Deimos. How long will she keep the secret?

Where or where did Leo go? He is really dead or did someone else move
the car and body?

Where or where is Tate? Did Maggie take him to the mansion and he will
stay there until the custody hearing is over?

Where or where is Anna? Did the police release Tony's remains and she left
town with him?
Ok Kat, when I read your post, Heehaw came to mind!

"Where oh where are you tonight? Why did you leave me here all alone? I searched the world over, and I thought I found true love. You met another, and pffft, you were gone."

That could be all of Brady's women's theme song!!:rolleyes:

Sorry it is late for me and I am a little goofy.
He is not that same person now, because of Eve
I'm not believing this transformative love. I don't hate them but they need to stop pretending this is the be-all-end-all.
Will & Sonny have met, too late to go to cops now, will have to go put Leo in driver's seat, crash it into a tree. Alas, they return, upset, seems Leo's car is gone, as is Leo's body.
Good. I hope he's alive and gets everything he deserves. I am way more sympathetic to him than to stupid Sonny or amnesiac Will.
An additional note on today's episode: why is Big Boy Sonny in such a panic over the declining value of Titan stock? Sure, a good portion of Victor's wealth is probably based on the value of his Titan stock, but it's only a loss if he tries to sell his shares. Meanwhile, if all of Titan's business enterprises continue to earn money (except the hopeless Bella magazine), where's the harm? In fact, there could be an upside to the stock slide. The sly Victor could buy back Titan stock for a song, which would result in a tidy profit when the shares rebound, and it would rid him of pesky non-Kiriakis shareholders. They're always such a drag.

Finally, if the Big Boy and Will learn of the rush to judgment regarding Ben at the Magic Cabin, they should breathe easy about their inane plot to rid themselves of the deceased Leo. Anywhere else, their amateurish fakery would be quickly discovered, but with Hope and Rafe on the job their safety is assured.
  • Rafe: OMG, Hope, Leo Stark has serious head injuries, and they don't look as if they could have resulted from a car crash.
  • Hope: Whatever, he probably was banging his head against the wall because Sonny wouldn't take him back -- case closed.
  • Rafe: Yeah, you're probably right. Let's go back to the station and put the screws to Ben Weston. It's about time he joined his daddy in prison.
TobyJ, these are great options.

1) Slimy O. McPuke might just want to keep somebody in a DiMera dungeon for the fun of it, just like his alleged dear old dad.

2) Big Boy Sonny and Will are not medical experts so it's not a stretch that they were mistaken about Leo's demise. (Maybe, he was in a famous Salem coma.) Imagine Leo awakening, extricating himself from the rug, and rushing off to complain to Kate. Imagine: "OMG, Kate, Will smashed my head against the mantle. They they wrapped me in a rug, stuffed me in my car, and left me by the side of the road -- ME!"

3) Victor does have his places. Perhaps, Leo could be stashed on one of Victor's secret Greek islands -- maybe one with the type of demon goats that once terrorized Lani.

4) I'd pay money to see Leo face-to-face with a glowering Xander.
why is Big Boy Sonny in such a panic over the declining value of Titan stock? Sure, a good portion of Victor's wealth is probably based on the value of his Titan stock, but it's only a loss if he tries to sell his shares
To wit, what happened to the independent Sonny who wanted no part of Titan and wanted to be out on his own? He couldn't have cared a fig about Titan prior to his Parisian diversion.
I'd pay money to see Leo face-to-face with a glowering Xander
Me too. Without a crawlspace though, Xander's not really that tough. And Leo has had to pay his dues and is young and hungry. He could outfox the simple beefcake any day of the week if the payday is more than $100k.
Were Eric and Jennifer heading to an 80s party??

Why does Paul have to fill in Will's grandfather on Will's life?

I watched the final scene 3x and still couldn't understand a word anyone was saying. Also, Hope was complicit for allowing Rafe to do what he did to Ben. If Rafe ends up in trouble, she should too as she is his boss.