Days of Our Lives - Mon., June 11, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, June 11, 2018

Theresa is dreaming about Brady & Tate, that Tate missed her, loves her, and Brady chose her over Eve. He is about to kiss her, when she wakes up, unhappy about her dream, JJ there realizing it was probably about Brady. He offers some comforting words, teases her about having choco puffs for breakfast, her fav, and goes to shower. Knock, knock, Theresa answers the door, wearing JJ's EMT shirt, tis Jen & Eric, jaws dropping at the sight of her. Theresa does her usual snark, not putting their ideas at rest, JJ comes out wrapped in one big towel, drying off with another. Theresa grabs it, a couple more snarks, and she is off to shower.

JJ explains to his mom about Theresa having no where to go, he likes helping people in need, is why he became an EMT. Jen mentions how much trouble Theresa has been and will be, she comes out all dressed now, tells Jen to talk to her face. Now she explains about going to Mexico to protect and save Brady & Tate, blah, blah, Eventually, Jen & Eric leave, Jen tells JJ to call her when he is alone, she wants to talk to him. Now it is Theresa's turn, asking what his mom meant about him having a bad year. JJ slowly explains, giving the Readers Digest version of dating Lani, her sleeping with Eli, getting pregnant. How he was depressed around holidays, and then the thought of baby kept him going. Theresa figures it had to b e hard to learn then he was not the dad.

Brady & Tate show up at Eve's room, where they will reside temporarily until he finds a place, is looking at houses. Tate is bored, Eve suggests he go to zoo with Grampa John, who is taking Ari, she will take him, stop at pet store for extra treats for petting zoo.

Vic is reading the news on his tablet....after all, cannot be bothered with a real, live newspaper, can he?. He is upset, Maggie thinks more stories about Sonny, no, it is Clyde Weston's psychotic son being released. Maggie talks of articles about Sonny, says Vic needs to get someone running Titan and now, to clean up the mess. Cue Xander to arrive, suit and tie, figuring he is the answer. Vic shoots down that idea very quickly, Xander does more pleading of why he should have the job, mentions loyalty to family, getting Theresa away from the drug lord, being she is mother of his grandson. Vic could care less, Xander brings up Victor ordering the execution of his brother, and threatens going to police with his infor, Vic going to jail, yada, yada. Vic counters with Xander himself being charged instead. Standoff. Vic wants Xander out of the house. Xander again mentions saving Theresa, the mother of his grandson, but Maggie pipes up about them leaving the mother of Parker, what about him? She storms out, Vic stands firm.

Will & Paul are in bed, talking of Ben coming to “make amends”, Chad being there, Ben gone now, and then the serum, etc. Knock, knock, Will gets out of bed, (and frankly I am sick and tired of these Salem men casually answering the door in their shorts, or towels. NO ONE does that.) Tis Sonny, Will explains he & Paul slept late, Sonny came to tell of Gabi's release being delayed, Will tells of Ben being released and came there. Paul goes to take a shower, Will manages to get some clothes on, as they talk of Ari being disappointed, etc. Will now tells Sonny about the serum, the hospital is working on it, may bring back his memory. He wants especially to remember his family and daughter. Paul returns, chit chat, Sonny leaves. Will & Paul talk, Will guessing Paul concerned Will gets memory, returns to Sonny; Will assuring Paul that he may want to remember his past, but he doesn't want to relive it.

Sonny runs into JJ in the square, they exchange info we all just saw & heard. Theresa comes to see Brady, learns he moved out with Tate that morning. Vic makes his snide remarks about Eve, scolds Theresa for spilling the beans to Brady about Chloe. She is sorry, was angry, just came out. She learned some things down in Mexico, and is going to “get” Eve. Vic stops her, says before you go all gangster on your sister, I have an idea.

Jen apologizes to Eric for bringing up Nicole's name, Eric says tis o.k., she is not Voldemort (character in Harry Potter stories/movies), she can say her name. He notes he has moved on now, smiles.

Theresa shows up at Eve's place, Brady is alone, Tate not here. Tis fine, She & Brady have to talk.

Phone rings, hospital is calling Will. He says o.k., fine. Tells Paul the serum is ready.

Xander breaks into Victor's wall safe (manages to open it easily), happy he has not lost his touch. Sorry Uncle Vic, not leaving here empty handed, as he takes bundles of wrapped bills, stuff them in a bag. He then notices a small, brown envelope labeled “Nicole Walker”. He takes it, “what have we got here”, with a sinister smile on his face.
Hard to tell, isn't it? Victor is really upset over the bad publicity, which, as we have seen in real life, easily gets blown up and out of hand. He had to have Sonny step down since shareholders would be upset at the idea Sonny sexually harassed anyone, let alone his asst. Of course Leo set Sonny up, am surprised Victor did not lean on Leo somewhat. But then, he has this so-called crafty shyster lawyer.

I just want everyone to know Kate is the one behind Leo's antics now.......and that Viv was before that.
In my opinion....and one does. And I spent a lot of years in the lodging industry.
Barb, I really hate to keep beating a dead horse, but there is no way in this world that you know for a fact that "NO ONE does that."
I really liked the scenes with JJ and Jeannie T being there for each other, as friends.
Yes, this was good until Nicole-phobic Jenny came in and spoiled the mood. Speaking of Jenny, why is she going to her adult son's apartment so early in the morning? She's taking helicopter parenting to new heights.
Boy, Victor has sure gotten soft. In the old days, Leo would've conveniently "disappeared", never to be seen or heard from again.
Ain't that the truth? Both Leo and the shyster would be long gone by now. Instead of being rude to Xander, Vic should have said he'd think about the X-man's CEO proposal, and in the meantime, he has a little job for him.

On other subjects:

Breakfast of Champions: So Jeannie T. craves Choco Puffs. Who knew? If other Salemites also favor this sugary breakfast delight, perhaps Roman should add it to the Pub menu: Brady Burgers, chowder, Wanchai Ferry, garbage can nachos, and Choco Puffs -- perfect together!

Bored children: So Tater Tot was bored -- no problem. There are lots of ways to entertain him in Salem. How about 1) a visit to the Pub where he can watch dysfunctional adults squawk at each other, 2) going over to Chloe's place where the Tot can play with Parker's world class set of toy trains, and 3) a visit to the grassy banks of the Salem River to watch the bodies of Salem's latest murder victims float by.
Thanks, Poirot.

I was surprised to see Brady at Eve's room. I thought he was going to get his own.
At first, I thought he was pushing Tater Tot to another bedroom. Then I realized
it was the bathroom. I thought it was cute Tater Tot said he was bored while
Brady and Eve were doing office work.

Sad to hear about Arianna finding out her mom not home yet. I hope she enjoyed
the zoo with John and Tater Tot.

I wonder what kind of scheme Victor has Theresa doing.

Xander looked very handsome wearing a suit. Interesting Victor doesn't have an
alarm system at his house or on the safe.
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I would have preferred to have seen John, Tate and Ari at the zoo instead of Brady, Eve and Tate in a one room hotel room. I don't have the wealth they supposedly have but even I've booked hotel rooms that have living areas too.

I liked JJ's new apartment set. I hope they don't overuse it now by redressing it for other characters. I still want to see some of the house sets back.

I also liked the JJ and Jeannie T scenes. This is such a missed opportunity. I could have gone for a Gabi/JJ/Jeannie triangle. He has chemistry with both women and there is built in family conflict already with each pairing. I also liked how she wore the green dress again without makeup until she went to the KMansion where she presumably had stuff in storage. No instant wardrobe at JJ's.

Eric needs a story or two of his own and a good razor.

Sooooo many Nicole anvils today. That must mean she is returning soon in my opinion.
Interesting Victor doesn't have an
alarm system at his house or on the safe.
If Victor had any alarms, it would have been the shock of the century. (In fact, it was somewhat surprising that he didn't have the combination taped to the safe door so he wouldn't have to bother memorizing it.) Lack of security is a way of life in Salem. In fact, Salem's last home security company probably closed its doors years ago.

I liked JJ's new apartment set. I hope they don't overuse it now ....
Knowing the writers, it wouldn't be surprising if JJ's new place becomes the new crossroads of Salem, replacing the overused Town Square as the location where Salemites accidentally bump into each other.
I can see it now, someone always sitting on his little couch, eating a bowl of Choco Puffs, while others stroll through the door, on their way to his bathroom.