Days of Our Lives - Mon. June 24, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, June 24, 2013

Yep , WRONG ROOM! Nicole is knocking on the door, it is open, she pushes and peeks in, shocked. cuz there is a strange couple in bed. She apologizes, backs out and shuts the door, realizes what Martha did, and goes back down to the desk, really ticked off. Martha doesn't care about the money, tell Nicole "caveat emptor" (which means in Latin, let the buyer beware) but George returns. Nicole explains all about the school, the notes, yada, yada. George relents, gives her the room number.

Meanwhile, the knocking on Eric's door is housekeeping, and Kristen manages to grab the sheets, cover herself and get rid of that person. She is back in bed, groggy Eric doesn't know what is happening, but they are at it again. Can't say I much cared for these scenes. Finally, he passes out completely, Kristen gets up, goes to her room, returns dressed as she had been, black wig and all. She says several times how very sorry she is that "you have to pay for your mother's sins", and then she grabs two phones which have been recording everything, each from a different angle. She smiles and leaves.

At the coffee shop, Abby & Chad have returned from the carnival, chat away about their evening, talk a bit about the video, Abby promising to keep the secret. Honestly, these scenes are a lot of filler. She has a long flashback of her & Cameron. More inoccous chitchat, then Cam arrives, wants a coffee. Chad has to leave for a bit, Cam gets into an argument with Abby as from what he saw, he non-date with Chad seemed more than that. She was touching his face. He ends up walking out, just as Chad returns. Abby looks a bit upset, but Chad doesn't press her. He only apologizes for all he has done to interfere in other people's lives, and then gifts her with a stuffed animal. One he was unable to win for her at the carnival, but called the owner, said he thought the game was rigged, and his name was DiMera. Guess he was able to get that stuffed toy very easily then. zzzzzzzzzz.

Sami is trying to talk Will out of confessing all to Abe about shooting EJ, reminding him that he would not be helping, just making things worse. Abe arrives, gets EJ & Sami to leave, just asking Sonny & Will if they saw Sami prior to the shooting, if either ever saw/knew Bernardi. Nope, just a time or two in coffee shop, perhaps. Did not see him that night. Abe leaves.
Kate has gone to see Gabi, who is filling out hospital paper work. She tells her of firing Nick, Kate yammers about all Nick did to everyone.Finally Kate & Gabi come out with the baby. Will has asked Sonny to take his mom out while he talks to EJ. Will wants to know why EJ is protecting Stefano, who hired Bernardi. EJ assures him that he is on to it all, Stefano is out of town, and we know he would love Sami to stay in jail. So, they are just playing it cool. Meanwhile, Sonny has gone to help Gabi change the baby's diaper (honestly, give me a break), Sami talks to Kate, who blathers on about the weapon being found, while Sami blames Kate for all this, because she blabbed to Stefano about her & Rafe. Kate admits it was wrong, gets a bit tearful, cuz she would never want to hurt Rafe. Everyone else arrives, Will, Sonny & Gabi, the baby all head for home. As does EJ & Sami.

Yawwnnnn. The four young people arrive at the apartment, amazed Sonny did all this himself, so quickly. Wonderful. Group hug.
Sami & Ej arrive at DiMansion, to a a crystal laden table in the study, candles lit, a surprise for Samanther. EJ pour wine, she sits on his lap. He won't tell what he & Will talked about, she mentions Sonny saying Will thinks his mom lets things slip out too easily. She hates when he is right. They kiss, a knock at the door. They go to answer, a process server hands Sami a subpeona. Seems she has to report tomorrow for a hearing with the Grand Jury.

Abe runs into Cam, sees he is upset. Cam says nothing, mentions no longer having his second job, would like to spend more time with Theo. Great!

Nicole finally is at the right door, is knocking. Inside Eric is trying to get up, his foot hits the side table lamp and down it does. Nicole hears, knocks more, then rummages thru the housekeeping cart that is in the hall, finds the passkey, and lets herself in. She is shocked at his condition. She is holding him, asking what is wrong with him. She rocks him a bit, clearly worried and upset.
Out in the hall, Kristen exits her room, and is on her way out. George, the desk clerk stops her, says she is not going anywhere. That he knows what she has been up to.
Thanks for the summary. I have the show on DVR. I started watching, but when I saw Nicole open the wrong door... :rolleyes: And then Sami and EJ, and all the disgusting scenes between poor Eric and Kristen, I gave up. I don't know if I'll watch. I'm sooooo tired of seeing the likes of Sami, EJ and Kristen on the screen, while great characters like John, Lucas, soon Adrienne, and so many others are either not used or being trashed for this. I know, though, I'm repeating myself. Sorry !:beat:

I think I'll return to the corner. It's a lot more fun there ! :birthday::drunk:
With how much we've been seeing of Kristen, I have to ask myself if it's in her contract that she gets airtime at least 4 days a week. It's truly overkill. I'd take more Jen/Daniel at this point. I set my DVR but it sounds like there's nothing in this episode worth seeing, with all of the yawning and sleeping Poirot did in the summary. Thanks for the write up.
wow... thanks for the heads up.... first for Kristen and Eric THANK YOU for watching that and warning those of us who watch later due to time zone differences that horrible disgusting scenes are coming up.... and for the put the Abby/Cameron/Chad scenes on a loop for the next time you can't sleep tape....that tape is getting quite full actually....
Yeah, he'll probably think Kristen is leaving without paying for the room. Then Kristen will give her a menacing look (one of the only two looks she can give, the other one being fake angel smile), throw a tantrum with the over the top French accent, and leave like an insulted little snob puddle. I can't wait for that. :rolleyes:
:OT: I have had someone assigned to MY room, lol. Person got a surprise when the chain lock was on. Ha. Don't know why desks make those kinds of errors. :back:

However, in this case, Martha seems to have done it on purpose. And I should think would be called on the carpet for accepting bribe money at all.

Shame on the couple having sex who not only did not chain lock/deadbolt their door, but did not even close it tight.
Interesting that Abe is suppose to be a consultant to the SPD and now he's running all over town questioning people about the shooting, that's a little more than consulting. I guess in Kristen's plan it didn't matter it was going to be her in the video's with Eric when she shows them to Marlena. I would think that would put her in a very precarious position with the back lash she could receive from more than Marlena's family about having sex with a priest.

I do love Abby and Chad together more than Abby and Cameron, there is just more sensuality between Abby & Chad. And baby makes four....ummmm...when Sonny was holding Arianna so lovingly....did I see Gabby give him an 'admiring' kind of look. Sure hope she doesn't get the hots for Sunny.

Also....when Marlena help Sami remember it was a straight edge razor she saw not a knife, didn't they (Marlena, Sami & EJ) decided not to tell Hope or any SPD cop; and Sami kept it from Justin when he asked her if there was anything else she hasn't told the police. Well.....whip me if I'm wrong but today didn't I hear Sami tell Kate it was a razor and wasn't it said in Will's hospital room? What's up with this?