Days of Our Lives - Mon., June 29, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, June 29, 2020

It is Eli & Lani's wedding day, so, judging from today's show, it is going to last all week. This show could have been done in 5 minutes......but..judge for yourselves. Replay of Lani opening the door to find Kristen in her nun's habit, come to offer congrats. Kristen takes off the outfit, the women gush over their friendship, Kristen thanking Lani for helping her escape, talk of that, how Lani did not get in trouble, even tho Eli found out. Yada, yada, yada. Kristen helps Lani get dressed. (Surprised a pregnant woman chooses such a tight, revealing outfit, even a bare midriff!) Lani shows Kristen the hankie Eli's mom gave her, old, blue. Now needs borrowed & new. Kristen gives her a gift, something to remind Lani of their convent days, then a baby rattle, Kristen's from childhood, Rachel only played with it a week, lost interest. Lani grateful, gets text from Abe, on his way to pick her up. Kristen is back in the nun's outfit, skedaddles.

Abe arrives at Julie's place, she is a wreck, constantly talking of making everything “perfect”, puts him to work folding napkins, ordering him around, til her gets exasperated, asking why she just doesn't do it herself. She apologizes, goes off, Abe resumes napkin folding, in comes Tamara (Lani's mother). Abe so happy to see her, they chat, catch up, brag of their daughter, etc. Julie comes in, more greetings.

Meanwhile, Billy Davis arrives, Eli calls him his old mentor, former FBI cohort. Except he is Eli's mom's (Valerie) date for the wedding, seems they met up at a charity event in Washington DC 3 months ago, been dating ever since. They are now “a couple”. She wants picture of the 3 of them, Billy goes to get his phone, left it in the car.

Rafe shows up at DiMansion, looking for Gabi, Chad notes not there, Rafe says jury is back. Chad thinks perhaps Gabi went to see Jake, as she wanted Chad to go, he said no. Rafe goes after her.

Gabi struts in, sees Gwen kissing Jake, tells her to get her nasty paws off her husband. Gwen figures she is Gabi, good she is there, tells her to stay away from her boyfriend. The two gals snipe at each other over who has rights to Jake, Gabi ends up slapping Gwen, who goes after her, cat fight, (we don't see), Jake separates them, Rafe arrives, tells Gabi she has to leave immediately. Jake is rather non-committal about which woman he prefers.

Brady is on phone with Tate, Marlena comes along as he hangs up. He misses him, she is kind about how much he loves Tate, Kristen, Rachel, misses them. She tells him she is so dressed up because she is officiating at the wedding, he says to thank Eli for him, stopped him making big mistake, tells her whole story of blackmailing Vic to give him job back, plan to take down Titan, Vic was on to him, he convinced him to tell Eli that Kristen did not stab him, but Eli pointed out how Vic would be convicted of perjury, and Brady would be blamed. Tho he would do it for Kristen. She is sympathetic, has to leave now tho.

Marlena arrives at Julie's, sees Tamara, they do some catching up, happy to see one another. Abe arrives at Lani's, mentions seeing a nun going down the hall. Lani makes up a story about the convent sending good wishes or something, & they leave, making sure he carries her train. Eli, Valerie & Billy arrive at Julie's, everything looks lovely. Julie gushes to Eli how proud of him she is, etc. Marlena notes the bride has arrived, everyone get ready. Lani comes in on Abe's arm, kisses her mom, walks down the aisle, Eli grinning from ear to ear. Tamara is smiling, but looks sick. Marlena begins the ceremony, Tamara falls to the floor, all rush to her.

Gabi brags to Chad that she was exonerated, told him so.

Brady looking at pics on his phone of him, Kristen, talking aloud of how much he loves her, misses her. Kristen behind a stone wall, listening. Finally she turns to walk away, but Brady sees, calls out, Kristen, is that you?
Just in case you could not tell, boring and dragged out. Hope the rest of the week doesn't go like this! Yes, It was great seeing Marilyn McCoo (Tamara) & Billy Davis, but other than that, all the scenes seemed to just be time fillers, at least to me.
Yeah, that is odd wedding attire for a pregnant woman. She looked pretty but I've never seen a midriff baring wedding dress. I am wondering if Eli's mom did something to something she gave Lani? I thought she was kinda weird when she was there and today Lani said she had issue with her before.

I am glad Gabi was found not guilty. Don't think she did it, and falsely imprisoned has been done before. I am still hoping it's Chad.

Brady and Kristen just make me ill. Why do they keep trying to make them soul mates? It's creepy!!

And her little visit with Lani, where is Rachel? How did Kristen get a babysitter? Did she drop her off with Sarah? :huh:
I am wondering if Eli's mom did something to something she gave Lani?
I doubt Valerie, who is a doctor, and a non-evil character, would somehow drug Lani's food or drink. Especially when Lani is pregnant with Valerie's grandchild. Valerie seemed genuinely happy when she spent time with Lani before the wedding.
I was listening so closely as Lani & Kristen blabbed about Kristen finally being a mother, enjoying it, etc. etc. as I kept where is Rachel? Nope, Lani did not ask, Kristen did not mention.
I imagine that Kristen left Rachel "home" with a nanny or someone and wouldn't risk bringing her in case she got caught or something. Not nice for Brady, but Kristen only thinks of herself. And again is counting on Lani covering for her. I think this wedding will go on for at least this week.
Honestly, I hope they don't pull more of the same every day this week. Egads.
Nightmare II: The first Lani-Eli wedding was a nightmare and now the sequel seems in trouble. If the writers truly wanted to create another nightmare, they should have had the State Police invade Julie's Place to arrest the bride for aiding Kristen's escape. She could have been shown joining a handcuffed Kristen who had been scooped up during her "joyous" :sick: reunion with Brady.

Misplaced pride: Everyone seemed oh so proud of Lani today. Would they have felt the same way if they knew she'd aided the escape of the infamous Kristen, an act that was just as bad if she'd helped the sick, sadistic Orpheus escape justice?

Give the viewers what they want: The writers could have made many viewers happy by showing Gwen doing to the unbearable Gabi what Rafe once did to EJ in the Town Square.

Legalities: 1. Gwen was on target today when she referred to Jake as her boyfriend instead of Gabi's husband. Even if Jake is the resurrected Stefan Zero, the marriage between him and Gabi ended the moment that he was declared dead. 2. Gabi should not have walked out of the Salem courthouse a free woman. Even if she didn't know that the syringe was full of a Dr. Rolf hallucinogen, she's still guilty of assaulting Jake by sticking the thing into his body. Although this is a misdemeanor, not a felony, the judge should have sentenced her to 60 days in the Salem jail both as a way to make her pay in a small way for the crimes she's gotten away with recently and to spare the people of Salem from her big mouth.
Alas, I think her trial was only for drugging Abby. Unfortunately, I don't think the attempted drugging of Jake was added in. Could be wrong......they certainly did not give us one second of the trial, the arguments, or even reading of the charges.
Ok am I the only one who thought this was just the weirdest episode ever? I honestly kept waiting for them to tell us it was a dream and I'm still expecting it tomorrow. Billy and Valerie? I kept expecting them to say they were kidding. The weird Abe/Julie interaction. Julie was completely unlikable. No one is at this thing but Marlena is doing the ceremony and John isn't there. And then in the middle of this is the Gabi stuff with the weird end to that.
Thanks, Poirot.

When Julie was ordering Abe around I kept thinking about one thing and I probably
shouldn't have.

Wasn't Val at Eli's first almost wedding to Lani? She and Tamara acted like they
haven't met before.

Interesting to learn Val and Billy dating.

Rafe's house has a doorbell. Billy rang it when he wanted in.

Nice scenes with Marlena and Brady.

Jake kept looking at Gwen strangely when she kept saying Gabi is crazy.
I am pretty sure that Gabi was also being tried for what she did to Jake. Wasn't that the whole big deal that Gabi tried to get Rolf to admit she was set up and she got Rafe to go try to get that same info? I really don't they had anything solid for her against Abby, but they sure did against Jake! She admitted that she did it, but she didn't think it was wrong because he is her dead husband!
I was glad to see Gwen all over Jake, and Gabi stewing in anger, if anyone who deserves it, it's Gabi. She deserves it all I say, and like Kate, she always seems to getaway.

Also, wasn't Billy married to Tamara the last time the wedding occurred?? Like Eli did not know the guy when he was marrying Lani the first time, he came as part of Lani's guest with Tamara. Now all of a sudden he is written as Eli's FBI mentor?? But I did notice Tamara's response when Billy was said to be with Valerie, she gave a surprised look.
No, Billy wasn't with Tamara at Eli and Lani's first wedding. He was just there as Eli's guest. You might be thinking of the fact that Marilyn McCoo (Tamara) and Billy Davis, Jr. (Billy) are married in real life.
Wasn't Val at Eli's first almost wedding to Lani? She and Tamara acted like they haven't met before.

Valerie wasn't at Eli and Lani's first wedding. Something about a patient who needed emergency surgery. But Valerie was at Eli and Gabi's wedding that didn't happen.

Here's the summary for Eli and Lani's first wedding:

Here's the comment from the transcript of that day:

Marlena: Ah. I understand. Nothing is going to spoil this day. Is Val here yet?

Eli: No. No, my mom couldn't make it. She had an emergency surgery to go to, but I told her not to stress. Today is gonna be absolutely perfect.
I hate the boxy pants and jackets that the women of Salem think are dressy for a wedding. Once upon a time it was that hideous thing Abigail wore when she married Chad. And today, it's Marlena in a sparkling nonsense jacket. I absolutely 100 percent hate it, and think it makes these beautiful women look boxy and weird. If that's today's fashion, I'm just going to have to be outdated. haha I'll never wear that awful attire. Come on, please fire the wardrobe people!!!!!! I don't know what's worse, Ciara's weird attempt at sex appeal outfits or the box jackets at weddings.