Days of Our Lives - Mon. May 10, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, May 10, 2010
Episode #11,331 Taped 3/12 Director – Albert Alarr

Melanie sits with Nathan, he wants to know what it is she has to tell him, she just talks of perhaps taking it slow with Stephanie, that he is her friend, she cares what happens to him. Stephanie comes in, wants to know what is going on…Nathan reports they were talking about her. Stephanie panics a bit, accusing Melanie of “telling him”, but Nathan continues that Melanie was only saying they should take it slow. She gets a call, has to leave, but makes plans to meet up with him in an hour. Later, they are sitting on Benchie, talking of going slow, he has a lot of years of internship etc. in front of him, she agrees, they begin making out up a storm, decide to take it to her place but he gets a call to return to the hospital. He leaves, she comments to herself that he is sooooo ready, tosses that birth control box of pills into the river (we hear the splash).

Victor has caught the slumping Maggie and eases her into a chair, insisting on calling 911. She protests she is fine, he protests she is not. She explains she already is under a doctor’s care, forgot to take her medicine today, shows him she can stand, walk, but Victor will not be put off. He ushers her out the door, he is taking her to the hospital himself to get checked out. And next we see her in a hospital bed, Vic sitting at her side, Melanie coming in, upset she wasn’t there to help Maggie, but glad Victor was. He leaves the room, Melanie tells Maggie how she was talking with Nathan, and didn’t tell him something, figuring it was his life, and she should stay out of it. Maggie is happy she took the high road, and then asks her to take the high road about something else. She talks of how she knows Victor has done some things in the past, not exactly above board, but that she can tell he really cares about his family, and comments how caring and concerned he was about her. She wonders if Melanie could perhaps cut him some slack. Melanie goes out in waiting area, thanks Victor for looking after Maggie, then rather shyly tells him she is going to get Maggie some water, and if he would go in and sit with her, she would not have any objection. Victor is sort of half smiling, but goes in and just tells Maggie he had a rather interesting conversation just now with Melanie…..and thank you!

Brady is getting dressed, ready to leave the hospital as Arianna arrives. (no sign of that Celtic symbol on his chest now). Arianna knows he plans on going after his mugger himself, protests, then decides she will join him. Next, they are at Kmansion, same converstion, but nixes the idea of her being with him, too dangerous. She wants him to let the cops handle it, but he has resources they don’t.

Repeat of Sami massaging EJ’s shoulder, him complaining she is hurting him, her going a bit easier, and their faces getting closer, and in the background, Will walking in the door. He asks what is going on, the duo breaks apart, Will asks Sami if she moved into the mansion for her kids…..or for him. EJ warns Will to speak to his mother with respect, and as Will turns around to say something, Sami asks EJ for some privacy for her & Will. She is trying to make excuses, but Will has her number, doesn’t want to hear her lies. She says it hurts when someone you love accuses you of lying, he retorts it hurts more when someone you love is always lying to you. He wants to know if she has feelings for EJ, she replies her mantra of him being father of Johnny & Sydney. He asks her if she ever really loved Rafe, or does she always just have to have a man around. LOL. She tries to tell him that when he moved out it broke her heart, so she followed him there and brought Sydney & Johnny with her. Will isn’t buying any of it.
Meanwhile, Stefano finds a rather upset EJ, who talks of how everything was going so well with Samanther, and then Will walked in, and it all ended. Stefano tells EJ to just leave William to him, he will tend to him.
EJ later comes in the room to find a dressed Sami coming from outside, having retrieved her phone from the pool area. She keeps herself a distance away from EJ, he is talking of something going on between them, she assures him there is nothing at all, and leaves the room. He smirks, saying “oh, yes, there is”.

Calliope continues to try and get Anna to tell “the rest of the story”, but a rather tipsy Anna becomes suspicious, thinks it too co-incidental that Calliope showed up in this remote place, and is asking so many questions. Calliope does her best, but Anna thinks maybe she is gonna sell Anna’s story to the tabloids. Calliope tries harder, Anna withdraws even more, complaining her friend has told her nothing about herself. So Calliope finally confesses that Eugene is not deep sea fishing, that he ran off with a belly dancer, LOLOL, & so she wanted to just get as far away as her miles would take her, where no one knew her and she could be alone, and how lucky she found her good friend. Ohhh, Anna is so sorry, and finally admits it has been a relief to get all this off her chest, and yes, this was not her idea, someone put her up to the kidnapping. Calliope is asking who, but….Anna has passed out. Ha. Calliope returns to Rafe, who has been watching it all unfold on the laptop…she cannot do any more, but he urges her to return, she is so close to nailing it all. Calliope returns, trying to rouse Anna.

Dr. Baker sits with the poker players, offering his $3500 watch as collateral, saying it should be worth about $1000. Charlie takes a look, says it is a knockoff, if he paid more than $5 for it, he was robbed. Sorry, but unless he has something better, he is out of the game.

Hope sits at the cop shop, thanking Abe for getting them the extra patrols, talking of the Celtic symbol meaning female empowerment, thinks a woman is in charge of these muggings, all rich & powerful men. She gets a call from Maggie, who won’t be able to take Ciara for an overnight, Hope is in a quandary cuz Doug & Julie are out of town, Caroline too busy at the Pub. Abe says if Theo did not have chicken pox…Hope says no problem, she will just assign someone else to the case, stay home with Ciara herself. Later, she is in bed with Ciara, reading her a story, and when done, finds Ciara fast asleep. She pulls the covers up, kisses her, reaches over to the nightstand for her pill and water, turns out the light, and cuddles up next to her daughter.

Nicole talks to Frank on the phone, bragging of managing to get herself into the poker game, has friends in low places, and no, Arianna will not be there as her asst. She is doing this on her own. Next, she is with Charlie, who thinks she is DeeDee Miller from Seattle. They go into the sleaze room, and later we can see Nicole has managed to clean them all out. She notes that Charlie was light $200, hopes he is not going to give her a marker. He sighs, hauls out the money clip, tosses it across the table, saying it should cover it. Nicole picks it up, Charlie says it is real gold, Nicole agrees it is, flashing back to seeing Brady pull it from his pocket. She rakes in the dough, and next, she is accosting Charlie on the docks, pulling the video camera from her purse, wanting to know where he got that money clip. Charlie realizes she is that TV reporter, claims he won it from some guy, doesn’t know his name. She insists he locate the guy, threatening to expose his poker games.
And now we see Dr. Baker sitting on a sofa, getting a call from someone, who is promising him financial backing. A very happy Baker takes off. And now he is coming in the poker room, all jovial, thanking Charlie for getting him the backing….but stopping abruptly, as he realizes the room is empty, except for Nicole, standing in the shadows. And the looks on both their faces……..PRICELESS!

Oh that poker game sounds fun!!
Really feel bad for Calliope (and Anna ) Rafe is getting more and more like all the rest of the men using people to get things.
Victor and Maggie sound very cute-wonder what will become of all that? :) Like that pairing.
Wow!! I am kinda routing for Nicole to bring this all down!! Wow...she really might figure out who the mugger is this way!

I just dont know if I can even comment on Stephanie anymore. What is there to say about someone so stupid!!!

Caliope is so stinking funny!! My how I've missed her!!

Great write up Barb...thanks so much!
Oh, man, when Stephanie says "he is soooo into me" I should not have been drinking coffee!

Well, Nicole is already on her way to this. John Callahan truly is a treat to watch!
Thank you for the recap!

Victor and Maggie - I so enjoy their scenes. Even Maggie can't resist a Kiriakis man!

Stephanie/Nate/Melanie - reconfirms all the reasons why I can't bear the idea of Melanie and Nathan in a storyline without Philip. There is no good story there. Trapping a man 1980s style with a pregnancy? Is that the best they could come up with? Really?

Melanie is actually giving Nathan advice about taking things slow...the girl that got engaged within a week of officially dating Philip. LOL

Hope lives in the K mansion. I know there is staff there. Why can't she have one of them look in on Ciara? She is acting like she is staying at the Holiday Inn.
As much as I've loved Anna in the past, I'm not feeling one bit sorry for her now. Calliope shouldn't either. Rafe should remind her that Anna didn't just let Sami think her daughter was dead (for money), but Roman and Marlena as well. Calliope definitely owes more to the two of them than to Anna, who tended to treat Calliope like dirt anyway if my memory serves me correctly. So, go Rafe! Get to the bottom of this so that ALL the dirty little rotten self-serving lies can be uncovered. The sooner the better, too.

I wish Nicole was going to get involved in this mugging s/l to get away from the Brady/Ari triangle (because quite frankly it's just silly) but it looks like she's just going to get in deeper with it. I would like to see Nicole independent for awhile, and not willing to sell her soul to be with whatever man she's decided she can't live without at the moment.
Even though I haven't been watching and have only been keeping up via the boards, I might have to tune in for Nicole and Dr. Baker (or at least watch clips) and for this:

[Will] asks her if she ever really loved Rafe, or does she always just have to have a man around.

I think the answer to that is self-evident--for Sami, ANY man that tells her what she wants to hear seems to be good enough.

Thank you for the writeup, as always!
Can't wait for Rafe to get the information he needs from may not be a pretty way to get it, but it's necessary....let's not forget Anna helped EJ in his horrid scheme and allowed Sami and everyone believe the baby was dead...Anna
is not innocent by any means.....anyway, whatever can speed up this storyline to the conclusion of exposing EJ, can only be a beneficial tool....we have all had to endure this insanity for way too long! Hurry up, Mr. FBI!........JT:cool:
Thanks for the write up. So glad that Will came into the room in time. Wonder how Stefano will take care of him. Looking forward to seeing Nicole and Doc Baker seeing eachother again. Loving Anna and gang. Hope Rafe gets the goods soon.
cant wait for the victor/maggie scenes.

I know philip and melanie got engaged pretty fast. but at least her and philip had more history together than nathan and stephanie do. gotta love my phelanie baby.

great writeup
Looking forward to seeing Victor and Maggie scenes.
I must say that the only "couples" I'm enjoying right now are Victor/Maggie and Stefano/Kate. Boy, I sure never thought those words would ever come out of my mouth!!!
In re: the kmansion and Ciara having a babysitter. Hope says that there is the Nanny, but she doesn't want her to sleep over, because of the way Ciara has been acting up of late. (??) My first thought there was.......and what about Victor himself? Or Henderson?
Although I have stopped watching because of EJ and Sami s/l, I will have to watch this, I can hardly wait to see there faces.

Barb you ar FABLUOUS, thanks for a great write up.
Just saw the show. Loved the bag lady and Melanie finding the pills. So glad that Melanie said nothing to Nathan she has no proof so it would be her word against Stephanie's. I think it would only end up making working at the hospital harder on all three of them. Some times it is better to stay out of it and let your friends make there mistakes, but be there for them to cope with the aftermath.

Had to laugh when Nathan and Stephanie were talking on benchie and he told her that he still had a lot more hard years of training ahead of him and they need to take it slow. He kisses her and has to leave to go back to the hospital and Stephanie says he is so ready for this as she throws the pills into the water.

Anna, Rafe and Ms Jones were so good.

Nicole and Doc Baker's faces were priceless at the end of the show.
Thank you for the great write up. Looking forward to the Victor/Maggie scenes.
Bravo, Caliope! You go girl!

Caliope may not like what Rafe is making her do to Anna, but Anna deserves every second of it and should be behind bars. Best of all EXPOSE EJ THE SLIME before Sami gets any more into EJ the slime. She is acting soooooooo stupid! Sami is once again drinking that infamous Salem Stupid Juice. She is really dumb to believe a word that slimeball EJ says. She is falling for him big time. I have no doubt that EJ wants to get in Sami's panties again, but I doubt he loves her. EJ only loves himself.

As for Stephanie, yes that is toooooooooo 80's and besides, I think she is a slimeball for even thinking of getting pregnant to force Nathan to marry her. It doesn't work for #1. If a man doesn't love you enough to marry you without coercion, it will never work. He loves Mel. She loves him. Philip and Stephanie should go back together and then I can fast forward the two of them out. I could care less for either of them.

I can't stand Nicole, but I hope she brings Dr. Baker and Hope down. The egg on Hope's face and the disgrace she will be to the family AND the hatred Vic will have for her will be priceless. I don't like Hope anymore either even if she has gone bananas with those pills which I doubt.

I would LOVE to see Maggie wind up with Vic and Vivian left out in the cold, but of course if Vic starts dating Maggie old Vivian the wack job will make sure Maggie pays dearly for ruining 'her life'. Would be a better plot than some of the others the writers have written lately.
Calliope's character was just as annoying in the 80's as it is now, but it worked she helped to get her with Tony. It was nice to her in some scenes, but please go now!
@daysfan4 - I agree with you about Calliope, which is a shame because I was looking forward to her return.

I find myself fast forwarding so much lately. Thank you Barb for taking your time to write the summaries, which gives me extra time because I can skip over stories I don't care about.

Looking forward to seeing more of Victor and Maggie. There was definitely chemistry in their scenes on Friday. Those two seasoned veterans could sell ice in Siberia. They are stupendous. A romantic pairing between those two could be almost as satisfying as seeing Victor and Caroline together at last, although I just can't quite give up on the latter yet.
Suzanne Rogers (Maggie) said in an interview how delighted she was to be working with Victor, and what a hard time Peggy McCay (Caroline) has been giving her about it. LOL