Days of Our Lives - Mon. May 20, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, May 20, 2013

An exciting episode, and I know I won't be able to do it justice. Jensen has Nick & Gabi under his control, via the gun in his pocket. They are in Horton Square, Jensen forces them to give him their cell phones, and then go with him. Will & Sonny happen to see them, Sonny stops Will from going after, they instead follow them. Next they are all on Smith Island (not the Horton cabin at all, though). Gabi is scared, Jensen warns her she was quiet on the boat over, and to stay that way. He keeps making reference to Nick, talking of being in solitary, how silent and quiet it was, and compares Gabi's baby being in a dark and quiet place, but at least it is warm. Will and Sonny are on the island, Will ready to go help, Sonny stopping him til they have a plan.
Jen leads Nick & Gabi into a short of storage bldg. commenting about him having worked on the island and getting paid in this place. He makes Gabi tie Nick hands to a metal table leg, and then ties Gabi to it. He is constantly threatening, holds his gun on them, even threatening to shoot them when they were out in the woods. He talks of how he overheard Gabi talking about the muffins to Nick, so went there, expecting to find Nick. So when he saw the bakery bag, he attacked Rafe, thinking it was Nick. He says that the guy opened his eyes and saw Jensen, so Jensen had to kill him. Since he isn't dead, Jensen intends to go finish the job. They hear a noise, Jensen gags them both, and goes out to check. Figures they have a friend around and he is going to kill the person. He leaves, Will comes in, takes off the gags, quickly frees Gabi. Nick is telling him to take her, just as Sonny rushes in. They all argue for a bit, til Sonny finally takes Gabi and leaves, as Will tries to free Nick, who is telling Will to go, leave him to die, this is not his fight. Oh, yes it is. The minute that guy pointed his gun at Gabi and MY unborn child, it became my fight. He continues to try and cut the binds, when they hear the door rattle. Will scoots off, hiding behind some piled up boxes, as Jensen comes in, now not happy at all that Gabi is gone. He is asking where she is, Nick doesn't say anything. Jensen warns him that it is not good when he is not happy. (Gad the guy is soooo creepy. ) Out in the woods, Sonny & Gabi are running, thinking Will & Nick are close behind. When they get near the water, Sonny decides to go back and check. Uh, oh, Gabi says, oh, no. (I think her water broke). The baby is coming NOW!

Over in Hope's office, she is having a fit on the phone because she never received any notice of the newly released prisoner. A cop comes in, insisting that he put the letter on Hope's desk right in front, so she would see it. Hope notes it is not there, the cop says he even told Ciara. But little Ciara quickly says he is lying. Hope asks the cop to leave, tells Ciara that this was extremely important, and asks if she still has the letter, or threw it away. Is it in her backpack, and reaches for it. Ciara pulls it away, pointing at the white envelope on the bookcase. Hope finds it, tears it open, and sees it is about dangerous Jensen, who got out on a technicality.
She goes to see Vargas, showing him the letter, with Jensen's picture. Vargas fills her in on the man having it in for Nick, who was a target from when he first arrived there. He mentions Nick being smart, talking to the right people, and Vargas ended up spending 3-4 months in solitary. Hope asks if Jensen beat Nick up......Vargas says yes, both before.....and after. She starts to ask "after???, stops, realizing what Vargas meant. He just says yes. She is unable to reach either Nick or Gabi by phone, goes to voice mail. asks Vargas to think a bit, is there anything he might come up with, where Jensen might have taken them?

Stefano's creepy goon comes into DiMansion, says she just went into his room. Over at the hospital, Kate is asking Maxine about seeing Rafe. She is told no, but only because he is being checked over. Gabi has put her on the permitted list. Kate eventually goes in. Stefano has arrived, his goon comes by (the guy reminds me of the bad guy in the movie "Ghost", the one with the long black hair) and tells Stefano it is done, he has entry to Rafe's room. So...Stefano goes, opens the door, and eavesdrops as Kate talks to Rafe, wanting him to open his eyes, talking of how people who love him have told her she made him happy. She notes she can only now sit, perhaps hold his hand, but he has to open his eyes himself. Find it within himself to do so. Stefano is making face, is not happy at all as he listens. (And I wonder why no one says boo about him standing there outside the door for that period of time).

Abby comes into the coffee shop, wondering if Chad needs some help. They lightheartedly exchange a bit of teasing. He gifts her with a motorcycle helmet with her name on it, so when they ride she won't ruin her hair. Silly conversation. Cameron comes in, makes a few cracks about working on people in ER has turned him off on motorcycles. Abby is not too happy with his comments, and with Chad not there, tell Cam she thinks he sounded jealous. Cam gets called back to the hospital, she chats with Chad. Seems he has tickets to some new amusement park that is opening up, with a killer roller coaster. It is for the day before the grand opening...VIP tickets. Yes, she will go with him, he will pick her up on his bike. They laugh, she leaves with the helmet.

Sami is questioning EJ about whether he is the one who had Rafe beat up. He refuses to answer her, she talks of how she happened to be in Hope's office, Gabi came to tell her something, Sami tells of Gabi overhearing EJ on the phone. He admits to his conversation just as Gabi heard, but refuses to tell who he was talking to, tells Sami to go to hell and leaves. She jumps up, follows, and back at DiMansion, she is verbally accusing him right and left. She is yelling, he gets mad, telling her to shut up a few times. He thought they had built up this trust, blah, blah, yada, yada. They are yelling, both of them, with him finally telling her she can take off that ring and leave his house. She is still accusing, he admits he hates Rafe, always has, always will. She is still yelling about who he was talking to, he grabs her, kisses her, telling her he did that to just shut her up. She is still yelling, he kisses her again, and now we have the lust kicking in, as she wraps her legs around him, he carries her upstairs, she is pulling off his shirt, they are still kissing. On the bed now, her sweater comes off, yep, we all know what comes next.
And then later, they are able to talk quietly, I suppose it is afterglow. She still wants to know who he was talking to on the phone.
Mercy, help me, but I felt so bad for Nick today. I wanted to fly or swim or sail over to Smith Island myself. Credit Blake Berris for making me loathe Nick one minute and wanting to reach out and hug him the next.

Abby summed up perfectly what I've thought about her for a while now - she's ridiculous! Kate pouring her heart out to Rafe - oh brother. EJ yelling at Sami while pointing his finger and hand on hip - yeah very sexy.
Anyone else have deja vu with the EJ/Sami scene in the DiMera living room today? I think they even pulled some of the same lines/direction from the infamous grief sex episode. Good grief. At least they took it upstairs this time. What the hell is with these two that they have angry hate sex all the time?? And I'm sure their fans just thought it was so hot. Pardon me while I go barf and then rinse my eyes with bleach.

Loved the scenes with Jensen/Nick/Gabi/Will/Sonny. I loved how both Will and Nick were pleading with Sonny to get Gabi out of there. Can't wait for more of this!!

It seemed like Vargas was hinting to Hope about what happened between Jensen and Nick in prison.
EJ saying he hates Rafe and will always hate Rafe - that's what you call motive. That's why Hope and half of Salem suspected him. And Sami even asking him if he had anything to do with the attack just proved to me that she doesn't trust EJ either, even after that little display today.
@Sparks.....Tis funny, but I wrote practically the same thing about the grief sex, and then decided to take it out, but that is exactly what it reminded me of, in fact, it began in exactly the same place.

@cryin......Loved when Sami listed ...EJ hating Rafe as motive; houseful of goons to do his bidding as means; and knowing exactly where Rafe was going to be - opportunity. And so he chides her for now being a detective.
grief sex episode. Good grief

:rotfl:Did you mean to do that, Sparkster ? :rotfl:

Anyway, for once, I found the episode really good. It was full of suspense, with Nick/Gabi/Jensen/Sonny/Will. Finally, adventure. Of course, I have to put logic aside. Because it's hard to imagine Gabi, Nick and Jensen taking the boat while Jensen holds the gun, nobody notices that. And neither of them notice Sonny and Will. So to have suspense and adventure, I can throw logic down the drain. So, very good. Even the Hope and Vargas scenes. And to finally learn Nick was abused. Finally, an explanation.

Kate and Rafe ? I could see them as friends, really. But lovers ? Nope. And again, throw logic down the drain. Nobody notices the shady guy with gloves ? And what exactly has he done for Stefano to have access to Rafe's room ? Pull out the "Do not disturb" notice ? Or put one on the door ? Or a "Hazardous" one, "Quarantine", what ?

Oh, and I was soooooo happy to get a new screaming match before the Oh, so charming Samanther and her love doll EJ ! The violent sex is always a pleasure to watch. :sarcasm:To think if these two had not been on, this episode would have truly been one of the best we've had in a while ("minor details" aside).
Sami and EJ are in LUST not LOVE....that is why it does not matter if they are mad at each other...they just want to "fill a need" with each other. There is nothing tender or loving about their bed sessions, not like Sami and Rafe had, or even Sami and Lucas...sometimes their bed activities were even funny...i.e bed breaking.
Ej and Sami are making me sick...they were just utterly aggressive, there isn't real passion or tenderness in their sex looks as if they are raping each other...sickening and very porn like.
Excellent description. And the real sickening thing is that Sami, as someone who has been raped MULTIPLE times, should not be turned on by this rough sex. I would think most rape survivors would have a difficult time having any kind of aggressive sex. Then again, Sami never got any therapy after her rapes. At least she got to get some closure with Alan by shooting him in the *bleep*. :)
Here is my problem with the excursion over to Smith Island. It was mentioned they came over on the boat. Later Nick told Jensen the next ferry doesn't come for two hours. He has their cell phones, so let Gabi go, she cannot call anyone.
So the ferry doesn't come over ever 2 minutes.
HOW DID Will and Sonny get to the island? They weren't on the same ferry as Jensen, Nick & Gabi. Did they take someone else's boat? Or do they have a boat there, at the ready?

Like Writer said, suspending a bit of logic now, huh?
Well the good thing is, she wasn't back shacking up and playing house with Alan...yet Ej didn't just rape her himself...He hired a complete stranger to offend her they are engaged...Sami should really get her tiny brain check...What is going to teach her daughters about abusive men, when loves getting in bed with Ej
The Smith Island scene sounds good.

I wonder if Hope will take note of Ciara's defnesiveness of the backpack, on top of hiding the letter. Mom needs to pay attention better, and daughter needs a serious reprimand.

As I read the summary, I actually thought it was splitsville for Sami and EJ. I did not see their argument ending in angry sex. Disgusting.
Here is my problem with the excursion over to Smith Island. It was mentioned they came over on the boat. Later Nick told Jensen the next ferry doesn't come for two hours. He has their cell phones, so let Gabi go, she cannot call anyone.
So the ferry doesn't come over ever 2 minutes.
HOW DID Will and Sonny get to the island? They weren't on the same ferry as Jensen, Nick & Gabi. Did they take someone else's boat? Or do they have a boat there, at the ready?

Like Writer said, suspending a bit of logic now, huh?

Barb, how can you forget??? They simply used the Magic Portal (a/k/a the arch in Horton Town Square) to get there!!