Days of Our Lives - Mon., Nov. 1, 2021


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Dec 30, 2012
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Possession Day

Tripp suggests to Allie that they go to the cemetery for Halloween. It could be creepy and fun. She is reluctant but they make it to the Town Square before she stops him, can't do this. Is having a hard time emotionally because of Charlie. Tripp is very understanding.

MarDevil is in the cemetary cracking jokes. MarDevil awakens Charlie, Deimos, and Nick Fallon (MarDevil remarks that he looks good and kisses him), and sends them off to do evil.

Rafe and Gabi come into the interrogation room with Jake. Rafe admits Abe let Jake off the hook about everything, but he can't go yet. Trask and Philly PD want to question him, and he still brought a gun illegally into an open space. Gabi is incensed, her and Jake blame Philip and Ava on what happened, tell him all about the situation with Gabi Chic (of course not letting him know they wanted to take Titan from Philip). Rafe can't believe they didn't tell him, Gabi says he is always taking Ava's side. He leaves to speak with Abe. Jake is understanding of Rafe because is with Ava, and Gabi hopes he sees her for who she truly is and kicks her out.

Ava is shocked when Carmine comes in. He more or less threatens her unless she helps him out, says he is no longer scared of her since she got soft when she dated Rafe. She tries to intimidate him. He prepares to strangle Ava, but gets stabbed by ZombieCharlie. Ava is shocked as Charlie grabs another knife. He wants to show her the hell he has lived in, she runs away. Later runs into Tripp outside the Pub.

Nicole shows up to visit Abe, sees a bunch of flowers already. He welcomes her, she apologizes for only visiting now when he is shot, he catches her up on being engaged to Paulina. He apologizes for not being there for her and Eric during the split. Nicole admits to cheating on Eric and divorcing him instead of working things out. She says they aren't meant to be, surmises his Africa work is because he felt closer to the priesthood and never wanted marriage. Abe listens as she admits to dating EJ, as he is the one chasing her for a change. But Nicole admits she is actually with EJ to distract her from the man she really wants--someone he would approve of. Abe wonders why it didn't work, Nicole says by the time she realized "he is the one" (yeah, I swooned at this part!) he was taken. Abe asks who it is but Rafe walks in, gets Abe's written statement. Abe says he is tired and looks on as Rafe asks Nicole to get coffee. They leave, and Abe smiles, knowingly, it seems.

Nicole is surprised Rafe took her to get hospital coffee instead of going out. He says he would have, but Nicole wanted her distance to protect Ava. He admits Gabi suspects Ava and Philip of the Carmine issue and is inclined to believe them. Nicole has heard nothing of Ava being back in the mob, says Philip is too busy fighting Brady over Chloe to be involved in such business. She and Rafe hope Gabi is mistaken. He asks what her plans are for the holiday, she says Holly is with a friend for the night so she is going to the office to catch up on work. Rafe says an awkward goodbye and leaves. He goes home and sees Carmine's dead body on the ground.

Nicole is at Basic Black, pulls out Duke and wonders why she can't dispose of him, sighing about Rafe, wonders why she is talking to a stuffed bear. ZombieDeimos shows up and makes a snide remark as Nicole falls out of her chair.
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OK, so I would have enjoyed today more if we were watching Passions. Watching Nicole when she fell off the chair made me think she had a hard time getting through the scene with a straight face. Sad that this show killed off three great actors but as I watched I was sort of happy they agreed to come back for this. I guess I'm just coming close to accepting the campiness and if they just went all in on staying that way it might be better.
Abe smiles, knowingly, it seems
I wasn't sure if this was the case, but it certainly angled this way.

The Abe & Nicole scenes were terrific.

The Gabi/Rafe/Jake scenes were not great, but not groan-worthy either.

I actually liked Rafe & Nicole's conversation. I've lost interest in Rafe but he's a fine actor when given the right material.

I'm really disappointed that Ava didn't get knifed. My only hope is that when she tells Rafe that Charlie killed Carmine, he has her committed.
The whole plot is ridiculous nonsense, but I did enjoy seeing the actors who played Nick, Charlie, and Deimos again. As for Nick, his appearance raises the question of whether the dead can grow beards.

Instead of what was shown on-screen today, I would have preferred the following scenarios.
  • Instead of going to torment Allie, Charlie cleans up and tries to get back his old job at Titan.
  • Deimos forgets about poor Nicole, and instead drops by the K-Mansion, where Victor tells him; "Philip has made a fool of himself over the diva, Brady is a dolt, and Xander is in jail. Would you be interested in the CEO job?"
  • Some Salem High students who think it's fun to visit a cemetery on Halloween see Marlena and shout: "Hey Granny, where did you get the cheesy Devil costume?"
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The way I was told, after people die, and are buried, their bodies begin to deteriorate. Doesn't look like that happens to Salemites, does it. (I have not seen the show today, just basing my thought on pics from today I have seen)
As for Nick, his appearance raises the question of whether the dead can grow beards.
I was too lazy to look up whether he died with a beard or not. I was 99.9917% sure he was not bearded when murdered. Thanks for confirming.

Poirot, there is some makeup that makes them look like non-creepy zombies. Charlie's teeth are muddied too.
Peacock showed Days without commercials this evening.

Thanks, DaysD.

I think the devil would be more menacing if the outfit wasn't so clownish looking.

It was interesting at one point the devil looked like he had wings standing in front
of an angel statue.

Gabi had a nice top on today.

I bet Duke loved looking at Nicole's girls.

Carmine mentioned Philly to Ava. Is she still doing stuff with the mob?

How is Rafe going to explain Carmine's body in his kitchen? Will Charlie's fingerprints
be on the knife?

Enjoyed Abe and Nicole's conversation. It's been awhile since they had a talk.

The devil said Nicole killed Deimos and at one point Nicole was with him until Eric
changed her ways.
Hi All

I haven't been much into talking about the show for months now but had to post after the ridiculousness of today. First off, I've been pretty spoiler free as of late so what happened today was all a surprise to me except for Charlie because I saw rumblings on twitter.

Nick and Deimos!! Wowza! I was not expecting that!

I was genuinely frightened for a moment in the graveyard that they would "resurrect" Tom and Alice or desecrate their graves.

By the way, try to track how Tripp and Allie feel about the supernatural and any given moment. It can't be done.

Same about Tom and Alice. I still wonder if she might try.

I appreciate the resurrections as part of a joke Halloween episode but not ongoing. I really hope this doesn't drag out very long.

Loved Nicole and Abe together! It's too bad they can't bring Brandon back but I guess the canvas is full of men in that age group. I thought it was interesting that she pointed out that she is not yet divorced. I thought it was final.

I was hoping that Ava would be the one killed too. She really serves no purpose at the moment if she's not going to be a villain. So we lose Carmine and gain back Charlie.

As annoying as this all is, kudos to the makeup team for the way they made the resurrected characters look. And Nick definitely was clean shaven when he died. That's bad continuity. And I bet Deidre Hall(Marlena) is having the time of her life. It's interesting that she isn't doing the dirty work herself this time but rather is using other "people" to do it for her.
Are we to believe this is not just a Halloween show, but the actual show? Ugh. I think the makeup looks like something you'd see at the Halloween store. It looks like makeup, not like TV or movie effects. Fine if this is a joke episode, but otherwise, it's pretty shoddy.

Bringing Allie's rapist back from the dead is gross. I don't want to see her run into Charlie's zombie. It's bad enough that his mother (whom I don't even particularly like) had to see him. It's not remotely fun or entertaining. And let's not forget Nick attacked Gabi, forced her into a relationship, and blackmailed her. He stalked her. Why they think we'd be entertained to see her surprised by her zombie stalker rapist I'll never know. It's bad enough that the writers love rape storylines. Now they're shoving women back into the path of their dead, rotting rapists.

I hate all of it and will be making big use of the fast forward this week if I watch at all. I've tried to hang in there, but today was disgusting.
This was one of the most ridiculous shows Days has ever put on the air. That being said, I totally watched just to see the actors who returned. And what exactly was the point in having Mar-Devil kiss ZombieNick? That was beyond weird. Please tell me this is how they’re going to undo the time jump and say all of this was some bizarre dream trance that Marlena was in or something. (I know that’s not gonna happen, but we can dream can’t we?!).
Some people are hoping Jennifer is still in a coma and this is what she's dreaming.

I can't imagine how they will fix this with Carmine dead unless it was a trick.