Days of Our Lives - Mon., Nov. 11, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, November 11, 2019

Oh, wow! In Salem, it is November 11, 2020. And you really do not want to miss watching this, if you can. You may not want to read this, if you want to have all the surprise moments that pop out.

First a complete replay of Jennifer waking up from her coma, Jack babbling away, so happy, telling her she has been in the coma a the day. But he also tells her of seeing John & Marlena, getting the hourglass from them, relates how he first turned it upside down, today will be the day you open those beautiful eyes. And then he turned it again, the next day, the next and the next and the next. We see scenes of Jack, thru the year, doing it. Being there every day, bringing her a jade plant, exercising her leg, talking to her, (changes of clothes constantly. Well done. And finally, she is back. Jen begin to remember, their wedding with Justin & Adrienne, how happy they all were. She went to the bistro to get something, saw laptop with music for reception on it. Wanted to pick out song for their 1st dance. She smiles, went out on balcony., looked down, everything looked so beautiful. Jack says, and then you fell. No, she says, I didn't fall. I think I was pushed. Someone pushed me.

Sarah is playing with her 6 months girl. (adorable). Eric comes in, talking of how cute, how big she has gotten, etc. The baby begins fussing, Sarah has changed her, thinks she just wants her daddy, lucky for her, he is here. She walks over to the door, where Xander has just come in, gives him his daughter, he coos and talks, Eric leaves. Sarah & Xander talk of how he saved her butt that day (and was there the awful day she gave birth) and we flashback to Eric asking Sarah about being pregnant with his child. Xander comes in, not yours, mine. Eric questions that, Sarah had sex with both of them same time. Xander talks of how Eric dumped Sarah twice, once after finding fake Nicole, then again when finding real one. Sarah was comforted by Xander....and voila! Sarah finally chimes in that she knows for a fact she was not pregnant after having sex with you, Eric. Nicole is silent, they leave. He asks her later how she knew and did not tell him. She says she just found out.

Warning, we go back and forth within the year, so am trying to indicate present day, when I can. And in the present day, Nicole is in the Basic Black office, evidently higher up position, telling someone on phone they are not BoChic (???) type, so whatever was being suggested is not them. In comes Xander, suit & glasses, giving her something, oh, evidently Rolf's doctored paternity results. He says something about unlike her, he actually has a life, smiles, leaves. (goes home, see above)

Eric arrives, wanted to be sure he had support from Basic Black for the pledge drive. Of course. That's my girl, Kiss. She mentions Xander, who had been there, Eric mentions seeing him earlier at Kmansion, went to see Maggie about pledge drive, saw Sarah & baby, who is getting so big. Nicole gets long face, knowing she can never give him a child. Eric reassures her, he loves Holly as his own child. All he needs.

JJ is sitting on park bench,, looks like something the cat dragged in. Jack calls, gives him good news about mom, get over here, she is awake. JJ will be there, but first takes a bottle of pills from his pocket, takes a couple, pill bottle back in pocket, he goes to see his mom. So happy, hugs, Jen strokes his face, huge hugs, smiles. And then in comes Jack, look who I found, tis Abigail. More happy hugs, kisses, greetings, smiles. The Deveraux family is all together, in one room!

Later, JJ sits in his apartment, on the sofa, talking about how happy his mom finally is awake, how wonderful to see her eyes open, and sadly saying, if only you could be with me, too. He looks up at a picture on the wall of Haley, with the inscription......In loving memory of Haley Chen.

Flashing back (replay) of Ben sitting on floor by the flung out arm, sobbing. Ciara comes in, calls his name, he looks up, he is holding a scarf, she was strangled with her own scarf. Ben wakes up abruptly, is in orange jumpsuit, in prison, apologizes to his cellmate on the bunk above him. Ben relates of having this same dream every night, ever since he has been there, nearly a year now. He talks of finding his sister's body, the scarf, Ciara coming in, startled but eventually believing him, trusting him. He wanted to protect her, but would never have killed his sister. He is sobbing in his tale, Ciara rushing over to hold him, reassure him, but they have to call the police. Ben knows he would be #1 suspect, she was after Ciara, was strangled with her scarf. Ciara will be on his side don't worry. He gives her his phone.

Abby arrives back home (DiMansion), greets Chad, tells him about Jen coming out of coma. Chad sorry he could not go with her, he had to take care of something "here". They hug, she understands. (by the way, she told Jen she has been back in Salem a few months. )

We are back in the prison, current, Ben is still talking to his cellmate, of how he is here in prison, didn't do it. The camera goes up to reveal the cellmate, who is reading. Yeah, that is what they all say! It is Will...very dark hair & mustache.
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Gotta say when I got a look at the cellmate........I wondered if perhaps Chandler Massey (Will) was playing a different character??? He really looks different. (hair, mustache)

Sarah's hair is longer in present day. Jennifer's is really long (hard to believe it wasn't cut while people were caring for her. I mean they would have to trim nails on hands & feet, brush the teeth, bathe, wash hair, & more. Plus, I did not notice, but she would have had a feeding tube of some kind...would she not? )

Nicole's hair is weird, still short, but some kind of puffy on top of head, slicked back on sides.
Jack really did a great job of telling Jen about the hourglass vigil.

Ooooops, forgot about Chad.........will go add it.........
Well I didn't hate it! I literally cheered when she said Xander was the daddy! But it appears it is Eric's! No it can't be!! But that is one cute baby!!

It's sad that Haley died. Will they show us how? Don't like that it appears JJ is back on drugs.

Hate that Ben is in jail. Hopefully Ciara is standing by him. Sorry that Jordan it dead. I like the actress. Assume Rafe has baby David until the baby daddy shows up.

And yes seriously what on earth is Will in jail for??!! That should be interesting!!
Kayla comes rushing in for a few seconds to give the awake Jen a hug.

Gotta say, we are all still full of questions, aren't we? When Jen was talking of remembering getting married with Justin & Adrienne, how happy they all were, Jack's face turned a bit serious. Don't know if that meant something or not. Sarah gave Xander a peck on the cheek. He smiles, stroking his cheek. Guess he figures she might be starting to have some feelings for him. Even if just good friend ones. LOL
Stay tuned.
I wonder if the writers were inspired by the success of This Is Us? How many times did they leave us little nuggets that after the show our jaws were dropped and we couldn't wait until the next episode? Like how we thought Jack's little brother Nicky was dead. Then later saw some mail addressed to him in that little trailer. Or how we knew early on that Jack was dead in the present and anxiously awaited the episode to find out just how it happened. Or the fake-out when we thought the little boy who was going to meet his new foster parents was going to Randall and Beth, only to find out we were in the future and the social worker was an adult Tess.

Well, whatever the inspiration, seems like we're anxious to see how this all unfolds.
Well, I'm not sure what I think. It seems to me there is a lot of stuff to be explained. Did Sarah really have a paternity test that was altered by good old Rolf, or did he just give her a phony one. I thought they said Gina was in jail. And yes, that baby is adorable.
In re: that BoHo Chic "look".......seems sort of "60s hippy" to me......but what do I know. I will say I have not seen the term in stores, catalogs, online, except on Days......but evidently it is popular somewhere. (Guessing CA.....LOL)
Yes, the boho chic look is kind of like a 60's flower child look crossed with a gypsy style.