Days of Our Lives - Mon.,Nov. 5, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, November 5, 2018

Complete replay of Maggie making the toast to Rex & Sarah at the engagement party, and of Rex toasting his brother Lucas, & going on about parenthood. Chloe comes in, smiles at everyone, asks Lucas to talk privately, it is important. He is reluctant, but agrees, they go off to the side. Bonnie has now decided to swill the champagne, downs two glasses, sends Mimi for “the last one”. Mimi tries to remind her of what happens when she drinks, but Bonnie pulls out the “remember I went to jail for you” card once again. That sure is getting old, same as Mimi reminding her that she is using Mimi’s baby to not go back.

And over at the hospital, Sami is about to open the envelope, but instead, Belle stops her, and we get about 30 or more minutes of apologies, explanations, all meant to delay it, drag it out. Belle is sorry she accused Sami of shooting Mom, Sami understands, she was acting crazy, waving a gun round. Blah, blah, Then into the advance directive, with Sami revealing they ignored it, got Hattie to pretend to be Marlena, while real Mom was hidden away. Belle keeps stopping Sami from looking in envelope, has to whine about how embarrassed she is, how no one told her. Well, they couldn’t as she would have gone legal on them. (sorry folks, but this was all very annoying to me.)

What saved it all was Victor, who was savoring his peace and quiet, being interrupted by Susan, trying to get her to leave, to go stay in a hotel, eat her snacks in another room, Twas all rather humorous. Finally, Susan wants to watch Elvis on the Cozi channel, but doesn’t know the number, so she is changing channels, commenting that one of Elvis’s co-stars became a nun. The movie “The Mummy” comes on, she is making all kinds of remarks about it, and suddenly gets some sort of “feeling” that her Elvis is alive. She skedaddles.

Back at the party, Roman stops everything. Wants to make a toast himself. Tells Sarah welcome to the family, she is a brave, brave woman to agree to be a part of it. Rex introduces Chloe to Sarah as an old friend, Chloe wants to talk to Lucas privately, Mimi overhears, tells Bonnie they have to leave NOW. Mimi is telling Lucas he should not have brought baby to party, should have let her mom, Bonnie, have her tonight. Chloe pops up, Bonnie is not the mom, you are. Lucas says he knows which Lockhart he slept with, not Mimi. Chloe says test results prove Mimi the mom, explaining about markers. Kate says Bonnie was using baby as a get out of jail free card. Lucas confused, as is everyone. Mimi admits baby is hers. Maggie scolds Bonnie, who in turn rants at Maggie about Mickey and how she should have stayed dead. Maggie slaps her.

Sami finally opens the envelope, yep, it is EJ. She talks to him, has stood by him, will never leave him, yada, yada. Belle wants to see Marlena, Sami will take her, they leave the room.

Back at the party, if Lucas is not the father, who is. Mimi silent, Rex is uncomfortable, blurts out he is. Sarah shocked, he explains about the one night in Chicago, she is super angry, we were together then. (mentions baby is 4 months old) He says they were having a rough patch, she storms off, don’t touch me. Rex starts after, Roman stops him, says she needs some space, leave her alone. Kate says “you didn’t use protection? Doctor?” as she leaves with Roman for the Pub, he will buy her a beer. At the Pub, Kate bemoans how her sons always pick the wrong woman, run into trouble, even know, she saw Chloe moving in for the kill.

Sarah sits with Maggie, crying over what Rex did.

Chloe & Lucas sit on park bench, she apologizes for going behind his back, but she knows only too well what it is like to love a baby that isn’t yours.

Mimi talks to the baby, promising to never leave her again, she should have happiness, etc. etc. Rex is watching, says baby is beautiful. Both are saying the baby looks like the other, he kneels, Hi Bonnie. I’m Rex. Mimi is holding the baby, says her name is not Bonnie, it is Emily. And you are not Rex, you are her father.

At the hospital, the mystery patient, now supposedly identified as EJ is resting, the door opens, Susan comes in. She come up, Hi Elvis. All gonna be o.k. Mama’s here.
Fun episode today and somewhat depressing.

Liked the Rex and Mimi debacle, even though I’m kind of skeptical of brand new characters having big drama so soon.

I find Sarah kinda annoying, so I was glad when she left and Rex, Mimi, and Emily had a moment. Maybe Sarah will grow on, but Rex’s “we hit a rough patch“ was hilarious.
Susan and Victor - I support them :love:

Belle being upset and not understanding why she was kept out of the loop :rolleyes:

Sami pouring her heart out to a mummy :rotfl:

I’m so happy this 4 year journey is coming to an end. If Sami leaves town with faux EJ, I hope James Scott turns them down again when they ask Alison Sweeney (Sami) to return. They might finally have to move on. If they try to recast EJ, they gotta know the EJ and Sami fans won’t go for it. I hope Susan kidnaps EJ somehow. It’s what Sami deserves. I don’t care how nutty Susan is. That’s his mother, and she deceived her with the doll trick.

Poor Lucas, he can’t have anything good, and if he does it won’t last long.

Kate, the biggest hypocrite in DOOL history. Flapping her gums at Bonnie and Mimi, while she’s involved in something that’s much worse. Kate is way overdue for big fall. Like a “go back to the diner and humble yourself“ fall. Sadly Days loves their queen villain. I can hope though. It infuriated me listening to her talk about Lucas’ bad choices in women and trashing Sami (Roman says nothing. Not even a look) and Nicole. She’s a major part of what went wrong between Sami and Lucas, and she paid Nicole 5 million dollars. :angry:

Baby Emily is precious

Missed John and Marlena today :sad:
Thanks, Poirot.

Finally, Sami's search is over looking for EJ. Will they stay in Salem or will they leave
town together? Hopefully, they will leave town to be with the children. And will
Susan go with them?

I enjoyed Susan with Victor. Interesting observation Victor made about "cheating
death makes you like country music"

Another truth is out today, everyone knows Rex and Mimi are the parents of
baby Emily. I'm glad her name isn't Bonnie.

I wasn't surprised when Maggie slapped Bonnie.

Poor Belle, she wasn't smart enough to figure out it was Hattie and not her
mom that woke up from the coma.

Will Lucas forgive Chloe? Maybe not. Did you see how Chloe looked at Rex
when she walked in :)

It laughed when Mimi said to Rex "You're not Rex, you're her father"
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Sami & Mummy EJ: Goodbye, farewell, and don't come back. Hopefully, the Mummy is one of those few Salemites who don't bounce back from severe injuries in record time. I fear that if TPTB had sweet talked James Scott (non-mummy EJ) into coming back, the viewers would be stuck with his fully-recovered self and his Sweet Hot, Samanther, until Salem Harbor freezes over. :sick::sick::sick:

Victor: Even his worst enemies would have to admit that he paid for his many sins today -- trapped in the K-mansion living room with Susan Banks. As soon as she ran off to be with her mummy son, Victor probably drank the K-mansion dry in an effort to recover.

Belle: As usual, she was a little slow on the uptake. It should have been immediately apparent to her why Sami wouldn't share the news of the great switch with Salem's leading advocate of pulling the plug.

Rex: This guy certainly is a good fit in Salem: he cheated on his fiancee during a "rough patch" and now has a surprise child. Now, all he needs is to be shot or get a deadly soap-opera disease and he'd qualify as a card-carrying Salemite.
Maybe I am imagining this but he's probably going to leave with Susan. She'll nurse him back to health.
Moira, I had the same thought but hope that's not what happens. If Susan absconds with him, we're stuck with Sami chasing all over the world, including Salem, looking for him. To quote the late, great Yogi Berra, "It's Déjà vu all over again."

Rex’s “we hit a rough patch“ was hilarious.
It reminds of Ross' famous line on Friends, "We were on a break!"

Will Lucas forgive Chloe? Maybe not.
He should be grateful.
Well, well, well, FINALLY a story line that didn't go on for ages and ages. Glad it's all cleared up. Bonnie sure made a fast exit, didn't even see her split. Good idea, ol' Bon!

As to EJ, well, I kinda hope he survives, and gets into Stefan's face. Maybe when they take off the bandages, it'll be Old Man Stefano in EJ's body. It is Salem after all!!
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And you are not Rex, you are her father.
I don't know why we're supposed to care about these people. Emily would have been better off with Lucas than with these slimeballs.
If Sami leaves town with faux EJ, I hope James Scott turns them down again when they ask Alison Sweeney (Sami) to return. They might finally have to move on. If they try to recast EJ, they gotta know the EJ and Sami fans won’t go for it.
Hear, hear.

Why are they writing for these blandorama characters (StefanNo, Rex, Sarah) when Lucas can out act them all?
She’s a major part of what went wrong between Sami and Lucas, and she paid Nicole 5 million dollars. :angry:
This is about the 477th episode wherein I wished Franco Kelly had succeeded in whacking Kate with that poker.
Now, all he needs is to be shot or get a deadly soap-opera disease and he'd qualify as a card-carrying Salemite.
Well, he fell to earth in a space pod after being born in a lab, and was an accused murderer for a brief time. I'd say that's a soap trifecta.
Can we finally get past this Sami and EJ nonsense now? Pretty please! Seriously, what a waste of an otherwise decent visit by Sami this time around.

Victor and Susan: FILLER

So Rex, Sarah and Mimi basically got the story that we should have gotten with Sami, Hope and Rafe. All 3 of these characters haven't been in Salem long enough for me to care. And I'm still not feeling Sarah.

Ironically, Kate didn't annoy me today. I like her in mom mode and with Roman. Always her best pairing.

Loved the Sami/Belle scenes. Belle just fits in seamlessly no matter where they put her.
Bonnie did make a quick getaway but unfortunately if she isn’t caught and slapped
right back in jail does it means she’ll be show up sometime in the future.....?
She and the horrible Hattie creature need to go away permanently.
I loved the Susan/Victor bantering. Those two had me laugh.
I thought Belle was going to go ballistic when she found out about Marlena,
but she’s in for another in your face moment when she finds out her conspiracy
with Mimi to scam Lucas is in pieces.
Will she be reprimanded for her unethical gaslighting attempt or is this common practice for attorneys?
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While I am glad that Sami did not return to Salem with a baby in tow, since she basically ignores her other children, I cannot say I was too thrilled with the exposure of Bonnie's fraud. If she can so easily vanish now, why not before. Why the elaborate scheme?
Mimi still could have come to Salem with the baby, wanting to see Belle & Shawn, who have been in Hong Kong for so long, and while here.....well, heck, Rex is smart, he knows how to count, he could have become suspicious as to baby father, etc. etc. However, at least Lucas got a story, finally! I really like the actor, the character, and it was about time. Just am not happy with the entire thing being explained completely to Lucas.
As to Sami & her soul mate, couldn't care less. Am sorry they had to add this EJ thing on to her visit again, it is tiresome to hear her going on and on. So Sami will take him wherever, continuing to leave her kids on their own. I think Lucas needs to take custody of Allie, even Johnny & Sydney, or at least go live with them so they have a parent figure, since Sami is useless.
Makes you think, doesn't it, all that conversation Mimi had with her baby at the end, compared to how Sami treats her kids.
I think Lucas needs to take custody of Allie, even Johnny & Sydney, or at least go live with them so they have a parent figure, since Sami is useless.
Makes you think, doesn't it, all that conversation Mimi had with her baby at the end, compared to how Sami treats her kids.
once upon a time Sami did look at her kids like that and almost nothing was more important. The show doesn’t seem to value Family like it used to. Sami’s relationship with each of her children is already complicated. Johnny’s cancer plus having Rafe and EJ around causing confusion. Allie has always been constantly ignored. Sydney has been through so much since birth it’s scary. If those were my kids, I could never leave them or drag them across the world for anyone.

I remember how insane Sami was about Will as a toddler when she was trying to get him away from Kate & Lucas, or the time when EJ was fed up with Will & Lucas’s pranks and asked her to chose him or Will and she chose Will like any mother would. I don’t think the writers could ever fix this. We’ve seen and heard about her EJ journey for almost half a decade, so I don’t think anyone’s going to forget she abandoned her kids of her own free will. No kidnapping or brainwashing. Can’t call yourself a “good mother“ if you are never there, and this is a character that knows what it is like to not have your mother there for years :rolleyes:
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