Days of Our Lives - Mon., Oct. 22, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, October 22, 2018

Replay of all closing scenes on Friday. Extensive replay. Mimi relates to Belle the long story of her and Rex, regretting the abortion she had when they were in a relationship, how he broke it off when he learned of it, etc. Then, she happened to go to Chicago to help a friend set up some poker games, one of the high rollers brought a friend, Rex, the setting, champagne, etc., one thing led to another. She left town next day, a few weeks later not feeling well, goes to doctor, surprised she was pregnant, inasmuch as Lexie had said she PROBABLY would not be able to have any more children. So she was sooo happy. Belle is questioning why Rex doesn’t know. Mimi called him after a few weeks, only to have him happily tell her he was engaged! Belle figures he will probably find out, Lucas will tell him. Mimi says no, he hasn’t been back in Salem in years. She asks Belle to help her mom against Lucas’s suit. Belle says no, those kind of cases do not work out well, mentioning Nicole, Holly, Chloe. Mimi begs, Belle finally agrees, Mimi doesn’t have much cash for retainer, Belle doesn’t want any.

Roman so happy to see Rex, they rehash how Rex & Cassie came to town, Rolf’s part in it, the thought Tony DiMera was dad at first, Rex happy. Now he tells of engagement, wonderful girl, both at med school together, Roman remarks now 2 doctors. Rex is saying she comes from a wonderful family, then in comes Lucas with Baby Bonnie, needing water. Rex is introduced to Lucas’s daughter (name not mentioned), knew he was dating Chloe, did not know they had a baby. Lucas notes Chloe not the mom, it is Bonnie Lockhart. Rex is taking a drink, spits it all over as he more or less chokes at that. So Rex holds her, thinks she is beautiful, has been told the tale, is now an uncle.

And over to the warehouse, where Sami has left Brady locked in a room, while she hunts for EJ, (and folks, her obsession with him is gonna make you throw something at the TV today). Meanwhile Nicole is searching for Eric, trying all the doors with weird initials, AV, AD, WR, VA, and even a JD today. She finally comes across the one where Brady is, but she has no key to unlock the door, has to find Eric. She is pulling that stroller up and down the halls.

Eric is pleading with Kristen to let him go, but she is yammering about this place being compromised, have to vacate her work in progress. You mean EJ? Among others, she says. In comes Sami, who ignores the tied up Eric, accosts Kristen, wants to know about EJ, where is he, Stefan told me. Kristen says her brother doesn’t know anything, Sami attacks Kristen, choking her, Xander arrive s, gun drawn. Sami desists. Kristen is berating him for not getting Brady out of the building as she said, he tells of Nicole knocking him out, Eric is having a fit if he did something to her.

Over in the lab, Rolf is preparing a hypo, blathering about the serum being improved, know you don’t like the shots, you have waited a long time, yada, yada. He mentions being injected with this new stuff by Madam DiMera, then injects the mystery patient. (and doesn’t even clean the area first with alcohol, lol). He continues talking, saying the patient will be better, mentioning Samantha Brady is here, says something or other, the patient jumps up. Rolf exclaims “he is back, but the man attacks him, Rolf goes backward, is sorry, did not mean…..crashes against the lab table, stuff slides off, breaking glass, fire! Rolf shouts fire, which begins to spread.

There is an explosion, Kristen & Xander rush out, she is worried about Brady, there could be more. Sami unties Eric, but the heck with anyone, she is going to look for EJ. Smoke is in the air. Nicole feels the shaking, the booms, grabs Holly from the buggy. Debris is falling, she cannot get out of the corridor. Sami does open the door to let Brady out, but off to find EJ, who cares about Nicole or Holly. Eric & Brady hear her, but all this debris is blocking their ability to get to her, They tear away some of it, making a hole, Brady convinces a reluctant Nicole to pass Holly thru. He covers her with a blanket, takes her out. Eric stays, tries to get more of debris away, can’t. He puts his hand thru the opening, telling Nicole to hold on, don’t let go.

Brady runs into Kristen, who want to be with him, she is pleading, he is telling her no, no way. She wants him to get rid of the kid, he is not going to do so. He leaves with Holly.

Smoke is thicker, Sami runs into Rolf coming out of a room, tells her is b ad in there, don’t go in. She does, finds the mystery patient on the floor. She calls him EJ, no response. She manages to get him into a wheel chair, covers him with a a blanket or sheet, pulls her hood up, and wheels him out.

Nicole is telling Eric to leave, she is not going to get out. He refuses, won’t leave her, has no life without her. She says what about Holly, who will raise her. Brady has returned, tries to get Eric to leave, finally knocks him out, drags him away. Nicole sits amid flames, takes her medal off, holding it her hands, praying for Eric & Holly to be safe, her loved ones. Eric comes to, upset, is going to return, more big explosions, from where they exited. Debris comes down.

Kristen runs into Rolf , asks if everyone is out. He says too late. She says she is not afraid (her blouse is torn in the back). She turns, flames up all around her, camera close up on the phoenix tattoo on her back.
Let's hope so... This ridiculous story, with all these zombie characters back from the dead better at least bring him back.

Still can't believe what's being done to Nicole. :angry:

Meanwhile, brainless Sami is like a zombie herself : EJ, EJ, EJ, can't say anything else, or think about anything else. Keeping Brady locked up, not caring one iota about her twin, or anyone. Is it even possible for this character to be more horrible?

And I did watch a little. Because of Nicole (I had stopped watching, but Nicole is my favourite). I'm thinking the poor baby playing Holly, crying like that, it can't be good for her. These types of scenes must be hard for toddlers. I know they are taken care of, but I still find it a lot to process for such little minds... Kristen yelling, Nicole crying... Maybe this could have been done differently. Poor kid...
Boy folks on twitter sure were happy with this episode.

Can't say I join them. I actually hope Lucas wins custody. Mimi gave her baby to a psychopath who stole another woman's life and has run more cons than I can count. Lucas is a wonderful father. I'm rooting for him (but I know in Salem he's doomed).

Rex was fun but why is the show being populated by guest stars who are not villains?
Quote: AV, AD, WR, VA, and even a JD- ?????
who do you think they are???
AV- Ava Vitali
AD- Anjelica Devereux
WR-Will Roberts
VA- Vivian Alamain
JD- Jack Devereux

These are my guesses.

Or maybe... they are not past characters
LOLOLOL. Good one, KL.........(should I let you all guess, or tell who those initials refer to.........hint........real life........
Thanks, Poirot.

A very good show today. I enjoyed the history of the characters.

Roman also said to Rex "definitely all Brady". Long time viewers know the
actor of Rex used to be Brady.

Belle and Mimi discussed old times and we find out how Mimi was with Rex.
They met during a poker game. The actress who plays Mimi played poker for
a living. I don't know if she still does

How long will it take for Belle or Mimi realize Rex is in town?

Nice surprise to see Rolf today.

The mystery man aka The Frankenstein monster started the fire attacking
his maker.

I loved Nicole calling Eric and Brady brothers.

Sad to see Nicole left behind. Is she dead?

Will Kristen perish in the fire? Will she come back with another new face?

So, Sami finally found EJ. Is it him or did Rolf make a clone?

robin, should be happy. I think Xander got away.