Days of Our Lives - Mon. Oct. 26,2009

Out with the old and in with the n..n... older?

What's your thoughts on this reunion..Carly and Bo?

MY thoughts on Bo and Carly ?? BARF BARF BARF Don't like anything about her.
Of all the stupid scenarios, that took the cake. TWO cops live there, the place could be wired with alarms (and in fact, am surprised it is not after what has happened there).......and Carly breaks a window??? Instead of knocking or ringing a bell? How does she know Hope is not there? How does she know Hope is not there all alone and has called 911? How does she know Shawn is not there...perhaps calling the cops because of an intruder? Lame, lame, lame.

What is even more lame is the setup of the window breaking. That door has 3 small windows at about shoulder height. The preview shows Carly breaking the small window above the door knob. I think it does show her reaching inside, but she doesn't reach down to the nob. And in no way could she reach it if she tried. Its a good 1.5 or 2.0 feet below the broken window. So... just how does that enable her to just open the door and walk in? Maybe I missed something. If those of you who've seen the preview can explain, please do. :confused:
What's your thoughts on this reunion..Carly and Bo?

That old saying from the 70's comes to mind............Gag me with a spoon! :sick: Didn't like the Carly character / story line the first time around. Don't want to watch it now.

Looks like some fast forwarding in store for me. The rest of the show looks good.
What is even more lame is the setup of the window breaking. That door has 3 small windows at about shoulder height. The preview shows Carly breaking the small window above the door knob. I think it does show her reaching inside, but she doesn't reach down to the nob. And in no way could she reach it if she tried. Its a good 1.5 or 2.0 feet below the broken window. So... just how does that enable her to just open the door and walk in? Maybe I missed something. If those of you who've seen the preview can explain, please do. :confused:
I think she reached in and down far enough to undo the lock. She definitely opens the door from the outside.

She is lucky she wasn't shot. For cryin out loud, how the heck does she know Bo & Hope still live there????
Well....we again suspend reality... we have had to do that a lot lately.

I mean think about it...Hope is a cop...and yet she is going to go live at the mansion of a man who has made his money in dirty dealings?

I know, right? Hope is an idiot, it the writers are going to keep this up I would just as soon see her go poof. As to the baby reveal I am SO ready to have that over with. Come on Stephano, show us what you know for Peetsakes! And Rafe, where the heck are you with all of this unfolding. Sheesh already.
That old saying from the 70's comes to mind............Gag me with a spoon! :sick: Didn't like the Carly character / story line the first time around. Don't want to watch it now.

Looks like some fast forwarding in store for me. The rest of the show looks good.

And maybe Carly will spring board from Bo to someone else that Bo and Hope can get back together in time for!
I know, right? Hope is an idiot, it the writers are going to keep this up I would just as soon see her go poof. As to the baby reveal I am SO ready to have that over with. Come on Stephano, show us what you know for Peetsakes! And Rafe, where the heck are you with all of this unfolding. Sheesh already.
There are so many incongruities with this whole line up seriously... who do the writers think we are?
Oh just an asside on the house security -one has to set the alarms for them to work... I'm thinking Bo does not care/think about it because Hope and Ceira are not home.. or he may not want to set it incase she decides to come get something??
That line made me laugh........especially since she herself was involved in some very weird "happenings" herself the last time she was in Salem. Her son killed someone, she was buried alive, her nemesis was killing people trying to frame her....Victor even tried to kill his son because he wanted Carly for himself. She easily broke into the drug cabinet at the hospital, saying "some things never change", meaning it is still just as easy to do has been done before.
Sami and EJ's scene at the Java was wonderful! It was fun to watch! The "snark" was back. No one does "snark" better than EJ and Sami!
For cryin out loud, how the heck does she know Bo & Hope still live there????

Great question. The last time Carly was in Salem, Bo lived on a boat and Jennifer lived in that house. (I'm not sure if it's supposed to be the same house, but it's the same set. However, Bo didn't live there in 1993.)
Did she hear somethig in the conversation between Bo and Lexie and maybe had her look at a phonebook for his address?? Didn't she hear him talk about his daughter and how Hope had moved out...
... and maybe had her look at a phonebook for his address??

I realize this is Salem and the SPD does things 'differently',
but everyone that I have known who is/was in law enforcement always have had unlisted numbers, so they don't get bothered, by phone or in person, by individuals they come across in their work. :hide:
Why doesn't anyone ring doorbells anymore? Carly almost gets killed breaking into Bo's house. Brady comes sneaking into Arianna's room through the window and almost gets killed. Why didn't he call first? "Hi honey. I'm going to be sneaking into your bedroom through the window. Don't shoot me, okay?"