Days of Our Lives - Mon., Oct. 30, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, October 30, 2017

Slow show, & I got interrupted quite a bit. It is Halloween in Salem, Chad & Abby are dressed rather medieval, I believe he is a pirate. Thomas is a pumpkin, they wander the square throughout the show, teasing each other, kissing, declaring their love, etc.

At Deimos’ grave, Victor Brady are about to leave when a myserious figure appears, who reveals herself as Eve Donovan. Snarking back & forth, Eve says she is Mrs. Deimos Kiriakis, claims she came to visit Tate, Brady was up in Canada at the time, only one home was Deimos, they connected again, there are a couple of new flashbacks with Deimos, & the upshot is Deimos went to NY, told Vic it was a business trip, married Eve, they honeymooned in the tropics until he got a tip about Nicole, took off and left her. More snarking, insults, back & forth between all 3 throughout the show.

Kate calls Theo to come over, she wants him to use his computer skills to find out who is sabotaging the company. Theo says they beefed up the security, so Kate figures it must be an insider who is stabbing them in the back. Theo is reluctant, but finally caves and agrees, when Kate points out how Chad, Abigail,Thomas would all be affected. O.K.

Claire is in a cat or tiger costume, Theo is reluctant to attend some party, leaves to see Kate. Tripp is there now, they chatter, she mentions how easily Theo gets jealous, Tripp talks of moving out, she protests, they jabber, yawwwwnnnnnn.

In Memphis John, Marlena, Sonny, Paul & Sami are nosing around some Halloween decorated spook house, are startled by …….yep, tis Elvis himself. He insists this is his house, order them to get out a few times, they argue a bit, he insists he is Elvis Aron Presley, John jokes they are trick or treaters, Elvis says no costumes, no candy, Sami asks about Will Horton, he denies knowing anyone by that name. More of the same. Finally, they mention Dr. Rolf, oooh, Elvis knows him. Actually claims he hired Dr. Rolf to bring himself back to life. Sami thinks the guy is a fraud or he would have called the cops, she does instead.

Sonny gets worked up, wanting info about the man he loves, lunges towards Elvis, who knocks him down. Sonny is unconscious, Marlena tends to him, 911 is called.

When the officer arrives, Elvis proves this is his house via his driver’s license, Sami babbles about her son, but doesn’t mention bringing Will back to life. EMTs arrive, take Sonny, Paul is going, but cannot ride in ambulance as not next of kin.
Sami and the police officer argue and she grabs his hand. He says she scratched him with her sharp nails and he's taking her in. She says Elvis hurt Sonny. The officer says the guy (Elvis) has no police record, but he has to keep scrolling to see all of her arrests (on his phone). As the officer drags Sami out the door, someone is watching from the other side of the room, hidden. Elvis turns the record player back on and tells the hidden person to come out again. He says that's hopefully the last they see of that group. (but we don't see who he's talking to)

After Claire sees Tripp naked (because his towel fell off), she asks him not to mention it to Theo, because he gets so jealous. Tripp changes into clothes, then he and Claire jibber jabber. She tells him how Ciara and Theo had feelings for each other, how Ciara wrote a letter to Theo, and how Claire made sure Theo didn't get it. She refers to Ciara as "her aunt", which seems to surprise Tripp.

Theo comes back to the loft, puts on a baseball cap as his costume (telling Claire he's a baseball fan). Claire and Theo head out.
Oh Lordy, this revisionist history with Deimos and Eve is just stupid. What a bunch of bunk.

Bunk is one word for it, and most likely one of the few words I could come up with allowed on the board.

Thank you Poirot for writing this up. Memphis officer please, put Samantha Gene in a cell and forget about her. And please get checked out. Cat scratch fever is not to be taken lightly.
Eve showing up, Abby and Chad reciting their speeches to one another, Tripp's disobedient towel, traveling to Memphis with mouth almighty, (Sami) and the ridiculously clumsy Sonny scene. My, my, my, I fear for the future of Days.
It's Halloween in Salem and the locals are doing their best with costumes.
  • Chad: looking like a pirate who has access to a laundromat and dry cleaner.
  • Abigail: giving her best impression of Carrie "Princess Hag" Reed.
  • Little Trippy: trying his best to look like Xander during his Salem Inn towel-wearing days.
  • Claire: cleverly disguised as Horton the Salem tiger.
  • Kate: pretending to be a big-time CEO (what corporate head would hire a college kid to solve tech problems instead of experienced professionals?)
  • John, Paul, Sonny, Sami & Marlena: giving it their all to emulate the Scooby Gang. Maybe, they'd have done better if Scooby Doo himself had been there to help him.
  • Sonny: if he goes into a coma, could he be deemed a John Black impersonator?
She refers to Ciara as "her aunt", which seems to surprise Tripp.
As I'm sure it surprises all of us, and many novel viewers, for different reasons. *wink*
The officer says the guy (Elvis) has no police record, but he has to keep scrolling to see all of her arrests (on his phone).

I'm actually impressed with the Deimos/Eve stuff; the timeline lines up adequately. Our brains were almost turned to mush by the nonsensical stolen antiquities, Dario's "lerv" for flighty Abby, and Sonny's impotent jabs at Deimos, but the timing adds up. Brady and Nicole were in Canada, Victor was hiding from his feuding relatives, and Eve was in New York. Certainly it's not the most implausible thing the show has tried to sell us. I like that the flashbacks fit in line with the characterisations of Eve and Deimos and their motivations made sense.
Thanks Poirot.

They redid the Friday's ending scene today with different music.
Friday was spooky. Today was rock n roll.

We heard Eve's theme song today.

I'm disappointed Theo plans to help Kate again.

Was anyone surprised when Elvis told them he knew Rolf because
he paid him to bring him back to life?

Theo should have put sunglasses on with the baseball cap. Then he would
have been dressed as a Salem peeper.

Line of the day goes to Tripp when Claire tells him Theo has a problem
with lying. Tripp said "Boy, does he live in the wrong town"
Honestly, I was bored!!!
Sami has done my last nerve...lock her up, throw away key
teen filler

thank you to those who filled in what I missed. Tis hectic here still......the moving has not been easy