Days of Our Lives - Mon. Oct. 4, 2010

But that is undoubtably why Rafe doesn't want Sami to tell him anything until they are married.
And....Brady made it clear to Nicole that Vivian equipped the sarcaphagus "with all the necessities for crypt life" there definitely is some way within for Vivian to "use the bathroom".
Viv did make sure it was perfectly equipped for Maggie. Since she is in the sarcophagus herself, maybe in the future it will make her think twice about plotting to put other people in them. If the shoe were on Maggie's foot, she'd be torturing her to no end. Not to mention the fact that she never intended on letting Carly out of the coffin back in the day. So, IMO, Viv is getting what she deserves.
On a positive note, I am enjoying the sarcophagus storyline with Brady/Viv/Victor/Maggie/Nicole. It's the only thing that I don't FF through. And I hope that Brady/Nicole get a shot at love this time because their chemistry is off the charts.
I am looking forward to this episode.:smile:
I seeing the show, Brady seems to be just using Nicole (IMO) He did not look happy with her as they were in bed together. Just a feeling I have. Loved when Viv found out that Isabella was right next to her. This storyline is my favorite at the moment follow by EJ's shooting.
Sami is not a victim

Brady said it right when he told Sami she is a spoiled brat that gets her way. I really feel that she is no less than EJ's equal in badness yet she gets to run around wearing a halo and let a boring man (Rafe) think she is the best thing under the sun. I would love to see Sami take her badness up a notch and begin manipulating EJ in front of every ones nose and still be considered the victim.

The only passion I ever saw from Rafe was when he was basically sacrificing Anna's life and manipulating Nicole. I thought the Rafe & Nicole scenes were gonna be stupid but they were actually pretty steamy. Who would have thought?
Just so I get my facts straight, as perhaps my memory is not what it once was......but in the past 4 years......I just cannot equate anything Sami has done to what EJ has done. The scales of justice are definitely overloaded on EJ's side. Sami doesn't wear a halo at all, but Rafe loves her. Nicole has it all over Sami in the badness dept, but Brady loves her. EJ makes the mold that appears in a frig full of food, especially meat, that has no electricity for 3 months...look good. (And you honestly do not ever want to experience that me) And yet Arianna thinks he is the cat's meow.

But I do want to see Sami play EJ like a violin, have him dance to her tune, and expose him to all as the two-timing lecherous sack of worms he is.
:wink: Amen, Barb!!!

I would like nothing more than to see Sami and Rafe work together as a team to bring EJ down and expose his plot to get back at Sami.

There has to be a twist here somewhere. If not, we are right back to square one with this whole thing and no one wants the show to be there or go back there. I cannot imagine that the writers are going to return to the whole manipulation thing that we all had to endure for all of spring and summer. It was a big bomb-- again. Somehow, I have the feeling that with Rafe around, EJ isn't going to get his way this time.
Sami's Wrath

Ok, I get it. EJ is an animal and Sami is just, well bratty. I would still love to see Sami in a situation of power where she has EJ squirming and completely under her control. I would like to see her get real mad, not just sobbing, yelling impulsive mad but I am taking you and everyone around you mad.
But I do want to see Sami play EJ like a violin, have him dance to her tune, and expose him to all as the two-timing lecherous sack of worms he is.[/QUOTE]

Very good description of EJ
Bring back the old Sami

Remember the trickster who came between Carrie and Austin? That's the Sami who could get the best of EJ. She's mellowed since she had the twins. She wasn't interested in having another child after Will was born while a child was all Austin wanted. Will was a tool Sami used to manipulate Austin.

I love the chemistry between Sami and EJ. Rafe's a wooden bore. If Sami regrows her backbone EJ won't know what hit him.:evillaugh:
Rafe is anything but a bore, but I guess if upstanding, kind, protective and loving makes him a bore to some, am glad I am not of that opinion. I'lll take the stalwart, loyal guy who would protect me with his life, if need be, (and Rafe has already proved that ) than the one who manhandles, lies, deceives, cheats, rapes, manipulates, and proves over and over the coward he really is.

With all that he has had to deal with, Rafe has still been working on fixing up, furnishing that wonderful apartment, and it has taken some time. All for Sami & her children. boring of anyone to quietly do all this for the woman he loves without question. :sarcasm:
Just so I get my facts straight, as perhaps my memory is not what it once was......but in the past 4 years......I just cannot equate anything Sami has done to what EJ has done. The scales of justice are definitely overloaded on EJ's side. Sami doesn't wear a halo at all, but Rafe loves her. Nicole has it all over Sami in the badness dept, but Brady loves her. EJ makes the mold that appears in a frig full of food, especially meat, that has no electricity for 3 months...look good. (And you honestly do not ever want to experience that me) And yet Arianna thinks he is the cat's meow.

But I do want to see Sami play EJ like a violin, have him dance to her tune, and expose him to all as the two-timing lecherous sack of worms he is.

ITA. Thank you!
Sorry. I misspoke. The actor who plays Rafe is wooden. I can't get any emotion from him. He's either stone-faced or smiling like he's embarrassed. Maybe it's just me--I never could see Robert Wagner either and he was a big star. But b-o-r-i-n-g to me.

The character of Rafe is that of a great guy. Imagine Peter Reckell or James Scott in the role for a minute. Both have great charisma and loads of talent. Reckell's Bo had me wishing Hope would kill him, he's that believable.
Rafe,the character, is the strong silent type, who quietly goes about what he sets out to do, does it without any fanfare. He has been trained to stay calm, cool, and to stay focused. And if Peter Reckell, James Scott, Eric Marsolf, Joe Mascola, Clint Eastwood, Tom Selleck, or any other actor was portraying THIS CHARACTER with THESE TRAITS & PERSONALITY, they would be portraying the character the same way.
Which means to some, those character traits make one a wooden bore. While to others, like me, those character traits are super sexy.
Eye candy. Don't forget the eye candy!!!! How boring is he with shirt OFF? Jest saying. :wink:

I love Rafe too. Love how he turns inward when he is conflicted...trying to solve his issues himself without taking aim at everyone else. Yes, he gets angry, but Rafe is a very good listener and he's respectful to women. I see what Poroit means because he's the kind of man that maybe a different generation found compelling. So much has changed in the last thirty to forty years. I have seem my daughters dating men who just do not meet the standards their father set for loyalty and commitment. There a whole lot of EJs in the world; men who are me me me...not as many Rafe's. I think he's too good for Sami. I get that women are attracted to bad boys...for a night, or a daydream. But you don't want to procreate with one, for gosh sakes. And certainly not a criminal. No one's kids deserve to have a criminal for a parent.