Days of Our Lives - Mon. Oct. 7, 2013

I don't see it as trashing Jack. This was something Jack did, owned, and regretted. It's an honest part of his past and Kayla's too and I actually think they have done a good job bringing it up. They have stressed Jack's remorse and love for his family. Nobody is saying he's a monster or trashing him.
I'm curious as to why JJ knew all about Lawrence raping Jen yet knew nothing about Jack and Kayla. I'm not saying they should have told him everything at once however, if he's mature enough to handle Jen's attack, then he should have been mature enough to handle the news about Jack and Kayla earlier than now. Other than that, I still think the Matt Ashford (Jack) references are a bit too much for a character who is presumed dead and is completely offscreen. I don't see any photos of Belle, Shawn, Carrie, etc. around town.

The scenes with Sami/EJ interspersed with Kayla/JJ were absolutely infuriating.
I kept wondering why Jen kept a transcript of what happened to her
with Lawrence in the house.

I wasn't watching then. Did Jack testify about attacking Kayla during
that trial?

Poor Kayla. She needed a hug today.

Marge is in denial about her husband. I think she
was wearing his robe not wanting to admit to
herself he wasn't the man she loved.

Will Daniel save the day again?

When Nick said "he won't give up on us" or something like that
when he was alone, the David Soul song popped in my head.
Kayla was married to Steve Johnson who is Jack Devereaux's brother. She is his Aunt by marriage.
JJ did not know what happened with Lawrence...Just that her mom was involved in a trial AGAINST HIM and he said his parents were going to explain all about it to him when he got older.
He only learned today his father had to admit something during that trial. Thus, he went to look for the transcript to see what it was.

I want to see if he is upset at all over the fact his mother was raped
deleted unnecessary quote....JS

Boy, is that ever a great question!! I wonder if it even occurred to the writers. Hopefully, it did. If not, maybe it will now that you've raised it. But of course by then it will be sometime next year.

I'm not big on this "sensitivity training" fad but I think the DOOL writers are desperately in need of some when it comes to rape and its attendant issues.
I enjoyed the scenes today with JJ and his interactions with Adrienne and Kayla. The show did a great job building up to the reveal. Casey Moss, the actor playing JJ, has done a great job capturing all of JJ's emotions in this storyline. I agree with Rockford above that this storyline has captured my attention. For so long, Days has been incredibly boring or downright nauseating with the couples that are featured. However, by tying in accurate history of the show in a current storyline with good acting has brought me back recently.

However, on the flip side of this, they feature Sami and her own rapist in the same show with some warped idea that this is romance.:mad:
I'm also curious to see how (maybe "if" is more accurate) JJ will handle the fact that his mother was raped. If he will be more sympathetic toward her, or after his rage over not knowing about Jack wears off it'll just be forgotten.
I kept wondering why Jen kept a transcript of what happened to her with Lawrence in the house.
It is rather unusual for Jennifer to have a copy of the Lawrence Alamain trial transcript stashed away in her house. Because trial transcripts can be quite lengthy and may cost several dollars per page, people generally only order them if a case is being appealed. (The transcript of the famous Lindbergh baby kidnapping trial consists of several thick bound volumes.) That said, perhaps other Salemites should emulate Jennifer and have trial transcripts handy. Sami could get them for her Franco Kelly and Bernardi murder trials so she and her smoochy-moochy can enjoy a little bedtime reading. Not to be outdone, EJ could get a record of each time he was arrested by the Salem P.D. Then, Sami could read them, go tsk-tsk over what a bad boy her lowlife lover used to be, and then rhapsodize over how much he's "changed."
JJ did not know what happened with Lawrence...Just that her mom was involved in a trial AGAINST HIM and he said his parents were going to explain all about it to him when he got older.
He only learned today his father had to admit something during that trial. Thus, he went to look for the transcript to see what it was.

I want to see if he is upset at all over the fact his mother was raped

I just watched today's episode again. JJ did say his mom was attacked by Lawrence Alamain before he opened the safe. Then he said his parents would explain the rest when he got older. So, he had some detail but maybe not everything. I too am curious about his reaction to Jennifer being raped if he doesn't already know. I guess I just assumed he knew because Jennifer only seemed worried about him finding out what happened between Jack and Kayla.

On a completely different note, never mind the transcript but why is the safe in the Horton living room?
The way it was presented, I believe JJ knew about Jennifer and Lawrence. So he probably already was hurt and reacted badly to the news, so to learn his father also raped someone was a huge blow to him. So while some might believe that JJ reacted too strongly (and of course he would since we need Dan-the-Knight-in-his-scruffy-armor to save the day), I think for once the reaction is somewhat believable. Much better than Sami looooooving her rapist, :sick: or EJ and Sami walking in the park like nothing ever happened, even though, right or wrong, Sami did, oh, I don't know : kill a man ! One would think she would still be having nightmares about that. Yeah, right, I forgot : we are talking about Days' writers. :rolleyes:
If JJ said his mom was attacked by Lawrence, he may not know exactly what that meant. He might have thought it meant only that she was hurt, beaten, etc. Which would be why they would "explain it all later when he was older".
Re: Rafe-Kate-Jordan I find it interesting that we are not seeing Kate and Rafe being affectionate (hugging or kissing) with each other these days on screen. Am wondering if they both want to 'move on' but are afraid of hurting each other by discussing this openly. Couldn't help wondering who Rafe was 'dreaming' about before he opened his eyes today and saw Kate. Am really enjoying the playful banter with Jordan. Could it be that she will take Rafe to the engagement party as one of Rafe's 'outings'?

On another note, cannot believe that Sami or even Nicole haven't been to visit Rafe recently in the hospital - have they forgotten him?