Days of Our Lives - Mon. Sept. 20, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, Sept. 20, 2010
Episode #11421 Taped 7/21 Director – Grant A. Johnson

Rather slow moving, but fun in parts episode today. We have a replay of life support being disconnected from EJ. Kate, Rafe & Will watch from outside, Lexie cries on Stefano’s shoulder, Sami stands by herself. The nurse, Sara, removed the tube from EJ’s mouth, Lexie is sobbing. Stefano goes over to Elvis, places his hand on EJ’s chest, says “goodbye, my son, you will be missed more than you know”. Suddenly, EJ’s body jerks, Stefano jumps back, what is going on? EJ’s body jerks again, everyone is asking questions at once, Lexie shags everyone out, as EJ now seems to be breathing on his own.
Stefano is accusing Sami of not being happy about this at all, she denies it, Lexie comes out. Yes, he is breathing on his own, but his chances are very, very slim.

Let’s get this part over. Stephanie runs into Ian who is at the Pub for coffee. She still is trying to figure out who would change those paternity results if it wasn’t Philip or Chloe. Someone had to do it. He doesn’t understand why it bugs her so much, she assures him she & Nathan are fine, he loves her, all is good. Meanwhile, Daniel has come home, Chloe is dressed, looking lovely, they are supposed to go to the memorial, then she decides she doesn’t want to run into Vivian. He says o.k, stay home, and I will take Viv aside & make sure she knows to stay away from you & Melanie. Chloe now decides she will go after all, can’t hide from Viv forever. She complains about a queasy stomach, sparkling water doesn’t work, he suggests stopping for herbal tea, which they do…at the Pub. As they leave, out comes Stephanie & Ian from the side, she has pointed out Chloe, Ian thinks she’s hot. Now Stephanie wonders if perhaps Daniel suspected, she makes a call, finds out Daniel has computer privileges at St. Mary’s. Ian tries to tell her that if Daniel learned Chloe was having a baby by another man, he would undoubtably dump her, can’t be him. Along comes Adrienne, asking what is up. Evade, evade, Ian leaves, Stephanie denies anything is going on, she leaves. Adrienne calls Kayla, tells her she thinks she should come to Salem, something is going on with your daughter, and I think she needs you.

Victor is reading the e-mail from Vivian, can’t believe she would just up and leave like this. Brady takes the e-mail from him, starts reading aloud a bit, but Victor has taken off.

Now Vivian has a constant running conversation in that sarcophagus, hoping Victor will come and rescue her, calling Brady names, complaining that she cannot get the monitor to work, that it is just like cable, all those channels and nothing to watch. LOL. She moans about Brady having the remote, then suddenly remembers there is one stuffed in there somewhere, manages to dig it out and turn it on, and there is her bedroom, with Brady sitting on the bed, Victor striding around, unbelieving that Vivian is gone. This makes her hopeful, especially when he notes all her clothes are still there, along with her gaudy hats. Now he checks for her jewelry, GONE. Her Passport. GONE. Even that ugly urn with Lawrence’s ashes is GONE! Victor shouts with glee, and I think if he could have jumped up in the air and clicked his heels, he would have done it. Yipppee, she is gone, Justin arrives, Victor tells him about Vivian, shows him the e-mail, tell him to get the divorce going…gonna charge desertion…and then she can’t even get the pre-nup money. Vivian is moaning and complaining. Victor vanishes.

Philip & Melanie come into Maggie’s kitchen, where she awaits to tell them she is not going (to the memorial). She eventually changes her mind, since this is Philip’s sister.

Kate has told Sami to come to the house and get some of her things, Stefano has gone into be with his son, and now Rafe wants to go somewhere with Will so they can talk.
At DiMansion, Sami knows Kate wants to talk to her, Kate brings up Will, Sami tells her that she told Will about Kate calling her, but assures her he won’t ever tell Stefano. Oh, Kate doesn’t think that at all, she thinks perhaps Will is the one who shot EJ. Stefano comes in, asks what they are talking about, they only say EJ. Now he tells Sami he has information the police do not know. He goes to the side table, talking of the gun kept there, talking of how only those who lived in the house would know about it. He pulls out the box, flips open the lid (hey, it is like a cigar box lid, no lock at all….tsk, tsk. With kids in the house, especially energetic Johnny). Sami admits she has seen that box, he recounts how he & Kate were on the yacht, Sami with Hernandez, that leaves only William. Sami is indignant, Will did not shoot EJ. “And how can you be so positive about that”? asks Stefano.

Folks have gathered in the mauseuleum, Philip, Melanie, Daniel, Chloe, Maggie, Brady & Victor. (and no Bo, who is also a brother to Isabella). Victor begins talks of the wonderful person Isabella was (and just an aside….but the engraving on the sarcophagus says…Isabella Beatrice Toscano Black. July 27, 1960 – October 16, 1992. Brady looks really mature for a 18-19 yr. old, lolol). Maggie also says a few words, Victor talks of how happy he was with Isabella around, starts to offer a toast, when Brady interrupts, wants to say a few words about Vivian, who made this all possible. It is too funny as he chooses his words so carefully (Vivian can hear every single word, and now thinks Brady has had a change of heart) and talks of never being able to repay Vivian for what she has done for his mother, but that perhaps some day, he will find a way. Vivian is beside herself, trying to call out, but of course, no one can hear her. Brady offers the toast to Vivian, herself, wherever she is.

Rafe is talking to Will, apparently down by the lake, asks him where he was the night EJ was shot. Will says at the Pub, Rafe asks if he was there all the time. Will says he stepped out once to take a call from Tad, but went back, checked on the kids, and went to bed. Rafe makes no accusations, but Will gets it, telling Rafe he sees that Rafe thinks he shot EJ. If so….bring it on, charge me with it.

And back at the hospital, the nurse is checking EJ, goes out of the room. The camera zooms in close, as EJ’s mouth opens a bit. “Sa……Saman…….Samantha”.

Thanks for the write up! It's my favorite time in the morning!!
tsk tsk tsk... Brady is dimented. Gosh, Will & Sami, has Rafe ever gave them a reason to believe that he is not totally on their side, idiots.
Thank you, Barb.

:woo: Kayla's coming soon!

:rotfl: I can't wait to see Victor rejoice at Vivian being "gone". Dark Brady is such a hoot. I love seeing this side of him.

Um, Barb, don't you mean that EJ said "Sa.....Saman......Samanther"? :D Sorry, couldn't resist.
Great write-up as always! Also, hope you are feeling better this morning.
@red.....want to know how I rewound and played it again just to make sure? LOL

@Izzy, yes, am feeling better today, not a 100%, but better than yesterday, for sure.
Thank you for the write up ... its the only way for me to keep up to date with Days.
A Big Thank You!

Poirot, I don't think we tell you enough how much we all appreciate all of your hard work. I know this must take a lot of time and concentration and I just thought I would take a minute to let you know what a wonderful job you do - not just in the summaries but also in monitoring and correcting our mis-placed posts. (I read this while I'm at work so please don't tell my boss!)

I, too, love the story line with "dark" Brady - he is so good at being bad, not ruthless or truly evil, just bad enough to keep Vivian in-line. Eric, Louise and John have been incredible in this story and they have all made the most of their well-written scripts. I especially love the scenes with John and Suzanne - you just can't beat experience! I can't wait to see Monday's show to see Victor's reaction to "Vivian's" e-mail.

Thank you again Poirot!
Thank you Thank you! It is my favorite time of the morning too. In fact, I purposely don't read it first thing just so I have it to look forward to. Ok now that I've revealed myself to be a dork....

I'm quickly falling in love with this side of Brady. :hot:

Sheesh Stephanie, give it a rest already. Poiret, I loved your 'let's get this part over' comment. :clap:
Thanks Barb. I have been fighting bronchitis since Tuesday so I am trying not to laugh because it causes me to cough.

I was so hoping that Sami would tell Rafe that she did it, but I guess we will have to wait for more dramatic affect.

I have to get back to coughing now
This is going to be such a hoot!

Victor dancing, Vivian wailing, and the suddenly wonderful Brady bringing it on!:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

Thank you, Barb.:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
@Rookaloo-you said it! :)

I can't wait to see this episode and hear Brady's toast (and see Victor's joy at finding out he's a single man again). Sweet!

Thanks, as always, for the wonderful write up!
Poirot, I don't think we tell you enough how much we all appreciate all of your hard work. I know this must take a lot of time and concentration and I just thought I would take a minute to let you know what a wonderful job you do - not just in the summaries but also in monitoring and correcting our mis-placed posts. (I read this while I'm at work so please don't tell my boss!)

Oldie, you are absolutely right! I know I don't thank her often enough. What a wonderful job she does for us! Thank you, Barb.

I, too, love the story line with "dark" Brady - he is so good at being bad, not ruthless or truly evil, just bad enough to keep Vivian in-line.

I totally agree.
Only at Salem hospital does someone go from "no hope" and being disconnected from life support, to speaking, all in one day.
Saw the show. Just adored Victor's reaction to finding that Vivian is gone. Brady was super with his toast.

I just knew that EJ would live. Hmmm wondering if he is callling Sami's name because he is hurt loves her and wants her near him or as the one that shot him. The fact that he used her proper name makes me think he is trying to tell everyone who shot him.