Days of Our Lives - Mon., Sept. 24, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, September 24, 2018

Jennifer tells Eric why Nicole really left Salem and him, and takes ¾ of the show to do it. In true soap fashion, she cannot just spit it out, she has to beat around the bush forever, hinting, giving tidbits until finally she has told all. Eric wants to know how she knows all this, she is reluctant to name Eve, but mentions the amulet, Nicole had it in Eric’s room, someone found it. Eric remembers Brady apologizing for trashing his room, now realizes it was him. Jennifer admits it, then has to tell Eric she has known for 2 months now. He is shocked, leaves her, she realizes she has lost him. She calls someone, says , it’s me, I need you. (personal comment, it is mid-Sept., Jen is wearing a spaghetti strap dress, and I do not like long hair combed to one side, to be draped over one shoulder. Just me)

Shawn D. comes to see Rafe, as he is disturbed by her insistence of Ben’s guilt with no proof, and the sudden finding of evidence. They talk, beat around the bush, Rafe admits it bothers him as well, tho he has not directly said anything. He hates the idea of having to investigate it all, but Shawn says then just let him do it. He is expert in forensics, and his mom would never think it was coming from him. Rafe agrees.

Meanwhile, Ciara is polishing her bike, Hope arrives, glad to see Ciara taking such good care of her dad’s bike. She feels it makes her feel closer to him, Hope knows. Ciara mentions Ben repairing it, Hope knows, and they get on to the subject of psychopath Ben, as Hope calls him. Hope knows Rafe thinks she planted evidence, Ciara knows she didn’t, is sorry Hope is hurt by all of this, believes her. Ciara wonders if maybe Ben doesn’t remember starting the fire, being he was off his meds right then. Hope admits it is possible, but insists everything Ben has done has been to make Ciara trust him, so he could easily kill her. Ciara knows how she defended Ben to her mom, her friends, especially to Tripp, but understands he is guilty after Hope told her of the evidence. Hugs.

Eve is in a robe, falls on to the bed, flashing back to Jennifer promising not to tell Eric. She is smiling, Brady comes out, matching robe (guess hotel provides them, lol) wonders why she looks so happy. Cause she is, they are together, all is well in the world, etc. etc. Kiss, kiss, & next we see them, he is bare chested, she has the sheet covering so just bare shoulders showing. Phone rings, tis Theresa, who evidently informs Brady she is staying in L.A., even though Kim is better. He is furious, she cannot do that. Oh, yes, she can. She has sole custody. He puts the phone down, as Theresa hung up on him, rants and raves, commenting on being the father, and this would not have happened if those drugs were not planted in JJ’s apt. Next scene they are talking of Victor arranging that, Eve trying to explain how Vic loves Brady and Tate, was trying to help. Brady doesn’t like her defending Victor, but she is looking rather uncomfortable, says she only wants him to be happy. She will go see Theresa and fix this. No, not necessary. Pounding on the door….Brady opens, it is Eric. I know what you did, he says.

Hattie (as Marlena) is insisting she wants to get married, right away, today. Tells Belle to call Abe. Gotta says the looks on John’s face are absolutely priceless, as Hattie insists she doesn’t want to wait any longer. John is saying she was nearly dying less than 24 hrs. ago, needs some time, no hurry. Oh, she is fine, doesn’t want to wait another minute. Abe is in a town meeting, not available, they run late. O.K. tomorrow morning. She tells Belle to get on the horn, and tell Abe to put on his marrying shoes, gonna be a wedding. Belle is grinning, John beside himself, Belle leaves, and he turns to Hattie, what the heck is the matter with you.

Hope returns to the P.S., asks Rafe what he is working on. Belle meets up with Shawn, tells him about the upcoming wedding, she is so excited, Shawn is delighted as well.

Hattie explains to John, that when Marlena wakes up, she figures they are going to send her back to the slammer, so she is insuring she won’t be sent. John still has ISA connections, will get her relocated, a job, but Hattie doesn’t want to have a low paying job. No, and what if Marlena doesn’t wake up. She talks of telling how Roman & Kayla arranged this whole plot, Kayla will lose her job. John knows Hattie has a thing for Roman, but she wants her security, and is going to blow the whistle if he doesn’t cooperate. And then his precious Marlena will have the plug pulled, and be no more. John is frustrated , Hattie has the upper hand.
I had to laugh when Hope said it's hard to know who to trust when Ciara talking about Ben. I said yep and it ain't your mama!!

Eric is pretty funny - what do I have to do to prove to you that I don't have any feelings for Nicole. Wait? She did still love me? I gotta go!!

John's marriage to "Marlena" wouldn't be valid so I don't know why he's freaking. He won't really be married to Hattie.

I am hoping against Hope that she did plant that accelerant. I do not want it to be someone else and she gets off then everyone will have to be Oh Hope I'm so sorry I didn't believe you. I don't like her. I want her to lose her job.
Even if she did not plant that accelerant, Hope should lose her job. She has ignored all other crime in the city to focus on putting Ben behind bars, has relentlessly accused him without cause. Despite the testimony of the pharmacy, and no proof he "hitched a ride" she has been judge, jury, convicted & sentenced him. This is why her son & Rafe are concerned. She has proved herself unable to be unbiased, in addition to pulling all manpower off of everything to search for her daughter. For heaven's sakes a whole big squad of cops were hanging around that pharmacy the one day, which is why Ben could not get his refill.
Saw this....and for those who won't see this episode, I made some remarks about Jen within the summary, which I probably should have saved for a post afterwards, but honestly, it is not summer in Salem, and I just am not liking this hairstyle.........found a pic......I know this is just me.....but......

Even if she did not plant that accelerant, Hope should lose her job. She has ignored all other crime in the city to focus on putting Ben behind bars, has relentlessly accused him without cause. Despite the testimony of the pharmacy, and no proof he "hitched a ride" she has been judge, jury, convicted & sentenced him. This is why her son & Rafe are concerned. She has proved herself unable to be unbiased, in addition to pulling all manpower off of everything to search for her daughter. For heaven's sakes a whole big squad of cops were hanging around that pharmacy the one day, which is why Ben could not get his refill.

Let's not forget Hope would have allowed Eve to kill Ben, as she stood there watching. Yep - Hope should be behind bars for a multitude of reasons,but for sure, she should not be the Police Commissioner. She's more corrupt then most of the villians these days!
Delusions abounded in Salem today (even more than usual).

Shawn: He actually thinks that his ex-con mother is a "good cop??" He must not have heard about all the illegal break-ins that she staged with Bo Brady, the kidnapping and assault of Fake Rafe, and the Stefano murder and cover-up.

Hattie: She actually thinks that coercing John into a marriage ceremony will result in a valid union? She ought to guess again. John could have such a wretched marriage annulled in a Salem second. Even Belle or bumbling Justin could easily accomplish this.

Hope: She really thinks that her so-called evidence with "stick." Rafe and Shawn are right about this one. Any good defense attorney would make thoroughly chopped liver out of Hope's "evidence" and the police commissioner herself.

Jenny: She actually thought that Nicole-obsessed Eric was the man for her? Any guy who'd go storming off in a Salem second the moment after he learns why Nicole left town wasn't a good choice for Jen-Jen. Frankly, Jenny should take a break from foolish, fickle Salem men and try going to work at the Spectator.

Brady: He thinks that Eve is the only one he can count on? Eve's feelings for Brady may be genuine, but her tactics could easily put him on the road to ruin.
Thanks, Poirot.

Poor Jen-Jen. She finally told Eric the truth and he left her.

Good news from Theresa. Kim is better. Bad news from Theresa she's
not coming back to Salem. I bet she found some movies she can do
for Hallmark (Jen Lilley the actress is doing another one)

Oh my, Hattie wants to marry John. Will it happen? Will the ceremony
count since she's not Marlena? Will she want a honeymoon too?

I'm not sure what Rafe was looking at on his laptop. Was it a can to hold
? Surprised he lied to Hope what he was doing.
Hope should lose her job. She has ignored all other crime
Bo did the same thing, with Hope's help at times, and he never lost his job. I don't think it's too far-fetched that Hope pulled out all the stops when Ciara was missing, and that she wants to protect her from Ben. I'd have a hard time believing that someone like Ben could suddenly be reformed by a few months of therapy and medication. I don't believe Hope planted the evidence. I'm with the ones who think Tripp did it. It wouldn't be the first time he tried to frame someone.

Regarding the picture of Jennifer and Eric: His hair looks worse than hers. It looks as greasy as EJ's used to look. At least Jennifer doesn't have hers parted in the middle and stuck behind her ears this time.
You beat me to that one, How many times this summer have we seen shirtless Brady? You know, the man who had a heart transplant with no scars on his chest, or even meds to take. Makes you wonder how they got his failing heart out, and the new one in......Then again, this is the same guy who flew to Malibu just a few weeks after that transplant, walked right into the ocean, swam and saved a gal's life. Even carried her out. Maybe that ocean saltwater erased the surgery scars. Gosh, people in Salem are lucky. LOL