Days of Our Lives Mon. Sept. 30, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, September 30, 2019

Replay of Jack & Jen in the square, her babbling away, him saying Jennifer.....stop talking....kiss, kiss, and more kiss. JJ comes along, and is told the news. Jack gives him a wonderful fill in of all he remembers, including holding his son in his arms for the first time. JJ wants to call Abby with the good news, but Jack notes that it is late in Paris, all will be sleeping, they can do so later.

Hope & Doug are in Julie's room, waiting to hear about the surgery. Kayla arrives, breaks the news that Kate woke up, no heart for Julie, they will be bringing her back. Doug & Hope are glad for Kate & her family, but realize what that means for them.

Jen, Jack & JJ arrive to see Julie, now back in her room, she is happy for them, Jack, his memory back, etc. Jack talks to Kayla, lets her know he remembers everything, the good and the bad. She tells him she forgave him before, and they even became friends. He is overwhelmed, wonders how she could do that, so huge a thing..gets very emotional, has to go out for some air. Later JJ talks to her, learns his dad went outside, tells Jen.

Vivian is calling the hospital, pretending to be Billie Reed, wants to know if the transplant with her mother is over. She gets the news about Kate waking up. Is floored, knows Kate will tell who shot her right away. Downstairs, Stefan & Gabi are sweet-talking each other, he gifts her with a globe to pick a spot for a honeymoon, she wants to know more about him, they kiss, get worked up, decide to delay dinner, go upstairs. As they start, heavy knocking at the door. Tis Rafe, come to arrest Vivian, and says why. Stefan says Viv not there, Gabi says that's a lie, she is upstairs. Stefan having fit, but Gabi says look behind you, Viv is there. Gabi knows Rafe will be down shortly, shags Viv down to the tunnels. Stefan thanks her.

Lucas has a hard time trying to tell his mother about agreeing to give heart to Julie. She rants about Vivian, flashes back to all that happened, Lucas asks how she got out of that dirt, with a serious gunshot wound, and all way to hospital. She tried to flag down a car, no luck, no wonder, covered with dirt and blood, looked like walking dead. Homeless man took pity, walked her to the hospital door.. Lucas finally manages to tell her, she is shocked, but really doesn't blame him. She feels bad for Julie, & her family, and blames Kayla, mostly Vivian.

Jen finds Jack in the square, understands how he feels, tells him he is greatly changed from back then, they exchange I love you, kissing again.

Julie wakes up, learns from Doug & Hope she doesn't have a new heart, and probably won't be getting one. Julie is failing, getting weaker, says she feels herself slipping away.

Rafe comes downstairs, Viv not there, Gabi says that was last place they saw her. They tell of wanting dinner alone, Viv probably left. Rafe decides to search the rest of the house, and will start with the tunnels!
Jack talks to Kayla, lets her know he remembers everything, the good and the bad. She tells him she forgave him before, and they even became friends.
Guess Ron didn't watch old episodes before writing this part. While Kayla did forgive Jack, she was icily polite to him, at best, because he was Steve's brother.
Agree, JS...definitely. However Jack appears now absolutely mortified at what he did, & is beating himself up over the bad things.
He even realized and is ashamed of how badly he treated others in his family while having no memory of his past (he mentions Haley to JJ). Do hope that at some point he will realize how Eve manipulated him, so easy for her since he had no memory of the man he was.
He was fully "redeemed" for the rape years ago. But while Kayla did forgive him, she was only polite/civil to him, for the sake of Steve. And Jack was fine with that. They were able to co-exist as in-laws in a polite manner.
I remember that but certain characters would remind Jack of his past. It is past time that stopped ad Jack is a different man now.
For the most part, the majority of the Salemites accepted that Jack was deeply remorseful for his actions. But you're always going to have random characters who throw it in his face. I think that's pretty normal considering he raped Kayla.
Who's claustrophobic?: Vivian? Really? If so, how did she survive when Brady kept her shut up in the magic sarcophagus?

About that health proxy: So Kate wants Austin on her health proxy instead of Mr. Pull the Plug, Lucas? While she's at it, she ought to include a list of persons who are not to receive any of her organs (e.g., Sami, any DiMera, etc). After all, unworthy people shouldn't receive Kate's high-end body parts

Let's sue the hospital: Kate thinks that she could successfully sue the hospital for planning to give Julie her heart? Even the likes of Ted Laurent wouldn't take this case. Even if it was shown that poor Kayla was negligent in diagnosing Kate as terminal, she has no case because Kayla's mistake did not cause her any demonstrable harm.

The secret is out: Stefano must be turning over in his grave now that the Salem P.D. and everybody else knows how to get into his secret tunnels. The fact that this happened on Zero's watch is more proof that he's not a real DiMera.
Lucas finally manages to tell her, she is shocked, but really doesn't blame him. She feels bad for Julie, & her family, and blames Kayla, mostly Vivian.
Wow, perhaps the zip-up juice Rolf injected her with has made her somebody worthy of a fifteenth chance!
So Kate wants Austin on her health proxy instead of Mr. Pull the Plug, Lucas?
Good, she'll die next time while they're playing phone tag with Mr-Switzerland-Paris-chasing-Noah-at-Soccer.

JS, I had the same thought about Jack/Kayla. Cordial, polite - never friends. As to Jack being redeemed, he is, and that doesn't mean "completely forgotten". I'd not be in favour of that type of storytelling. He raped a woman. That should never be forgotten, just as it wouldn't in real life. It should bother him sometimes. (And honestly, Ron did a fantastic job on One Life to Live with a similar character who had raped a woman in his youth of bringing it up appropriately for character-driving stories.)

I also want to throw in that I don't think Gabi should get any heat for "riling up" Julie or leaving her "to die." Not only was Julie's faking it totally plausible, would it really have mattered if she'd gotten to the hospital 20 minutes earlier, given her allegedly dire condition? I'm genuinely asking as I only watch on days when I have to do the summary, and the show is so very bad at medical stories. Given her condition, she might be slightly more comfortable, but it's not likely it would have "saved" her.
Thanks, Poirot.

A busy day in Salem with happy and sad news tied together.

I'm glad Rafe opened the door to the secret tunnel. Maybe this means
the Salem PD won't be so stupid.

Poor Julie. Kate woke up and now she won't get her heart. Great scenes
with Julie and her family, JJ, Jen, Doug and Hope.

Nice scenes with JJ, Jack and Jen.

I laughed when Lucas was trying to tell Kate that he was giving her heart to
Julie. Kate thought about suing Kayla. And now we know the rest of the
story of how Kate had help from a homeless man to get to the hospital.
from what I understand, with heart attack, or stroke...the faster the medical help is given, the better. Once, I was in room across from ER. Man came in, had the chest pains in the morning. It was 10 p.m. I did not sleep all night, listening to them working on him, calling in others. Twas amazing. My doc came in around 8 a.m. to see me (rounds) unshaven, so tired. Yes, they saved him. guy was in an oxygen Tent now. When I went for a followup over a month later, the guy has finally been released. His son was an EMT, but he would not call him!!!
He was lucky...doc said if he had come in right away...he would have only been there a day or 2. I know they have meds. Time is of the essence.....
with heart attack, or stroke.
This is very true, and again I'm only dipping in & out with this wreck of a story, but this is sounding like the end stages of congestive heart failure or some other chronic condition that was only revealed after the heart attack.

It also depends on us ignoring that people can get from Salem to Mexico in about an hour, and across town in seconds. How much time elapsed between Gabi leaving and Julie's being found? Did it really take her long to get to the hospital? Etc.

Unless the point is to make us like Gabi again since they spent a year trashing her as a cheap villainess...? So everyone piles on her for not acting more quickly to save Julie?
Well, having just gone thru a man collapsing right in front of me in church, & how swiftly folks responded, including yelling out 911, which brought at least a dozen people jumping up and running to aid........I can say that even if Gabi thought Julie was faking, (and she WAS sinking down to the ground+...Gabi could have called 911. Either Julie would have stopped her if faking, or Gabi would have at least tried, just in case.
Thanks Poirot!
That is the very least Gabi could have/should have done. I just don't think Gabi cared! (in my opinion)
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