Days of our Lives - Monday, April 8, 2024

ShaunP(not ShawnD!)

Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 1969
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39 minutes today

Pub: John comes over to Steve, who is searching and coming up empty on where Clyde is. They talk about how Ava might know more than she’s letting on.

Tripp/Wendy Apartment: Ava and Harris are starting their day. Harris asks how Ava feels about quitting her job at the Bistro? She says she feels free for the first time in her life.

KMansion: Maggie is looking at Victor’s portrait as Konstantin walks in. Maggie says she’s trying to reconcile the many faces of Victor. Konstantin compliments Maggie, says she inspires him.

Establishing shot of Titan building (not sure I’ve seen that one yet). Theresa is looking at some papers while sitting on Alex’s desk when he walks in. He compliments her work at their earlier meeting and how nice it is to see her in person in the office. Brady enters saying he heard that “T-Boss” was back. He needs to talk to her about Tate.

Back to Ava/Harris. They’re eating vegan bacon. Harris gets a text about the audit. Everything checks out at the Bistro, books are clean. Nothing links Ava to the illegal activity. Ava can’t believe Stefan actually took the fall for her. She’s worried people won’t believe she had nothing to do with it. Harris says that everyone who knows wants to protect her. She’s free to live her life.

Pub: More discussion about how they can’t trust Ava. They need to go talk to her since they’re responsible for Clyde’s prison break. Kayla walks in asking what they’re talking about?

Titan: Theresa and Brady talk about Tate, Alex pretends to be on his phone in the background, eavesdropping. Theresa can’t understand why Tate wants to be around Holly. Brady thinks as long as all of the parents are on the same page, it should work out. Theresa thanks Brady for being mature, they hug.

KMansion: Maggie doesn’t understand how Konstantin and Victor became friends. Konstanin spins his tale of how they were kindred spirits, he became important. Maggie talks of how finding Victor was her second chapter of love after Mickey, to both of their surprise.

Pub: Kayla wants to know what Steve can’t live with. Steve says he can’t live with the fact that Clyde is out there. He and John leave, Kayla soap stares.

KMansion: Konstanin says Maggie brings out the best in him, just as he’s sure she did for Victor. Seeing how Konstanin moved forward, it helps her to live with what she knows about the other parts of Victor’s life. Julie comes in yelling of how the place is becoming a madhouse.

Titan: Brady and Theresa continue talking about Tate, Holly, EJ, Nicole. Theresa says she needs to go to a meeting. Alex conveniently pops over saying he’s thinking of making chicken piccata for dinner and asks if she wants some? Brady says did I miss something? Oh, she didn’t tell you? Theresa moved back in with me. Brady soap stares.

Apartment: Harris asks Ava what she wants to be when she grows up. She says when she was little, she wanted to be a fashion designer, but given her family, that wouldn’t happen. Cooking is her passion. Harris says whatever she decides, he’ll be there to support her, he believes in her. Knock at the door. Steve and John walk in saying they need to talk about Weston. Harris stands up with a confused look.

KMansion: Julie wants to know how long spring break is and when Thomas and Charlotte go back to school? Konstantin excuses himself. Julie asks what she walked in on?

Titan: Brady is confused, thought she was going to the Salem Inn? She says she ran into Alex on the way and he reminded her half of her stuff is still at his place. So they’re roomies again.

Apartment: Steve and John see that Harris is there, say they can come back later. Harris is interested, so Black Patch plays cool asking if there’s any chance Ava might remember or think of anything that would help them find Weston? She says she can’t, that she wants Clyde found just as much as the rest of them. Harris thanks them for their work and says if they get any leads to share with the police.

Ava excuses herself to get ready. Steve leaves, John wants to hang back. He asks Harris if he can see Goldman’s personnel file, which is against police policy to show him. Then John says he wants to ask a personal question, one that is a shared experience: what Megan did to them. John’s worried that even with the therapy it’s not enough, they they’re a ticking time bomb and and that at any time they could go off.

KMansion: Julie and Maggie talk about Konstantin, his daughter, John, Victor. Julie says Doug had a past but he moved beyond it and became a great, loving person. Victor’s virtue was falling in love with Maggie.

Titan: Alex and Brady peacock about Theresa. Alex talks about wanting Theresa to do well personally and professionally. Brady said he sounds like Granddad, setting his people up for success in business. Victor would be proud. They talk about Tate. Then Brady reminds him of what he said back in Greece. Don’t screw with Theresa.

Square: Theresa runs into Konstantin. He’s been trying to reach her, he wants an update on Alex. She tells him she moved back, but it's just platonic. Konstantin says for now? Then tells her what he’s about to say might surprise her.

Kayla’s office at the hospital: Steve walks in with flowers. Kayla asks what he did now? She knows he’s keeping something from her. Steve says he doesn’t want her to have to lie for him. She wants to know. He says sit down, it’s a long story.

Apartment: Harris says he has thought about not having control, but that he learned from the doctors how to handle it. John wants to know how? He has to remind himself that he’s not responsible for those actions when he wasn’t in control. You have to tell yourself over and over it’s not your fault, it’s those who tried to control them. You have to forgive yourself or you’ll always be a victim.

Kayla’s office: Kayla is in disbelief about the “extraction” of Clyde. What were they thinking? You essentially negotiated with a terrorist. She can’t believe they would trust Ava. How could you do something so stupid?

Titan: Alex is not appreciating the “advice” from Brady. He thinks Brady is more interested in Theresa than just being the mother of his child. Alex isn’t buying it. Tells Brady whatever happens between the 2 of them under his roof is their business.

Square: Konstantin wants Theresa to play hard to get, to become forbidden fruit. Theresa says she is planning on doing more of a slow burn until he is “consumed by the flames of passion” (she says mocking Konstantin’s accent, pretty well actually!).

Kayla’s office: more arguing between Steve and Kayla about Ava. Kayla storms out after saying basically you should know better.

Bench at the Square: Brady sits down next to John. He invites him to a Cubbies game with him and Tate. John is beaming, says he feels better, more optimistic.

KMansion: Maggie and Julie share their appreciation for each other. Julie asks about Holly. Maggie tells her about the drug confession. Julie tells her she doesn’t have to bear the burden all on her own, she’s not alone. Come to think of it, she’s not alone much these days. Maggie says she is becoming fond of Konstantin.

Alex/Theresa Apartment: Theresa is folding laundry, being very obvious at showing which pieces of lingerie she’s picking up to a flustered Alex. He says he’s going to take a shower, then start making the chicken. Mission close to accomplished, Theresa says to herself.

Tripp/Wendy Apartment: Ava asks if the coast is clear? They make out. Harris has to run home to get a change of clothes, exits. Ava gets a phone call from an unknown number. “Well hello there, little lady. I bet you thought you were rid of me!” says Clyde.
A few things I noticed today:

The timing was so off today. Ava and Harris were having breakfast and she was clearing off the breakfast dishes at the same time Theresa and Alex were talking about making dinner (after work).

And I like the establishing shots, but when did little ol' Salem become such a metropolis with all those sky scrapers?

Konny was really sweating today. It was so distracting.

Why do people answer phones from unknown numbers? When will they ever learn that is never a good thing.
Kayla walks in asking what they’re talking about?
This happens a lot on DOOL. Just curious, have you ever walked in on a conversation and asked "what are you talking about?" I would be appalled if someone presumed that my conversation with someone else was any of their business. I want to biff my TV screen every time someone does this.
Thanks, ShaunP for helping today.

Did Steve think Kayla would be happy when she found out he helped Clyde escape?

Nice to see John in a better mood than when we saw him last.

I don't like how Maggie is having second thoughts about Victor since Konstantin has been
talking to her.

A great conversation with Ava and Harris talking about vegan bacon. Not really.

Harris tried to smile today.

Alex was being his slimy self telling Brady that Theresa moved back in the apartment.

An interesting end seeing Clyde himself on the phone. Is he in Salem or someplace else that
has the same brick like the park?
Lots of snooze-worthy blather today. Who could care about Ava, Harris, and vegan bacon? (The fact that they like the vegan variety is enough to send people to the greasy, salty original.) The most notable moments involved slimy Konstantin. One could imagine the steam coming out of ghost Victor’s ears when creepy K said that they were “kindred spirits.” Equally bad was the grifter carrying on about “hope.” The ugly truth is that the mere presence of the cheesy con man could cause people to lose all high expectations for the future. Finally, the faker’s concept of Theresa as “forbidden fruit.” The sad reality is that the only fruit that Tater Tot’s mom resembles is the kind that’s been sitting around far too long.
Definitely was a snoozer of an episode. I want to like Ava and Harris together because I like both actors, but it's just not happening. Though I did appreciate the Harris/John conversation since maybe hearing "get over yourself and move on" from someone other than Doc or Steve might get John to stop brooding.

I was half expecting Alex to come up behind Theresa in the Square when she was talking to Konstantin. Ready for everything about that story to wrap up and get K-man off our screens. Don't like Maggie and everyone else getting comfortable with him.

Kudos to Mary Beth Evans (Kayla) for capturing the frustration with Steve over Ava. I'm surprised that fight hasn't happened a few more times given their family's "complex" relationship with Ms. Vitali. The fact that Kayla even speaks to Ava in a cordial way speaks volumes about Kayla's character.