Days of Our Lives - Monday, Aug. 25th, 2008


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Days of Our Lives

Monday, August 25, 2008

Episode #10,897 Taped 7/29 Director – Herb Stein

In Marseilles, Max & Stephanie pace their cell, trying to figure out how they are going to get out of jail. If only they had their cell phones, they could call someone. Stephanie gets and idea, fluffs up her hair, pulls her low cut dress down a bit, and calls for the guard. Finally, they hear someone coming, and a confident Stephanie’s smile vanishes as a Big Bertha type comes into the area, asking what she wants. Max grins from ear to ear. Later, as the commiserate with each other, another guard arrives, male & good looking. He is Sebastion, call him Seb, and recognizes Stephanie as the former race car driver he has seen before. She evidently sweettalks him into giving her back her cell phone, and now she makes a call…to her parents. Alas they do not answer, she leaves a message to call her, but that is all. Then she sees a message from Nick. Oh, my gosh, he is here, in Marseilles!!! (Lucky Nick, it did not take him 72 hours to travel the 400 miles between Paris & Marseilles – must have taken a different train, LOLOL)
And there is Nick, who just happens to be in the same café as Melanie & her friend, Michelle. He overhears Melanie talking of being broke, & needing to find a guy with money, yada, yada, so pretends to be on his cell, telling someone he won’t consider anything not 6 figures, etc. Melanie figures she has spotted her next sugar daddy, thinks he is kind of cute in a geeky way, dons her glasses to look studious, then asks to borrow the financial section of his newspaper. Doesn’t take long, he invites her to sit, they will share. Small talk ensues, she flirts, of course. He gets a call from Stephanie, letting him know they are in jail, Max’s sis is a con artist, he promises to come right over. Now Melanie wants to go for a “bite to eat” down by the river, but Nick tells her his passport was stolen & it has been found, they caught the guy, so he has to go pick it up. He asks her to come along, and they can catch a late lunch after. She agrees and off they go.
At the police station, Nick & Melanie are led into the cell area, Stephanie says, Oh, Nick, thank goodness. Max says well, Melanie, good to see you. Melanie is surprised, asking Nick if he knows these guys.

Back in Salem, Nicole sits at the Chez Rouge bar, Trent joins her. She tries brushing him off, going to sit at a table, but he follows. They exchange a few nasty insults, more threats from Trent to reveal their marriage, making hers to Victor invalid. Nicole wants him to leave her alone, she has done all he asked. Oh, just one more. This young girl, Melanie, is in France, & he wants Nicole to find out if Max knows her. Nicole asks who she is, another wife, mistress, student, and Trent discloses that Melanie is his daughter. Nicole is surprised he has told her this, now she has a secret on him…….only Trent comments that her disclosing his secret won’t cost him any money or possible jail time for bigamy. That deflates Nicole, who agrees to find out what she can.

Sami tells Lucas he cannot just take Allie, but he is determined. EJ insists that as an ex-con he cannot get custody, and is he just takes Allie, he will be guilty of kidnapping & end up back in prison, with no get out of jail free card this time. Lucas realizes that Stefano being on the loose is dangerous for Johnny, & could be a threat to his daughter, and all the more reason. Lucas calls Mickey, who comes over with Maggie. Mickey goes to talk with EJ & Sami, letting them know Lucas WOULD have a pretty good case. EJ comments on the attempted murder charge, & history of alcohol abuse. Nope, Lucas would have a good chance, they are not considering Stefano. Meanwhile, Maggie is talking to Lucas, who assures her that it is over with him & Sami, that he is done with her and moving on. She asks if that means with Chloe. Lucas doesn’t know. Chloe has qualities which first attracted him to Sami, but not all the rage and anger. She just wants him to make sure he doesn’t follow one bad choice with another. He knows that, and heck, he & Chloe have not even gone on a date yet. Good, Maggie replies, you are taking it slow. Lucas only wants his daughter, goes back to confront Sami, telling her he wants his daughter, and if she wants to go to court, fine. They will go to court, and she will lose.

John sits next to Marlena’s bed, surprised at her “who are you” question. Who am I?, he asks, I am John Black. Ohhhh, yes, says Marlena, I couldn’t tell, things were very fuzzy. She realizes he thought perhaps she had no memory, but she remembers everything, her family, her friends, and now he asks her what happened. She remembers being on the phone with John, hanging up, and then as she talks, we see a few flashbacks, the intruder, her struggle with him, the injection, and she remembers nothing more. John tells her that he & Anna found her, brought her to the hospital. She realizes it was Stefano, that he had her injected with the same drugs she used on him. She also tells John, how Stefano was in her room, (another flashback) and the things he said to her. Marlena does act a bit cold and distant to John, who really appears to be concerned and worried about her. Marlena talks a bit of her family, and with Stefano out of him coma, becomes agitated about Johnny, starts to get out of bed (obviously no longer paralyzed at all). John stops her, telling her Sami was just there, all is o.k.
Lexie comes in, Marlena wants to go home, not quite yet. Lexie does the questions….your name, where are you, who am I, etc. Marlena answers everything correctly. John takes Lexie aside, asking how Marlena really is. Marlena assures them she is fine, & why is he so concerned. He reminds her that she’d still be comatose if he had not found her. Lexie takes John out in the hall, telling him not to get Marlena agitated, who knows what the residual effects of those drugs might be? John goes back inside, apologizes if he got her upset, then tells Marlena that he will protect her from Stefano, and that when she is released, he wants her to come home with him, to his house. She looks at him…..and says, she cannot do that.

Thanks for the great post!

Looks like Melanie may not be Nicole's afterall. Surely she would have reactted differently if she had of even suspected a little bitty bit that this was a child she had given up. Or will it be one of those s/l's where she was told it was stillborn when it really wasn't and Trent took the baby?

It is a soap! LOL

Still bored with the France s/l. Just can't get excited bout that.
Thank you for the write up. Glad to see more of John & Marlena together. Also happy to see Nick, love this young man in the show, he's different from all the other guys on the show. Just happy that they are putting him in more just not sure would want to see him with Melinie who seems alot like her father Trent. Thank goodness Max did not have to grow up around Trent for a father, happy that he had the Brady's. Love the way the show is going.
Thanks for the write up....cant say much more than I did yesterday abou the whole I'm goiin to take my kid & leave. Can no one sit down and talk rationally about custody of the kids!! I am so sick of the gripping back & forth between these 3!!
Glad Marlena does remember things!!
As for the France thing & Melanie!!!! For petes sake...end it!

Thanks for the write up Barb!!
Thanks for the write up. So glad that Marlena remembers everything. I really did not want another lost memory storyline. The show sounds good today anxious to see Nicole and Trent together. I will see it later today.
Actually I'm really intrigued that Nick played Melanie. I hadn't expected that.
Laepadgett, as I said yesterday, I too am sick of the tug-of -war with those poor babies! Glad that someone agrees. Also, I couldn't agree with you more about the France thing. Get Max and Stephanie out of jail already! BTW, what was Stephanie charged with anyway?
Way to go Nick! I really like that character, and FINALLY Days has him in a plot other than a wimpy love struck nerd. I think he has great potential and I hope he is involved in more pivotal storylines. Time will tell, I guess.
Thanks again for another great recap Barb.
I juist would like to see the trio stop fighting for once and do the right thing for the children.
As for John & Marlena I think she would be afraid to live in Stefanos house now that he is back. There is too many bad memories there.
Thanks for the summary. I'm having Philip withdrawal. Except for the film noir episodes, we haven't seen much of his cute face, and certainly nothing that furthers his storyline. It's been two weeks since Morgan smacked him and walked out of the Kiriakis mansion. I hope he'll be back on during the coming week.

Have a good weekend, everyone.

Excuse me, but how on earth can Lucas have a "good chance" of getting custody of Allie??? Wasn't he just in prison? Isn't he an attempted murderer?
I love this soap but sometimes it gets silly in the head! Anyone else want to demand a twin?
Thanks Barb for the fab write-up as usual!
Excuse me, but how on earth can Lucas have a "good chance" of getting custody of Allie??? Wasn't he just in prison? Isn't he an attempted murderer?
I love this soap but sometimes it gets silly in the head! Anyone else want to demand a twin?
Thanks Barb for the fab write-up as usual!

Heck I wonder how any of the 3 of them could get custody. I mean if you start looking at anything these 3 have done in the past....they should be placing those babies with someone else! :)
Thanks for the summary. I'm having Philip withdrawal. Except for the film noir episodes, we haven't seen much of his cute face, and certainly nothing that furthers his storyline. It's been two weeks since Morgan smacked him and walked out of the Kiriakis mansion. I hope he'll be back on during the coming week.

Have a good weekend, everyone.

I heard they were mainly concentrating on the hospital storyline during the Olympics, due to possible broadcasting conflicts. They're over on Sunday, so hopefully next week we'll get some more of the other storylines.
Excuse me, but how on earth can Lucas have a "good chance" of getting custody of Allie??? Wasn't he just in prison? Isn't he an attempted murderer?
I love this soap but sometimes it gets silly in the head! Anyone else want to demand a twin?
Thanks Barb for the fab write-up as usual!

I totally agree. Since these kids barely see their parents anyway, why not give them to a 3rd party? I wonder if Carrie and Austin have any more spare rooms?!
I think from what I read that the reason Lucas had a chance of getting custody was because Stefano was back and that would put Allie in danger if she were living with Stefano's son.....or something like that.....
A third party? Yikes, I would hate to think they could take my kids and give them to a 3rd party cause I didn't spend an appropriate amount of time with them, whatever that would be...!!! But it is Salem...!!!
The insinuation was indeed that Stefano was back, had disappeared, and had previously sought control of Johnny. With the Sami residing in the DiMera house with the father of Johnny, it would perhaps not provide a safe environment for Allie.

Please remember that no matter what Lucas has been accused of....he has never been found to have neglected his children, or treated them with anything other than love and tried to protect them.
Please remember that no matter what Lucas has been accused of....he has never been found to have neglected his children, or treated them with anything other than love and tried to protect them.


Thank you for reminding everyone that Lucas is a good Dad. I hate that he looks so bad because of being in jail for "attemped Murder" (I don't believe that it was him but we'll just have to wait and see) Yet these poor children are better off with a DiMera that has committed a number of crimes and has not been convicted of any of them and that includes attempted murder (shooting John) Personally if I were Sami I would take both the children and run far far far away. Let Chloe and Nicole have the men.

I come in peace these are just my opinions. not meant to start WW3...
Why do they always want to take the kids when their sleeping..

but they are always sleeping.:)

I wish they would come up with a different story line for these three other then "I'm taking my son or daughter, and Sami and I are done." blah, blah, blah". Every time they use this same story line I think of the three of them running on a wheel that just keeps going, but it doesn't go anywhere. They just keep spinning their wheels. It is getting very boring to say the least.

Where is the romance? I have not seen it in a long time. Does the elevator count? :confused: