Days of our Lives - Monday August 21, 2023


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
36 minutes today, seemed a lot longer.

Melinda appears at Sloan’s door. Melinda needs a favor. Melinda seems upset.

EJ in the DiMera living room reading his tablet. Moving the news to tablet form is much cheaper than actually having to print a newspaper. Nicole walks in holding her baby bump. EJ tells her that Victor has died. Nicole reacts.

Shawn and new face Eric in the small bar. Shawn is finishing a bottle. Eric gets somewhat judgmental (I know, shocking) towards the drunk.

Chloe and Belle realize that Brady has been listening in on their conversation.

Replay of Xander walking into the Kiriakis living room and seeing Sarah. Sarah says hello. Xander says you’re pregnant! Like really pregnant. He wants to know why Sarah didn’t tell him? Sarah tells him to keep it down, her mom is trying to rest. Xander will keep his voice down, but are you really offering me condolences and not explaining to me why you didn’t tell me I’m going to be a father?

Brady is very happy with Chloe’s decision to accept Xander’s proposal. He wants to take them to the pub to celebrate. Who am I trying to kid? He gets all judgy too. You’re gonna consider marrying a kidnapping neanderthal? (Says the man who lost custody of his daughter after pulling a gun on the child’s mother in front of the child. But I digress, back to Brady) Brady includes the being left behind at a drug lord's compound. Chloe shuts him up.

Eric and Shawn discuss dead Victor. Shawn explains how Victor’s death is his fault. It makes no sense this time either.

Nicole is shocked Victor has passed. EJ explains it was an airplane crash. Nicole is amazed that it’s hitting her this hard. EJ tells her well you were married, so there must have been good times. Nicole pauses a beat, no, there were no good times. Flashback to Nicole and Victor talking about a fashion show and how Victor won’t allow her to appear showing her "assets" to the public. Nicole responds just brand me "Property of the Great Victor Kiriakis"

EJ wonders if Victor and Stefano have met up in the great beyond?

Melinda tells Sloan that Abe is going to resume his job as Mayor. Sloan is happy Abe has his memory back. Melinda tells Sloan about Paulina becoming Mayor. Paulina will fire her. Melinda will bring a case with a big name and a bigger crime. Melinda wants to try Li for the attempt on Stefan’s life. Sloan reminds her that she doesn’t have any proof. Melinda says that shouldn’t be a problem.

Back at the drink-me-stupid bar, Shawn and Eric continue to talk and judge.

Nicole and EJ chat about cravings. Nicole talks about Victor. EJ also remembers Victor. EJ wants to get married now.

Melinda wants Sloan to represent Li, and not fight to keep Li out of Jail. Help convict Li to keep Melinda’s job.

Brady tells of the Xander hug. Belle says Shawn blames himself for Victor’s death.

Xander asks Sarah how long was she going to keep this baby from him? Sarah tells him the baby is Rex's. Xander has done the baby math and he isn’t buying the Rex story.

Belle tells Brady to stop badgering Chloe as it doesn’t work. She leaves. She received a text from Eric. Brady blah blahs about his jealousy. Apparently Xander is bad. Brady good.

Shawn returns to the table (men’s room visit?) and finds Eric still at the table. Eric offers to drive Shawn home, he wants to continue this at the house. Shawn doesn’t want to go.

Melinda explains the scheme to Sloan. Sloan won’t help frame Li for the job.

Nicole is shocked that EJ wants to elope tonight. Discussion of Salem’s wedding history. The Hindenburg is mentioned.

More talk about framing Li. Sloan calls Melinda’s bluff.

Small bar/drink-me-stupid bar, Belle walks in and stops the fight. Shawn is upset Eric called her.

Nicole wonders about getting married tonight. They will fly to Italy, take Holly, and Sydney is already there so they can both be flower girls. If you want to have a 20-year-old flower girl, that is. Nicole agrees to marry him.

Sarah uses baby math incorrectly to try to bamboozle Xander.

Brady continues his downgrading of Xander. Chloe tries to talk to Brady who tells Chloe that Brady is the ONLY one talking the truth to Xander. Chloe tells Brady that she doesn’t have time for this. Brady says the truth. Chloe responds she’s leaving she doesn’t want him to condescend to her any more. Chloe finally walks away.

Belle and Shawn argue some more about progress and the fact that Victor’s death is Shawn’s fault.

Sloan and Melinda have a few words.

The DiMera jet is gone. It’s in Iceland. EJ is upset Dimitri took the plane, they will get married in Salem.

Xander and Sarah discuss their current bedmates. Sarah says Chloe has no standards. Xander wishes Sarah well and demands to be told if the baby pops out with a Scottish accent. He leaves.

Belle and Shawn continue to argue over Shawn’s drinking. Belle won’t let him drink himself.

Brady Flashback of talking with Victor about Philip and Chloe. When Victor paid Brady to sweep Chloe off her feet and take her away from Philip.

Chloe gets home with Xander and they chat about Victor and Maggie. Chloe hopes lightning strikes twice. She agrees to marry Xander.

Sarah sadly sitting on the couch calls Rex. Sarah agrees to marry Rex, the sooner the better.

Xander and Chloe break off kissing as Xander puts the ring on Chloe’s finger.

Nicole sitting waiting for EJ. Flashback of Nicole locked in her room, goes to a window, opens it, straddles the windowsill, Victor walks in, crosses the room and pushes her off the windowsill.

EJ and Melinda literally run into each other. EJ tells Melinda he needs to get the papers to marry Nicole tonight. Melinda says are you sure you want to do that?

Eric returns home. He tells Sloan about his miserable last half hour. Sloan is standing in the room, maybe nervously? Maybe worried? She tells Eric she has something to tell him.
Thanks for the recap. Of course Sarah and Chloe said yes to proposals. So predictable. :rotfl: :rolleyes:

How big is the chance there is going to be a double wedding in the city hall, and during the ceremony Sarah's water breaks because she will have a breakdown when Xander is planning to say I do? :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Thanks, robin.

Brady asked Chloe if Xander is drugging her. It's probably the Salem water that makes the people act strangely.

Melinda needs to stop drinking the water. She thinks if she puts Li in jail Paulina will let her keep her job.

I liked Nicole's long hair and she's showing more today.

We found out Sydney and Sami are in Italy.

Xander figured out he's the baby daddy to Sarah's baby, but she lied to him. Will someone else tell Xander the
truth, that he's the daddy and will Chloe still want to marry him?

More blah, blah, blah with Shawn saying it's his fault Victor died. I'm glad Belle decided to sit with him while he drank.
Thanks for the write-up.

What could've been a good show was ruined by Brady's continued whining, Sarah's idiotic behavior, and Shawn-D remaining Salem's latest alcoholic. This is absurd. Equally absurd is the idea that Paulina cares about Li going to jail enough to let Trask remain in her job. I highly doubt that firing Trask is on the top of Paulina's list of priorities. I thought Trask was more clever than this.
So, will all of the weddings actually happen? Or are we about to see a domino effect starting with Trask telling EJ that Eric is the father of Nicole's baby, or with Sloan confessing to Eric, or with Maggie telling Xander he is the father of Sarah's baby, or... ????
I would be in shocked if 1 couple actually end up getting married, let alone all 4 couples.

I do hope Xander tells Chloe that he saw a pregnant Sarah. I like their relationship and that they don't have any secrets, yet.

Nara - we were typing at the same time. LOL I agree
He definitely should. I think Chloe wouldn't buy Sarah's lie.
That was a lot of proposals for just one of course they won't happen. EJ sure is impulsive, but he & Nicole go well together, so perhaps that one will go forth. Come to think of it, nahhh, am sure somehow, Eric will get in the way.

Is Sloan going to fake being pregnant, or will she really turn up having Eric's baby. She wanted it, planned it......but did it happen?

One thing actually made me laugh.....all the engagements were between all the wrong people......yep, Days loves those. LOL
Thank you, Robin!

I don't recall what flashbacks were shown when Joe Mascolo (Stefano) died. Did any include him and John Aniston (Victor)? Would love to see some of the more intense scenes between the former family patriarchs.

Not a new storyline with Shawn going back to the bottle. We have seen this many times before, and he is getting on my nerves with his blaming himself for Victor's death and telling anyone who will listen.

Will Sloan be able to tell Eric about Nicole's baby being his before she is interrupted? Methinks not.

Significant baby bump for Nicole since last week.

Melinda would rather lose a potential boyfriend (Li) than lose her job (which is her life) and believes that she has to see her plan through so that Paulina is impressed. The old Melinda is back.

Now Sarah wants to wed Rex only because of Xander's news.

Too many fake weddings going on in Salem. Fake meaning for all the wrong reasons.
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Clueless Brady should realize that his anti-Xander b/s is passé. The diva listened to his clap-trap and promptly said yes to the X-man’s proposal.

Sloan also gets kudos to standing up to the unethical Melinda’s nonsense. If she’d agreed, she’d have been on the fast track to disbarment.

As for Melinda herself, she should stop fretting about losing her job. If she went into private practice, she’d easily outclass the likes of Belle, Justin, and EJ.

It was no fun watching awful Sarah lie to Xander. She should get back to the hapless Rexy ASAP.

Finally, it was good to see more Victor flashbacks, this time featuring Nicole. It’s too bad that there wasn’t one scene that included Pookie.
Maybe a guy that killed someone in a drunk driving accident shouldn't go home and say something about how he really needs a drink.

I wish they had found a way to put most of the Victor stuff together. Considering Nicole's history with him her stuff seems sort of as an after thought today. I can't imagine most viewers would object to a full couple of days for one long episode.
It makes no sense this time either.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
EJ wonders if Victor and Stefano have met up in the great beyond?
I hear they're recruiting angels into their drug wars.

I'll give them credit for revealing Sarah's pregnancy before the Xander/Chloe union gets farther. Other than that, snoozey.