Days of Our Lives Monday Feb 2 2009


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Dec 31, 1969
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Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Sister Theresa is praying for Sami’s baby. Dr. Baker brings in Mia’s baby to give to Sami. Says she is fine. All she needs is her mom. Sami hesitates questions if it is her baby. Sister Theresa and Dr. Baker assure her that it is her daughter, everything is normal. Sami says she is not sure what is wrong she is not herself. Takes the baby and starts to bond. Sami says that she looks like her big sister Allie. Some fun bonding moments. Sami is then worried about the baby being safe, not just from the killer, but the fathers family. Does not want to stay around for any blood tests. Wants to leave now. Sister points out that it is not a good idea, sure Sami will be ok, but what about the little baby.

Maggie sees Chloe and Dan kissing at the door. When Dan leaves Maggie confronts Chloe. Tells her she needs to button up her buttons. Maggie is very upset with Chloe. Talking about marrying Lucas and sleeping with another man. Maggie takes off and Chloe goes after her. Chloe catches up to Maggie and asks to be able to explain. Say she loves Lucas, but the thing with Dan just happened out of the blue. It was not planed. They had tried to fight it. Maggie says nothing like this happens out of the blue and she has to pay the consequences. Maggie tells Chloe she will not keep quite about it. Chloe reminds her of when it happened to her and how she felt. Lucas walks in. Maggie tells him to sit down. He says they look very serious. Chloe covers by saying they were talking about his mom and the cancer. Maggie gets Lucas to go and get some drinks. Tells Chloe very well done. Chloe thanks Maggie for not saying anything. Maggie says she has not decided yet. Chloe says she will do what is right. Maggie lets her know that this is not about her. Lucas returns with the drinks says he just spoke with Kate and she wants them to set a date for the wedding soon. Chloe agrees saying they can go over tomorrow to set the date. Lucas gets a call and has to leave. Maggie wants to know what Chloe is going to do about Dan. She says she will make him see reality. Promises that she can keep her hands off him. Maggie says ok, but she will be watching.

Hope wonders why Bo wants her not to meet with Kayla. Flashback to the vision. This time you see clearly that it is Hope with the gun and Kayla getting shot she falls to the ground. Hope has more plans with Kayla. Bo tries to get them changed saying that he wants to spend time with her. He is jealous of the time she spends with Kayla. Hope points out that Kayla is her sister in law and she wants to spend time with her. They debate this for a while. Bo leaves.

Killer attacks Kayla in the hospital however Dan comes in and saves the day. Kayla calls for help. The killer is put in restraints and sedated. Dan wants to know what happened. Kayla says the tox screens had lost a lot of blood so she ordered blood transfusions. Something about him is familiar. The killer arrests and a code blue is called. They get the heartbeat back. Kayla thanks Dan and asks that he make sure the patient is stable she wants to check on something. She calls Steve and leaves a message about needing a copy of the killer’s picture that Sami did. She calls Hope and asks for Roman. Roman is not there. Kayla then asks for Hope to come to the hospital as she thinks the John Doe patient could be the killer. Hope agrees to go. At the hospital Kayla and Hope are talking. Kayla saying how she tried to get Steve. Hopes it is the Killer so Sami can come home. She is backing up to the room to leave saying that she needs Lexie to come in at 10. The Killer comes out of the room gets a hold of Kayla by the neck. Warns everyone that he will break her neck if anyone moves.

Rafe is in the safe house on the ground. Flashback to the fight with the Killer and calling out for Sami. Rafe gets up slowly and leaves. Arrives at the convent. Calls out for Sami and is told that Sami and the Sister have left a while ago. There is a letter does he want it. Sami and Sister Theresa come in. Rafe is happy that She and the baby are back. Says he was frightened that she had fled and that he would never see her again. Notes that the baby is beautiful. Sami is happy that they are safe. Rafe points out that they are not safe and falls to the ground. Sami is treating him.

Nicole is with Sami’s baby bonding with her. Says that Sami can always have another baby. She will raise her with her father. Will push everything Sami out of her. She calls to leave a message for EJ about having the baby. EJ picks up the phone saying she sounds upset. She hangs up. Dr Baker is surprised to find Nicole still there as he had told her to leave. She says that he must get Sami out of there and that she needs a bed. Dr Baker is not to happy about this as Sami just gave birth. Nicole threatens him and he goes to see Sami to find that she is gone. Nicole comes into the room and Dr. Baker points out that none of the nurses have seen her there will question her having the baby. Nicole tells him to make sure that does not happen. Call EJ and tell him she is having the baby. Dr. Baker says ok he makes the call and tells EJ about Nicole about to give birth. EJ is upset that it is not in the hospital as agreed on, but at the clinic. Tells the doctor to tell Nicole that he loves her. Dr Baker gives Nicole the message. Plus lets her know about a problem that is beyond their control. That is how much the baby looks like her mother. It may change in time, but EJ is seeing the baby today. Tells Nicole to change into a gown, get into bed and pray. Nicole is in bed holding the baby and smiling when EJ walks in.

Bo gets a message from Hope about Kayla calling and her going to the hospital, that they have a big break in the mayor’s murder case.
Sounds like a really exciting episode. Thanks for the write up DJM!!!
I just hope this baby switch does not go on & on & on. I hope things straighten out soon!

Great write up!
So do I! I'm ready for EJ to know about Sami's baby and that Nicole miscarried theirs and that she was going to get Mia's but wanted his and Sami's instead.
Aha, so Dr. Baker thinks Sami's baby looks like her. Interesting! Bet that is gonna curl Nicole's toes!
Ok, Sami now says her baby (Mia's baby) looks just like her big sister Allie, and then the doc is telling Nicole that the EJ's baby looks like Sami. Boy is he brave... the baby will look like the other little ones enough.. they all are half siblings of course they all will look a little different. The one that will be off is Mia's baby... Unless the daddy is Will, As Mia said the dad took off. Then she (Baby) would related and maybe some tests would match sort of?? We really do not know the dad she could have been showing any photo.
I hope Rafe and Mia get some medical help soon!! I saw both babies and they don't look like anyone in particular. Thanks for the write up Donna!
Oh, wow, I just watched this show........Maggie is absolutely in top form, her dialogue was right on! And Dr. Baker, when he was telling Nicole how often babies look just like their mothers, that sometimes they change as they grow older, but it is uncanny how often they resemble their mother. And that Sami's baby does now! and reminds her that EJ will soon be there, and see her, and that baby NOW..

And sure enought. Previews for Tuesday show EJ holding the baby and saying something about it reminding him of someone else. LOL
What I liked was that he let her go on and on about switching the babies. He then tells her give him Mia's baby and go. When Sami first saw the baby was not fully sure it was hers. Eventhough she had never seen the baby before. Then after it is all over Dr. Baker drops the bombshell that the baby looks just like the mother. I think it was a problem with the plan that he could have pointed out earlier.
I have three children and I don't think any of them looked like me or my husband at birth. They just looked like newborn babies. Sami, Mia and Nicole all have similar coloring, so at this point I would think it wouldn't be too hard to convince anyone Mia's baby belonged to Sami and Sami's baby belonged to Nicole.
I got a good look at the baby Sami had. I did not see that (they meaning the twins playing the baby) looked so much like Sami. They looked more like the twins I have last week. It was Doc Baker that saw how much they looked like Sami. I don't think Nicole even saw it.
Don't kill me for this opinion but I think newborn babies look like bald little old men with sunburns. I have seen some purple ones too. When we used to have a window to look at the babies in our old hospital I would look every day after work at all of them. The ones with hair usually looked like little red Indians. The little African American ones looked pretty normal instead of being red.
:OT: I find in the years I have been working postpartum all babies look a lot alike if they have no hair. The hair is how I tell them apart. All are very cute to me. We had a very blue one yesterday.
I suppose with everyone it is different. We have three children. The 2 girls looked like their daddy and our son looked like my baby picture. I guess it's just the way the genetics present themselves and whether or not a family has some predominant traits.
My son looked just like his father from birth....My daughter looked just like me from birth....each of my six grand kids looked just like one of their parents....
But I know lots of people who's babies didn't look like anyone in their families....
I figure they will write it whichever way the s/l needs to go and as we know, it needs to go that the baby Nicole and EJ have looks like Sami....and Sami will be trying to figure out why her baby does not look like anyone in her family.....wonder if they'll have Sami feel a bond for Nicole and EJ's baby when she sees it....just some little feeling that she can't explain....??
Maybe EJ will just say she reminds him of Little Johnny and Allie when they were little. Or Nicole will throw that line in for him to think that is what he is thinking.
Even now our son looks like his dad when they are together but put him around all the other cousins on my side and he looks like is always changing .
I love it!!!

The one that will be off is Mia's baby... Unless the daddy is Will, As Mia said the dad took off. Then she (Baby) would related and maybe some tests would match sort of?? We really do not know the dad she could have been showing any photo.

WOW...I never thought of that one...Will would be about the right age and has coloring like EJ. Nicole did see a picture of Mia's boyfriend but that could be ignored or explained away I suppose. I mean has Nicole ever really been around Will? (I notice there aren't many pictures of him around) The actor playing him before didn't look anything like Lucas or Sami so they could bring him back looking like anyone. If they pulled it off some DNA markers would match Sami to Mia's baby and some DNA markers would match EJ to Nicole/Sami's kid. I *really* like that idea Tropical should be writing for the show!

I know that Days is crazy and all kind of unexplained impossible things happen in Salem...but making Mia's baby Will's rates right up there at the top....he has been in, heck, where is it...Switzerland...? Anyway, I just don't think they would even try to pass that one off....