Days of Our Lives Monday Jan 5 2009


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Dec 31, 1969
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Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Bo and Philip are talking. Bo says that the family stayed home and celebrated New Years and Hope’s birthday. Bo hears that he celebrated with Steph. Philip says they had a great time. Wants to know if Bo has a problem with him dating Steph. Bo wants to know if he is the right guy for her. Bo warns Philip not to hurt her. Philip wants to know if this is about Belle. Bo replied that and other things. Bo tells Philip that Steph is special.

Mel and Steph are at Titan. Mel points out that after the kiss last night she should have Philip wrapped around her finger, but since she does not know where he is she guesses that happy ever after is not going to happen. Steph teases Mel that she and Philip broke up. Steph then tells Mel that she is on to her. She does not like her and Philip together because she wants Philip for herself. Lets Mel know that She and Philip had a wonderful New Years together. She can go after Philip if she wants to, but will have to go through her first. Warns her to get ready for a long, cold and lonely winter. They continue to talk and Steph’s phone rings. It is Philip and he wants to get together. Steph says she will be happy to meet him. She leaves Mel with a smile on her face.

Nicole tells EJ that he made her very happy last night. EJ wants to know what is going on with her. Why she did not tell him about the car. Nicole replies that when you are pregnant and single and you come home to have the father of the baby get down on his knees giving you a ring things can slip your mind. EJ says that Stefano is waiting for them and he wants her to tell the truth. Nicole agrees and says she should give him back the ring at the same time. Says so what the car broke down it is a machine and they break. EJ tells her to put the ring back on her finger where it belongs. He wants to be there for her to make everything ok. He gives her a hug. She says she wishes he could make it right. He says whatever is wrong they will face it together. They kiss and Nicole loses her balance knocking the folder on the ground. As she is helping EJ pick up the papers she finds the pre nup agreement. She is upset about it. EJ lets her know that it was Stefano that made the papers and that he had no intention of having her sign it. That he loves her. Nicole is happy saying that it is going to happen that they are going to be a family. EJ tells her that she will be a great mom and she agrees. EJ leaves and she calls Doctor Baker to say she is on her way over.

Sami is in bed and hears Rafe moan. She jumps up to see what is wrong. He has a very high fever. Sami is trying to get it down. Sami wants to call a doctor, but Rafe refuses saying he will be fine once the fever breaks. He is in a lot of pain. Sami says they will try and get the fever down the old fashion way. Rafe does not want a bath. Sami says they have no choice. She gives him a sponge bath. The fever drops and Rafe says thank you. He falls asleep and Sami takes the phone from his hands.

Lexie is at the hospital with Theo. Stefano calls and says he has a Christmas present for Theo that is too big to send though the mail and can Theo come over. Lexie refuses. Stefano says he is the grandfather and loves him. They hang up. The Therapist returns with Theo saying that he was much less agitated today and could use a reward.

Mel comes to see Maggie. She informs Mel that Nick’s sentencing hearing is coming up and that Nick wants her there so he can apologise. Mel agrees says she is grateful for all her Help. Maggie asks her to be good to herself. Saw the game she was playing with Philip and Steph. Lets her know that it will not work with Philip. Mel assures her that she knows that Philip is trouble and that she is going to let it be Steph’s problem. Maggie is happy to hear that. Tells Mel to keep up the good work. She gets a call and has to leave. Mel starts to cry and asks what good work. She then decides it will be at Nick’s hearing.

Steph and Philip get together. He wants to tell her something, but she says she already knows. That they are right for each other. No second thoughts. She starts to kiss him but he stops her. Says that the kiss last night was fantastic, but that it goes further than that. She calls him a *******. Philip explains that he cares for her and wants to take it slow. Talks about his past with Chloe and Belle. Steph says that she is a big girl and that she can handle it. They start to kiss again and move it to the bedroom.

Lexie brings Theo over to see Stefano. Stefano is offering Theo cookies to eat. Lexie is upset saying that she knows what it best for Theo. What he can and can not have. Stefano says he is sorry and will ask in the future before giving Theo anything. Wants to know if he agrees to her rules can he see Theo.

Hope and Bo are at the station talking. Hope wants to know about the visions and Bo says he is not having any more. Hope starts to shut the blinds Bo tells her no it is becoming a joke. Hope says he is working too hard and wants to get reservations to go away. Bo will gladly go and get away with her if she can get the reservations. Hope leaves and Bo has a vision on Theo in danger.

Nicole arrives at the clinic. She tells Doctor Baker that she is going to get a second chance. Doc does not agree. Saying he is not sure if the mom will even give birth there anymore. She gets to see a picture of the mom and dad of the baby she was almost getting. She talks Doc into giving her the address and phone number of the Mom.

Thanks so much for the summaries, Donna. Sounds great.

I sure hope that either Philip or Stephanie is taking responsibility for birth control. We sure don't need any more pregnancy storylines.
@ redsqu1rrel. I hope so as well. Will have to wait and see what happens.
@ kpatch. I was thinking the same thing about Steph and Philip.
Just rewatched the vision that Bo had of Theo in danger. He sees Theo walking up stairs. Hears Stefano say what is wrong with a grandfather bonding with his grandson. Lexie answers a grandfather bonding with a grandson? Theo gets to the top of the stairs and is reaching up to touch a picture on the wall. You hear Lexie scream and see her with Theo and Theo is lying on the floor.
I have to say that I wanted to smack Melanie and just wipe that smirk off the Cheshire smile on her face when she was talking to Stephanie at Titan.

However.....I absolutely loved Maggie talking to her, telling her to be good to herself, that she would not find Philip an easy was really a very nice talk. You can tell Maggie is on to her, but feels for her, too. Very nice bonding moment.

The scenes with Sami/Rafe. GMAB....his fever broke. Ya think it might be because of the aspirin, and not necessarily the sponge bath??? Oh, well.
I posted the vision that Bo had, but put it under friday Jan 2 show it is post number 6. Sorry it is in the wrong place.
I posted the vision that Bo had, but put it under friday Jan 2 show it is post number 6. Sorry it is in the wrong place.

Shame on you, DJM. :wink: I can't believe you did something so silly. Just kidding, of course. I did the EXACT SAME THING last week. LOL.
Rafe most likely has infection and needs antibiotics and proper wound care. I hope he gets it or he may meet his end.:(
I posted the vision that Bo had, but put it under friday Jan 2 show it is post number 6. Sorry it is in the wrong place.

Not's here now, post #7. :wink:

And I have to say, Peter Reckell did a fabulous job of looking surprised, shocked and troubled at what he is seeing.
Peter Reckell is a fine fine actor....and a fine fine specimen....and a fine fine everything...!!!
Why is Bo being so protective of Stephanie? His conversation with Philip about her being special and all - I'm not getting the connection? Is he having visions of her too?
Not that I know of so far. Philip maintains it is because of Belle (remember how nutso Phil got over her at one time?) and Kayla is his sister. actually, I found that scene very odd myself. Steve should be the one saying anything.