Days of our Lives - Monday, January 29, 2024


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
42 minutes long. If tomorrow isn’t a new day this day will go down as the longest in history.

Marlena comes home to a dark townhouse, calls for John and gets no answer. John is out wandering the town square. John tells Marlena he couldn’t sleep so he went for a walk. Marlena soap stares around the house while tapping on her phone.

Alex comes busting into his apartment where Theresa is sitting waiting. Theresa and Alex quiz each other about why they were at the hospital?

Everett and Stephanie are sitting in the room. Everett tells Stephanie that he did go over to the pub but realized he has something he has to tell her and it has to be in private. And she buys that line.

Kate and Roman walk towards the pub, down that quaint but odd walkway, and talk about just how does a prison lose a prisoner? Roman is going to make some coffee and some calls and they will get to the bottom of this. Kate wants something a lot stronger than coffee. She looks into the pub and says "what the hell?" Roman tells Kate to stay there, he is going around to the back. Kate of course refuses, because what if the person who broke in has a weapon? She walks in and sees that it’s Harris and demands to know where Lucas is? And if he doesn’t know, he’d darn better well find out!

Alex and Theresa are going to play a game, some mindless distraction, rather than talk about why they were each at the hospital. Because well, who cares?

Everett stumbles around with words. This takes a while and he finally tells Stephanie she’s amazing to work with and she’s talented, and he respects her boundaries to work with, but Everett can’t stay in the friendzone anymore. Whew, we finally got this.

Steve runs into John, whose bed head has him wandering the streets of Salem. John asks Steve what is he doing out so late? Kayla’s working a late shift he got restless is Steve’s response. John doesn’t buy it so he calls out Steve. Marlena sent Steve out to track down John. She’s worried about him. Steve talks about in their previous lives, they used to meet in the shadows and not always on the same side. Steve grills John about memories that John no longer has. Steve wishes he could forget.

Theresa and Alex are going to play truth or dare. Theresa explains the rules to the game. Theresa goes first, she wants to know who was Alex’s first celebrity crush? Should anyone care: Alex’s first crush was Lindsay Lohan, he watched Mean Girls a bunch of times and knew he’d marry and have kids with Lindsay. Theresa is amused and perhaps bewildered.

Kate is having a hissy fit at the pub over Lucas being missing. Then Roman jumps in with a wait a minute, can I talk to you?

Everett continues to stumble over words. Stephanie is getting frustrated. Everett eventually tells Stephanie that he can’t live without her. Stephanie crosses her eyes and passes out. Nope, commercial break, she wasn’t expecting something like this. Stephanie says she’s been clear about her feelings. And this conversation continues. Stephanie brings up the time Everett disappeared. She was devastated. And the conversation continues.

Back to the truth or dare couple. Alex now asks Theresa what is the one thing you could do knowing you could get away with it no consequences ever? She would bring Tate home. Theresa asks Alex who is the most beautiful, charming, intelligent woman that he has ever kissed? Alex chooses a dare, so Theresa dares him to kiss the most beautiful charming woman ever. They kiss.

In the center of the town square John and Steve continue to talk about missing memories. They really should bring Abe in on this conversation. Steve wishes he could have the bad stuff about working for Victor removed from his memories. They discuss our good friend Konstantin and how he reminds both of them of Victor. Steve brings up Abe!! How Abe can’t remember his past, is that really bad?

Harris brings Kate and Roman up to his room above the pub. It’s dark and when he turns the light on there sits Lucas. Kate’s all over Lucas. Lucas is alive and healing. Roman asks how? Harris explains it involves a laundry basket and a couple 100 other words. Lucas apologizes to Roman for making him harbor the man who kidnapped his daughter. Roman gives a heartfelt speech about no, he’s harboring his stepson and that Lucas is welcome anytime at the pub. Harris tells them that no one but the people in the room know where Lucas is right now.

Stephanie now explains her side of what her life was when Everett walked out. Stephanie blamed herself for the reason he left. It takes a while. But she does use the term "ghosted" so have a drink. She has a self-confidence problem. I have an I-don’t-care problem with this couple. Everett apologizes for hurting her because apparently, he loved her with all his heart.

John and Steve continue this circle conversation in the town square. Steve thinks that Konstantin knows about the Pawn. John can’t believe it. Steve wants to find out. John wants to know why Steve thinks this? Steve tells him Konstantin asked about the Pawn. They part.

The game players finish kissing. Alex’s question to Theresa is "what is the biggest lie you’ve ever told?" Theresa thinks on it then takes a dare. Alex dares her to sing her favorite children’s song. Theresa breaks out Row Your Boat at the top of her lungs. Alex joins in and someone pounds on the wall. It’s their grumpy neighbor.

Stephanie and Everett talk. She wants to know why no one went looking for him? Why his family didn’t go looking for him? Everett wasn’t working on anything at the time. His boss figured that he had moved on. She drills him about his family. Well, his mom died when he was younger, his dad’s a drunk. Everett has no extended family that he is close too. Which still doesn’t explain why Stephanie didn’t go looking for him herself. When he woke, he wasn’t lucid, he was diagnosed with retrograde amnesia. The staff told him to give it time and his memories may or may not come back. The first thing he remembered in his mind's eye was Stephanie. Awww, now we need puppies and kitties. Stephanie is Everett's everything.

John returns home and Marlena is still up waiting for him. Marlena says did you think I could go to sleep thinking you were out there alone?

Kate talks to Lucas. Harris called in every favor to get Lucas out to a safe house situation. But once the threat is gone Lucas will have to return to finish out his sentence.

Alex and Theresa say goodnight. Theresa goes to her room, Alex to his. Then Theresa bedroom hops.

Kate tucks Lucas into a bed. Roman is again telling Lucas that he is welcome in the house. Lucas struggles to get comfortable in the big bed with all the pillows.

Steve runs into Harris, they quiz each other on why they are out late at night? Harris refuses to spill any information.

John and Marlena talk about Steve being sent to find him. John claims to be a very lucky man, Marlena loves him. They leave the living room to hit the sack, per John.

Everett and Stephanie appear to be heading in the same direction, sitting on the edge of the bed, kissing and panting. Everett wants her to stay, Stephanie claims she’s not ready. Everett just wants to fall asleep holding her in his arms. The music is really weird, Stephanie takes off her shoes, as does Everett. They get into bed and Everett hugs Stephanie in a bear hug as he turns out the light.

Fired guy directed this mess.
Awful. Especially NotGwen and NotBen. The fact that they had to have peripheral characters like Marlena and Kayla tell us they are 'in love' was pathetic enough, but this truth and dare stuff was beyond cringe. These recasts are NOT working. I hope that the universal disdain is reaching Ron's ears. He's had time while he's been off to read the boards I hope.

Stephanie is still boring but having said that, Everett is her best pairing yet, and that's all on Blake Berris (Everett) who is really good. I don't buy his whole story but I also think there is more to it than just cheating on Jada. On the other hand I don't care that much.

Lucas is in the care of his Mommy and the man whose daughter he kidnapped. Only in Salem is that a 'safe house'.

Of course no continuation from the Xander phone call which is all I was interested in.
Clarification please. Was Jada in Seattle when she was married to Bobby (Everett)? Today he mentioned extended family living in the "east". Why am I thinking Jada moved to Salem from the east, maybe NY? I know I've bought this up before but could this be an "evil" twin situation? :head scratch::head scratch:
Nice, Robin!

brisbydog: My apologies if I failed to welcome you to the board. It is nice to have you here and actively posting!

When Everett admitted to Stephanie that he did go to to the pub, he SHOULD have said that he saw Jada, and he needs to tell her about his past which involves Jada. We still don't know the timeline of his relationships nor anything else about him outside of the time he spent with Stephanie. While he does look like he is totally sincere towards Stephanie, we know there is more to this than meets the eye. I think Blake Berris (Everett) is a very good actor, but I still see Nick, with or without the pillow. At least they didn't do more than sleep...yet.

Truth or Dare was obvious filler, and that loud song was annoying. What will Theresa do when she can no longer the truth, and it is revealed that she changed the name on Victor's Will to make Alex his son? Dum da dum dum dum.

I'm glad that Roman was kind to Lucas. What is going to happen now? Lucas can't hide out forever. He can't even go to the barbershop for a good clean-up, lest he be sighted.

Really worried about John.
Clarification please. Was Jada in Seattle when she was married to Bobby (Everett)? Today he mentioned extended family living in the "east". Why am I thinking Jada moved to Salem from the east, maybe NY? I know I've bought this up before but could this be an "evil" twin situation? :head scratch::head scratch:
I think so, but don't hold me to that answer, Nameless. Seattle is the Pacific Coast, and NY is the East Coast. Everett lapsed into the coma in Seattle. Jada's sister, Talia, was a doctor in NY, if I recall correctly, and I think they both lived there. I am confused, too. It is possible that people have twins they don't know about, or just doppelgangers. Now I am thinking that Everett does not have a split personality, but something else is going on with him.
I think so, but don't hold me to that answer, Nameless. Seattle is the Pacific Coast, and NY is the East Coast. Everett lapsed into the coma in Seattle. Jada's sister, Talia, was a doctor in NY, if I recall correctly, and I think they both lived there. I am confused, too. It is possible that people have twins they don't know about, or just doppelgangers. Now I am thinking that Everett does not have a split personality, but something else is going on with him.
I was born near Seattle, and have been to NY, live between them now, lol. But his being specific saying "east" made me wonder if that's where Jada was married to Bobby. Or, is Everett really Bobby pretending to be Everett. Maybe Rolf has been messing with all of them. lol Guess we'll just have to keep wondering for now. I'm ready to wrap this one up, have never been a fan of mysteries. Soaps use the long lost twin way too much. Also the doppelganger scenario. Especially if they are trying to write themselves out of an unpopular storyline, or the return of a dead character.
I wonder if Everett doesn't rate a byline for his articles or if Jada never reads the Spectator?

Stephanie knew nothing about the family of a man she was so in love with?!?
If she knew him as Bobby, maybe he used a different last name? Jada might not know Everett from his name?? Stephanie did kind of acknowledge she knew about his mother and father, I think. I watched at 6 this morning so, I may be remembering it wrong.
I am thinking that we are being led down the path that Everett looked in the window, saw Jada and skedaddled. I don't think this story will go this way. I don't want to like Everett. But I think we are being fooled.

Redsquirrel- Even if Jada read The Spectator, the byline Everett Lynch would not mean anything to her, since her ex's name is Bobby.
Good Lord Everett, you really dragged out telling Stephanie you were into her. Now that he has seen Jada, where does this go? I am hoping not a stupid twin thing. But Everett seems like a bad guy. Not honest with her and trying to get her into bed for more than snuggling.

Geez Theresa, think playing truth or dare is the wisest?? The singing was so so stupid.

I don't know. Maybe the pawn could be interesting. Let's hope.
brisbydog: My apologies if I failed to welcome you to the board. It is nice to have you here and actively posting!
Thank you so much. Everybody is so lovely and welcoming here.

Everett, Stephanie and Jada all lived in Seattle. Tripp apparently met Everett there when he was dating Stephanie.

I think the initial plan was multiple personalities but the replacement writers have to keep keeping it vague until Ron gets back.

I am bracing myself for Xander finding out he is Victor's son on the one year anniversary in August. Anything prior to that will be fabulous but unexpected. I don't think Theresa will ever spill, she is too afraid of 'losing' Alex, and Konstantin doesn't care. The only way this comes out is if Xander's mother comes to town, and I think that will happen.

Hopefully Victor wrote her a letter before he died telling her he was going to spill the beans to Xander so there is another document that backs up her story, since apparently Titan doesn't bother with DNA tests before they hand the entire company over to some rando idiot.
Just the other day when Stephanie was with Jada & Rafe, Jada told Stephanie she had lived in Seattle. Stephanie said she wished she knew that and that they could have been friends. Jada said yes, especially because of her lying cheating ex. Then Everett started to enter, saw Jada and walked out.
Just a few questions.

Could Alex and Gwennie T. row their boat out of Salem and not come back?

Could Stephanie catch cooties from Everett’s beard if she seriously smooches him?

What kind of negotiator is Harris if the best deal he can get for poor, battered Lucas is that he goes back to prison after Clyde is taken down?

Why are John and Steve so worried about Konstantin and “pawning” when the true pawnmaster, Stefano, was loaded with money and had the assistance of a mad scientist?

Are both John and Steve losing it? Who could compare a grubby con man like Konstantin to the mighty Phoenix and the powerful Victor?
Thanks, robin. I hope tomorrow's show is better.

Poor John, he must have lost his comb.

Why did Harris take Lucas to the pub? Wouldn't that be the first place someone would look for him since his mom lives there?
And Rafe visits Jada sometimes at her room in the pub.

Marlena is smart. She knew John's and Steve's phone numbers from memory.

Some confession Everett made. He saw Jada at the pub and made up something else to tell Stephanie.