Days of our Lives - Monday, July 10, 2023


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
39 minutes where nothing of importance happens and no new episode of Body and Soul.

Show opens with a new apartment searching Chad and Stephanie, they found a dark and dingy place with 3 bedrooms across the street from the park and within walking distance of the kids' school. After discussing how great the place is they kiss.

Maggie is working from home as Alex walks in. He tells Maggie he is moving out.

Xander is at the office, says the paper is down 13% from year to date. Chloe has sold a huge online ad buy of a cactus on an airplane, a “Southwest Getaway” deal. Chloe and Xander then make ookey noises and do several things you don’t do at a workplace.

Gwen and Kristen look over the ring and discuss the “joy” of the wedding. Kristen flashes back on Dimitri telling her about the plan.

Replay of Leo and Dimitri in an adult hug.

Stephanie and Chad want to christen the place first. Brady walks in on them. He is looking for a place for him and his children. Yes, Brady said children.

Chloe and Xander continue their adult activities.

Gwen tries to explain how Dimitri swept her off her feet. Kristen isn’t very caring.

Leo and Dimitri break off the kiss, Leo slaps Dimitri. Leo goes on and on about how Dimitri is just trying to use sex to silence him.

Gwen walks in on Chloe and Xander. Chloe is able to get dressed, while Xander stands with the picture of the cactus with a lasso on a plane covering his, ummm, “bits”. Gwen tells him his cactus looks a bit pricklier than the last time she saw it. Xander claims there is nothing wrong with his cactus. Gwen turns and Xander gets dressed. Gwen tells Xander she doesn’t care.

Leo tries to blackmail Dimitri. Dimitri tells Leo he is not straight.

Brady is going to fire his realtor as he is always coming in late to these apartment deals. Brady congratulates Chad on his new job.

Alex is moving out as he isn’t sleeping well. Maggie tells Alex that he has one of the nicest rooms in the west wing, if it’s the mattress then Henderson can find him a new one. Alex says it’s Maggie, she is the reason he is moving out.

Kristen has made it home and is on the phone freaking out because Megan has escaped. She is talking with EJ. The secret door opens, Kristen grabs a fireplace poker as in walks Rachel. They hug.

Stephanie and Chad discuss furniture and beds, hotels have bigger kitchens. They will get the keys to the place in an hour. Chad runs over to Maggie’s to let her know

Alex doesn’t want to live in the same house with the woman who fired him. A house that has a west wing. I guess he needs to continue with Marlena if women threaten his poor little ego so much. Alex continues to explain to Maggie every single way she has hurt him. Maggie wants him to say goodbye to his Uncle Victor. Victor is taking a nap. Maggie tells Alex that they are family. Alex tells Auntie he will see her around.

Brady runs into Chloe in the town square. Brady is trying to find a place before Rachel returns from camp. Brady gets a call from camp. They tell him Rachel is missing.

Meanwhile at the DiMansion, Rachel is reading her mother the riot act because Kristen didn’t come say bye bye to her as she left for camp, didn’t help her pack or anything. Kristen tells Rachel that mean old Auntie Megan had her locked up in the basement. Rachel doesn’t want to go back to camp.

Leo and Dimitri discuss the nature of Dimitri’s preferences in bed partners. Dimitri agrees Gwen is simply a means to an end.

Xander continues to dress while discussing Dimitri. Gwen defends her choice of men. Gwen flips Xander the bird, no wait it’s her ring finger. She flashes that ginormous ring at him.

Dimitri and Leo discuss more preferences that Dimitri has. There might have been a mention of a subterranean peacock by Leo.

Xander doesn’t think Gwen is thinking this through. Xander is concerned that Gwen is doing this to get back at him. Gwen calls him out on his ego being so huge that Gwen can’t move on.

Leo and Dimitri discuss things that happened in Beyond Salem. The gist of the thing is that Dimitri is deeply in lust with Leo. They fall onto the bed.

Brady is not happy with the camp counselors for letting Rachel escape, but Brady knows where she's going.

Kristen and Rachel discuss the custody agreement.

Chad walks into the Kiriakis living room to a working Maggie. Chad came to give Maggie his answer.

Stephanie is walking around the place with color swatches. Alex is looking at that apartment too.

Leo and Dimitri have completed their adult activity. They discuss Dimitri’s magic part. Leo wants Dimitri to walk back the proposal. Dimitri genuinely likes Gwen, but it’s Leo that Dimitri wants. They discuss all the money that Dimitri is subject to lose. Leo asks if the codicil states Dimitri must be married to a person of the female persuasion?

Gwen has her fingers in her ears going “la la la la” as Xander tries to talk to her. Why is Gwen still in town? Xander is concerned for Gwen. Gwen wants Xander to stop fornicating in the office and to please sanitize all places their bums were placed.

Chad has accepted the job with Maggie. Maggie tells Chad that Alex has moved out.

Stephanie tells Alex that she and Chad took the apartment that Alex wanted and that Chad took the job that Alex had. Stephanie hopes none of this will hurt the progress that Alex and Stephanie have made.

Brady struts into the DiMera living room demanding to see his daughter.

Chad and Stephanie kiss in the new set, oops apartment kitchen/livingroom. Knock at the door, it’s Alex. He rented the place right across the hallway from them!! Who could have guessed it was available?

Xander is cleaning the desks per Gwen’s request. Chloe breaks the news about Rachel missing.

Kristen and Brady yell at each other over their missing child. Rachel overhears the fight.

Gwen calls Matty and tells him that she’s accepted Dimitri’s proposal. Apparently, Gwen is a person we are supposed to care for.

Dimitri talks of his old-world family. Dimitri must marry a woman. Leo and Dimitri continue to chat in bed about their affection towards each other. Rachel is listening at the door. EWWWWW.
Thank you Robin......There was a lot of EWWWWW in the show today, you managed to cover it all with dignity!

So Rachel somehow manages to leave summer camp, on her own, get back to Salem, come into the tunnels & upstairs to see mommy dearest, and wander around the mansion with no one seeing her. Amazing!

And then, suddenly, a lot of folks are apartment hunting and want the same apt. ! But the agent doesn't accompany any of the clients to see it. (LOL, yes, I know, Days is saving $$$ not hiring another short term actor). So, Chad & Stephanie, Alex and then Brady all show up at the same place. I recall Stephanie saying that each kid would have their own bedroom, plus a larger one for her & Chad. that makes 3.

Why would Alex need 3 bedrooms? LOL. And then I honestly could swear Brady referred to "me & Rachel" when he came to see it. And Alex get the place right across the hall, along with the keys to Chad's place....Sheesh! (Chad could have said he would pick them up, etc. etc. when he went out.

Days truly has to deal with John Aniston's (Victor) passing......Maggie running all the business affairs while Vic takes a nap just is not working.
So Rachel somehow manages to leave summer camp, on her own, get back to Salem, come into the tunnels & upstairs to see mommy dearest, and wander around the mansion with no one seeing her. Amazing!
It really is amazing how she can make her way around Salem alone, like the time she took the Uber and somehow managed to get into the prison to see Kristen. I mean, it's possible for a kid to use the Uber app to place an order. But to get into a prison, unaccompanied? Sure. :rolleyes:
You knew there was going to be something happening with that bedroom door not being closed. No one ever thinks to close doors or look around them when they share things that “no one can ever find out” about.

They’re certainly making Rachel out to be quite the little mini-Kristen, aren’t they?

In what world is an apartment that is available to rent just open for anyone to come in and see whenever they want? No one makes appointments with landlords or building supers to show them the place?

Random observation: did anyone notice the glare from Maggie’s tablet on Alex’s glasses?
Are we still in the phase where what’s on screen was filmed before John Aniston (Victor) died? Because maybe they were in a holding pattern not knowing how his health would go. But I agree, in real time, it feels like this is dragging. I hope we get Victor’s on-screen death soon.

I hope Leo tells Gwen about the money and they plot together. Dmitri is no prize for best friends to fight over.
Thank you, Robin!

So now Rachel has the goods on Dimitri and Leo. What will she do with the knowledge?

Snooping on mommy and daddy. How very Rachel of her. When I went to camp, believe me, there was no way anyone could just walk away and not be noticed.

True about the apartment situation in Salem, and not the first time we have seen this happen. I also wondered why Alex needs three bedrooms, unless he returns to his old ways and has a girl in every bed and then only in HIS bed. Not that far fetched for Brady. One room could be an office.

Very disappointed in Leo. I really gave him the benefit of the doubt and hoped his deep friendship with Gwen would rank higher than his carnal needs. I totally believed Dimitri's coming out and transparency about the marriage having to be man/woman, but how can Leo let Gwen marry him at all and then be his side piece, as he so eloquently phrased it?

Canoodling in cubicles is a thing, I guess, but really not a good idea. Come on, Xander and Chloe, you live together, wait til you get home! Whether or not they were interrupted, just not ideal. Someone will end up getting stapled, after all!
John Aniston (Victor) died 8 months ago. He already was frail, which is why, earlier he was mostly seen seated. With filming about 5 months (maybe 6) ahead of when we see it, in all probability they may be getting ready to have Victor go. I don't know. But I will say when Alex said Victor was taking a nap today......the 1st thing I thought of was that was how they wrote out Mickey. He passed away in his sleep, Maggie found him.

As to Xander/Chloe........uncalled for. Heck, those two talked of already having sex this morning, before breakfast. And last night. Give me a break here.
the 1st thing I thought of was that was how they wrote out Mickey. He passed away in his sleep, Maggie found him.
Mickey had a heart attack (off-screen) while packing for a cruise he and Maggie were going to take. Maggie went upstairs to see how he was coming along and found him on the floor (off-screen). She said she tried CPR, but was unsuccessful.
Thanks for the summary.

Well the storylines are proving to be quite predictable. Par for the course these days, I suppose. I just wish that it was at least entertaining. How can Leo be snooping around a dangerous mob family's home for the sake of his best friend one moment, and the next be making whoopee to her fiancé? Why wouldn't Dimitri just be honest with Gwen, who'd likely understand and help him (she could use the money, anyway)? And why would Dimitri continue with this silly plot after being abandoned by his criminal mother, who put him up to this? None of it makes any sense.

And Alex, don't get me started on the infamously-dull glasses-flipper. None of this makes sense at all, and reminds me of EJ moving across the hall from Sami & Lucas 11 years ago. It comes across as desperate, childish, and creepy, not an intriguing storyline.

I was actually just starting to hate Kristen a bit less after the Megan debacle, and even let myself get my hopes up that maybe she would see some character growth. Instead, we're back to the silly plot she has with Brady and Rachel. Ugh! This isn't even good filler material.

The only thing I can be sort of excited for is the chemistry between Xander and Chloe. But as someone who does want them to end up with someone else in the end (Gwen and Brady, respectively), I can't get that deeply invested in them, especially if their only real storyline these days revolves around them pretending they've moved on and continuing to romp in the sack (or attempt to) and do little else.
It is absolutely time for Abigail to come back because I don't like Chad and Stephanie. I just knew Alex, who Stephanie is definitely still attracted to, would end up across the hall from them. But why didn't Brady know the apartment across the hall was available? His realtor sucks.

I still absolutely hate that Kristen has a child. She has done so many horrible things but lying to Brady that Rachel isn't there so he continues to worry is despicable. Rachel is quite a little horror too.

I'm surprised Leo had sex with Dimitri and betrayed his best friend. I did laugh at the subterranean peacock. Gwen will probably go along for the money but I do think she really loves him.
With Victor's last appearance in Dec. of 2022, that means it was filmed in July/Aug of that year so John Aniston undoubtably was no longer working since mid-late summer of last year. Am sure the writers were at least thinking of how they might write Victor out. He was with the show for so long, it should be well done.

As to Mickey Horton, I only really remembered Maggie coming downstairs to say Mickey had died. It was how we learned of Mickey's death. I don't think we saw it. Doesn't matter.
Yes, that's how it happened. Maggie came downstairs to say he had died. But it was while he was packing to go on a cruise (which we didn't see, as he was last shown on-screen in 2008, played by Kevin Dobson, then he was always in another room, upstairs, at the office, visiting someone, etc. until they had him die off-screen in 2010).
The only thing I can be sort of excited for is the chemistry between Xander and Chloe. But as someone who does want them to end up with someone else in the end (Gwen and Brady, respectively), I can't get that deeply invested in them, especially if their only real storyline these days revolves around them pretending they've moved on and continuing to romp in the sack (or attempt to) and do little else
The chemistry is there but I can't be invested in Xander/Chloe because they aren't over their exes even if they're they still will pine for them. Xander will likely dump Chloe when he finds out Sarah is pregnant or after she give birth and then he might be torn between her and Gwen again after she finds out about Dimitri's scheme and his affair with Leo
Abigail was killed with a knife to the gut....., and probably bled a lot. Don't know how Rolf could have resurrected her. The actress wanted out, did not want to be tied down with a contract back then. Times change, no idea if that is still how she feels. But the fact remains that Days has overdone the return from the dead thing. Salem is like a land of zombies now. There are other way to write out a character.

Heck, Will & Sonny went to New Zealand, but characters can go anywhere in the U.S. or Canada. They don't have to be dead. Rehab, sanitariums, travel, ...heck, even plastic surgery. LOL. Only guessing that with Gabi so in love with Jake, but the actress wanting out, the show had to do something to keep the actor, thus Stefan appeared. Same with Adrienne/Bonnie. It's hard when an actor wants to leave, or only appear every once in a while.
Abigail was killed with a knife to the gut....., and probably bled a lot. Don't know how Rolf could have resurrected her.
Will was strangled. Stefan was shot and his heart given to Julie. Jack was mangled at the bottom of an elevator shaft. EJ was shot and bled out. Megan was electrocuted in a hot tub. Bo died of his brain tumor. A few clicks of the keyboard and they're back among the living.
Oh, I'm totally expecting Abigail to return. I hate it but if they do I'd prefer it be with someone that wants to stay.

Brady should be buying a house. Maybe if he remembered he was another kid it would occur to him he needs space. Chad should be bying a house but not with Stephanie since that's unlikely to work out. Alex is the one person who makes sense in an apartment.

So bummed that Leo was a disappointment today. If he can't even have some core values for Gwen he's just lost. The jerkiest of charcters need to have one person that makes them likeable.