DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Monday, June 9th 2008

I think the Dean will turn out to be Max' dad. If for no other reason, I think the writers are trying to play up the fact that Max was adopted by the Bradys so there will be less of a yuck factor in his dating Stephanie.
I think the Dean will turn out to be Max' dad. If for no other reason, I think the writers are trying to play up the fact that Max was adopted by the Bradys so there will be less of a yuck factor in his dating Stephanie.

Ahhh...good point Kathy.
I love the Nicole/EJ and think they are so right for each other. :hot: WAY BETTER THEN EJAMI, JMO!!!

I am lovin the Daniel/Chelsea pairing also. I don't care about the age difference and think they would be just cute together. Thats if Grandma Kate don't still him away, or Lexi. (o-Please NO...NO...NO...not Lexi)

Not sure where they are going with all the talk of John/Hope. I really don't want the writers to go down that road again. Bring Marlena home and get the love birds back together again. with John's comedy act and Marlena's love for him they could really burn up the screen.:clap:

I'm glad that Hope is back to work after so long and she feels better about her self, but has her and Bo forgot they have a baby. Seems Ciara will not even know who "mom and dad" are, just Maggie, and Grandma Caroline.

Thanks for all you do for us DOOL fans Barb, your the best!:clap:

am confused about daniel, when he talked to marlena he wanted her to tell him how to fall out love, wasn't he talking about chelsea?:confused:

Hope/ idea, except that he already knew a small part. He honestly seemed to me like .....someone who just wants to hear the juicy gossip. However, I think he had a point. Both of them were made to think they were other people, manipulated by Stefano into having this fling, while both loved others with their whole hearts. I think maybe John was showing that while he now is a different person, he still would not do the drug smuggling thing.

Hi, okay, sorry, I am from South-Africa and we are about two years behind you guys, however I keep up to date through blogs and Youtube. I just want to know, how the hell does John know about the whole sub-thing? And since when does Hope have memories of that time (or perhaps I missed something in the mother-of the-year party storyline as I just started working at the time and missed quite a lot of eppies?):confused:

Anycase, I love John and Hope scenes in general as they have great on-screen chemistry in any type of scene....:clap:

And, there was another lady that mentions the way Hope treats John after they were such great friends before - He is not exactly treating her any better... remember that scene right when he came back "I don't like you or trust you."Dejavu

It'll take some time for their friendship to rebuild, just as it will take some time for his and Marlena's relationship and his relationship with his family/friends to rebuild....:duh:
am confused about daniel, when he talked to marlena he wanted her to tell him how to fall out love, wasn't he talking about chelsea?:confused:

I think he was talking about his wife you had passed away.....