Days of Our Lives Monday March 14, 2022


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Dec 2, 2020
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Possession day - and I missed the first few minutes because my Hulu live was acting up.

Belle confronts Susan about taking her jacket. Shawn wants to know what she's doing with the coat as well. Susan tells him that he could be in grave danger that the devil is back in Salem and he's married to her. Shawn wants to know what she's talking about. Belle says I'm standing right here and Susan says but You're not Belle. Belle says "I kinda think I am." Susan says the devil isn't going to show himself until after he gets Ciara's baby. Susan holds her cross up to Belle while Belle says she's wrong. Shawn points out that Belle isn't afraid of the cross because she's not the Devil. Susan says he's right it isn't working, that she's just gonna go but it's a strategic retreat. She's going to see her friend, and ally, Marlena. But she will not give up Devil-Belle will be vanquished. Belle says the problem is that she's been right all along, she doesn't think the problem is her - but something is wrong.

Lani tells Eli investigating TR behind her back means he doesn't trust her. He says he didn't keep it behind her back since he already started investigating. He's contacted Billie Reed at the ISA. Lani agrees it's probably a good idea to check him out. Eli hopes they don't find anything ther her sake.

TR wants Allie and Chanel to talk to JOhnny about recasting the roles. He will let them out of their contracts if Johnny agrees. TR tells Chanel he was on drugs back then and he regrets what he did to her mother and lives with it. But he hopes he can prove he's not the same man. Chanel wants to know which one of them is going to talk to Johnny. Allie says she'll go to talk to Johnny since he's her brother but Chanel decides to go. As she's headed off, they run into Will and introductions are made. Allie says Chanel is going to see Johnny but things weren't good. Allie tells her to stop short of homicide. Will says he just talked to Johnny himself and he loves him but he wanted to deck him. Allie tells Will that Johnny is the reason she and Tripp broke up. They talk about what happened and Allie says it was the truth, Will wants to know if she expects him to be shocked. She further explains her and Chanel's history as friends and their kisses etc. She tells Will she's confused.

Johnny and Will discuss the movie and the effects on Marlena's job. Johnny says there's nothing they can do about it. Will says he could rewrite the devil out of the story. Johnny says that's a great idea and then they could remake the Godfather without the mafia and Titanic without the iceberg. Johnny says his film career would be over. They argue and Will says "Screw Grandma, the show must go on."

Marlena tells Ben that the devil can't be in Belle. They discuss Susan seeing things from the beginning. And Ben brings up the possibility of Johnny but that Susan checked it out and found it wasn't Johnny. Ben tells Marlena about Susan visiting Johnny and seeing the 666 on Belle's coat.

Eli's sitting at the station when a woman comes in saying she's looking for Detective Grant. She got a call from a friend of his, Billie Reed. She's TR's ex girlfriend. She figured it would be easier to come talk to him in person. She's an acrtress who met Coates last year in LA, they dated for 6 months. Eli says full disclosure Coates is his wife's bio dad then says how Coates has admitted to being on drugs and abusing women in the past, but he needs to be sure that it's th truth. She says Not on freaking word of it is true. Beth didn't know he was an addict when they first met, but it didn't take her logn to figure out he was using heroine. He would abuse her when he got upset. She didn't report it because he threatened her career. She says he doesn't have to just take her word for it, there are photos from the last time she ended up at the hospital. She tells him to keep TR away from his wife and kids that he's the devil incarnate. Eli says Thanks then asks if she's in a hurry. Eli would like to take an official statement from her. She says she would do anything to keep that man from harming another woman. Eli excuses himself, but he'll be back. She was very courageous.

TR calls Lani from the park. He was just calling to say how much it meant that she talked to him last night. Lani says she guesses it was nice. TR doesn't want to push too hard, but he wants to get to know her family. Maybe her, Eli and the kids can have dinner with thim. She'll get back to him after talking to Eli. When they get off the phone, he texts someone "I need to see you." A shady individual in a hoodie meets TR in the park and passes him a baggie of drugs TR asks if he'll be around when he wants more, he says he will. TR says that's perfect. He gives the dealer more than they agreed on and just as he leaves. Eli shows up. TR says he was just talking to Lani, Eli says not happening. Eli says he was just coming to talk to him after a conversation with Beth Howard, does that name ring a bell.

Shawn wants to give Marlena a heads up and he apologizes. Belle knows he has to take it seriously. Belle wants to go talk to Johnny to find out who else was at the house and could be possessed.

Susan arrives at Marlena's and she has some very important to talk to her about. Marlena tells her Ben already told her her suspicions. Susan didn't feel the evil presence just now when she saw Belle. Shawn calls and Marlena asks if Belle is still with him and he tells her she went to see Johnny. Marlena is going to go talk to them both. Susan reminds Marlena the devil wants the baby and they can't let him have the baby. Marlena says they will.

Chanel is yelling about Johnny letting them out of the movie. Johnny wants to know why he should and as Chanel continues arguing he wants to know where the passion came from. Chanel loved him enough to marry him and he shouldn't gloat that she can't turn off her feelings. Johnny thinks he should do a rewrite of Celeste's scenes. She goes to hit him and he tells her not to even think about it. Johnny says if she drops her lawsuit he'll let her and Allie out of the movie. Then Belle arrives needing to talk to him, Chanel says she needs a break and Belle says Susan confronted her about being the devil. Johnny says something about what a big mouth grandmother has. Bell isn't laughing. She asks if he saw the 666 on her coat. Johnny plays off that the devil was exorcised when Belle says that the devil could have gone into someone else - she realizes it's him and then tries to leave. Johnny says maybe they should put their heads together and see what they can figure out.

Lani arrives at the station and walks into the interrogation room with Beth looking for Eli. Beth says "You just missed him."

Eli says that Beth says he's still using and he used her as a punching bag last year. TR tries to continue to lie and play it off. While Eli finds the bag of drugs on the ground and says what do we have here. TR says "I have no idea someone must have dropped it."

Will tells Allie that sometimes you have to figure things out as they go, unless she's like mom and born with all the answers. Allie says she's a mother, she can vote and she is supposed to be a grown up but doesn't know this basic thing about herself.

Chanel walks back into the Dimera living room to find Johnny on the floor passed out.

Susan arrives at Ben's to tell him that she thinks it's all going to be all right.

Marlena show sup at the Dimera mansion and Belle opens the door - devil eyes aglow.
Thanks, Kris.

It's a new day in Salem.

Ben was his annoying self talking to Marlena about Belle being possessed.

I'm glad Susan didn't think Belle was possessed at the pub. Too bad that changed later.

Will thinks like me. He told Johnny to get that smirk grin off his face.

I enjoyed Allie and Will's discussion.

Today we found out TR hasn't changed at all. He still beats women and takes drugs.
I think he's mixing his grandmothers up here - only one is a hooker.

Also, Will used to put Marlena first in everything.
Will did mean Marlena...he WAS putting her first. Johnny was refusing to discard making the movie, despite Will telling him how she would be losing her job if the movie was made.
So first of all, I read the summary on DaysCafe, which bizarrely called Will the father of Johnny and Allie...
Anyways, just awful. I'm sick of the devil. I'm sick of Johnny's smugness. I'm sick of "he's changed" always being a thing after all these years. I'm sick of Susan and her corny activities. I am most of all sick of Re-Ron!