Days of our Lives - Monday May 6, 2024


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
45 minutes of talk talk talk, but no Konstantin

Pub: Everett working on the unfortunate exploits of the mayor. He turns his screen and the title of the well-balanced, well thought out article is: “ROGUE RADIOACIVE MAYOR”. This does not please Stephanie

Paulina's at home retelling the story of Chanel’s pregnancy. She whines. Abe comforts.

Nicole's sitting at a desk in the DiMansion, remembering helping Jude and the very meaningful hand touch.

Johnny and Chanel run into Nicole, they tell her it’s been a long day and then head to bed.

Rafe and Jada have picked up some takeout, they make a stupid bet on fries. Eric comes up behind them and they have a weird chat.

EJ and Sloan discuss Jude’s paternity. The results that could happen, should the truth become well known.

Paulina whines, Abe tries to comfort. Did you know Paulina has an ego? She did this so she could save Chanel but also because she thought she’d be perceived as a hero. Paulina wants to whine to Chanel directly.

Johnny and Chanel talk about how odd it was to run into Nicole. Paulina calls, Chanel refuses the call. She can’t deal with her mom right now. They discuss all the joys and happinesses of being pregnant. The fact they have options available to them.

EJ is appalled by Sloan’s claim the child isn’t his. He has has the paper proving the baby is Nicole and his, in his safe. Sloan tells him she knows, because she altered that document. She claims to being on the same team. Sloan tells EJ the harsh reality that if Nicole and Eric ever knew they created a child together, then that would be it for both of their marriages.

Stephanie is reading the article out loud at the pub. She's upset they are going without any quotes from the mayor defending herself.

Paulina is whining now that her call when to voicemail. Abe tries to be reasonable. Paulina whines. She's going to take a hot bath to calm and relax herself.

Chanel is upset that Johnny says they have options. He explains that he isn’t for termination but knowing the option is out there.

EJ comes home and has a drink. Nicole watches him. She senses he is upset.

Chanel talks about Felicity, one of her favorite customers who comes in and watches her prepare the doughnuts. Felicity has down syndrome. She is so sweet and she wants to be a baker someday. Based on this one child, Chanel is certain they can handle any child. She will love any child she has.

Rafe and Jada are in the bedroom of Rafe’s house. Jada wonders why Eric seemed so unhappy? Rafe and Jada discuss how difficult a woman Sloan could be.

EJ explains that some really unexplained issues have come up. Nicole wants to reassure EJ about her night job of homeless people that will have her working with Eric. Nicole felt guilty about not telling EJ sooner.

Abe reads the hit piece on the mayor, calls the PR person Stephanie. He wants to know what they could do to? Stephanie says we can’t do much, it’s out there now. Paulina will have to explain herself.

Chanel and Johnny continue to talking about raising children. They argue over who is more immature and irresponsible, Johnny claims he wins because he’s a trust fund baby. While without fail, Chanel gets up every morning at 4 and goes to the bakery. Chanel tells Johnny he just needs to find his calling. Johnny thinks with the baby coming he needs to grow up fast and find his calling. (two of Salem’s brain cells found each other in Johnny’s brain)

EJ and Nicole talk about Nicole working with Eric and how Eric is her past, but EJ is her present and her future. EJ hugs and kisses her.

Jada and Rafe look at a picture that belonged to Jordan. When she left, she wanted Rafe to have this painting. He has never enjoyed it but it was Jordan’s. Jada is all "you’ve never told me about Jordan." Rafe tells Jada that Jordan was Clyde Weston’s daughter and she was certifiably insane. Jada asks if it ended well then? No, Rafe, tells Jada it did not end well at all.

Everett wants to know if there is a conflict of interest between working for Paulina and the Spectator? Stephanie says she’s a professional and can keep her jobs separate. They’ve been doing a lot of work-related stuff so would Stephanie would like to do something fun related. She feels self-protective around Everett. (I think this is Everett) The fun thing they might try is pickle ball. Who knew Salem has pickle ball courts on the other side of town? As they go to check their calendars, Everett sees his final divorce papers with the name Robert Stein and his face changes, then he glares at Stephanie.

Paulina comes out of the bath all essential oiled up and relaxed as Abe is reading the paper. She babbles on and on and on. (I saw days and weeks pass by) Paulina realizes that Abe isn’t paying any attention. He shows her the article.

Chanel listens to the voicemail Paulina left for her. She says "I love my mom, but I can’t deal with the drama tonight." Johnny tells Chanel to start thinking of herself and the little one. Whatever happens, they will deal with it.

Eric and Sloan make up.

EJ and Nicole talk, he asks where’s Holly? She’s feeling overwhelmed and over-worked, so she went to bed early. EJ suggests a vacation, Nicole reminds him she just started a job and Holly just returned to school, so perhaps they should wait. But they are alone as everyone has gone to bed, so they start snuggling and Nicole’s hair gets caught up in EJ’s watch.

Jada is thrilled to have her art hanging on actual walls. She gets the news that her divorce papers have been filed. Rafe has her favorite champagne chilled so they could celebrate. To us and a beautiful future. Jada claims she is celebrating her divorce more than her marriage. She is free from Bobby. Rafe is thrilled because he loves her. They start adult activities.

Stephanie has her calendar ready. Everett/Bobby tells her they need to do this later, so call him later. Stephanie doesn’t pick up on the personality change but leaves. A young woman sits at the bar, Everett/Bobby joins her. Bobby introduces himself to Alana.

Paulina is reading the article; Abe informs her that he’s already called Stephanie. Paulina says it’s all true, I was all of these things.

Chanel and Johnny continue to talk about the baby and future thoughts and things. I’m not sure it’s been days and weeks I’ve been watching this one episode.

Nicole thinks they’ve been taking each other for granted. Even though they talk with and to each other, what they haven’t been doing enough of is this. Nicole pulls off EJ's tie and up the stairs to continue adult activity.

Sloan’s finally Eric’s center of attention. She’s thrilled as their adult activity continues.
Nice job, Robin!

I am no expert on what can be diagnosed in vitro, but I believe that not all conditions can be known until the baby is born? So it sounds like Chanel and Johnny are willing to risk medical issues rather than terminate a pregnancy which might turn out well. It is heartbreaking, no mater what they decide, a gut-wrenching decision.

While Abe is comforting Paulina, he has to logically realize she is definitely responsible for this situation, but he is trying to be supportive. I think we can all see how unbearable she will be during the pregnancy, playing the waiting game to see what happens., wringing her hands nonstop. I just hope she tones it down. Wishful thinking.

EJ is so cruel to keep the Jude secret. Not telling Nicole that Jude is her baby is the worst thing he can do, no matter who the father is. Once the whole truth comes out, she needs to divorce him and get out of Salem. As for Eric, I trust he will dump Sloan and get the quickest divorce he can, then follow Nicole.

Stephanie needs to ditch Everett/Bobby immediately.

That poor woman at the bar might be spending her last night out. We have never seen Bobby refer to himself by that name before. Looks like Bobby has taken control, and Everett is lost deep inside.
Chanel is upset that Johnny says they have options.
No matter what I think, if this is what Chanel thinks, fine. They are done discussing it. I assume she'll be selling the bakery.

Edited to add: It seems they'll be playing the drama angle through Paulina's guilt, rather than Chanel's decision. That will be good for a change vis-à-vis the pregnancy story.
Nicole felt guilty about not telling EJ sooner.
Wait, did she not tell him within 12 hours of the decision from her brother-in-law?
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Chanel gets up every morning at 4 and goes to the bakery.
Except when she doesn't. Oh, and did we not just establish that she doesn't open until 10? Does that mean she works 12 hours or does it mean she only bakes enough to sell for 4?
EJ is her present and her future. EJ hugs and kisses her.
This never bodes well. I thought we were rid of this cheesy 1970s writing trope.
I love rogue radioactive mayor. She is too much and I don't like her. Or her with Abe.

I also don't like Jada for some reason. She is not Rafe's one. All that talk about Jordan, who I really liked, she's dead, right? Surprised Rafe didn't mention that.

If EJ truly loved Nicole, he would give her her baby. She would be over the moon and maybe wouldn't leave EJ. But we know that ain't gonna happen. Especially now that Eric & Nicole are working together. But I wish he would do the right thing and not the EJ thing.

Loved Chanel & Johnny's talk about the baby and that they would love it no matter what. I do hope baby is healthy & fine.

So he's Bobby again? I was hoping it was 2 different people. Bobby/Everett needs to end.
All that talk about Jordan, who I really liked, she's dead, right?
Yes, Jordan is dead. Ben was accused of killing her, but it was Evan Frears/Christian Maddox, the biological father of Jordan's little boy, David (the toddler Rafe was trying to adopt). Evan/Christian is Orpheus' crazy son. Evan/Christian also had a baby with crazy-pants Jan Spears, a baby boy she named Shawn Christian.
Thanks, robin.

Why is Abe wearing a suit at home? He's not a DiMera. :)

I'm glad Paulina finally realized she made a mistake when she left the hospital after she read
the article. What will she do next?

Johnny talked about how Chanel gets up at 4 to work in the bakery. Since the bakery doesn't open until 10,
when does Felicity watch her making pasties? Maybe we're not supposed to think about stuff like that.

Will Eric wonder where his toothbrush went if Sloan gave it to EJ?

It was interesting to see Jada put up the pictures in the bedroom. Was Jordan mentioned since she's Clyde's daughter?
Does Jada know about all the other women Rafe has been with?

Interesting to see Bobby come out and play. How long before anyone notices Everett acts differently at times?
I'm still pulling for Chanel to have a mutant baby that is half human and half raccoon, and glows in the dark! :rotfl:
JS, this would certainly breathe some life into what has become a daily exercise in Paulina-related boredom. As for playing the mutant, just give Doll-in-Blanket a raccoon mask and the viewers will forget about drama queen Paulina and Everett’s problems and his scruffy beard.

It was interesting that Jordan Ridgeway’s name resurfaced today. Her sad story would effectively remind the viewers what a perverted lowlife Clyde is. Pushing pills to Salem’s teens is actually among his lesser sins.

The writers really expect the viewers to believe that Chanel actually gets up at 4 AM to work at the bakery? This is another Salem myth just like Justin being a great lawyer or Sami being Salem’s best mother.

Finally, EJ is such an empty suit. If he had half the self-confidence he’d like people to think he has, he’d have blown off shyster Sloan, meaning everyone, especially Nicole would be far better off.
As for playing the mutant, just give Doll-in-Blanket a raccoon mask
Reply from Doll-in-Blanket:

I'm up to the challenge, Doc!

As someone who owned a bakery once, we would get there before 5am to start baking but we would also bake throughout the day. So it is possible that Felicity watched Chanel bake during the day. Although I certainly never wore fancy dresses and high heels to work in the bakery.

I can't take Paulina and her whining. I fast forwarded through all her scenes.

Oh EJ, you better sleep on it and realize tomorrow that you NEED to tell Nicole about Jude. And I also hope that when Leo realizes EJ didn't tell Nicole, that he does himself.

Not sure why I don't like the Jada and Rafe coupling, but they just don't do it for me. I feel like there's no chemistry at all there.

Chanel and Johnny are sweet together.