Days of our Lives - Monday May 9, 2022


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Mar 24, 2009
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Possession day, we find out why the Devil wanted the baby and it is not amazing.

Replay of Eli telling Lani that TR shot him.

Abe shows up at the door. TR doesn’t want to let him in. Abe says that he needs to tell the woman he loves something. TR’s rage factor grows.

Rafe on phone, Shawn comes in, the entire department is out searching no one knows where the Allie took my sister.

Ben and Ciara hug and cry. They have to save their Bo. (If you are Ben and Ciara fans this was great)

The DiMera crypt Allie and the baby, she is upset with dead Andre.

TR and Abe continue to send childish insults. They also trade “real” father insults. TR says you know brother you are wearing on my last nerve.

Lani tells Eli he is just confused. Eli remembers everything. Eli calls Ray a son of a dog and says he shot me. Eli tells Lani that…

Rafe tells Shawn that Susan Banks thinks they are at the Horton cabin.

Ben and Ciara with Ciara crying/sobbing/choked breathing. Ciara blames herself for this kidnapping. Ben wants to know what the demon wants with her son.

Evan walks in to the crypt. DevAllie greats Evan, who looks frightened.

Ciara continues to tell the story, Ciara breaks down over seeing those eyes. Ben says so you never got to hold our son.

Evan has never seen someone with a creepy as hell voice and glowing eyes. DevAllie introduces herself.

Eli tells Lani that he caught TR buying drugs. Lani and Eli discuss the story that Beth told them. Lani realizes that Beth has been lying to her. Lani realizes that she should have known that Beth was lying that TR had gotten to her.

Abe and TR at the door STILL. Tripp calls and tells Abe that Eli is awake and talking. Abe tries to walk into the room. Abe walks by and TR hits in over the head with a baseball bat. TR then drags a knocked out Abe out of the middle of the living room. The baseball bat was resting by the front door.

Lani has a pity party about TR. Eli doesn’t want Lani handling TR without backup.

Paulina comes in she is sure she heard voices. TR covers they were religious people trying to save our souls.

Evan uses most of the devil’s names as he calls Allie. Evan doesn’t know that Allie is Marlena’s granddaughter.

More Ciara sobbing and Ben trying to comfort. Ben wants Ciara to take it easy. Ciara says she is a mom and she has to protect her child. Ben wants to get Ciara checked out first. Ciara isn’t going to rest till she has her son back. Ciara throws open the door to Rafe at the door, hugs and sobs.

Evan wants to know why Allie. DevAllie is rocking that baby so hard that a normal child would be upset.

Rafe has people searching everywhere. Rafe tells Ciara that she is family, it’s personal. Ben tells Ciara that she just had a baby without medical help prematurely, Bo needs her healthy.

Lani calls her mom, TR takes the phone off the table. Paulina doesn’t feel right about leaving Lani and Eli at a time like this. TR starts sweet talking, Paulina falls for it.

DevAllie is upset that people ask what do you want with a baby. Like is Hell a dry heat like Arizona, or a wet heat like Louisiana, how long did it take to house train Cerberus? Am I responsible for Robo Calls? Yes, I am. Humans are incapable of understanding the unknowing. Evan wants to know what is in store for Baby Bo Weston.

Lani is getting voicemail so she leaves an insane message, "TR shot Eli don't let him know we know". Lani wants to be the one who arrests TR.

TR is really trying to hustle Paulina out. Abe is coming too, Paulina sees Abe with a huge pool of blood. Lani runs into Julie at the elevator, who is all happy with her match making skills.

Julie gets to Eli’s room. Julie is happy he is awake. Julie tells Eli that the twins are looking forward to see the twins. Julie thought there would be a happy feeling in the room. Eli proceeds to frighten Julie as he tells Julie the truth.

Paulina says she has to call 911. TR rips the phone out of her hand. Paulina is frightened.

Some Random Nurse tries to comfort Ciara. Ben tries to comfort her. Ciara only got to see him for a few minutes, he was tiny and beautiful.

Evan and DevAllie chat. Evan thinks that DevAllie is going to possess baby Bo, and that is it, for some reason the devil needs a new soul to live in. (Say WHAT?) But Ben and Ciara aren’t going to raise the child. DevAllie wants Evan to kill Ben and Ciara so they will stop looking for their son.

Ben and Ciara chat about the dark time. Ben feels hope. Ciara sends Ben out to look for their son.

Julie didn’t like TR before but now, she really can’t stand TR. Julie tells Eli about sending Abe over to Paulina’s place.

Paulina tells TR that he hasn’t changed at all. Paulina is not afraid of him. Lani walks in TR turns and Lani shoots him.
Boy they have really made TR a bad bad guy which he is playing great! But he was so nice on all my children! I really like the actor but I want him gone! I'm glad Lani is shoot first ask questions later kinda girl!!

I still just don't understand why Ben wasn't freaking out more!! The devil has your baby!! Why are you not freaking out! And why did the devil decide on Ben and Ciara?
This sounds like one to skip. Nevermind the sudden new rule/motivation for the devil to find a body and why it would choose baby Bo, why would the devil think killing Ciara and Ben would mean no one would look for the baby? Half of Salem is related to that baby.

So, so, so dumb.
My understanding was that the devil wanted to possess the baby because it was a new soul and therefore couldn’t fight the devil like Allie/Marlena/Johnny did

Still dumb but that’s ReRon for you

I did like how Rafe said that once the department knew Bo and Hopes grandchild was missing they were all in on the search. It did ring true to the history of Bo/Hope and their tenure at the PD
I think the original reason the devil wanted this baby was because it was part evil to begin with (Ben), so I don't know why it didn't go after Jan and Shawn's baby - same thing, and would be many fewer people caring about it..
I also thought The Devil wanted the baby due to Ben's DNA. Then I thought the baby would be sacrificed on an altar. The possession of a brand new soul idea is just beyond the worst story line anyone could dream up, it HAS to end. I want Evan to be killed, as long as we're wishing for things.

I believe the spelling of the baby's name is Bo, too.

William Christian is a terrific actor, but we need TR to have been the one Lani shot, not Paulina, who was in the line of fire.

Poor Abe...he lost a lot of blood. 911 needs to be called immediately, but if TR was not the one who was shot, you know Lani will be running after him, while both Abe and Paulina bleed out.
A few dumb questions about today's nonsense.

Does Evan realize what Victor would have done to him if he murdered his beloved granddaughter and helped Satan steal his great-grandson?

Does Rafe realize that if the Salem P.D. is searching for a possessed person, "backup" should include priests who are trained exorcists?

Has Father Eric thought of blessing the contents of a Salem Fire Department pumper truck and then blowing Satan back to the gates of Hell with a high-pressure stream of holy water?

If Lani has shot down lowlife TR, does she realize how proud Hope Brady would be of her for copying her shooting of Stefano. (Bo Brady would be applauding too.)
Thanks for the write up.

While watching today I was struck that I was supposed to be worried about what TR could do to Paulina but all I could think was why is she such an idiot. Then we have Ciara and Ben just chatting on the couch. I guess their psychic connection leaves them unable to do anything else.
Totally agree about Paulina being an idiot. She was agreeing to go away (not stay in Salem) with a man who had beat her, both physically & emotionally, & no matter what Abe said or did, or if this was rebound or not....she is NOT a stupid woman. I think she knows about Beth as well, tho Beth has tried to claim (after being threatened) that TR did not beat her, or use drugs, blah, blah.
AND, having given birth, (tho admittedly in a hospital) why is Ciara still in the same UNSTAINED dress she had on while delivering her son? If her water broke, then the underwear was soaked & stained, so.......can't use them so quickly. She never removed her dress.....sorry, there is blood, & other liquid stains, plus mention of cutting the umbilical cord, which has it's own staining problems. Nope, there is Ciara, struggling to get up, in her very clean dress, great hair, & flat tummy. LOLOL Sorry.........
Half of Salem is related to that baby.
And almost all of them are psychopaths or murderers.
killing Ciara and Ben
Why does Evan have to do this? Was this explained at all? Couldn't she resurrect someone again for this? GROAN

with a man who had beat her, both physically & emotionally
This is where my "left turn" comments come from - suddenly Paulina, the savvy businesswoman, is a dupe in order to accelerate this lame plot.
Thanks, robin.

Lani is rather dense. She didn't believe Eli when he said TR shot him and was taking drugs. She probably got that
trait from Paulina since she believed TR had changed too. I guess they know now he didn't.

The stuff demon Allie said didn't make a lot of sense. Why can't the devil just come back to earth? Why does he need
a human baby to be in?

Is TR dead? Did Lani shoot him because he shot Eli? There wasn't a weapon in his hand when she shot him. Will she
be charged with murder?
Aside from how offensive the Devil Storyline is to religious and spiritual people, this storyline is also extremely offensive to the mentally ill. Mentally ill people like Ben aren't "evil". Baby Bo isn't evil because he may have inherited his father's mental illness and thus is a prime vessel for dark spirits. Evil people are like Kristen, Andre, or Stefano Dimera who are not super delusional yet still wantonly commit wicked acts because they enjoy doing so or feel they are justified because doing so helps their goals. ReRon and co. are utter morons. :whack:
I agree with all the comments above. All I can add is I feel so sad for little Carver and Jules. They have spent months without their daddy...and now mommy might possibly go to jail for murder. I am glad Lani shot TR...but man, that makes me sad for those babies. No one on this show ever thinks of their children before they do things.