Days of our Lives - Monday, October 16, 2023


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Mar 24, 2009
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40 minutes staying awake is a challenge.

Chad allowed Stephanie to sleep in. They both worked late last night and Chad went to bed first. But they didn’t have nookie before the end of the night.

Sarah tells Xander that she didn’t expect to see Susan Banks. Xander is happy she made it out. He’s been wracked with guilt over what may have happened. Sarah’s been afraid to allow Xander back into her life. Sarah almost kisses Xander. Sarah apologizes for almost kissing because Xander is with Chloe. Xander tells her about Chloe and Phil leaving but that doesn’t change anything.

Harris and Ava at Tripp and Wendy’s. Does Li still live here? Is Li still in Salem? Harris and Ava kiss. Ava asks what are we doing?

Clyde is reading about the return of Susan.

Tripp and Kayla catch up. Kayla wants to know what Ava’s plans are. Tripp doesn’t think his mom needs more drama.

Harris and Ava talk about feelings and lying about feelings as they continue to kiss.

Xander can’t believe that Sarah knows it was wrong to keep him from his daughter. Strangely enough Xander doesn’t understand. Xander tries to explain that everything he ever did when they were together was for the best for Sarah.

Clyde reads the newspaper out loud for us. Edmund received a phone call from someone telling him his beloved wife was alive. Clyde calls Edmund a poor mook, Rafe and the Salem Cops, the Keystone Cops, and then admits that he was the mastermind of taking EJ’s momma to England. Because why not? Lucas overheard part of that conversation.

Chad and Stephanie have a weird but normal conversation for them. Chad misses his Abby. It’s her birthday today and he feels creepy have sex with her cousin on that day. Stephanie agrees this would be hard for Chad. It’s been a year since they found out that Clyde killed Abigail.

Lucas and Clyde talk of Clyde murdering Abigail a year ago.

Tripp tells Kayla about where Ava is living now. Ava has changed, per Tripp. Tripp gets beeped. There is an OD (overdose) in the ER he has to go.

Harris and Ava are still standing while panting and kissing and moaning. Ava thinks that maybe they need more time to consider being getting their lives back on track.

Tripp asks Mr. Galvin, who is sitting up and alert, what he took? Mr. Galvin grabs a scalpel and threatens Tripp.

Sarah tries to explain herself to Xander. Sarah asks Xander to look at it from her perspective. Xander says maybe I can. Xander tries to explain himself to Sarah, and explains how he made the terrible choices that made him lose her. They admit that they loved each other. Cue the dun dun dunnn music

Back at the hospital, Mr. Galvin has cut Tripp and escaped. Kayla goes to fix him up.

Ava and Harris have a conversation about their current lifestyles. Mob Princess is the only thing on Ava’s resume. Harris asks what is it you love to do? Ava loves to cook.

The daily pop-up seeing of Kate and Marlena. They share a cup of coffee as Kate explains she tried to take care of her kids; Marlena says you’ve done your best. Kate lists her kids and that they are all living away from her.

Lucas tells Clyde that he is a monster. They discuss the lame excuse the writers put forth in explaining why Clyde killed Abby. (It was payback to EJ for discovering while in prison with Clyde that it was Clyde who had put the hit out on EJ, that killed EJ causing Rolf to have to resurrect him. Clyde told EJ to not tell anyone, EJ told Belle so Clyde broke into the house to kill EJ’s girlfriend Belle but instead killed Abby. See, that makes perfect sense. He killed someone who had no real part in EJ’s life.)

Stephanie and Chad discuss Abby and her death. Chad wants to go to visit Abby’s grave and he doesn’t want Stephanie to join him, because it has to be just him and the kids today. Stephanie says she understands but she doesn’t because she’s become insecure.

Clyde and Lucas have a stupid conversation. Clyde tells Lucas to not threaten him. Clyde tells Lucas he couldn’t kill a stuffed deer with a cannon at five paces.

The drug addict has escaped the hospital. Tripp has to return home.

Home is where Ava and Harris are talking. Harris mentions that Salem PD needs help, per Kate. Ava tells Harris not to use her name as she is not Rafe’s favorite person.

Sarah tells Xander that as soon as Maggie found out, she was against Sarah’s idea of keeping the news of the baby from him. Sarah also tells Xander that Rex had nothing to do with the decision. But now that Susan is alive it changes things for Sarah. Sarah tells Xander he is Victoria’s father and she wants him to be part of Victoria’s life.

Chad is sitting on a bench with sorta fall leaves around. Lucas calls Chad to make sure he is doing alright. Lucas tells Chad he has a lot of people who love him.

Stephanie comes in and asks about security around the hospital. Stephanie was hoping to take her mom to lunch. The hospital is swamped. Stephanie then explains her sad morning and how Chad kept pushing her away.

Lucas tells Chad about meeting Clyde. Chad tells Lucas to steer clear of Clyde, but hey let’s continue to ruin the character of Lucas. It’s left with Lucas going after Clyde.

Harris and Ava agree a hug would not be crossing any boundaries. As they hug, Tripp walks in. Ava thought Tripp would be at work. Harris leaves. Tripp grills his mother.

Xander is happy that they were able to work out these things. Justin calls, with the news that Xander was suing for full custody, which changes Sarah’s point of view. Sarah’s back to being her witchy self. Sarah orders Xander out of the house.

Stephanie has always worried about being unable to take Abby’s place. She has become a quivering pile of jello. Chad will never love me as much as he loved Abby. Boo hoo.

Chad tells Abby that he still misses her every minute of every day.

Ava and Tripp talk about Harris, then she spies the bandage on Tripp’s arm and gets concerned. Tripp tells her what happened. Ava is upset that they didn’t catch the guy. Her phone rings. It’s Clyde, he already knows about the accident and it wasn’t an accident. Clyde ordered the slicing of Tripp. sure did manage to sit through all the sturm & drang & did not doze off? Good going, girl! This is not the episode to watch if you are sad, depressed, feeling a bit blue, etc. Seems every one in Salem is rather miserable, even the very brief minute of Kate & Marlena showed worry & frustration.

It is rather amazing that everyone in Salem has such easy access to everyone else's phone number. Even if you are new in town, only just got a cell phone....yep, everyone has the number. And committed to memory besides. Ol Clyde in prison, can call Ava, who he never met, or talked to before, so easily.

Wonder if they all just do like Andy Griffith or Barney Fife......"hey, Sarah, get me Ava Vitali, would ya?"
Clyde? Once again it's Clyde that has done something that didn't involve him at all? And what does he want with Ava?

I don't like Stephanie and Chad and I'm beginning to really not like Stephanie. It's your boyfriend's dead wife's birthday and you are upset he doesn't want you at her grave? And maybe you should not have have started dating your cousin's widower so soon after her death.

I really liked Sarah and Xander but now I think he can do better. She is just awful! Finallly came around then finds out he wanted full custody and does a 180. You were going to try to take my daughter from me. Ya know, kinda like how I was trying to keep your daughter from you. Huh. Doesn't feel so good with shoe on your foot, does it Sarah? She is awful. I hope he does get full custody.
Xander is happy that they were able to work out these things. Justin calls, with the news that Xander was suing for full custody, which changes Sarah’s point of view. Sarah’s back to being her witchy self. She orders Xander out of the house.
Sarah is a piece of..., let's say work.

It's ok for her to deny Xander's rights as a father, but as soon as she gets attacked back, she's done. She must have taken lessons from the not so righteous ex-priest Eric. I hope Xander rakes her over the coals and gets at least joint custody of his child. I cannot stand the screech owl and would love for her to be a gone again girl!
- Oh goody, more Clyde. I liked him at one time but he is now so overused and a cartoon character.

- Could the writers please have Melissa come home and drag Sarah away from Salem?

- Well folks, here we go with another round of an insecure woman who can never find happiness unless she's with a man. Seriously, Days, it's 2023 and you need to get caught up with the fact that there are strong women, successful women without a man, women who are just happy with who they are.

- Ava and comment about these two.

Where are Tony and Anna?
Chad misses his Abby. It’s her birthday today
I'm surprised they're kind of close on her birthday. Today is 10/16. Abby was born on 10/19/92. Half the time they just give characters new birthdays. Like Jennifer was born on 2/6/76, but in 2002 (I think) they changed her birthday to 9/11. She felt guilty about celebrating her birthday due to the date and Jack told her it was OK.
so Clyde broke into the house to kill EJ’s girlfriend Belle but instead killed Abby. See, that makes perfect sense. He killed someone who had no real part in EJ’s life
Clyde actually hated Abby for his own reason, though. For her cheating on his boy Ollie (Ben) with Chad and getting pregnant with Thomas. Remember when he blackmailed the lab tech to say Ben was the baby's father?
Thanks for the summary.

Am I just not remembering this Lucas/Chad connection? Outside of the obvious where Lucas is Kate's son and ranks lower than her non-son Chad. I know Abigail is Lucas' niece right but it doesn't seem like there was much or any emphasis on this before.
Thank you for the summary, robinsnest.

You must've struggled watching this one. My eyes glazed over just reading about what the idiots in charge of Days think is good writing.
Amen. This episode literally put me to sleep until the sound of Sarah squawking at Xander woke me up.

OMG, now it’s Clyde who’s threatening Ava. Why can’t Cousin Angelo come back to teach him some manners? Threats against Ava are an insult to the whole Vitali crime family.

Also in the OMG-category was the sight of Ava and Harris getting cozy. What gave the writers the idea that Harris was anybody’s idea of a romantic hero?

Xander has done more than a few bad things in his life, but dealing with the likes of the awful Sarah should be more than enough penance for them.

Finally, it was good to see Lucas again. Why can’t the writers contrive some events that will bring him back to Salem?
Thanks, robin. I'm sorry about the episode. It was bad really bad.

Stephanie must have slept really late since everyone else in Salem already had breakfast and it's almost
time for lunch.

I enjoyed Xander eyes. He looked so concerned and sad when Sarah was telling him things. Then that
mean, mean, mean Justin called and ruined it all.

Are we supposed to assume somehow Clyde had Susan taken to London and now he had Tripp stabbed?
Why, oh why? Will he try to make Ava go back to the dark side?
Apparently kidnapping the Salem Screecher (Sami) is such a dastardly deed that one must be in prison for a longer jail time than any other crime ever committed. While the towns folks forgot about her while she was gone. So really, no one cared and Lucas is being punished for doing the town a great favor.
If they needed to have Lucas out of Salem, there are a dozen better ideas, like going to visit Carrie, Austin and Noah in Switzerland; visit Billie wherever she is; visit Will, Sonny and Arianna, Allie and Henry in New Zealand. A new job out of town. Go visit Jennifer and/or Mike. Maybe go to Africa to do something in memory of Bill Horton. But no, he gets a years-long prison term for a crime that was actually a favor to the Salemites.
Chad will never love me as much as he loved Abby
So? Philip never loved her as much as - Melanie, wasn't it?

And neither did Nathan.

I hate this version of Stephanie that has inexplicably resurfaced. I'd honestly rather see her framing people for crimes or turning completely witchy, since that's all re-Ron does for women.