DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Monday, Sept. 6


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
Reaction score
Ah, the holiday for all of us in the U.S. and naturally, a big PGA golf tournament will be shown instead of Days.

So folks, enjoy your day off, your long weekend. I actually slept about 45 minutes later, knowing I had no show to watch. However...

The previews for Tuesday (will be up on Monday a.m.) show Stefano tellling Kate that whoever did this to Elvis will pay, the O.R. where machines are beeping, and EJ is coding, a nurse says they are losing him...and Bo asks Sami where she was last night. (It appears she & Rafe are sitting in the Pub right then)
How about on Mondy you summarize the PGA tournament for us!! :) Just kidding!
Have a great long weekend!!
Thank you Barb for all that you do. Of course I will be going through Days withdrawal, but I hope you have safe and happy Labor day weekend.
Oh no I forgot that it was a long weekend. Guess I will watch the last two days that I missed. Thanks Poirot. Will look foreward to tuesdays summary.
Ah just when it's got me on the edge of my seat we have a day off..... LOL Enjoy your holiday everyone.
Barb, that was your worst write-up ever. Sounds like a boring show. :wink:

Have a great weekend everyone!
:rotfl: You guys are nuttier than this little redsquirrel.

Thanks for the holiday reminder and sneak peaks, Barb. I have all of this week's shows to watch over the long weekend so I won't go through withdrawal.
squirrely, you are in for a treat. definitely cashews for you this weekend. LOL, it's not...just wait til the turkey delivered for Thankgiving!

@sportzgirl....Hey, I get a Mulligan
OMG, Barb, are you trying to do away with this squirrel because of all the trouble I caused you by being AWOL?!?!?!? Sorry, couldn't resist. This is one squirrel who is allergic to ALL types of nuts. Sad, isn't it?
Hey, I just figured you were gonna "gift" the rest of the group with your cashews. You know.....recycling........Do you honestly think I was gonna tell everyone about the Merlot?