Days of Our Lives - Thu., Apr. 30, 2020


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Victor's Hospital Room: Xander enters. He declares Brady will pay for this. Xander laments Brady didn't stab him, who would have deserved it because he was selfish in his motives; Victor was just protecting others.

Police Station: Brady is handcuffed to a chair. Eric enters, wants to know what happened. Brady lies, but Eric won't buy it. Eric (apparently forgetting Brady's deeds against him and Nicole) claims Brady doesn't hurt the people he loves. Brady tries to play it like a Greek tragedy; Eric still doesn't buy it, because Brady was calm and the attacker was "in a frenzy." He deduces it couldn't have been Brady; it was Kristen. Eric advises Brady that Kristen isn't noble, but Brady triples down.

Hotel Room 2119: Kristen is going over maps. Nicole shows up for an update. Nicole vows to help Kristen get her baby back, despite hating her. Kristen says she doesn't deserve kindness because of what she's done. A lightbulb flashes for Nicole; but after a flashback reveals what Kristen's thinking, she covers by discussing her stealing Nicole's identity. Nicole pushes a bit, everyone's trying to find Mickey. This sets Kristen off, she recounts killing Haley. Nicole figures it out; Kristen has a flashback. Nicole presses for the truth, but Kristen quadruples down. Nicole advises her that, "Crazy ladies need to make big changes to be good at motherhood." Nicole asks Kristen if she can not be herself in order to be a mother; leaves.

Hotel Room 234: Sarah scopes for Jeanne Marie, the coast is clear.

Hospital Waiting Room: Ben and Ciara fret about Victor and talk about Stefan.

Square: Gabi sees Jake; she faints. Kate helps her to her feet, jokes about Salem, doesn't believe Gabi's claims. She takes her to the Pub, where Kate buys her a drink. Gabi tells Kate about everyone suspecting her in drugging Abby.

Mechanic Shop: Jake is brooding. He moves to fix a bike. Ben enters, still struck by Jake's resemblance to Stefan. He gives Ben the motorcycle part; Ben asks about the job. The boss didn't go for it, but Jake is hiring him anyway, because a few days ago he had no job history, either. They fix a bike.

Victor's Hospital Room: Xander recaps for his comatose uncle. He laments Sarah doesn't trust him; Ciara is there to gloat. This goes on for about 20 scenes. Ciara kicks Xander out, talks to comatose Victor for a bit. He starts to mutter.

Budapest Paris Café: Sarah tells Mickey about when she studied at the Sorbonne. Rex is there (allegedly for a medical convention). They talk about Mickey's medical condition, about Emily, and about Mimi the amazing mom. Rex turned down a job in Paris so he could watch his daughter grow up. He asks about Xander; Sarah evades. He tries to rehash their history; Sarah drops it.

Square: Nicole exits the Salem Inn, meets Eric. They recap that they have figured it out. Eric doesn't think Brady will back down; Nicole thinks Kristen might.

Police Station: Kristen visits Brady. Brady tries to fill her in on his lies. She has decided to confess.

Apartment 234: Sarah is in a panic. She chains the door and expresses thanks to the ceiling that Rex isn't talking to anyone in Salem.

Pub: Kate gets a call. From Rex. Hi Mom, what's new in Salem?
Well, I tried, but only got the last 15 min,. of the show. So thank you Jason, (tho in places it seems like the Cliff Notes version, lololol)
Amazing that both Nicole & Eric figured out Kristen shoved the knife into Victor, but Salem P.D. has no clue???? Then again, they know the people involved pretty well, which the cops evidently do not.
And then.....why has wardrobe decided the only way to dress the younger crowd is like streetwalkers?
Jake: It might have made for a good scene if Jake took one look at how the fallen Gabi was dressed and said over his phone: "Quick, send the EMTs. A hooker has collapsed in the Town Square."

Ciara: Was it really wise for Ciara to wear that spotted top today? Supposed a dazed Victor woke up and thought he was about to be attacked by a leopard.

Brady: Has it ever occurred to this dunce that if Victor awakens, his Kristen cover-up will implode?

Eric: He ought to give up his frenzied killer theory. Victor suffered only a single stab would. A frenzied attacker probably would have stabbed him multiple times. For example, people who think Lizzie Borden murdered her father and hated step-mother point to the multiple hatchet blows inflicted on the two victims.

Lizzie Borden and the Murders of Andrew and Abby Borden in Bristol ...
Andrew Borden: Once that Lizzie got
going, she just couldn't stop.
I think Ciara must have gotten her outfit today from the 50 shades of Gabi line. Leather pants and a black bra under a lacey skin tight shirt?

I kept thinking who on earth gets dressed like that to hang around the hospital with someone. And in the same episode I was impressed that Kristen was dressed like a normal person.
(tho in places it seems like the Cliff Notes version, lololol)
It was a very slow episode! I hope I didn't miss anything important because it's possible I lapsed into a coma during the show!!
How is Ben getting paid?
I actually thought this as well - I went back to watch the scene again. My guess is that they will charge a fixed rate for labor, and Jake will cut him in on that. Like paying an assistant.

So are we really going to play the "Is it Jake or Stefan" game? I mean, the comment about the job history basically cinches it - unless he's in Witness Protection (another soap trope) or thinks he is.

Happy Sweeps!!
It was funny & yet sad how Nicole made Kristen realize that her temper tantrums, uncontrolled anger etc. would not be how she could be if raising Rachel, citing how Holly can drive her up a wall, but she does not react in a negative way.
Thanks, Jason.

Anyone else wonder where Kate got her outfit? I'm not sure if she made the pant
suit from curtains from the DiMera mansion or she got it from Good Will.

Nice to hear Rex talk about Emily and Mimi.

Will Kate tell Rex all about the baby switch?

I laughed when Eric talked to Brady about finding a knife among Maggie's figurines.

Eric and Nicole both had their thinking caps on figuring out it was Kristen that
stabbed Victor.
I think Kate will tell Rex, and then she will blab to everyone to try to redeem herself for hiding Stefano and Gina. Then, how many them will descend on Paris? Sarah wouldn't tell Rex where she was staying, and yet I bet they figure it out.
I could tell Rex & Sarah were in Paris because they each had a pastry next to their coffee cups! :sarcasm:.

Thanks for the update!
And just like at the Pub and Julie's joint, the food didn't get eaten. I once spent a week in Paris and ate at various places and not one had accordion music playing in the background, nor did they have walls with what looked like ivy growing on it. Far from looking Parisian Rexy and Sarah's faux cafe looked remarkably like the places frequented by visiting Salemites in Athens and Prague.