Days of Our Lives - Thu., Apr. 5, 2018


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
In the Square (it's bright in/out here), Steve is navigating through the park while Abe coaches him (Steve is using his cane to detect objects in/near his path). They joke and laugh. A call from Val (see below) makes Steve dismiss Abe (Kayla should be on her way).

In a darkened Private Area of the Square, Stefan0 remembers kissing "Gabby" and says he misses her.

At the hospital, Val comes to see Lani, she heard she was admitted. Lani snipes at her, Eli says something could be wrong with their baby. Lani is pretty cold, Val says she wants to respect her wishes, hasn't told Abe. A few moments later, she calls him while he's with Steve. Later, Abe arrives at the hospital and Val briefs him, turns to leave. Abe says it's also her grandchild, she should stay. They enter as Eli is telling a funny perp story to Lani, she is laughing. Lani thanks Val for calling Abe. Kayla enters and stalls with the results. She has placenta previa which is causing the cramps. Sometimes the situation resolves itself, sometimes it doesn't. This makes the pregnancy high-risk. Lani's doctor will be in in a bit, Kayla leaves. Abe wants Lani on desk duty, Eli suggests maternity leave. Lani shuts them both down. Her decision. Abe and Eli leave, Lani asks Valerie to stay.

At the Pub, Jennifer is too preoccupied with Abby's struggles and JJ's torments to enjoy Roman's cooking. She gets a free therapy session as they lament JJ's lost fatherhood. They go out to do something fun. This apparently means watching what they claim is a romantic comedy in Eric's darkened room. After the movie, they talk and kiss.

JJ arrives at the DiMansion looking for Abby. Chad is also looking for her. He has been texting, gets a response (see below). JJ needs cheering up, which Abby is really good at. Chad offers his ear, gets (apparently off-screen) the lowdown. Chad cheers him up, then (off-screen also) divulges the information about Gabi's alleged "confession." JJ leaves, Chad says he can call him anytime to chat.

In Marlena's office, replay of Marlena speaking with Abby, then the ham headache, and "Dr Laura" emerges to protect Abby from the truth about her DID. "Dr Laura" answers a text from Chad, but will not talk to Marlena because of doctor-patient confidentiality. She is the "gatekeeper" and has to protect Abby from the truth. (Flashback to Big Zero learning Abigail killed André.) They discuss the specifics of the case and Marlena deduces that Abigail "did something to somebody else" to create the need for alters. "Dr Laura" tries to dismiss Marlena, who can't let Abigail leave without help. Marlena will use a loophole because Abigail is in danger to alert her family. They bicker a bit, and Marlena tries to reach through to Abigail.

Back to daytime and the square, when Abe is gone, Steve tries it solo, but trips. Stefan0 comes up to help him. Steve knows who he is from a 15-second sound byte, knows he's causing trouble for Salemites, notably his niece Abigail. Stefan0 says she cares about a part of Abigail, feels she feels the same. Steve is not having it, says he will come after him if anyone in his family is harmed by Stefan0. Kayla zips up, orders Big Zero away from Steve. Steve explains she's even more protective of family than he. They leave. Stefan0 turns around, JJ is there to confront him, "What did you do to my sister?" He will protect his sister. Stefan0 tries to throw a barb in about Theo's shooting, JJ stands strong, stalks off.

At the Pub, Kayla wants to order loaded potato skins in celebration of Steve's increasing independence. Steve thinks he's just being stubborn.

Outside Lani's room, Eli assures Abe he'll always be there for Lani and the baby, no matter what happens. In Lani's room, Val says she is sorry Lani was hurt, but she did what she had to do for her son & grandchild. Now that everything's out in the open, Lani's pregnancy is none of her business. Lani doesn't want that - she knows Val is a great doctor, needs someone to be direct with her (Eli & Abe are too worried about upsetting her to do so). She can count on Val to do that.

Marlena and Abigail discuss DID, which Kimberly ("aunt Kayla's sister") had. Marlena gets a call about an emergency, has to leave, will have the nurse wait with Abigail. Not necessary, "Abigail" says, she will go home, come back tomorrow. Marlena agrees to this, zips out. Back on go the glasses and hair tie, she's been "Dr Laura" the whole time. Chad calls, there's back and forth about Jenn's sickness ("Dr Laura"'s lie to cover her absence). Chad believes "Abby" who will spend the night with Jennifer. END
Editor's Note.
The "another life" reference is most likely not a reference to someone from Sam Maitland's past. It is a nod to Tyler Christopher (StefanNo)'s role on General Hospital, where Stephen Nichols (Steve) played his uncle Stefan and Mary Beth Evans (Kayla) played Katherine Belle.
Thank you, Jason.

The entire episode was ruined for me from the get-go due to the writers' stupidity. GRRRR

There is no way on God's green earth that Steve would've received a white cane and been turned loose in that manner. No one receives a white cane without orientation and mobility training from an Orientation & Mobility Instructor with a masters degree. They teach skills and techniques for safe, effective and efficient travel. This means weeks or months of one on one training to learn walking routes, crossing streets, navigating sidewalks, building traveling, etc.

Northern Illinois University has one of the finest O&M masters programs in the country so there is no shortage of instructors in the state.

I just had our O&M Instructor (desk is across from mine) read the summary since she also watches Days. She's going to watch online tonight then write a letter to Days about doing a disservice to people who are blind or visually impaired with their sloppy writing.
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There is no way on God's green earth that Steve would've received a white cane and been turned loose in that manner. No one receives a white cane without orientation and mobility training from an Orientation & Mobility Instructor with a masters degree. They teach skills and techniques for safe, effective and efficient travel. This means weeks or months of one on one training to learn walking routes, crossing streets, navigating sidewalks, building traveling, etc.

This was bugging me too. Isn't it also the SAME DAY that Steve went blind??? Come on Ron. Albert Alarr and Greg Meng too. And the fact that Steve was staring right at his scene partners every scene was just ridiculous. Someone should send them some Little House on the Prairie DVDs so they can watch a master class in how acting blind is done.

Marlena and Dr. Laura scenes were just amazing! I'm so happy they added her to this story. I'm also happy that JJ, Jen and Chad are starting to get a clue. I have to admit I really thought it was Abby until she told Marlena she was going home and not to tell anyone else. Let's hope Marlena communicates with Chad, Jennifer, and JJ now so they realize they've been lied to.

But seriously Marlena "loves" Abigail and Steve is looking out for his niece Abigail? Since when?

I'm shocked that Lani is still pregnant. I don't understand the purpose of this unless it's to have her and Eli fall in love. I also liked that JJ was concerned about Gabi. Maybe he will go to court now.

Chad and JJ were good together. I'm beyond bored by StefanNo. He's only remotely interesting with Vivian. This was a really botched character intro.
Good post, redsquirrel; however, I'm not surprised that the writing for this storyline has been severely botched. I still remember when the writers (at that time) did a similar thing with Kate's bout with cancer. I know some fans/posters would contend that the show is for entertainment purposes only, and we need to suspend belief at times, but I do wish the writers would do some fact-checking before tackling such illnesses/disabilities.
I still remember when the writers (at that time) did a similar thing with Kate's bout with cancer. I know some fans/posters would contend that the show is for entertainment purposes only, and we need to suspend belief at times, but I do wish the writers would do some fact-checking before tackling such illnesses, disabilities.
Or when Jennifer was be-bopping around her hospital room, in full hair and makeup, fully dressed, just days after her heart was removed and reinserted. She then pushed infant Parker around the hospital in his buggy while Daniel and Chloe had a conversation.

When my friend had open-heart surgery, after a week, he was just sitting up in bed and allowed to dangle his legs over the edge (and needed help doing that much).
Only got to see the last 20 minutes or so......missed a lot, so thank you, Jason. Sure wish I could get to see it on the NBC site, but they won't let me (besides, my computer with this hated Windows 10, keeps blacking out for a a couple seconds every few minutes, and in many cases, I cannot watch YouTube or even a video clip on here as it will go black on me in a couple seconds, with a statement saying "this video cannot be played").

So, why would anyone think Stefan's references were not to his own past as Sam Maitland? Would Days really "nod" to a soap that was on another network? Are there really that many viewers of GH watching Days that the writers felt the need to do that?

Steve is such an independent son of a gun, that he would not even consider having "lessons". He would always want to just go it alone. However, he sure spends a lot of time in that square, it seems. But then, so does everyone.

I would think that Marlena would consider Abby an emergency, and not leave her, or insist she is calling Chad to come over. A shame Dr. Laura pulled a fast one. I am hoping that it really wasn't, that Marlena was on to her the minute she said she wanted to go home, and don't tell anyone.

Stefan needs to get a grip if he is "missing" Gabby. What Stefan really wants is that Abigail person, but cannot have her unless she is Gabby persona. And all Gabby has is Abigail's face/body. He needs to stop drooling at the prospect of having that body, and realize she cannot wear that wig forever.
Or when Jennifer was be-bopping around her hospital room, in full hair and makeup, fully dressed, just days after her heart was removed and reinserted. She then pushed infant Parker around the hospital in his buggy while Daniel and Chloe had a conversation.

When my friend had open-heart surgery, after a week, he was just sitting up in bed and allowed to dangle his legs over the edge (and needed help doing that much).
My husband and I to this day still make fun of and mock Melanie when she tapped Jennifer after surgery and told the orderly, She's good to go". That line just makes us laugh much.
So, why would anyone think Stefan's references were not to his own past as Sam Maitland? Would Days really "nod" to a soap that was on another network? Are there really that many viewers of GH watching Days that the writers felt the need to do that?
Yes, it was about Sam Maitland's past, but also an inside joke about the three characters played by Stephen Nichols (Patch), Tyler Christopher (Stefan) and Mary Beth Evans (Kayla) on GH, as they were all involved in the same storyline on there.

Just like when Brady had someone dig up dirt on Eve and said he found out she used fake names to swindle old men: Chelsea from Springfield and Blair from Pennsylvania. It was a funny inside joke, as the actress played Chelsea on Guiding Light, set in Springfield (on CBS), and Blair on One Life To Live, set in Pennsylvania (on ABC).
Yes, it was about Sam Maitland's past, but also an inside joke about the three characters played by Stephen Nichols (Patch), Tyler Christopher (Stefan) and Mary Beth Evans (Kayla) on GH, as they were all involved in the same storyline on there.
This disappoints me. I thought the fact that he referenced an uncle and a woman from his past meant that we were eventually going to be introduced to members of the family he was raised with.
Mr. Thoughtful & Ms. Sleeveless: If Sami hears about their tryst, she'll be reaching for a bottle of Pepto Bismol.

Psychiatrist v. "Psychiatrist": "Dr. Laura" may think that she's put one over on Marlena, but in the long run, she's got no chance. Any woman who can outlast Stefano and Kristen DiMera will eventually wipe the floor with "Dr. Laura."

Steve v. Sleaze: Steve may have lost his vision, but he won't be taken in by some sweet talk from the big DiMera creep. If push comes to shove, he'll put the big hurt on Stefan Zero.

Deveraux v. Degenerate: Vivian's slimy son may be tempted to write off JJ as a nonentity, but as the Town Square windows can attest, he can be dangerous when provoked.

Carver-Deveraux Family Circus: Please make it stop. This storyline is way, way past its expiration date.
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Thanks, Jason.

It was interesting Abe was teaching how Steve to walk with his cane, but they kept
going up and down the same place. I don't think you can learn much doing that.
Also, Steve's hearing has improved to know he was talking to Stefan and he only heard
his voice in a newscast.

I can't believe Marlena fell for the fake switcheroo Dr Laura did. Hopefully, Marlena
realized something was wrong because "Abigail" kept holding the glasses.