Days of Our Lives - Thu., Aug. 29, 2019


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Doug's Place: Chloe has returned from a New York audition. She and Brady talk about the party, and the Kristen reveal; Chloe deduces that a "part" of Brady must have known that it was Kristen he was sleeping with. He also tells her Holly and Nicole are alive. There are several scenes of recapping after this and then Chloe gets a call. She has gotten her opera role in New York. She can't leave with Holly missing. Brady tells her to put herself first, laments having to watch opera to support her. (Friend of the Board Heather points out that Brady likes opera.)

Pub: Hope brings her "cuz" Jen coffee. Jen is working on a story. Hope laments not seeing the signs (re: Kristen's crime spree), and wonders if she could have saved Ted. She knows Ted did things that were not good, but she thinks he really loved her. Jen laments wishing Jack was back, only to get this Jack back. Jennifer remembers that Sami said she saw Rolf, so they don't need his diary. They just need to find Rolf.

Hospital: Jack is talking on the phone to Adrienne, mad about a story that makes Salem seem "like Gotham." Kayla wanders by, tells him to stop acting like a jerk, and he asks for her help. He wants proof that Eve stole the diary. They spar a bit, Kayla says she cares about him, but will only help him if he treats Jennifer with respect.

Teen Loft: JJ and Haley are moving in with her mom, who is such a workaholic that she'll probably leave them alone a lot. Tripp arrives, JJ gives him the keys. Tripp throws them back, he's leaving. He had applied to med school, was wait listed, but now is in. He's moving to California and transferring the place to them, for whom he hopes things work out.

Office: Eric is pleading with Melinda Trask, begging her to grant Kristen immunity. Trask doesn't believe Kristen knows where Nicole is, and wants the DiMera jailed for her multiple crimes. Eric pleads about Nicole, how the DiMeras have dungeons all over the country; Trask ends the talk.

Kmansion: Xander teases Sarah and she slaps him. The slap was not for Eric, but for knowing Holly was alive and not telling. Xander professes he doesn't know, but does care about Maggie and Sarah. Sarah is mad he lied about Nicole, he truly didn't know, Sarah rants and raves about how he's holding out for more money, Xander says he really didn't know. He also tells her that she doesn't have to pretend about how she feels around him: He knows she thinks it sucks that Nicole will come between her & Eric. Sarah lashes out, but is taken aback by Xander's claims, because of her earlier talk with Maggie. She wonders if she and Xander are two of a kind.

Hospital: Tripp tells Kayla about his acceptance, she knows because she gave him a reference. They talk about his deeds against her. She has forgiven him.

Teen Loft: Haley tells JJ she can't believe she's able to be happy. Melinda drops by to give them keys. They tell her they're staying. She is happy for them, relieved her house won't be turned upside down, and heads back to work. They blather on and then make out.

Police Dept: Eric argues with Jack about Nicole and forcing Trask to grant Kristen's request. Eric is pleading, Jack is worried about the optics, Jennifer comes in to support Eric's thesis. She reasons that the Nicole mask must have been made by Rolf, meaning Kristen has known where he is and where Nicole is. This is his chance to remember his kids. Perhaps there is a way to keep the City safe and get the truth from Kristen.

Private Area: Trask gives Hope a letter from Ted.

Police Dept: Jack goes to talk to Trask about Kristen. Jennifer hopes she'll get her husband back. And Holly. Eric adds, "And Nicole." END
I can't wait to see if they find Nicole. Hopefully, they don't drag it out too long.

I actually agree with Trask. A deal with Kristen is a terrible idea. Can't they investigate her now? Her phone, her dealings, and figure this out without letting her free? She literally tries to kidnap and murder people every time she comes to town.

Oh, Sarah. Is she going to hook up with Xander again? Her character is all over the map.
Totally insufferable: This describes sourpuss Eric's nonsensical conversation with Melinda. The Nicole-centric ex-priest just can't see the larger issue: the impact Kristen's release would have on the wider community. And the dimwit also dared to suggest that Melinda is somehow saving face by playing hardball with creepy Kristen. She isn't saving face, she's doing her job. The woebegone sometime bartender then compounded his offense by calling Jack a "spineless worm" for not giving him what he wants. For once, Jack was right. Plea deals are the D.A.'s job, not the mayor's. The Salem Sourpuss should just go home, have a good cry, and chew on the carpet.

Movin' on up: So Trippy is going to a real medical school in California. With a few months of good medical education, he could return to University Hospital, pick up the fallen scalpel of the Love Doctor, and start performing miracle surgeries, while one-upping the sainted Daniel in the ethics department by not sleeping with his patients or drooling over women dressed in hospital gowns.

Look before you leap: Before heading off to her new opera job, shouldn't Chloe hire Black Patch to make sure that her new big offer isn't being made by some drug dealer named something like El Gordo, El Guapo, El Loco, El Machete, or El Stupido.

Nasty mouth: Sarah was really ripping into Xander, calling him a "muscle-bound creep," but the X-Man retained his calm, sympathetic manner. If she talked like that to the pathetic Eric, he'd dissolve into a puddle of tears.
I really hate to see Chloe and Tripp depart, as Sarah definitely would have been #1 on the charts for me to see gone. Yes, I understand the why, and they ran out of anything for either one to do.Tis funny cuz the viewing public definitely could have done so.
That aside, tis amazing Hope is taking her time reading Ted's letter.
Was glad to see Trask back, am thinking she was disappointed and trying not to show it, that Haley & JJ weren't moving in. (Yep, Haley would be #2 on the please leave Salem list)
Racking my brain to come up with some way to find where Nicole & Holly are hidden, without giving Kristen her freedom. Where to start? Eric did have a point about the DiMeras having homes in cities all over the U.S. Could Black Patch find and check them all? I doubt Kristen would have Holly quartered in a dungeon.....
Shame on Ron for not having Xander know Nicole is alive, and where they are. Referring to headwriter Ron C.
Thanks, Jason.

It's a new day in Salem. I'm assuming after breakfast since Hope had
chocolate cake.

I enjoyed the scenes with Brady and Chloe. Why, oh why, does she have to leave?
I hope there is something later with her if Holly and Nicole are found.

Brady confessed to Chloe he knew something was wrong with "Nicole" and might
have known if was Kristen. What a guy.

Melinda assumed it was Nicole's choice to be where she is and not in Salem. I don't think
so. With all the dungeons DiMeras have she might be in one.

I'm not surprised Tripp is going to be a doctor when he leaves Salem. Will it take him longer to
become one since he's not going to school in Salem? :)

I laughed when Tripp told Haley and JJ he was going to send for his things. Was he
going straight to the airport after talking to Kayla and not take luggage?
I was supporting Xander and Sarah hard after this episode. I think they make a good couple. I dig their love/hate dynamic. My only concern is I don't want Xander being a verbal punching bag for Sarah. She needs to learn things aren't always clear cut besides heroes and villains there are anti-heroes like the X-Man. :drunk: