Days of Our Lives - Thu., Dec. 03, 2015


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
At home, Hope is eating her glasses and looking at the sketch on her iPad. Ciara enters, asks who's that. (No sound for a minute on my channel) but when the convo resumes, Ciara questions the therapeutic validity of Hope's vengeance quest.

At the Martin Mansion, Julie greets the sketch man and apologises for the lack of homey touches in the "Martin suite." Julie laments that he can't meet Bo, who was a local hero. Later, she gets some tea for him, and they chat about his possibly relocating to Salem. Jennifer arrives, apparently Julie wants her help setting up social media accounts. Julie senses something else is wrong; after the commercial, Julie assures Jen that Abby's probably okay. They go upstairs (where Doug apparently is) after joking about "unloading" photos for the web. (LOL)

At the Pub, Belle leaves a message for Sami, inquiring about the $250 million which Sami's plunked into an offshore account in Belle's name. Marlena enters and speaks with Belle, who feels poorly that she can't comfort Shawn-D as she just makes things worse.

At the police station, Rafe is sending forces to Mammoth Falls, Jennifer enters, worried about Abigail. She didn't respond or come home, and should have when she heard about Bo. Rafe's face gives Jennifer more information than he intends, talks about how Abby and Ben were see in Mammoth Falls, roads closed, Chad's on the way. Jennifer worries that Abby's almost due, etc. Later, Rafe is talking on the phone, telling his listener to be ready to track DiMera's cellphone when the storm clears. Hope comes up, Rafe mentions Jen was just here, asks about her read on Ben. Hope is zeroed in on the Swiss doc (Dr Malcolm) who was last known to be in the Yucatán, but has been in Salem 2 days. She wants to make him pay, although even Hope recognises that this is "almost too easy" as she plans to erase Malcolm from the face of the earth. Hope needs to do this for her own sanity, as Rafe tries to talk her down. (Lani pops in and tells them the Tower is still down.) Hope gets the social media buzz, and learns that Dr Malcolm is staying at the Martin house. She and Rafe rush over, after he briefs Lani.

At the cabin, Ben is pointing the gun at Chad, saying, "Not another step, DiMera." Round and round as he points the gun at Chad, it's all Chad's fault, etc. Chad pleads with Ben to kill him, don't hurt Abby; Ben can't get over what "the two of you did to me." (He's holding the baby the entire time, too.) Chad tries to outwit Ben, claims the police are on their way, that if Ben surrenders he can get a good defence attorney, etc. Ben's not buying. Chad continues, points out that Ben didn't like growing up without a mother, he shouldn't want that for his son; and later, that the cops think Aiden was the killer, have no reason to suspect Ben. Abby has inched up to him, keeps trying to get him to see Chad's logic, as Ben keeps the gun aimed at Chad. Abby says she knows Ben wouldn't hurt Colin, and can make her proud (as she side-eyes Chad). She gets Colin from him, looks at Chad; Ben is enraged, Chad rushes him, is hastily knocked unconscious by Ben.

Belle meets in the dark park with Marin, a friend of Sami's from the days of high school. (She mentions Jamie, Sami's old friend.) She's now a CPA who's been managing Sami's accounts since she started Will's college fund. She shares her condolences, and tells Belle to sit down. Explains how Sami got this money from several accounts doesn't know how, and included Belle in the scheme as an apology for Sami's shabby treatment of Belle while they were growing up. Belle worries about being disbarred. (They do mention that Sami & the kids are out of the country.) Belle reluctantly agrees to leave the money in her account.

JJ arrives at the police station, asks Lani for Rafe. Learns that she's headed up to Mammoth Falls, suspects it's about Abby, and (after some kibbutzing about the regulations they're breaking and the heat they'll take) they're off.

Hope and Rafe are at the Martin house, want info on Malcolm, they need to ask him about the case. He enters; Hope shows her badge, wants to talk to him. Rafe suggests downtown, and after some back and forth about why they have questions for him, he asks them to lead the way (but then goes out before them, LOL).

At her townhouse, Marlena is leaving a message for Sami, assuring her the "lines aren't tapped," per John, reiterates her worry for Sami & the children. Begs her to give the money back to the DiMeras. Belle comes in, snaps when Marlena tries to find out what's going on (in a very non-intrusive way).

Jennifer flashes back to Hope's wedding, you know, 2 days ago Salem time - LOL...worrying about Abby's unsigned text and asking Hope if Abby told her she'd not be there; then recalling her last call with Abby, how strange Ben was acting, how Ben needed Chad to be guilty, and later, how Chad was worried about her.

In the cabin, Ben declares Chad and Abby's relationship a sickness, decides to kill it. Ties a rope around Chad's neck and pulls.

In the police interrogation room, Hope is showing Malcolm Bo's picture. He claims to know nothing, Hope rehashes the story, and as Malcolm claims to know nothing, Hope grabs him; Rafe pulls her back, explains the situation, offers Malcolm coffee. Rafe leaves, Hope offers to play Russian roulette with Malcolm as she points a gun at him. Click, empty chamber as Rafe enters.
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So - is Belle now an attorney or is she being barred from something else? Maybe she's afraid she'll be disbarred from being a sister to Sami (in that case I vote she returns all of the money to Stefano).
By the way...Doug and Julie have apparently bought the Martin mansion, and Belle is a lawyer. These are things I'm not sure we knew.

@DrBakerFan You're the only one I can think of who might know this...can you actually "tap the line" on a cell phone? Or is this like "roll down your window" even though we don't "roll" anything anymore - an expression whose origin no longer accounts for its use?

Fantastic performances from Kate Mansi (Abigail), Kristian Alfonso (Hope), and Robert Scott (Ben). I can't say the writing is great, but they are owning it.

Edited to add - Sher & JS, we were posting about the same stuff at the same time. LOL
Jennifer worries that Abby's almost due, etc.

Since when is Abby almost due???

I hate Salem timelines. They never make sense.

Missed yesterday's show due to the complete coverage in California, didn't know I had missed it until after POP had aired. Don't want to brave the NBC site. Hope today's show airs.
If you miss a show, be sure to check the Twitter thread here. There was a tweet posted there and in the daily thread for yesterday's show explaining that yesterday's Days would air at 3am PST today due to the shooting coverage.

I missed the first 20 minutes due to a press conference so I'll have to watch again tomorrow as I don't have Pop. Melissa Salmons wrote today's show and I must say the writing was abominable. Jason, thanks for explaining that Hope was home because I didn't understand how she was the only one in a new outfit plus she magically straightened her hair from the funeral.:rolleyes:

REALLY disappointed in Hope's behavior. A lightbulb should have gone off as soon as Rafe started talking about Abby and Jen. Way out of character and coming across as very selfish. It would have been a good distraction for her to help with Abby's case plus she needs to learn the truth about Aiden not being the necktie killer. Real letdown here.

And I don't like how Rafe just dropped everything to tag along with her investigation. Have Roman do that.

Belle is a lawyer? Interesting. I would have thought Shawn would have been one due to his dialogue about his "life" being in Maine. Maybe they both are? But still hoping Shawn is a cop. Did NOT like Belle's attitude towards Marlena. Again very out of character. She should have just lied and said she was fine but overwhelmed.

Speaks with Belle, feels poorly that she can't comfort Shawn-D as she just makes things worse.
Jason my friend, I'm sorry but I don't understand this. Who speaks with Belle and who feels poorly?

Robert Scott (Ben) was amazing today. He continues to show Ben's vulnerability in the face of evil. Baby Colin is so cute.

I don't think Chad was fully knocked out as he was moving. I think his reaction time is just slow due to the coma. I had read that in an SOD article too. I bet he fights back tomorrow or at least tries to.

Doesn't Lani have a partner?

I like the idea of Doug and Julie living in Salem plus running a bed and breakfast. Let's see how many characters end up living there "temporarily".
Have to admit one did "blanche" at the "due in another month or so". And yes, it seems Julie has purchased the Martin house to have it be a bed & breakfast. Since that just happened, makes you wonder how Dr. Malcolm knew about it, being he just arrived 2 days ago from outside the country.
To clear something up, Marlena was talking to Belle, asking about Shawn D, Belle felt bad she could not comfort Shawn, and said it would not be of any use. Marlena suggested skipping her meeting, so she & Belle could just sit and catch up, but Belle got the text from Sami to go to the park.

I really missed the whole part about Belle being a lawyer...when did that happen? I mean they were sailing the high seas for several years, was it all via computer college?

Boy, Ben has all kinds of handy things in that cabin, doesn't he? shackles, handcuffs, rope. But no food, maxi pads, diapers, baby supplies. Amazing.
A couple of things ( - or just one thing - that I accidentally wrote on yesterday's summary!):

Abby and Chad - now I know that when we aren't in that situation, we really have no idea how we will react. But, I would like to think that if I were being held by a man with a gun and a friend busts through the door, me and that friend might be able to overtake crazy man with gun. I know there's a baby, I know "I" just had a baby. But none of that matters if he kills me. I gave them the benefit of the doubt, until Ben was holding the baby and the gun, and Abby came over to get the baby. It seems like that could have been a good time to end it all right there - however it played out.

Abby, once she had hold of the baby, perhaps could have tried to smack the gun out of Ben's hand, and while he was distracted, Chad could have taken over. Abby puts the baby down in "safety" and double-teams Ben. Yeah, I might not have ended well, but I can't help but think that two on one should give them the advantage if they timed it right. I would just rather someone fight back, I guess, and try to help themselves.

I guess, honestly, I hope that I would be that person that does something and tries to help myself. Not by being haphazard, but by being patient and deliberate. But do something! Not to mention, this Ben thing has gone on for far too long, even if it has only been three days in Salem time. For Pete's sake, it's been nearly a month in real time! Grr...
Not even the "knee in the groin" thing?? (once Chad was there)But then, I think both Abby and Chad are worried about the baby being hurt/harmed in any attempt. Ben is dangerous with that gun in hand.....(as anyone is, which is why I was glad Rafe came in when he did. )