Days of Our Lives - Thu., Dec. 24, 2015

I, too, noticed the time warp, and actually replayed it to make sure I wasn't seeing things! Maggie's ornament was the most noticeable "flaw" for me, but then I noticed others. Also, I thought it was interesting to see Lucas' watch when he hung Allie's (I think) ornament. I think it said either 9:00 or 10:00. I suppose that was real time. It couldn't have been AM Salem time, because Hope said something about "remember when Ciara wanted to get here before noon", but it seems hard to believe that it would have been 9 or 10 PM Salem time! Funny when those little things slip by. I noticed in other shots, his watch was mostly covered by his shirt sleeve. Meaningless, but interesting to me, nonetheless.
I thought it was strange Hope reached out her hand and JJ came up next to her.

I certainly hope that wasn't a harbinger of things to come! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Fashion Comments: Jennifer's new dress-up eye makeup looked very nice. As did Julie's hair. Maggie is going brown.

Maggie/children at the hospital:

Maggie: "Do you mind if I read you a story?

Children: "Yes!!" :)
You are right! I must have been traumatized by the Eve/JJ romance. :)