Days of Our Lives - Thu., Jan. 31, 2019


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Will goes to Diana's hotel room to talk about Leo/Matthew. He wants her to help him & Sonny get Leo out of their lives; he recaps for her (everything from the suit to the murder and the Ted Laurent connection) and it eats up about 31 scenes. Diana claims that Matthew/Leo came from money, but he spent it so fast, Diana cut him off. She thinks Will and Sonny are nice, but she wants Leo's side first. She is sympathetic to Will's cause but she does love Leo.

At the Kmansion, Sonny and Leo discuss Diana. Leo's angry but Sonny's not out of the marriage and storms out; Adrienne comes in and Sonny gloats about how this is upsetting Leo. Later, they discuss money and how Adrienne's been thrifty even though the K-clan has oodles of bucks. They also discuss Leo's demand that Sonny live up to his "husbandly duties". Later, Adrienne waves scissors at Leo and tells him to lay off her son.

At the police station, Hope speaks on the phone with Ted, whom she plans to meet; Eli questions if this is a good idea (asking as family, not a subordinate). Eli questions and Hope answers and nothing actually happens; she insists they are just friends as Ted shows up. Eli leaves; Ted tells her that he's thinking of becoming DA. Later, Hope gets a call from Theo, who thinks Ciara should have been home already.

Ben goes to Marlena's office; she thought their appointment was next week. He feels like he's spinning out of control, she makes time for him. He last felt in control about a month ago having lost his job and Ciara. Lots of talking and recapping about his job for Big Zero, as well as Hope's glee at Ciara's flight, his quitting/firing but he didn't tell Ciara, and his plans with Claire. Ciara is his anchor, being without her is killing him. He is about to go, but needs a support system; Clyde's in prison, he's been out of touch with Jordan. He will stay at the hotel until money runs out. She reminds him it's important he keep taking his medication and writes him a new prescription from the hospital pharmacy (which will not charge him). She wants to see him twice a week. He leaves, doing a sly take on his way out.

Lani goes to Doug's Place, it is closed for a private party. She enters, sees Eli in beach gear; he wanted to give her a taste of Miami's sunshine. Later, they are sipping mojitos and she's in a swimsuit also; she wants to take him to Miami. Lani can't wait for her mom to meet Eli, who will love him as much as she does. He starts; she doesn't take it back.

Sonny and Will call each other, with disappointing news from Will. Diana is stalking through the square, bumps into Marlena, whom she recognizes.

Hope calls Ciara, can't wait to see her. She is bound in a room with a mystery person.
No apology necessary! The episode was dreadful.

Diana's reaction when Will mentioned Ted was rather interesting. Kinda makes me wonder if Ted could be the daddy. I recall him telling Hope that he had lost a child. Well, maybe not! I guess I just want Leo's father to be anyone but John.
I thought that same thing. Will is quite the whiner. Did he really expect a mother to just turn on her son? I think she'll be as scheming as Leo/Matthew. I had to laugh when she was talking about Ben and said he killed 4 people and Will said well 3 actually.

Speaking of Ben I am very glad he went to Marlena for help but what was that look back? Stop going dark on Ben!!! Had to laugh when he said police couldn''t prove anything on him kidnapping Gabi - Salem PD go figure.

I loved Adreinne clipping coupons. I clip coupons! And loved that she threatened to clip Leo's coupons.

Hope made me laugh twice today. When Ted called and she said actually right now is good. Shocking! Nothing to do? No Ben scheme up your sleeve right now? Eli I thought was being very nosy. It's really not his business who Hope spends time with and yes please let it break up her and Rafe. But then when Ted gets there and she says it will have to be a quickie - quick! Ted has been inspired by Hope of all people to work for the good guys.

Personally I love Lani and Eli. I think they are very cute and a bright spot.
I liked Diana today. Can’t wait for the scenes between her and Marlena. Will and Sonny are really pathetic to me. I hate that the storyline is revolving around them. I was also happy that Marlena was helping someone who actually needs her help. I feel bad for Eli and Lani. I would love to see them on a real beach.
Wow, wish our local hospital did that. If anything, they'd charge double the going rate.:rolleyes:
This isn't all that surprising. When did any Salemite ever mention being charged for his/her often lengthy stays at University Hospital?]
I liked them too, but I agree Eli was wasted on the Hope scenes. Also when Hope said Ted had broken the law...I can't take her seriously anymore.
Agree. She was on thin ice because of her participation in Bo Brady's crime wave, her mugging spree, and for giving Bo his gasoline bath. In those cases, her offenses could be traced to Bo Brady's influence and drug use, but her recent malefactions are all on her.

As for Ted, he continues to show why he's such a disgrace to the Salem bar.
  • He thinks a shyster lawyer would be a good choice for D.A. The only argument for him getting the position is that none of the previous D.A.s have been world beaters. That said, Abe should be impeached if he appoints Ted.
  • He thinks that by working with the Salem P.D. he'll be working for the good guys. Doesn't he know that the Salem cops commit as many crimes as the people they arrest.
  • He's inspired by Hope. Actually, this makes sense. Why wouldn't a crooked lawyer be inspired by a corrupt police commissioner.
Thanks, Jason.

Maybe we can call this day "Being Honest in Salem". Ben told Marlena the truth
and Will told Diana the truth.

I don't think Diana was telling the truth she didn't know Ted.

Does Ted want to be DA or does someone else want him to be?

Did Hope change her hair style for Ted?

Surprised to hear Lani's mom alive. I think we've been told before
she died.
Thanks for the summary! Sure appreciate your time!

Diana's reaction when Will mentioned Ted was rather interesting. Kinda makes me wonder if Ted could be the daddy. I recall him telling Hope that he had lost a child. Well, maybe not! I guess I just want Leo's father to be anyone but John.
I wonder the same thing. She certainly looked like she knew Ted, but didn't want that fact known to Will.

I'm so missing Abby and Chad - wish there was more story for them.

deleted spoiler info in non-spoiler forum - JS