Days of Our Lives - Thu., July 21, 2016


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John and Marlena are in the private area of the Square, Marlena insisting John needs a break. He feels he's not helping the overall Tate search, she thinks his work has been helpful. She offers to hold down the kidnapper so John can (presumably) beat him/her when caught. Marlena does a recap as they discuss the Greek kidnapping group and Victor's possible involvement. They talk about one of her patients, an upcoming Cubs game, and their wedding. Marlena wants something new and fresh; John admits they have pretty much done it all, then suggests Wrigley Field. She laughs but realises he's serious; wants their "kiss the bride" moment on the KissCam, so they can "show them all how it's done."

At Victor's townhouse, Victor is glad Summer was caught before fleeing to Monte Carlo. Maggie doesn't wish to speak of this, all are back home in Salem now. Victor needles and Maggie goes for a lie-down. There's a knock on the door; Brady demands to know where his son is. Brady lays out the case for why Victor might be behind the Tatenapping; included in the darning circumstantial evidence is a $100grand withdrawal from a stashed account of Victor's (John found the money) just a few days before Summer got her payoff. Vic claims this was for a cruise for him & Maggie. Brady points out that Victor hates Summer, and Jeannie T, and wanted to harm them both. He even remembers that Victor paid a woman to kidnap Claire from Belle and make her look unfit. Victor is incensed; Brady just wants to know where Tate is. Victor pouts and stalks out of the hous, telling Brady that they're done. Maggie appears, looking sullen. She tells Brady that Victor did horrible stuff in the past, but "he's changed." She posits that Victor loves Tate, wouldn't do this; Brady reminds her that Victor also wants absolute control and will do whatever he wishes to get it. Brady thinks that Deimos's actions changed New Victor back into Classic Victor. Maggie considers it possible, but is worried that Brady's just exhausted. Where did he get this idea about Victor? From Summer. Maggie continues to believe in Victor and talks about Victor's cash withdrawal. (Apparently the cruise was a real thing, Maggie confirms it.) Maggie demands that Brady have faith in his grandfather. Then they posit what if both Summer and Victor are wrong about the other.

At the police station, Jeannie T is talking to Summer. Summer is NOT under arrest, just needs to give Uncle Roman some information. Summer worries about the payor giving up information on her (like her accidentally killing Clark) - Jeannie T advises her not to talk about Clark, since Summer's the only one bringing him up. Summer blablahs about how she'd never take a baby from its mother, lest they have a horrible life in adoption. Roman enters, no new information on Tate. Summer tells about the note (which she threw out) and the $100 grand. She wouldn't do it despite having access to Brady. Roman asks if the kidnappers had any info on Summer to force her to do this. She sidesteps, claiming it was about her past, which she had already confessed, so they had nothing. Roman gets a call from Rafe (see below). Summer leaves, running into Victor on the way out. They trade barbs and Victor threatens her.

At the DiMansion, Chad is reading on his tablet when he hears someone screaming for help. It's Rafe, wandering through the tunnels. Chad opens the bookcase passage, Rafe says they have to get help for Hope. Chad is flummoxed, but Rafe brings him down to the tunnel.

Coma Hope is dreaming of Aiden's confession from last week, and their wedding, and the chained-up Rafe (the scenes overlap in a nice special effect). She also dreams about finding Rafe and recapping Andre's sale to Aiden, etc. Chad picks her up and carries her off. They bring her up to the study, Jennifer has walked in, is panicked for Hope. She calls Kayla. Jennifer and Rafe talk to the groggy Hope. EMTs come in and Chad lifts Hope onto the Gurney. They wheel Hope out, with Rafe, Chad, and Jennifer in pursuit.

At the hospital, Aiden is talking to a nurse about his injury from his fight with André (he claims he fell down a flight of stairs). Kayla enters just as she's getting the call about Hope from Jennifer. She tells Aiden off (apparently Roman filled her in on Aiden's shenanigans).

In a hospital room, Hope has internal injuries. Kayla and a nurse discuss the situation as Aiden looks on. Kayla tells the nurse to go get Dr Hennings for "an all-out push" and then orders Aiden out of the room. Jennifer and Rafe arrive, worried. Rafe calls Roman from the hospital, telling him about Hope. Rafe asks Roman to contact Shawn-D. He tells Jennifer that he can't reach Ciara; Jennifer worries about Rafe's wounds, Rafe is only worried about Hope. Kayla enters, Hope had a perforated spleen, it's been removed. She has a lung infection, is in recovery, will need about a week. (Aiden is listening.) Kayla tells Rafe it was good Hope was brought in when she was, or the outcome would have been different. Jennifer thanks Rafe for saving Hope's life.

Later, Kayla and Rafe talk. Rafe's been stitched up, Hope's out of recovery, Jenn is with her. Kayla leaves; Jenn enters, says that Hope's good, but will sleep for a while. Jennifer plans to head back to the DiMansion. He goes in to see Hope, who's awake and thankful. Rafe did whatever it took to save Hope; he was returning the favour. He leaves so she can get rest after kissing her forehead.

Aiden asks the nurse about Hope Brady. The nurse says he'll have to ask a doctor. Shawn-D comes in, furious, and vows to "prove" that Aiden was behind the explosion and put him behind bars. Aiden professes his innocence, doesn't know anything about the house, he loves Hope and would never hurt her. Rafe limps in and vows to "take [Aiden's] head off" if he goes near Hope; Rafe's out for André, too. Later Roman has joined them, they have contacted Ciara, who is on her way.

In the Square, JJ is talking to Jennifer on the phone, glad Hope's okay. Chad comes up while walking Thomas, asks about Hope. They stand awkwardly as Chad beats around the bush trying to get JJ on his side in the custody battle. JJ shuts him down, that's between Chad and Jennifer.

Back at the private area, John has spoken on the phone with Brady, updates Marlena that Victor denied involvement in the Tatenapping. He's heading back to the office; she wants to go with him and crack the case.

Victor returns home, Maggie admits to hearing his fight with Brady, who is terrified and grasping at straws. Maggie believes in Victor. They embrace as Maggie looks worried.

In the Square, Brady updates Summer and Jeannie T about Victor's denials. Summer wants to help, she will do whatever it takes.

Aiden has gone to Hope's room, all he wanted was to love her. Hope tells him to get away from her, and leave Salem. He can't do that. Hope vows that he will regret staying.
Definitely not a bad episode. Too much Rafe/Hope for my tastes (and I love Rafe as a character, just not feeling them as a couple), but I do like how they're using effects. I don't love Shawn-D acting like his dad, that's played out. But there was nice mixing of characters and WONDERFUL John/Marlena scenes!

I also loved that Brady talked about Victor assisting in Claire's kidnapping - it was moments after I had remarked about it on twitter. It wasn't a great episode that took a bunch of time to write-up, but it wasn't a dreck-fest either. I can live with Days like this.
Good show. I loved Chad hearing Rafe yelling for help, trying to figure out where he was. When he opens the area to the tunnels, Rafe steps right into the room. LOLOL Tis o.k. Just wanted the rescue to happen, quick........and it did. Good for Chad being able to carry Hope by himself. Puzzled as to why Chad went for water, rather than immediately calling 911. But Jen arrived, and it did get quickly done.

And besides Aiden being allowed to wander all over the hospital with no interference whatsoever, I thought it wonderful that when Hope got cleaned up for surgery, the really nice nurses or aides, also put on on her makeup, eye shadow and even brushed her hair. That was truly thoughtful. :sarcasm:

I liked that despite Maggie being upset with Victor, she stood up for him with Brady, and I am rather tired of Victor's horrible insults to Summer and Theresa, no matter how deserved they may be. Overkill.
I think the writers missed out on some that could of made good couples. I liked Jennifer and Rafe today, and think they could of been a good couple. And even though I want Kayla with Steve, I could've liked her and Aiden (if he was the good Aiden from way before, er well, the good Aiden he showed glimpses of).

Jennifer just waltzing in Chad's house, after she has announced she is suing him, is very rude of her. Wants her cake and to eat it to!

I am really over Maggie and the shrill squeaky yelling. Over all not a bad show, as mentioned it had many interact that don't often and I liked that.
I missed today's show and the dvr didn't dvr because of a high priority request. Nothing else was recorded at that hour. But, oh well. I am confused as to why Summer is out and about. Is it because no one knew Clark, so no one cares she killed him???

But then I've had a lot on my mind and trying to figure out the morality of Days these days is not worth using the two neurons it would take to do so.
A few remarkable events today:

1) The apparent speed with which Rafe reached the DiMansion library. Could it be Stefano's tunnels system isn't as complicated as viewers have been led to believe or perhaps the Phoenix had directional signs installed down in the depths?

2) The time it took for Rafe to get medical attention: It seemed like quite a while before the University Hospital got around to tending Rafe's wounds. Is the hospital back to its one-patient-at-a-time policy or did most of the staff go on an extended vacation, worn out from the stress of handling the Yo-Daddy flu outbreak?

3) Somebody actually remembered Victor's dark and dirty past: Usually Salemites are hard-pressed to remember anything that took place more than six months ago.
Brady & Theresa brought her back so she could tell Roman about the money & note she got to steal Tate. They promised to say nothing about what she told them (about killing Clark). And they didn't. Theresa was with her, told her that no one has brought up Clark, so she should not either.

In the middle of Roman questioning her, he got the call from Rafe about him & Hope at hospital, so left, said he would continue later.
A few remarkable events today:

1) The apparent speed with which Rafe reached the DiMansion library. Could it be Stefano's tunnels system isn't as complicated as viewers have been led to believe or perhaps the Phoenix had directional signs installed down in the depths?

2) The time it took for Rafe to get medical attention: It seemed like quite a while before the University Hospital got around to tending Rafe's wounds. Is the hospital back to its one-patient-at-a-time policy or did most of the staff go on an extended vacation, worn out from the stress of handling the Yo-Daddy flu outbreak?

3) Somebody actually remembered Victor's dark and dirty past: Usually Salemites are hard-pressed to remember anything that took place more than six months ago.

Agree with all of this. I thought the abandoned house was outside town? How would someone with an injured leg be able to walk so far? And Chad lifting Hope for the EMTs was ridiculous. I thought Shawn was still searching the house. He should have been part of the rescue too.

Sorry but too much Hope/Rafe for my tastes and I DO NOT like how they are trying to build Rafe into the lead. It had a very strong Daniel-like tone and I don't want that to happen to him. Rafe telling Roman to call his own nephew "for him"? Really?! And he can call Ciara himself but not Shawn? He is not their father! And Shawn should have had a scene with Hope today. I absolutely hate how this is all written. It was resolved way too quickly with no climax.

I also didn't mind Jennifer and Rafe. I don't mind Jennifer and Aiden either. That could have been an interesting triangle.

I liked Brady mentioning Victor kidnapping Belle. I'm intrigued by the kidnapping story because I am clueless at the moment as to who took him. However, given how all these other stories are resolved, I don't think this one will have an exciting resolution either.

I liked Jeannie T's casual look and light makeup.

John and Marlena beyond cute!!!!! Too bad we can't see them for more than 2 scenes.
Thanks Jason.

I enjoyed the episode too.

I wondered how Rafe found the DiMera mansion so fast because I thought the
house was further out. Maybe Rafe went further into the tunnels the first day.

It was nice seeing Jen at the house and finding Hope there. But why was she there
because she's suing Chad. Too bad we didn't see any of Rafe's family especially
since his mom is a nurse there. Maybe we see them there today.

I don't understand why Brady and Theresa aren't going to tell Roman about Clark.
They really don't care what happened to him.

So John was able to trace the phone number to a group in Greece. If it's not Victor,
could it be an enemy of his. It could be Deimos, but maybe it's someone else. Did
have Victor have another enemy before he moved to Salem?

I'm not liking the new-old Victor. I keep hoping he has a brain tumor or something.

I enjoyed John and Marlena. We hardly see them together has a couple.
The only other person that we know from Days, who might have a connection to Greece would be Xander, who is supposed to be in prison.
I could be wrong, but did Chad go to the hospital? How come he was not wondering how/why Rafe & Hope were in the tunnels, what happened, etc. etc. (Yes, he could have figured that Andre was mixed up in it all), and sure, he would not have left Thomas alone...guess no other servants were around. I am thinking that maybe some scenes were edited out, and the John/Marlena scenes (which were great) were added in to fill the time...only because they just were not part of anything else that was going on.
A small plane crashed into a house so there was a special report that interrupted the first 5 minutes. I was shocked when Hope and Rafe were at the DiMansion. Seriously, they said that house was out of town. The tunnels run all under Salem connecting all the various DiMera houses? And Rafe walked that far?

Do the writers just not think or they think we will just buy anything. Honestly I was expecting Aiden would be the one to rescue to them further complicating that whole situation. He bought the house, I'm sure he knew about the secret room. Whatever, they just decided to take the lazy way out.

I was jealous when John said they had Cubs tickets but now - a wedding at Wrigley!? How cool would that be?!
Aiden did NOT buy the house. Andre managed to arrange that "sale", putting the house in Aiden's name, without his knowledge. Aiden was never in that house. And Andre bragged first about covering his tracks, and later that unless Aiden kept his mouth shut, he was going to be incriminated in what happened.