Days of Our Lives - Thu., July 6, 2017


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
At the Horton Center, Eric is recalling the flashback we've already seen when Nicole arrives late. They both have vague memories of Daniel, which was obviously a hallucination, and despite vowing not to talk anymore about it, they discuss whether or not Daniel would want Nicole to forgive Eric, and whether or not Nicole could. How could she ask, Nicole weeps, before going to get more copy paper. Eric meets with a man named Wayne Richardson, a gent new-ish to Salem who deals with PTSD and was let go from the docks. Wayne lives in a shelter and is just looking for work. Eric refers him to Rick at the VA, who will help set him up, and gives him an advance for landscaping work (Wayne had mentioned he was interested in gardening). Wayne thanks him; Eric thanks him for his service. Wayne leaves; Nicole has watched, wonders how Eric/the Center can afford this.

In the interrogation room, Lani again apologizes to JJ for incriminating him. He can't recall anything from that night. Eli and Lani are standing by him.

At the Kmansion, Sonny learns (from Justin via phone) that JJ is being charged. He tells Paul and flashes back to looking at Deimos' dead body and doing tai chi over it. Brady comes in, steamed about Sonny's mass firing, which he has been "cleaning up" all morning (but couldn't somehow find Sonny who's been in the living room). Brady's mad that Sonny's not handling the new hiring and vetting. Brady thinks Sonny's an upgrade from Deimos, but he won't let Sonny run the company into the ground. The sabre-rattling thankfully lasts very few minutes, and Sonny leaves. Paul asks Brady what's up, asks Brady to cut Sonny slack since Sonny's so inexperienced (Ed. Note: I'm screaming at the TV right now.) Brady admits he's upset by the Martin House fiasco. Paul suggests Brady talk to Marlena; defends Sonny, says he'll do the right thing. Sonny is listening.

At their campsite in the Private Area off the Square, Hope refuses Rafe's proposal, saying she needs something more than closure. Later, she is in the Square and Marlena sits down with her. She fesses up to Rafe's proposal (both of them actually). Hope questions herself because of Aiden, Marlena says he fooled many, let her heart guide her. Marlena gets beeped, has to go.

Back at the interrogation room, Lani and Eli talk with Rafe about Lani being hypnotized. Raines wants everyone hypnotized, per Rafe. Eli objects, fearful it may further incriminate JJ. JJ is okay with it.

Hope runs into Julie in the Square, Julie is shocked Rafe's not engaged, Julie tells Hope about the relay Rafe ran getting permission to marry Hope. Julie tries to sell Hope on marrying Rafe, Rafe loves Hope and her kids. Hope is fearful. Julie tells her she and Doug had the same reservations, have been happy they got married. Julie wishes she had one more moment with David, but we take people for granted. Sometimes there won't be a tomorrow. She says, seize the day.

In the interrogation room, Marlena is preparing to hypnotize Lani, asks JJ and Eli to stay, hoping their memories are triggered as well. (The mess was still last night.) Lani recalls the party, seeing Deimos, then seeing JJ/Deimos struggle. She went to help, but something was wrong with her. She ran to Eli for help, but got stuck in the garage. Eventually they were set free by a lady with a dog named Noodle. Eli recalls this, but JJ is unjogged. She can't recall anything after she was set free from the garage. Marlena brings her out of it, Lani will recall what she remembered. Rafe will look for the dog and this will help them put together a timeline.

Later, Rafe reports that Mrs Garland walks her dog by the Martin House every day at 8:15. Last night the light was on, which was unusual. So Mrs Garland went back around Midnight, which is when she released Lani and Eli. This essentially clears them of Deimos's murder, which was around 9pm. JJ worries this incriminates him, but Lani feels they're missing something.

At the Horton Center, Brady is miffed at Eric for keeping Nicole late, again. He's clearly upset about Eric and Nicole spending the night in bed together. Later, Brady and Nicole talk at the Kmansion, Nicole reminds him that the (Eric/Nicole) kiss didn't mean anything. They start making out.

Back in the Private area (no visible tent), Hope proposes to Rafe, then he to her, she accepts.

Back at the Kmansion, Paul and Sonny talk about the Brady confrontation. Paul feels Brady is holding back; Sonny understands. Sonny admits he's not at the top of his game, and oh by the way, he thinks he killed Deimos.
Just a few comments about today's characters.

Bifurcated Brady: He was right on target when he ripped into Big Boy Sonny for his mass firing of innocent Titan employees, but hit a low when he went over to the Horton Center and dumped more lemon juice into sad-sack Eric's elixir of life. Really, how can anyone dump on the poor, pathetic Eric? it brings new meaning to kicking somebody while they're down.

Blasphemous Nicole: How could she not believe in the appearance of St. Daniel? Hopefully, in the future, she won't be telling Tater Tot that there is no Santa Claus.

Befuddled Big Boy: Good grief, now it's Sonny who thinks he might have killed Deimos? What next, an argument between the big shot CEO and JJ over who really did in the Candyman? And when is Justin going to put an end to this nonsense by pointing out that the concept of involuntary intoxication means that any of the Halo 2.0 victims can't be criminally liable for their actions while under its influence?
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I think Sonny was just cranky because the fired Titan employees had this sent and installed in the lobby of Titan's building:

I wish Hope's hesitation would be a wake up call for both of them. Really dont like this couple and how their age difference is never addressed. I know that the actors don't have as big age difference but the characters, I think, are about 15 years. Rafe will have no children. Maybe he's so good with Shawn because they are closer in age. I would like a new character for her to move on with.
I know age is fluid in Salem and we're supposed to ignore the fact that Lucas and Rafe would've been toddlers when Adrienne and Hope married their first husbands. But it would be nice to see Hope and Rafe have a conversation about how he always wanted children and now will not have any, considering Hope's children are grown and she has a nearly 20 year old granddaughter, too.
Rafe will have no children.

I know age is fluid in Salem and we're supposed to ignore the fact that Lucas and Rafe would've been toddlers when Adrienne and Hope married their first husbands. But it would be nice to see Hope and Rafe have a conversation about how he always wanted children and now will not have any

Childbearing age is fluid in Salem, too, no? LOL
And "having children" does not mean one has to be biologically linked to them. Rafe can be a father to Ciara (heck, he was, teaching her about baseball, being there for her). He was a father to Sami's kids. In fact, he was much better at being a parent than she ever was. So frankly, again, to me, this is nitpicking. Hope and Rafe are not popular, so people will find fault in everything and anything they do. I myself think this is just too bad...
I wish Hope's hesitation would be a wake up call for both of them. Really dont like this couple and how their age difference is never addressed. I know that the actors don't have as big age difference but the characters, I think, are about 15 years. Rafe will have no children. Maybe he's so good with Shawn because they are closer in age. I would like a new character for her to move on with.
Even I was disgusted with the way this was written. She didn't hesitate to marry Aiden, but with a nice guy like Rafe, she hems and haws. I also thought Julie acted like an idiot. All that running all over Salem asking for permission to marry a 50 year old woman.

I am one of the few who like them as a couple. I don't think this has been rushed as some have said. Rafe has clearly loved her for quite awhile.
Thank you.
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Thanks, Jason.

Did I miss something? At the end, Nicole talked to Brady about the kiss she and
Eric had, and it didn't mean anything. When did Brady find out they actually kissed?
I thought they only told him they slept together on top of the bed.

I'm glad Eric is getting clients at the Horton Center. Will we see Wayne again? Maybe
one of the mansions in town need a gardener.

Did the writer have Hope question herself about marrying Rafe to drag out her
answer to the end of the show?

And what day is it? Marlena says it's the day after the party. If that's true, is it still
the 4th of July? When night comes, will we see fireworks :)
Actually, she was 13, but who's counting? LOL

I wouldn't bat an eyelash if Rafe and Hope had a kid that was biologically theirs; I wouldn't mind if they adopted a child, either. The fact that they ignore that Rafe has wanted kids and Hope's are grown is a sticking point for many, not whether or not the kids should be biologically Rafe and Hope's.
And "having children" does not mean one has to be biologically linked to them.


I wouldn't bat an eyelash if Rafe and Hope had a kid that was biologically theirs; I wouldn't mind if they adopted a child, either. The fact that they ignore that Rafe has wanted kids and Hope's are grown is a sticking point for many, not whether or not the kids should be biologically Rafe and Hope's.

I think Jason nailed it. We've seen Rafe discuss wanting kids with both Sami and Jordan and even briefly with Hope. Biological or not, I think it implies that he wants to raise his own kids. He did do that with Sami's kids and I was very disappointed that that was dropped when the Rafe/Sami marriage abruptly ended. They could have still had Rafe be a part of her kids' lives.

I was disappointed the Hope/Marlena discussion didn't include mentions of Claire and Sami. Rafe and Sami wee together for years and that continues to be ignored. Other than that, I like that we saw them together.

I liked the scene with Eric and the gardener. Some of these extras should be on contract.
A sharp snarker on Twitter had this to say:

And while I think the Noodle part was a joke, the other part was serious. Instead of seeing the non-stop love triangles and revolving bedmates, new characters with original backstories should be brought on more often.