Days of Our Lives - Thu., Jun. 25, 2015


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
NOTE: It's a new day in Salem!!
At the Brady booth, Hope is looking over information on the tablet, when Rafe approaches her from behind. He thought she was giving up on Clyde. Rafe recaps how dangerous Clyde is, if even Victor's scared of him. Rafe will bet on Victor, it's only a matter of time. Hope asks what Victor's planning, Rafe says he's just running the club. Rafe worries about Hope & Ciara, tells her to let it go. Hope turns the tables on him, wonders if Rafe's staying away from Weston as well. He says yes, after his threats against Gabi/Ari, and the suspected hit in Florida, Rafe has gotten Gabi some protection, but dropped Clyde. Hope gets a call that Stefano's in Salem, zips out.

Kate enters Club TBD, expecting Clyde, finds a gloating Stefano. Kate wonders if Stefano stole Clyde's phone, calls 911 to turn Stefano in. He enjoys his coffee, wonders if Kate really wants to see him behind bars. She doesn't want to see him at all, she purports. He pretends to be hurt. Hope shows up, reads him his rights; he laughs.

At the Hospital, Serena is fretting in the waiting area while Roman is on the phone wanting answers. (He's talking to John, who's on his way with Abe.) Roman asks Serena if she's seen Eric yet; she hasn't, wants to know if they found Xander Cook. Not yet. Serena is worried that others will get hurt if Xander's not found. Roman is confused because Eric/Serena/Xander were friends, Abe and John arrive before she can explain. Abe has more questions for her. She's trembling, so he allows her to calm down before they talk.

Xander is still tied up in the basement. Victor tells him he's betrayed his trust, so it's time to pay the price. Victor tells Xander his plan to kill Eric and Nicole failed, is upset that Xander lied to him about pursuing Nicole and upsetting Daniel. Xander claims he was on his way to tell Victor everything, Victor reveals a pack of money, knows Xander was about to skip town. Xander doesn't understand why Victor's mad, since his job is to do Victor's dirty work, and Vic hates Nicole. Victor reiterates that he told Xander to leave Nicole alone, and Xander didn't. Xander doesn't know his place. Xander gets a nice mini-monologue about his background, how he was the dirty relative, unworthy, did what no one else would do, in favour of Daniel.

In his hospital room, Eric is remembering kissing Nicole. Marlena enters, wondering if he's OK. He wonders how Nicole is. Roman enters, needs more info from Eric if he's ready. Eric names Xander Cook. John comes in, got the OK to question Eric further, insists Roman question Nicole, so there are no "irregularities" when things go to court. Roman agrees, leaves; Marlena stays. First thing John needs to know is what Eric & Nicole were doing in that crawlspace. Marlena worries as Eric looks upset, goes to get an extra ice pack; with Marlena gone, John wants the real scoop. Eric will tell.

In her room, Nicole is also flashing back to kissing Eric. She wakes up gasping, Daniel is alarmed. She needs to see Eric. Her head is spinning; Daniel recaps how he & Brady found him & Nicole. She clearly remembers nothing; he tells her she's safe, it's over. Nicole wishes that were true. Daniel asks if Nicole was hurt another way, she flashes back to the attempted strangling and reports it. Tells him how Xander was upset she used him, tells him about the diamond smuggling, etc. Tells him that Xander was in jail in Scotland for murder; Daniel KNEW Xander wasn't as reformed as he wanted people to think. Nicole admits it wasn't easy, explains how the charges were reduced, thanks to Victor. This upsets Daniel. Why was he not told, Nicole needed proof, didn't want to put Daniel in danger. Daniel worries about what might have happened if Nicole had not been found, or had been alone. Nicole is about to tell him something when Roman enters; Daniel is to speak to Abe. Roman asks Nicole about last night.

At Club TBD, Stefano insists that Hope check in with the station as uniforms arrive to arrest him. He claims he just paid the tax bill, plus penalties and interest, as Hope scowls. Hope thinks it's unlike Judge Pearce to cut the kind of deal he did for Stefano; Stefano suggest that Hope move on to the real criminals, like Clyde Weston, or Hope's ex-father-in-law.

In the Square, Rafe and Kate meet up, Kate's happy because she called the cops on Stefano. Rafe alerts her not to celebrate yet. (Per his friends at the FBI.) Tells her Rafe cut a deal, wonders why he didn't cut a deal months ago...why now?

In the basement, Victor trashes Xander and talks about how super Daniel is. Xander claims that he was doing Nicole in in order to protect Victor, since she was about to discover a deal that Xander was doing on Victor's behalf. Xander points out that he would happily give his life for Victor, or take one to protect them. Victor laments not letting Xander rot in that prison; wants to know if Xander will really give up his life for Victor. Xander affirms it, Victor says, "So be it." The thugs untie him, push him to his knees.

In the hospital waiting room, Marlena reads Serena the riot act for getting Eric into this, won't listen to Serena's explanations. Orders Serena to stay away from her son forever, and storms out.

In Eric's room, Eric recounts how Serena admitted that she & Xander were smuggling diamonds from Africa, causing him to realise how unfair he was being to Nicole, despite her warnings. Recounts how he saved Nicole from Xander, who had an accomplice, and they tried to sneak out the back, but all the exits were blocked. Xander tried to shoot them, the gun jammed, Xander turned on the furnace, Eric tried to block the vent. Eric remembers kissing Nicole, John notices, but realises it's something Eric doesn't want to tell.

In Nicole's room, she recounts how they barricaded themselves in a utility room, then a crawlspace, as Xander neared their location. (Back & forth between her and Eric's recounting the tale.) That's the whole story, Nicole claims. Daniel enters, kicks Roman out. Roman tells her to call the cops the next time she investigates something. Nicole needs rest, and Daniel leaves. Outside, Roman tells Daniel that they haven't found Xander yet; Roman worries about Xander hurting someone else.

Outside in the waiting area, John tells Marlena they'll get Xander Cook, Eric will be OK. She knows. John asks, "What about us?" John apologises for blaming her for something that really doesn't matter. She asks how he & Paul are. Marlena has never stopped wanting to...John knows, he feels the same way.

Abe now has questions for Serena about Xander Cook. Daniel comes in, offering to answer the questions if she won't. Recaps the whole story in 30 seconds. Abe wants her to start talking, she asks for a lawyer.

In his robe, Eric has staggered into Nicole's room. They exchange looks.
Headline: JOHN AND MARLENA HAVE ALMOST TWO ENTIRE HALVES OF A SCENE talking about their relationship. But it still manages to fall flat.

I get icky feelings when Kate/Rafe share a scene now. I am curious what happened to Clyde. Too much to hope Stefano chucked him on an island, and we'll never see him again? LOL

I like the actress playing Serena. But LOOK at the material she's given. THIS IS A CHARACTER THESE WRITERS CREATED. And they give all the heavy lifting to SuperJonas. :sick:

I really want Maggie, Victor, and Daniel off my screen FOREVER. GO A-WAY. I find Xander far more interesting than any of them. I'll give him a pass on trying to kill Nicole, since he also tried to kill Eric. :wink:

Recaps the whole story in 30 seconds.
Seriously, that's how long Daniel spent unraveling the plot of the diamonds, the elephant, everything. This dreck that took up MONTHS of story time. Serena kissing up to Eric & family, griping about Nicole, discrediting her with her "crazy" colleague (still not buying that), and her months of searches for Fred and his twin, and the diamonds, and Xander...all summed up in a few lines by Daniel. AWFUL.

Soooo not a fan of the talking "soap cop" recap trope. This was played out in 1959, around the third year of Edge of Night.

The rest...meh.
Thanks for the summary. An OK show since we saw vets and Rafe, and Marlena yelled at Serena. Otherwise, same ol' same ol'. Marlena and John barely having screen time together and barely talking about their relationship. Nicole being torn between Daniel and Eric. Stefano evading arrest for the umpteenth time. This stuff will just end up dragging out so long.
I find it a little creepy that Ben knows Abby slept with Chad and he couldn't wait to get her in bed. And of course since she slept with both within a few days she will end up pregnant.

It took Daniel forever to finally say I love you Nicole. Of course he says it now that she and Eric are being drawn to each other. I loved Eric telling Serena off and thought yeah, Serena, he can hold a grudge. Just ask Nicole. :)

I also find it unsettling that Victor apparently would have no problem killing his nephew. I know Xander is not a good guy and apparently has murdered someone but I still find it unsettling. I did think Xander was shot in the park but it doesn't seem like it now.
NOTE: It's a new day in Salem!!
It may be a new day in Salem, but for the Salem P.D., it's the same old, same old -- a day late and a dollar short. Rafe knew that the Phoenix had cut a deal on his tax charges, but it didn't. It's also working feverishly to catch Xander, when he's already been found and is being held captive by Victor. Speaking of Victor, Stefano was right on target when he included him as one of Salem's "true criminals." Clearly, a steady diet of warm milk and home-baked cookies has not mellowed him. Instead of having Xander disposed of in a more merciful way, killed instantly by a gunshot fired from ambush, he has him tied to a post, lectures him about all his past sins, and then gives his thug the OK to cut the lowlife diamond smuggler's throat. What would Maggie say??
I find it a little creepy that Ben knows Abby slept with Chad and he couldn't wait to get her in bed. And of course since she slept with both within a few days she will end up pregnant.

It took Daniel forever to finally say I love you Nicole. Of course he says it now that she and Eric are being drawn to each other. I loved Eric telling Serena off and thought yeah, Serena, he can hold a grudge. Just ask Nicole. :)

I also find it unsettling that Victor apparently would have no problem killing his nephew. I know Xander is not a good guy and apparently has murdered someone but I still find it unsettling. I did think Xander was shot in the park but it doesn't seem like it now.
I think you may be commenting on yesterday's show :wink:

Interesting show today. I think yesterday should have been the new day in Salem, not today. I'm so sick of that tight dress on Serena!!!!

I liked how the Eric/Nicole scenes were intertwined but I could have done without John treating Eric like a stranger when he RAISED HIM and also could have done without Daniel altogether!!!! Make it stop please! The only saving grace to the John/Eric scenes was John mentioning the soccer game at the end. It would have also been nice to mention Eric's sisters.

Seriously, I'm willing to start a crowdfund to get Daniel, Maggie, Clyde and Kate offscreen permanently. This entire Eric/Nicole story has morphed into a storyline with Daniel as the lead character. :sick::sick::sick: And why is he still allowed to treat his "girlfriend"?

I enjoyed Marlena yelling at Serena but it really had no premise based on the fact that Serena was nervous the day before. A better approach would have been to have Marlena hear Eric's full story about the diamonds and then confront Serena.

It took almost the entire episode for Marlena to get the cold cloth yet next scene she is in the waiting room with Serena. Same goes for Abe. Why did it take the entire episode to question Serena? Bad pacing.:rolleyes:

I'll take Marlena/John time anyway I can get it but I feel cheated.

This past week has shades of interference from TPTB. I think they are giving new direction while at the same time allowing Tomlin/Whitesell to have some free reign. My 2 cents.
I'm way past exasperated with Rafe and Hope's sputtering "investigation" of the Dark Lord of the Deep South. I thought story was supposed to be the two of them working to take down the scumbag, not constantly hemming and hawing about it. It's getting to the point where if I were to call this "boring" I would be sued for libel by boring things. Let's get on with it already!

I have to that I was especially disappointed with Rafe I can't believe he's actually willing to let the threats made against Arianna and Gabi go. *by the way we got a Gabi shout-out, Yahoo!! I mean I buy that before doing anything else he would do anything he could to make sure Gabi is safe since we know you-know-who *and no I don't mean Voldemort* can get at people who are incarcerated. But after that? I would think he would be ready to go full-throttle petal-to the-metal to get this guy.

So Stefano is back, free as a bird and can walk the streets of Salem. All I really have to say is "Meh." I'm of the opinion the Dimera family have ran their course. But if the character is going to be used as I've said before I would rather he be able to interact with other people other then being by himself alone in a room talking on the phone.

Did anybody find themselves chuckling like a grade-schooler who just got a dirty joke when John suggested that Roman should as "a matter of procedure do (meaning question) Nicole? No? That's good because I didn't do that either. :wink:
Wow was it a new day? I thought it was still evening since Serena etc were still all dressed the same. But then at TBD it was morning so I guess you are right, and the hospital crew just hung there all night.

Points for John suggesting he interview Eric and Roman interview Nicole so its 'above board' - but John raised Eric, so I'm not sure that John's logic is flawless. Perhaps Abe should have interviewed Eric and John Serena?

Hope needs to wear her glasses more often, I really like them.
I'm actually happy with the way the John and Marlena scenes were done. It wasn't much, but it was a start. The way they looked at each other, how John went straight to the point of asking her about their relationship... :love: And most of all, I loved when Marlena said: "I hope you know that through it all, no matter what, I've never stopped wanting to-" :love:That line and the way they looked at each other told me all I needed to know. Of course I wanted a kiss or a hug, any sign of affection, but knowing that we're still seeing episodes written by TomSell, I had a feeling they wouldn't let that happen. It's pretty obvious they detest John and Marlena's relationship, so I knew not to expect much. And I'm glad I didn't, because I wasn't disappointed. It's baby steps, yes, but still vital. This horrible writing that we've had to endure for so long is finally showing signs of coming to a close, and I for one cannot wait for August.
They really are sucking all the life out of Rafe and now he's just Victors bus-boy. All of his recent encounters with Kate have been weird. Hope looked nice as usual

John should be a conflict as well considering he RAISED Eric. He was also Kim's brother at one point and not just a family friend. I will say though, he seems a lot chipper now that he isn't being bogged down with the drama his overgrown manchild Brady gets himself into. John and Marlena keep having these fast reconciliations. Glad she got to be there for her son. It's really nice seeing Marlena, Roman, John and Abe. They were the best thing about the episode

I don't want Kate with Stefano but I liked her in their scenes and I haven't liked her in a long time.

Clyde stabs Sonny and Victor dares not touch him but Xander hurts Almighty Dan's feelings and he is ready to kill him? I am convinced the actor is blackmailing Ken Corday because there is no other explanation for the way people on this show treat Dan. I hope Xander left evidence somewhere that leads to Victor getting arrested.

Asking for a lawyer was the smartest thing Serena has done since she came to town and was not able to open up some cheap elephant and take the diamonds out while Eric was having a bowel movement.

Pick a country (or even three) in Africa that Serena and Xander were smuggling blood diamonds from and stop acting like they were all over the freaking continent.

I hope Club TBD gets new interior because it is still so ugly in there. Everything in there clashes.
I understand the hospital interviews of Eric and Nicole...but why not take Serena to the station to make her statement? Oh wait, the Salem PD set isn't there. :rolleyes:

Eric with his bandaged hands perched on top of his blanky and his sourpuss look is just tired. Even after just one day.

I'm really sorry that Kate's "bust" of Stefano went bust. But she should have known he's not that stupid.
Thanks for the summary, Jason.

Yes, a new day in Salem and Stefano is back in town no longer in
danger of being arrested.

Troy, I giggled when John said "you could do Nicole". I wonder if they realized
when they wrote the scene how the last part of the sentence sounded :)

Interesting stuff with Xander and Victor. Xander kept saying he was only protecting
Victor. Victor was upset since Xander defied him when he still went after Nicole.
Interesting Victor thinks disobeying him is the worst sin.

Nice to John and Marlena talk about their relationship. Since they were left standing
at the end of today's, will we get to see them on tomorrow's show?
Wow was it a new day? I thought it was still evening since Serena etc were still all dressed the same. But then at TBD it was morning so I guess you are right, and the hospital crew just hung there all night....

I only said it because they were referring to "last night" on the show. :) Otherwise it was hard to tell.
...Clyde stabs Sonny and Victor dares not touch him but Xander hurts Almighty Dans feelings and he is ready to kill him? I am convinced the actor is blackmailing Ken Corday because there is no other explanation for the way people on this show treat Dan. I hope Xander left evidence somewhere that leads to Victor getting arrested....
You hit the nail on the head, here, In My Humble Opinion.
Dr. Baker fan, as to what Maggie would say to Victor about Xander. I think she would say "go for it, he was trying to worm his way between us and my Super Egg baby!" :rotfl:

By the way, did anyone notice that when Xander said that Daniel was not Victor's "blood", Victor did not reply. I can still hear the sound of that storyline hitting the floor???