Days of Our Lives - Thu., Jun. 29, 2017


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
At the Martin House, Gabi and JJ are slumped together in a loveseat, and across the room are slumped Eli and Lani. Hope and Rafe nap on a bench. In the hallway, Sonny is slumped against the wall. In Eric's room, Nicole and Eric come to. Meanwhile in Abby's room, Chad comes to in the chair, Abby is sleeping on the bed. He can't rouse her, can't recall what's going on. He stumbles into the hallway (there's some weird camera tricks here indicating vision that is fuzzy), where lies Sonny, whom he awakens. (There's a chair next to Sonny, and then a curve suggesting a hallway. The last thing they remember is the toast, decide to check things out downstairs (they leave down the above-mentioned hallway).

In Room 2 (Abby's room), Abby sees her ring. Downstairs, they see Eli and Lani, Hope and Rafe enter and laugh about the time that's missing, until they realise everyone is in the same boat. They check out JJ and Gabi. Gabi wakes up and neither she or JJ seem happy about their placement. Gabi learns Chad was in Abby's room. Rafe cools the jets of JJ et al, Hope announces they should wake up the others. They rouse Lani, who leaps out of Eli's lap. Nobody drank that much, but they were all knocked out. (Hope is having trouble speaking.) Sonny goes to look for Paul, who enters through the same door Rafe and Hope entered through (looks like there are curtains hung outside of it, prop-spotters help me out here!). Note: The door leads to the Garden. He lowers the boom: Deimos was at the party, and is responsible for this.

Paul relays seeing Deimos dressed as a waiter, pursuing him and getting knocked out. Hope deduces that Deimos drugged everyone, they speculate what Deimos could have wanted, since he obviously didn't want them dead, or they would be. Paul feels that the amulet is gone from Sonny's chest, Sonny fesses up he had the amulet.

Nicole tells Eric to sit on the chair when he tries to help her as she stumbles away. Nicole asserts that nothing will happen between them. Eric wants to compare notes on what happened, she wants him to leave, although it is his room. He refuses. They go downstairs (there's a plant outside his room, which is at the end of a hallway), where the group is bickering about the amulet. They determine that they will get Deimos (Abby is there, too). Gabi pulls Chad aside to confront him about the lipstick on his collar, which is not hers. She accuses him of hooking up with Abby (he has a flashback of kissing Abby). JJ comes over, recalls dancing with Gabi. Chad seems to think this is an equivalent misdeed. JJ bolts to go to work. Rafe comes over, vows to get Deimos. Gabi recalls that Rafe's promised that before, when Deimos kidnapped her, then later he pumped her full of poison. She needs air. Rafe forbids Chad from leaving. Gabi opens a drapery, Deimos's body falls on her.

Rafe and Chad leap to her side, not-so-gently ushering Abby out of the way. JJ comes in, heard Gabi's scream. Eli declares it a crime scene, and he spots a blood trail. Rafe deduces that Deimos was killed in this room. Hope calls Raines to report the murder. Later, the body is removed, Raines declares everyone suspects, tells them to stick to the Martin grounds so they may be questioned and gone over by tech guys.

In her room, Abby calls her mom. Chad listens, checks that Jenn's okay watching Thomas. Abby finds the flowers on the floor, flashes to their "new beginning". In the garden, Lani tells Eli and JJ that she got angry seeing JJ/Gabi dancing. She recalls kissing Eli, relays this to the stunned men. Upstairs, Nicole calls Brady, tells him she doesn't know where she was when Deimos was stabbed. Eric has entered (his room is room 7). Nicole is steadfast in her hatred of Eric. She does recall coming out of the bathroom, and Eric was gone. Downstairs, Rafe and Hope tell Raines they were together the whole time, but he is skeptical. Raines names Hope as the prime suspect.

In the garden, Eli suggests they all acted out of character, but now they have to be cops. JJ wants to know if Eli recalls kissing Lani. He does. Lani assures JJ it meant nothing; Eli has a reaction to this. Up in Room 2, Gabi wants to know what Abby and Chad are up to. They fumble with their explanation. Abby assures Gabi that Gabi/Chad are still a thing, and she's still marrying Dario. Gabi thinks Abby's rings are nice, Chad thinks the marriage is too soon. Abby is about to fess up, Gabi says Abby doesn't need to explain herself. Downstairs, Hope collapses on the loveseat. Hope admits she shot Stefano, realizes she could have stabbed Deimos. Upstairs, Sonny is happy that Deimos is dead, wants to go home. Paul begs him not to leave, nor talk like that. Paul asks if Sonny remembers anything. In Eric's room, Eric can't recall where he went, but does recall returning and telling Nicole he did something bad.

In the garden, Rafe knows Hope didn't kill Deimos. She thinks the drug is still in her system, and it stops her from going back to the job. She starts to seize. In Room 2, Gabi asks if Chad/Abby were in the room the whole time; Gabi recalls seeing Deimos and screaming, and JJ, Eli, and Lani pursuing him. She knows nothing after that, thinks that the killing of Deimos was a service to everyone. Chad concurs, but vows they shouldn't speak like that, have to stick together. In Room 7, Nicole urges Eric to tell her what he remembered. He says it was nothing, suggests they go back downstairs. In the hallway, Paul tells Sonny the police did not find the amulet, asks if Sonny remembers seeing Deimos. Sonny flashes back to Deimos choking him, tells Paul no, I didn't see Deimos.

Downstairs, JJ is doing his Mr Monk impression when Raines enters with Lani and Eli; Raines spots blood on JJ's sleeve. Lani recalls something, hesitates. Raines does not want to string up one of his guys, encourages Lani to spill it. JJ says it's OK. She says it might not be a real memory, but she saw JJ attacking Deimos (as Nicole and Eric enter). JJ is taken downtown.
So, I actually liked the show yesterday, and found it quite funny, foolishly thinking things were going to get better. But alas today, surprise, surprise, we are back to stupid, stupid, stupid!:angry:

So the whole group figures out they were drugged, yet nobody is taken to the hospital for blood tests, to measure the quantity, and the exact drug (let's just assume it was halo, so much easier for the so called writers of this farce of a show), etc. No, of course nobody gets to go to the hospital, they all have to stay there because... dum, dum, dum, there has been a murder ! :eek: Although I did chuckle when Deimos' body fell on Gabi. But I'm thinking that is not the reaction the "writers" wanted me to have. I suppose I should have been appalled. But nope, I wasn't.

Anyway, Raines won't let anyone leave the premises. O.K. Again, no blood tests, no nothing. And whoever has committed the crime will be "prosecuted to the full extent of the law". Really? Since when? This is Salem, after all. Nobody ever is. For once, everyone has an excuse, they were all drugged by the victim (again, speculation, but why take the time to verify that?). Want to bet this time, the culprit will receive the death penalty? :rolleyes: "Attenuating circumstances?" This is Salem! Never heard of such a thing, except when it serves the purpose of stupid storytelling.

And lastly, what was the point of bringing yet again Dan The Man as a ghost if today, Nicole still hates Eric, Eric still mumbles and walks around like a zombie beating himself up to a point I can't understand what the guy is saying, and nobody remembers Dan's ghostly apparition? :eek: What a waste of time! Seriously, what was the purpose of Dan's speech yesterday?

Then again, what's the point of anything the "writers" write? Oh yeah, I know, getting a pay check without actually pleasing the fans!
Since a few of those drugged have had a flash of memory, there may be more flashes. Or all may "know" something, they don't realize they know. The partners that woke up together, may eventually realize they ended up where they were meant to be.

I was very surprised the glasses and champagne bottles were not sent to the lab, and agree........why isn't everyone there getting a blood test. And what about those guests who toasted, but left quickly?

Gabi has remembered some stuff, as has Lani, so has Chad & Abby, Sonny, some denying they remember anything.

As Sherlock would say......let's go Watson, the game is afoot!
Regarding today's whodunnit at the Martin House:

1) Biggest let down: That neither Nicole or Eric seemed to remember an appearance by St. Daniel. How could this be? You'd think that no matter their condition, St. Daniel devotees would recall a visitation from him.

2) Biggest idiots: Gabi and JJ for seemingly being more concerned about what their significant others might have done with a member of the opposite sex than the fact that they were all drugged and Deimos was murdered.

3) Biggest same old: Eric, who blames himself for everything, anguishing over whether he might have murdered Deimos, and Nicole saying unkind things to the hapless sourpuss.

4) Biggest weasel: "Big Boy" Sonny apparently remembering his struggle with Deimos, but then denying any memory of having seen him.

5) Biggest voices of reason: Chad, Eli, and Paul for keeping their heads about the situation at hand. Rafe gets a runner-up award here.
Biggest idiots: Gabi and JJ for seemingly being more concerned about what their significant others might have done with a member of the opposite sex than the fact that they were all drugged and Deimos was murdered.

Agree!!! Pettiness at its most ridiculous!
1) Biggest let down: That neither Nicole or Eric seemed to remember an appearance by St. Daniel. How could this be? You'd think that no matter their condition, St. Daniel devotees would recall a visitation from him.
This was especially a sour note for me. I hate Daniel (shocker, I know) and am sick of his frequent appearances post-death. However since he appeared to forgive Eric and hopefully move things forward, I was hoping they'd remember that. Now I'm hoping this amnesia won't last too long.
Really? Since when? This is Salem, after all. Nobody ever is.
We think alike.
And lastly, what was the point of bringing yet again Dan The Man as a ghost if today, Nicole still hates Eric, Eric still mumbles and walks around like a zombie beating himself up to a point I can't understand what the guy is saying, and nobody remembers Dan's ghostly apparition?
Thanks, Jason.

After yesterday's show, I was disappointed no funny stuff.

Interesting to see some people have flashes of memory. Not enough to remember
everything, but just enough like Eric to think he did something bad.

When Nicole first asked Eric where he went, I thought he might have gone to Daniel's grave.

I'm surprised Raines didn't take everyone to the station for questioning.

And what happened to the other guests and the waiter because they drank the spiked
drinks too.
Thought Gabi was quite the jealous one today. She woke up in JJ's arms. She wasn't innocent. Guess there was a lot of jealousy going on. Weird that only Hope seemed to still be high. Well we know JJ didn't kill Deimos since he is gonna be first suspect. But who put him in the curtains? Shouldn't Abby have still been wearing her new ring?
Shouldn't Abby have still been wearing her new ring?

I actually tweeted about this. It looked like both rings were still in the boxes. Someone responded to me and said Chad never got a ring yesterday so that explains why only Abby was wearing one.

I definitely think there is some tweaking and heavy editing going on here. I initially thought it was morning based on the light from outside but apparently it's still nighttime?

Why would Raines come alone? They should have had either one of the cops not attend the party or have Raines call in Roman or even Steve as a consultant. Yes I know family blah blah blah. This would have been a perfect time to have Shawn in Salem and be the head detective on this case. Raines then could have investigated Hope and JJ and Eli and Abby.

Agree about the poor forensics too. Raines never should have let anyone leave the room either.

I was expecting a blood curdling scream from Gabi. I was a bit underwhelmed.

Why did Chad leave Abby alone in the room?

Why were Hope and Rafe the only 2 still under the influence? Oh look another Hope/Kayla is in distress storyline.

I kind of liked how everyone was starting to remember snippets. I didn't expect it this quickly.

What was the time jump from yesterday to today and how did Deimos get moved? Is he really dead?

Really liked the last scene. Casey Moss (JJ) nailed it. Even the musical cue was perfect. But now what happens since the sole cop just went to the station?
Hope took her drink with her when she and Rafe left the party and drank it while they were in the town square. The others might have only sipped their drink during the toast.

Everyone was back to their irritating selves today that we have been witnessing in the last few months. Gabi's attitude towards Chad reminded me of the time when she broke up with JJ and came down on him hard for sleeping with Lani in Miami, while not admitting at the time that she had feelings for Chad. She is no innocent when it comes to her boyfriends moving on from her. I was glad that Chad gave it right back to her when he found out she woke up in JJ's arms.

And Nicole was back to her whiny self today hating on Eric. As Jason and The Writer mentioned, why were we subjected to Saint Daniel if Nicole and Eric are not going to remember him and move on from the accident? Hopefully they will start to remember in the next few weeks. Deimos might have stumbled on a new aphrodisiac and could have made a fortune with the stuff in Salem. Oh well, he got a fate better suited for him.

The inept Salem PD was in full force today. No drug tests on all of the suspects, no forensics at the site, and the perpetrator will be punished to the full extent of the law, even if they are under the influence of the drug the victim gave all of them. Too bad Eli could not have called the FBI in to take over the case. However, he has been hanging around the Salem PD for the last few weeks so he has probably become as incompetent as them.