Days of Our Lives - Thu., Mar. 29, 2018


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Western Wisconsin
At TBD, replay of Miguel Garcia fessing up to sending the flowers and introducing himself but Chloe doesn't know him. He and Lucas do some posturing. Blah blah. Turns out he works for someone, who saw her perform twice in Vienna. She didn't respond to his gifts, but he is hoping to arrange a meeting with her. Chloe declines. Miguel's boss wants to have her star in an opera in Mexico City.

Meanwhile Brady tells Eve that the contest went live online. More blah blah about how Brady really loves Eve, even though it started as a sham. She wants to stick to business, plays with a knife to keep him at bay. She offers to buy him out. He refuses, what would he do? She suggests he either beg Sonny for a job, or drink himself to death - she doesn't care. Maybe spend time with Tate. Although Brady's eyes suggest the offer is generous, he rejects it; she's stuck with him. Bella was named after his mother, whom he never knew. Eve's not buying the schtick. Brady stands strong, they will only be happy together.

At Teen Loft, Claire is watching the contest and is confident. Ciara is not. Tripp looks on. Ciara says that Claire's not humble because she voted for herself. Ciara then votes for herself as well. Claire suggests that Tripp will vote for her, goes to Skype with Theo. Ciara's lip quivers as she asks Tripp if he wants to vote for Claire. He is steadfast in his refusal to vote. There's a bit of back and forth, basically he wants to keep the peace by not voting. Ciara seems upset; from a doorway, Claire seems amused by this development.

At the hospital, John meets Marlena, hoping to take her to lunch. She hides her tablet screen, he gets suspicious. She lies that it's patient records, he sees through it. She admits that she's trying to get information on possible trials that can help Steve, didn't want to get anyone's hopes up, but she's had no luck. Marlena wants to ease John's guilt, but he is inconsolable.

At the Pub, Kayla is trying to cheer Steve up, maybe throw some darts or something. He is quiet. She persists. He says he can't see her, can't see anything. She holds his hand, they will get through this together. She wants to take him to the hospital, get him checked out.

Over at the hospital, Steve and Kayla enter as John is continuing his guilt trip. Kayla is flustered, won't really look at John, as they admit Steve can't see anything. Kayla is a bit overwhelmed, wants to go see someone (Dr Cole? sorry folks, not watching with DVR so I can't rewind) but can't remember which floor he's on. Marlena tells her 6th, offers to go there with her. Kayla wants to stay with Steve. Steve wants John to take him to the exam room. Marlena and Kayla leave. Later in the exam room, Steve is situated and John doesn't want to leave. They try to joke but it's awkward, but leads to discussion of Steve's role in the partnership. He can't be a detective anymore and he's worried about being a burden to Kayla.

Outside in the waiting/nurses area, Kayla wonders how long Dr Cole will be, wants to rush back to Steve. Marlena gets her to sit down and open up. Kayla admits her heart is breaking at seeing Steve so vulnerable. They enter the room as John is assuring Steve that his brain will still help the agency. John tells Kayla that they will help anytime, standing offer. Kayla thanks him, but there is still resistance/sadness in her voice. (Great scenes here.)

Back at the Nurses' station, John tells Marlena about a chat he had with Steve after being bested at darts, wherein he felt a bit of guilt alleviated because he felt nothing would change. But now Steve wants to be bought out. Marlena consoles him, lets him know she supports his refusal. Back in the Exam Room, Steve's exam is done. All seems hopeless. Kayla keeps up hope that they will find something. Steve is moving toward accepting things, remembers that Dr Cole brought a cane and some things to help him. She wants him to schedule with Occupational Therapy, he will, but wants to dive in. She is tearing up as she hands him the cane. She hands him a pair of glasses to protect his eyes from sunlight and glare. But he has to give up the patch.

Steve is really choked up, walks through the history of his patch, from hating the first cheap one he had, to loving a custom made one that made him feel like a "badass". (No talk about the time he had the prosthetic eye.) Kayla assures him he will always be the man she fell in love with. He can't do it, so she turns him around, and removes it for him. They kiss (but Steve is facing away from the camera). She puts the glasses on him.

Back at the Nurses' Station, John and Marlena are stunned as Kayla comes out holding Steve's patch. Steve comes out, glasses and cane, slowly navigating. Kayla praises him; there's nary a dry eye in the foursome (or around twitter, or my office). END
Oh, my gosh, Steve & Kayla are heartbreaking......what phenomenal actors!!!! Not a dry eye here either. Wow.

As to Claire, could anyone be more egotistical, or conceited? Sheesh! Listen to her praise herself, unworried about all "the hotties" that have entered, as she is, hands down,prettier, talented, stage presence, etc. etc.

Thanks Jason......this truly was mostly a heartbreaker. But Miguel was a real creep, and why did Chloe not ask for his boss's name? Loved Lucas telling the guy to get lost! LOL Sure hope Chloe doesn't even consider going to Mexico City via that unknown "boss". Ugh.
Steve and Kayla: These scenes were very much the highlight of the episode for sure. Watching Steve give up his patch was heartbreaking. I was struck by just how much it's iconic part of his character. Imagining Steve Johnson without his eye patch is almost as impossible as trying to imagine Kojack without his lollipops or Columbo without his rumpled raincoat. :sad:

Three's Company 2.0: Good for Tripp for not participating in Ciara and Claire's attempt to turn him into a human rope in their little game of tug-of-war. And I gotta say, it was good to see Tripp take such a hard line stand against the objectifying of women. Surely this scene will go down as a defining moment in daytime drama because it shows... I'm sorry I just can't type with this a straight face.

I think it's appropriate these scenes aired today because Sunday is not just Easter, it's also April Fool's Day. I mean they gotta be pulling our legs by trying to pass this contest claptrap off as compelling drama, right?

Chloe and Lucas: Darn, I was hoping to impress everybody by theorizing that Mateo the drug lord may be Chloe's mysterious would-be Mexico City benefactor. But I was beaten to the punch. It's indeed true that when you snooze you lose.

But I have some other questions, like would starring in a opera produced in Mexico City really garner the attention of greater opera world? I don't mean that to be dismissive of Mexico City. I suppose it very well could be a major opera hub. I wouldn't know. To be honest, my opera knowledge begins and ends with having seen the comedy classic, A Night at the Opera. Tuly the Marxx Brothers at their finest! But I digress. :)
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I think the top is LaScala in Milan......(Italy), Metropolitan Opera in NY, & I do remember Lyric Opera in Chicago......

If Mr. Rich Man wants to put Chloe in an opera, why not close to HER home???
Yes, Theresa did go to Mexico, so hope this new admirer of Chloe's is not that drug lord. Please!
Those were my thoughts too. If that happened, I'd be tempted toss something at the TV screen.
If Mr. Rich Man wants to put Chloe in an opera, why not close to HER home???
Good point: wouldn't Giselle van Hopper, the wealthy, refined, high-society woman who was enamored of Roman, make sure that Salem had its own opera house?

On other subjects:

Steve's vision problems: He should definitely not quit Black Patch. He could be the blind private detective who uses his experience and a sixth sense to solve crimes, and wields his special, James Bond-style cane, which is fitted out with all sorts of hidden weapons, to lay the evildoers low.

Steve's bills: So poor Steve has earn money to pay his bills. It's good to see one Salemite who doesn't loot the Money Tree to cover his expenses.

Brady: Who knew that Brady could be so persistent in the face of extreme hostility? He should forget Bella magazine and start doing telephone sales for Titan.
He should forget Bella magazine and start doing telephone sales for Titan.
Thanks, Jason.

Interesting show today. Eve wanted to buy Bella from Brady, and Steve wanted
to John to buy his share of Black Patch.

There was a TV show with a blind detective "Longstreet". He had seeing eye dog.
So, it's possible Steve can do that too.

I guess we need to call Tripp Switzerland because he's not going to vote for
either Ciara or Claire. Maybe he should vote for one of other contestants.

Does Miguel work for the drug lord that Theresa left Salem for? I guess we have
to keep watching to find out.

It was sad to watch Steve and Kayla today. And when she took off his patch
off it was tissue time.

Since Steve no longer wears a patch, should his new nickname be sunglasses?