Days of Our Lives - Thu., Nov. 1, 2018


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
It's morning in Salem. At the Kmansion, Maggie is checking that Rex and Sarah slept well, since Holly was up all night. They recap the loss of Nicole and how Eric is caretaker now. Susan enters; Maggie introduces her daughter and her fiancée to their houseguest. Susan thinks that Sarah is pregnant. She has a vision of Rex holding a baby, but not his niece. She suggests Rex and Sarah marry quickly, then helps herself to breakfast breads and shows off her Marlena-Barbie. She leaves, the "likable" characters laugh about her, and Rex admits he wants kids. Maggie doesn't want to rush them, she has Holly to satisfy her grandmotherly urges. She wants to throw them an engagement party.

In the Square, Chloe is talking on the phone (to Eric) about Holly. She sees Belle and flashes back to her thinking that Mimi is the baby's mother. She approaches Belle to ask questions, needles her. Belle listens and has her own flashback to Mimi's confession. Belle, surprisingly, doesn't give much away, instead lobbing past plot points at Chloe to deflect.

In their hotel room, Mimi is reading as a hung-over Bonnie stalks out of the bedroom. Lucas arrives and delivers the baby, makes sure that Mimi will supervise the visit. Bonnie says they should make nice, flirts with Lucas. Lucas will be back later. Mimi scolds Bonnie for her shameless attempts at courting Lucas; they talk about Ghoul Girl - Mimi's ashamed of how she treated Chloe in the past, Bonnie thinks Chloe will dump Lucas as soon as her career demands it - and how Bonnie wants Lucas for herself. Bonnie says she's playing nice so Lucas keeps her out of prison and then they review some more plot points before Mimi takes Baby-What's-Her-Name on a walk. They walk past Chloe and Belle, re-arousing Chloe's suspicions.

Chloe confronts Mimi. Mimi stonewalls, doesn't say much. Belle scoots Mimi/Baby away and tells Chloe she's wrong.

In the hospital, Sami talks to the mummy, declaring how much she loves him. Kayla needs DNA for the mummy's test. The best would be from a parent or a child. Later, she laments that she can't go get that DNA for fear of losing him. Lucas enters, updates her on the Bonnie/Baby situation, shows off pictures. They review the DNA test on the baby, Sami says she's having her own trouble. Her kids are far away and she doesn't want their hopes up, so she has to use Susan.

Sami goes to the Kmansion, Susan is scared that Sami's going to murder her. Sami claims she's there to make nice and forgive Susan for the kidnapping/brainwashing of Will. Susan shows off the Marlena-Barbie which she made with her own hair. She explains to Sami that she's still in town to give Marlena the doll; Sami tricks Susan into letting her take the doll to Marlena.

Lucas arrives to pick up Baby, Bonnie reports she's not there. Meanwhile, Chloe fishes Mimi's water bottle out of the trash in the park. Back in the hotel, more back and forth with Bonnie & Lucas. In the Private Area, Mimi and Belle worry that Chloe's on to the Lockharts' scam.

Rex and Sarah kiss and talk about maybe actually getting married sooner than planned. Susan interrupts and says she misses her Elvis every day.

At the hospital, Kayla is working as Sami and Chloe enter on different sides of the nurses' station. They each need a DNA test run right now.
Susan shows off the Marlena-Barbie which she made with her own hair. She explains to Sami that she's still in town to give Marlena the doll; Sami tricks Susan into letting her take the doll to Marlena.
It's annoying how everybody looks so shocked when they see the doll, because it was literally part of John and Marlena's cake back in 1999, so they'd have seen it then. John had it made as a surprise for Marlena. It was to promote the Mattel actual release of the doll. Guess the writers didn't know about that.

I am so tired of Bonnie and Hattie and Susan. Let the baby's paternity come out already. Find out who the mummy is and let Marlena come home! Just tiring.

The best thing they have done lately is Ben's story about when he was 7. That was powerful. I've watched it a couple of times. Robert Scott Wilson(Ben) nailed it.
Almost wondered if I was watching DOOL, with Sami making nice to Susan. Could it possibly be that "Hurricane Sami" is going to quiet down and actually act civilized??????
Yeah, Sami was unsuccessful trying to hug Susan to get the earring, so she played it really cool with the doll. When Susan mentioned using her own hair, Sami had to be very careful, it worked, Susan actually asked Sami if she would take it to her mother.

I do agree that both Bonnie & Hattie have overstayed their welcome, time to take a hike. Now I only saw parts today, and not the end.......but I did see Maggie's intro of her daughter & Rex to Susan. The faces and expressions Rex was making while Susan babbled were priceless. I have to find a clip of the whole show, or least parts I did not see.
Sami tricks Susan
That should have been an easy task since those two are on the same mentality level.

Sami and Chloe enter on different sides of the nurses' station. They each need a DNA test run right now.
Ah, ha! Suppose, in true Salem fashion, the DNA results get switched. Maybe the baby will belong to the mummy, and the mummy will be Mimi's son.
Sami: She should learn to speak for herself. How many Salemites would agree with her statement to Mummy EJ that: "We all need you?" Given a choice, most Salemites probably vote to have have Mummy EJ trucked to the airport, put into the baggage compartment of an Alitalia jet, and eventually deposited in some DiMera castle in Tuscany. Sami also should have waited until she was out of sight of the K-mansion before she held Doll Marlena in the same way that somebody might hold a baggie containing what the neighbor's dog left on the lawn.

Mimi: She shouldn't say things like "She [Baby Bonnie] comes first." Such thinking is so totally alien to Big Bonnie's mindset that hearing such words might cause her head to explode.

Belle: If she really wants the truth about Baby Bonnie's parentage to get out, all she'd have to do is tell Chloe that she can't comment on anything because it's all covered by attorney-client privilege. This silence would then cause the diva to leap to all the right conclusions.
Thanks. Jason.

It was funny when Chloe and Sami both ran to Kayla yelling "I need a DNA test now"

Today we learned Susan used her own hair to make the Marlena doll. Should someone
tell Marlena that if she ever sees the doll again?

How soon will Rex know he's the "baby daddy" of Mimi's baby? Susan and Chloe
both know something is going on.

I thought the "mystery man" would do something after Sami left alone. Maybe
next time.
So Maggie has visions now or has that been ongoing?

What past plot points was Belle saying to Chloe to deflect Chloe's questions? Just would like additional details on that if possible.

Thank you for your answers if you are able to provide them.
I thought she was referring to when Chloe wanted to keep Holly for herself, after agreeing to be surrogate for Nicole & Daniel. They were going to court ....
So Maggie has visions now or has that been ongoing?

What past plot points was Belle saying to Chloe to deflect Chloe's questions? Just would like additional details on that if possible.

Thank you for your answers if you are able to provide them.
No, Maggie's not having visions.

Belle reminded Chloe that Mimi (supposedly) couldn't have children after she aborted Rex's baby years ago.
So Maggie has visions now or has that been ongoing?
I don't know if this was unclear in the summary and someone edited it, or not, but no, Maggie isn't having visions. Susan had a vision of Rex holding a baby.

JS filled in the major plot point that Chloe and Belle discussed - Belle used this tactic to deflect Chloe's theory that Mimi was the baby's mother. Anyone who's watched more than 1 Mimi episode would know it and I'm not loving how repetitive the writing's getting.
In this day and age, with people skipping episodes, glued to their phones constantly while watching, minding children, answering the door, heeding nature's call, (bathroom) tis easy to miss something when watching, Thus all the repeating that goes on. Actually, with past characters being brought on so much, new viewers get some idea of their past history, while long time viewers get reminded of things they may have forgotten. (i.e. I did not remember that Mimi was told she probably would not b e able to have children after her abortion. Did not remember chloe was told the same thing after Holly was born and she nearly died.

Interesting how often that is used in Salem....Mimi, Chloe, Nicole, and now Gabi. Amazing.
Thank you for the clarifications. I did not remember that Mimi was told no more children.

I misread the part about who was having visions because the sentence starts with "She" and it was just an inference mistake so my apologies. Interesting that Susan's vision was so specific.

Thanks so much for helping me understand!