Days of Our Lives - Thu., Oct. 19, 2023


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Gabi/Stefan bedroom - Stefan has a plan to use Rachel to get Kristen's shares. Something to corner her. They toy with kidnapping Rachel before Stefan decides to bribe the custody judge. This somehow circles around to involving Brady rather than bribing the judge; they need to make Kristen look like an unfit parent. I'm not sure it makes sense but it fills some airtime.

Pub - Brady and Roman are seated. Tate enters. They offer him a dishwashing job. Tate is mad that daddy wasn't there for him. He thinks Brady's only paying attention to him now because he lost custody of Rachel. Tate offers to help Brady win over Rachel and admits it's to get close to Holly Jonas. Later, Brady and Roman discuss Tate's job. Kate enters, relieved that von Leuschner's about to be arrested. They discuss Salem's troubled teens of the past, and then Brady recaps the paper-thin Tate/Rachel/Holly plot.

Dimitri's Room - Leo has no plan. Dimitri begs Leo to break him out of there. There's about 20 years of back and forth about whether this will work before Leo tries to pick the lock on Dimitri's cuffs with a paper clip.

Hospital Waiting Area - Jada and Rafe are anxious to arrest von Leuschner. Kayla can't sign the papers. The examining doctor has to, or maybe Kayla can, or maybe she's busy. Later, she has reviewed the chart and will quickly examine him.

DiMansion Living Room - Kristen and Rachel enter after shopping. Holly enters, furious at Rachel. Something about shampoo. Kristen breaks it up. Sniping between Rachel/Holly. Rachel goes to do her math homework. Kristen offers Holly money to tutor Rachel. Holly turns her down, because when Nicole marries EJ, she'll be rich. But Holly asks for help winning the heart of a boy she "loves" and offers math tutoring in exchange for some unethical behavior from Kristen. She admits it is Johnny. Discussion of their near-stepsibling-ness as well as Kristen marrying her brother. Weird discussion about Holly's plan, which was almost torpedoed by the horrible jerk Tate Black. Enter Tate.

Dimitri's Room - Kayla starts to examine Dimitri. He grabs her hand.

Hospital Waiting Area - Rafe and Jada are arranging a wheelchair from the fifth floor to release Dimitri as Leo listens. He scampers away.

DiMansion Living Room - Kristen hugs "Christopher" (the name Kristen gave Tate at birth). Gets corrected by teen Tate. Kristen leaves to check on Rachel. Tate apologizes to Holly, she's his only friend in Salem. He wants to know with whom she's in love. She doesn't care if he knows it's Johnny DiMera, as long as he keeps it secret. Kristen returns, unable to locate Rachel.

Hospital Waiting Area - Rafe and Jada mill around, what is taking so long in this hospital of indeterminate and ever-fluctuating size? They go to find von Leuschner.

Dimitri's Room - Kayla is handcuffed to the bed, Dimitri takes her phone. Leo enters in scrubs and a wig with a wheelchair.

Some Bedroom in DiMansion - Stefan is giving Rachel ice cream and wants to know if she'll play 20 questions again.

Townhouse - Gabi arrives to talk to Brady about custody of Rachel.

Dimitri's Hospital Room - Jada and Rafe enter to find Kayla. She tells them about von Leuschner's escape with "Nurse Leona".

Waiting Area - Leo wheels Dimitri out (he tosses his phone on the way) and they get on the elevator. END
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Holly enters, furious at Rachel. Something about shampoo. Kristen breaks it up. Sniping between Rachel/Holly.
Well, isn't this entertaining? :rolleyes: A snotty teenager and a bratty child bickering. Over some expensive Taylor Swift shampoo?? (I just checked online and surprisingly, Taylor Swift does not have her own shampoo line) I'm surprised they didn't have her mention Taylor Swift's perfume, since she actually has several fragrances.
I'm not sure it makes sense but it fills some airtime.
It doesn't make sense and it fills air time.
Dimitri begs Leo to break him out of there.
What in the hell has happened to Dimitri? He used to be a ruthless villain, capable of keeping Kate scaling fish on a boat on some ocean. Now he relies on Lucy and Ethel tricks??
Kayla can't sign the papers.
This hospital is really getting bad. The chief of staff is too busy to sign a paper, but has time to run around looking for a file, read said file, call the doctor and then walk back to talk to Rafe and Jada to tell them she's too busy with other things. If Dimitri was such a flight risk how about a cop at his door? Or some federal agents, as I'm sure the kidnapping of Kate could be a federal thing.

Thank you so much Jason for writing up this day. The Gabi/Stefan scenes defy logical thought. If those two put as much effort into running the company as they do in trying to screw over family they could make a case of with the board. Well, maybe not, as formally dead DiMeras return with all the shares they had prior to their death when Stefano ran it all by his lonesome.
He [Dimitri] used to be a ruthless villain, capable of keeping Kate scaling fish on a boat on some ocean. Now he relies on Lucy and Ethel tricks??
I wondered the same thing. He went from ruthless villain to a cowering kitty who is relying upon Leo to be his mastermind???

Would be like Stefano asking for help from Mami Hernandez, or Pookie. :rolleyes:
Thank you, Jason! Maybe you need to check into Bayview now since you might go crazy after writing that up. Delayed reaction. Wait for it.

I don't care for how Holly is portrayed. Not the actress' fault, she is fine. But what a brat! She and Rachel (actress is great in the role) can leave Salem together for all I care. I see some potential in Tate, though I don't know why.

Now that the Johnny thing is out of the bag, I wonder how soon he will find out about Holly being in love with him?

Prisoners escaping from the hospital and handcuffing someone to their bed seems to be par for the course in Salem.

Nurse Leona went unnoticed, same as Nurse Whitley. And Kayla even mentioned the security! I think they need to hire someone for every elevator bank. Too bad Harris already has a job. Hey, Wendy is looking for a job. It's not IT, though. And Tate has a new job already, too. Darn it all!

Bribing Rachel with ice cream, way to go, Stefan.

So now we have on the run: Vivian, Rolf, Megan, Leo, Dimitri. Am I missing anyone here?
Brady should be grateful he does not have custody of Rachel. Be careful what you wish for, Brady. On Monday, she might be 15.:rotfl:
Had to laugh that Holly is now a teen and Rachel is still a bratty 8 year or so old.

I cannot believe Holly is telling everyone she has the hots for Johnny. I thought it would be secret for a long time.

It is amazing the crap they keep writing. Kayla gets handcuffed? She can't get away from him? He didn't have a weapon.
This was about the shortest episode I can remember.....Just 32 minutes.......

I think the portrayal of Tate is well done.......made me laugh when Kristen called him Christopher and he corrected her,,,it's Tate......

(for those not watching then, Kristen kidnapped Theresa when she learned she was pregnant, because Kristen wanted to have Brady's baby, she had the fetus implanted in herself, carried to term, delivered, named him Christopher...all was eventually discovered, baby returned to rightful parents and renamed Tate)

Anyway, the actor doing Tate is pretty darn good, in my opinion. I hope these writers, tho, aren't going to have all the kids in Salem be disrespectful and bratty...........

Yes, the actress doing Rachel is absolutely excellent, Days was lucky they found a little gal so talented.

Meanwhile, it does seem the show does not know what to do with Gabi & Stefan. They seem to just be filling scenes til their time is up.

And while I do agree a little of Leo goes a long way, enjoyed him & Dimitri today. Gotta say, Dimitri has more expressions than a jar full of penny candies. LOLOL
Thanks so much Jason. Sorry the episode was terrible.

Why oh why didn't Rafe have a guard at Dimitri's door? Jada is a Salem cop and she's smart. She
should have thought about it if Rafe didn't.

Nice to hear Kimberly's name.

So, now Kristen and Tate know Holly wants Johnny. How long before Nicole finds out?

I have no idea what Gabi and Stefan are doing with Rachel and Brady and I don't care.

I think Dimitri threw Kayla's phone in the trash since she said he took it.
So Tater Tot is going to wash dishes. This is one of the few times a Salemite took a job for which he/she was actually qualified.

The old saying about not watching sausage being made equally applies to the sight of Zero and Gabi trying to come up withe another dumb plot.

Who knew that Leo could pick locks? Maybe he could become Salem’s next ace safecracker or kissing cat burglar.

Somebody shold tell Alex about Taylor Swift shampoo. It might make lover boy more attractive to Salem hotties.
think Dimitri threw Kayla's phone in the trash since she said he took it.

Yeah, he only took it so she couldn't call for help, really did not want it, so threw it away.

I have no clue as to why there wasn't a police guard of some kind at Dimitri's door, as he WAS under arrest....

Nicole has been missing for a while now, but isn't she about ready to have that baby?

Kayla is the head of the hospital, and just accepted "Nurse Leona" as legit, tho never had seen her before.

Being that they just called Salem a "small town", please do not try to tell us that the hospital is some huge facility. Sure made me laugh when Leo repeated about the 5th floor. Since when?