Days of Our Lives - Thu., Sep. 14, 2017

Thanks for the summary Poirot!

When Reilly began killing off all the major Salem character, Maggie was bashed to death on Halloween. Bonnie was Mimi's mother, and yes, became the maid for Mickey. But she set her sights on Mickey, determined to become Mrs. Mickey Horton. Big scene at Christmas when Bonnie got her own ornament, which she made sure was huge, and I believe pretty heavy. Anyway, when Maggie finally returned alived, there was a "situation" with all 3 of them in the house, Bonnie not wanting to vacate, Maggie claiming her place, Mickey caught in the middle. But, in the end, Bonnie & Mimi left Salem, I think Patrick Lockhart is still in prison (Mimi's brother. )
This history just makes the current situation with Bonnie being at Maggie's more unbelievable!:angry: