Days of Our Lives - Thurs., 12/21/17

Ciara and Claire: We didn't see if Ciara actually broke Claire's ornament on purpose, so I was just relieved to see Claire deal with it in such a mature and dignified manner. :sarcasm: Seriously, giving the vastly improved way she's been written recently, I was really wishing she could have been the bigger person. But on the other hand, giving all she's had to deal with over the past couple of weeks, I can understand why she might have reached her limit. So I'll cut her a little bit of slack this time.

Will and Arianna: If you didn't at least smile at those scenes then I recommend an immediate check-up with Dr. Seuss, because your heart may have shrunk two sizes too small.

Gabi and JJ: What can I say other than WOW!! I thought those scenes were so powerful and beautifully done. Kudos to Camila Banus (Gabi) and Casey Moss (JJ). And can I just add, that's my girl!!!
If my son was in the mental state that JJ is in and he continued to ignore my calls, I would be at his door so fast it would make his head spin. I certainly wouldn't stop off a the hospital to talk to a man who doesn't want anything to do with me and currently hates my son. What does she think she's going to accomplish?

I think it's a tough call about JJ. She knows he's distraught but she has no idea to what extreme. Also, she just spoke to him on the phone. So she probably thinks that giving him space is what he needs, kind of what Abby said as well. I'm not saying I agree just that this is probably how Jen sees it.

Did Shawn and Belle talk today?

Yes Belle said hello to Rafe and then yelled at Claire after she broke the ornament. :rolleyes: I'm so glad Shawn and Belle were brought back just to have their scenes cut and be glorified extras at Christmas. We didn't even see their ornaments. I'm so annoyed!!!!

And seriously, the entire room had time to stop Claire before she broke Ciara's ornament.

Where are Marlena and John? Why is Maggie Kiriakis spending Christmas with their son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter, and great-granddaughter??? I'm surprised they didn't add in Paul at the KMansion for good measure. Also, I didn't see Victor or Melissa's ornaments on the tree.

Did anyone mention Lucas or show his ornament???

I agree that the Horton ornament ceremony was too short. It should have been half the episode at least. There were enough characters in that room to break off into subplots.

Abe needs to find an emotion other than anger. Also, not that it replaces Theo but he has ample friends who are like family, a girlfriend, another son, and a daughter. He is not alone.

Bravo to the JJ and Gabi scenes. I thought she was overly hysterical at first but then they developed into a nice rhythm together. I'm ready for a reconciliation. I honestly did not see Lani coming so I was shocked at the end. I'm sure she'll probably walk right out unseen. But truly great, soapy scenes and I liked again bringing up her past in jail. Stellar work from 2 actors who've had personal experience with this topic.
Ahhh, thanks, Jason. I thought they were already at Alice's and Will was sitting in the chair by the fireplace.
It sure did look like it, it wasn't until I saw some caps from spoilers that I realised the first scenes of Sonny/Will's were not at the Hortons'.
Seriously, giving the vastly improved way she's been written recently, I was really wishing she could have been the bigger person.
Me too.
Also, I didn't see Victor or Melissa's ornaments on the tree.
Victor's was to the right of Maggie's, Mickey's was to the left.
I thought this was Chad and Rafe's first ornament hanging as well? However, Julie only announced Eli's. They should have had Hope give Rafe his and Abby give Chad his (onscreen).

I think Holly did not receive an ornament because she is not in Salem at this moment. If Nicole and Holly ever come back to town at Christmastime, then Holly will probably receive one.

Ciara was a little brat today, first breaking Claire's ornament and then pushing ahead of Rafe to hang Bo's ornament by Hope's. While I feel Rafe should have not been given an ornament until he and Hope were married, Ciara was rude in that scene.

Why are Shawn and Belle being treated as glorified extras?

The best scenes today go to Gabi and JJ. I thought Gabi really stepped up today and gave JJ the support he so desperately needs at this time. I just feel that it was so unlike Jennifer to not constantly be at his door checking on him, but I gather she did not know he was so far gone in his depression.
They have written Ciara as an intolerable brat. Lauren Boles, who portrayed her for many years, would not have seemed natural in this light. She was sassy and sometimes petulant but this is vindictive. Ciara was already a dreary character who had suffered way too much. Now we are supposed to care that something worse happened in Hong Kong. Shawn and Belle have been brought back for no other reason than to reintroduce the newest casting of Ciara. Not sure why they would agree to it. Stop calling her Ciara Alice and expecting her to straighten up. She isn't 12. This faux attempt at parenting is tedious.
They should have had Hope give Rafe his and Abby give Chad his (onscreen).

During the montage, they showed Rafe taking his out of a box with Hope smiling at him. That worked for me. I do think they should have presented to Chad though.

Not sure why they would agree to it.

For the paycheck? Also, many of their scenes have been cut so what's airing is not what they taped. As far as my count goes, they cut welcome scenes with Belle and John, hospital scenes with Belle and Claire, family scenes with Belle, Shawn and Claire at the loft, and I'm starting to think they also cut scenes with Belle and Chad after that weird cliffhanger last month at the DiMansion. I'm guessing more were cut too that just weren't in spoiler photos. Hard to believe Shawn and Ciara have had nothing since the return.
Spectacular summary - THANKS!

I was so very pleasantly SHOCKED at the scenes with Gabi and JJ. Amazing acting and a big shout out to the writers. The handling of the suicide was spot on! I felt the role Gabi was playing was that of an incredible friend. I felt no "sexual energy" at all. Comforting was just what he needed and she did just that. Will this open doors for a relationship? I don't care one way or another. I just think these scenes were top notch. I wish everyone who thought about suicide had a friend like Gabi, and time to get stronger!

I personally have no feelings about Lani and/or Eli. Sorry they have hurt feelings, but, maybe, just once, folks shouldn't assume sex is always involved when two folks are in a bed. Comforting a friend can involve a bed also!!!

Thought I'd melt when Ari said Will was her gift!

Loved the connection between Abby and Chad, light and playful and loving! Missed a Chad ornament too!

Still wish Rafe would come clean with Hope. Hate for a "Sami story" to ruin what I think could be a good relationship. Need to see someone tell the truth!

I hope Jen can get through to Abe and if he forgives JJ, at least a little, that will help JJ forgive himself. HOPE!