Days of Our Lives - Thurs. Apr 15, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, April 15, 2010
Episode #11,314 Taped 2/23 Director – Albert Alarr

A rather slow moving show today, as we hop around town into various little discussions. Melanie meets up with a rather pensive Philip in Maggie’s kitchen, on her way to “first day back” at the hospital. Philip is not really satisfied with her assurances that Nathan means nothing, she loves him. She repeats how much she really does love her husband, he seems accepting, til she is out the door, and his face changes.

Down by the dock, he runs into Chloe, who goes on and on about Carly, thanking him for listening to her, chattering about Carly moving across the hall with Adrienne, but Philip is in no mood, cuts her short, goes sits on Benchie, has a lot on his mind. Chloe apologizes, he tells her about overhearing the argument, and about the letter, and how Melanie did not tell him about it really. Chloe says she would not have told Daniel either, that it is in the past and over, what is important is the now. Don’t dwell on what doesn’t matter, yada, yada.

In a bedroom somewhere, Nathan & Stephanie are in afterglow, she talking of dreaming about this handsome guy who made love to her all night, lots of more or less meaningless pillowtalk here. Suffice it to say, both are seemingly happy with the other and profess to want to continue this way.

Hope is on a sofa with Ciara, talking to Justin, gives Ciara the phone. She misses him, Justin lets her know he will be leaving the hospital today, maybe take her to the arcade, or the park. Yayyyy. Later, Hope sits on the edge of Justin’s bed, as he wakes up, happy to see her, his head aches a little but he is o.k. She goes for the paperwork to get him released. Later, they are sitting in the waiting room, she takes out her tape recorder, asking him what he remembers about the mugging, but gets zip, as all he remembers is an argument with Adrienne, then nothing after that. He has to get back to the office, starts to leave, she calls him back, saying he doesn’t have to hurry away. They have an odd conversation, she mentions how worried Adrienne was when she found Justin, he indicates that there is nothing there any more, she seems interested to know that. He finally leaves, Adrienne arrives looking for him. Hope tells her he just left, went back to the office, tells her she is sorry she lied to her to get her to come back to Salem, then tells her it was a big mistake, that she should have never called her to begin with.

Brady meets up with Arianna at Java, she is all excited because he has arranged an interview for Arianna with the head of Titan’s TV station – name of Andrew. Seems Arianna has quit her job…..(and with Caroline in L.A… very odd!). He mentions looking all over for that check he wrote out to Nicole, Arianna admits she took it, gave it to Nicole, told her it was from both of them, wanting Nicole to know they were together, a couple, a team, etc. Brady wonders why, if such a team, she did not tell him. Arianna talks of how Nicole treats her, is so sure Brady is just using Arianna as a diversion, etc. He insists that is not so.

And over at the Pub, Nicole is trying to score interview appointments, to no avail. The minute they hear her name, no thanks. She is so frustrated that for one she gives a false name, Nicole Wagner, only to have to make excuses why she doesn’t have I.D. like a driver’s license to bring along. She hits dead ends everywhere, Brady arrives, wondering what she is doing, she was supposed to leave town. Nope, she returns his check, she is not going anywhere. Now she comes on to him, playing on his feelings again, talking of how much he helped her, even when she was with EJ, how she just could not see how she really felt about him then…she is up close and personal, her lips closing in on his, when he pushes her away, no thanx. He is not falling for any of it. He leaves.

Melanie has arrived at the hospital, talks with Maxine, both missed each other. Melanie asks if Doctor Horton is on duty, no, tis his day off. Daniel has come in, overhears, questions Melanie as to why the question. She admits that she lied to Philip when he asked about her feelings for Nathan….Daniel takes her into an office. She hopes he doesn’t hate her, nope, he never could, she is his daughter, he loves her. Only wants what makes her happy. Big hugs. Later, she is back at the nurse’s station, Maxine is sending her to check on a patient, she turns back for the chart as Nathan arrives on stage right, and Philip appears behind her, in the shadows, stage left.

Carly comes into the Cheatin’ Heart, tells Adrienne she spent the night on a cot in the nurse’s lounge at the hospital, Adrienne asks her to move in today. A greatful Carly gets a spare key from Adrienne, who is going to be very happy for the company. The boys are grown and gone, she sort of misses being married, remembers all the good times, but she & Justin seem to have both changed.
Next, Carly’s luggage is packed, and at the door as Daniel arrives home, almost stumbling over it. She realizes he is home early, he indicates something about his eyes, has not had a chance to read the article she gave him. She begins some sort of eye testing with him, telling him to hold his finger out in front and focus. Chloe enters the apartment.

At the Pub, Arianna is all excited at meeting with Cece Chavez, evidently a reporter, who tells her that Andrew was so impressed with the interview, he asked Cece to meet with her. Nicole comes over, saying hello to Arianna, Cece asks if Ari knows this woman. Nicole is getting sarcastic, Cece gets up for coffee, but actually calls her camerman to come over right away. Nicole is having words with Arianna, as the cameraman arrives, Cece goes into reporter mode, coming up and asking Nicole how she got the pardon from the governor. Nicole gets angry, accuses Arianna of setting her up (huh, Arianna did not even know Nicole was there), Cece asks another question or two, Nicole is getting angry, Brady comes in, tells Cece that is enough, Cece goes meekly away.
Nicole tells Brady it is “all her fault”, indicating Arianna. “She set me up”.

Thanks for the write up Poirot. About Brady looking for the cheque that he wrote for Nicole. If I remember right he and Arianna were in bed when he wrote the cheque and showed it to Arianna. She was shocked that it was more then agreed to. Brady said that he was hoping it would be enough to get Nicole out of town. She said she would bring it to Nicole. So why is he looking for it now?

Sounds like a good show. Looking forward to Melanie being back at the hospital. Wow Nathan and Philip at the same time.
He set it on the bedside table, and she never told him she took it. He thought maybe Arianna had torn it up, thinking it was too much.
About Brady looking for the cheque that he wrote for Nicole. If I remember right he and Arianna were in bed when he wrote the cheque and showed it to Arianna. She was shocked that it was more then agreed to. Brady said that he was hoping it would be enough to get Nicole out of town. She said she would bring it to Nicole. So why is he looking for it now?

I thought the same thing.
Thanks for the great summary Barb.
I guess we are destined to have no happy stable couples on this show anymore.
Kate & Stefano are the only one's that seem happy. And thats questionable.
I mean we have the Nicole & Arianna fighting for Brady. Nathan/Melanie/Philip/Stephanie mess, Danile/Chloe mess, Carly/Bo/Hope mess. And now what could be a Hope/Justin/Adrian mess. Sheesh!!
Couldn't the writers for once show Nathan & Stephanie on a date instead of always being in bed?

Then again, just seeing these 2 together disgust me as much as seeing Bo & Carly together...UGH!
Thanks Poirot. I was sure he knew she was taking it to Nicole. I think I need to pay more attention when watching the show.
Fabulous descriptions today, Poirot. Thank you!

I'm glad Brady questioned Arianna's motives and her comment about them being a team.

I'm starting to think that Titan TV should hire Nicole as their roving reporter. Can you imagine the ratings she would pull? People would tune in just to see the crazy ex-con baby-switching kidnapper.
I really enjoyed the Melanie back at the hospital scenes. Loved the looks on Nathan and Philip's faces when Nathan sees Melanie and Philip sees Melanie and Nathan together. Should be good to see what happens next.
Justin and Hope were so good together today. Loved her telling him how much he means to her and her daughter.
Nicole and Airanna were so great. I agree with kpatch Nicole should be the roving reporter. She would be exciting to watch and people would sure want to see her. Wonder if Brady will beleive that Arianna set up the reporter to come in with the camera. Poor Arianna had no idea she was being interviewed for a job, the rest just happened.
Thank you for the write-up, Barb! You do a super duper job keeping those of us who can't see the show very often up to date! :)


P.S. Brady! Just leave that dang Nicole ALONE! Let her fend for herself! Mia! Don't even make eye contact with Nathan unless you're ending your new marriage to Handsome-Yet-Thuggish Philip! No Sami nor EJ nor Rafe today? LOL
It looks like both Nicole and Arianna will be vying for the roving reporter position. I said a few days ago that Nicole would be great at it. This could be a hoot!
Thanks for the suberb write-up, as usual... I probably won't get to watch most of the show today, but thanks to you, I will know what I missed.
Thanks for the write up, Barb, though right now I am wishing I didn't read it at all :mad:

Man I am so ticked at Melanie right now. ARGH ARGH ARGH!!!!! Asking about Dr Horton right away? Why lie to Philip, Mel? That's just wrong on so many levels. And Daniel not giving her heck for it..what kind of wuss is this guy turning into? It''s obvious that Stephanie is a bad girl, with her own agenda, and anyone who gets in her way be damned. I may just have to root for Stephanie to whip your you-know-what, Mel.

I know we all have hated the idea that Hope begin a relationship with Justin, preferring him and Adrienne together. But after Adrienne wigged out on him during that game of pool, I'm not so sure. Ciara seems to like Justin and if they can't figure out a way to make be believe that Bo has been possessed or drugged or under some kind of voodoo spell, I am fine with Hope moving on with her life. Justin has not been a sleezeball and I am actually warming to the idea. Go figure.
And over at the Pub, Nicole is trying to score interview appointments, to no avail. The minute they hear her name, no thanks. She is so frustrated that for one she gives a false name, Nicole Wagner, only to have to make excuses why she doesn’t have I.D. like a driver’s license to bring along.

Thanks for the great write up Barb. If Nicole is having trouble getting interviews, one has to wonder why she's not gone back to her maiden name. It sort of made sense in jail, where the Demira name had power, but now it's just holding her back. Surely her maiden name wasn't that well known. I'm sure a few intrepid reporters mentioned it a time or two, but I doubt that most people would remember it.
She supposedly did keep 'DiMera' for it's 'power & influence' in the big house.
But, on the phone looking for work, she soon found it wasn't a positive thing in the real world .... On one call, she did say 'Nicole Walker' ... but then put her foot in it by saying that she had 'changed' it from DiMera DUH!
Another call, getting a little further along, apparently reminded her to bring her ID ...

BTW .... in order to change her name, she'd have to do it through the courts. Fairly simple procedure ... but still. She'd need the court papers to get new ID issued in another name.
Nicole was well known in Salem with the Walker name....and on the phone, even that name was recognized. It is why she tried "Wagner", but then was asked to be sure and bring along proper I.D.
This was all probably taken care of with the divorce.

Not neccessarily. I did not change my last name after either of my two divorces. I was in the Army and it was such a pain to change my name when I got married that I didn't bother when I got divorced.