Days of Our Lives - Thurs. Apr 22, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Episode #11,319 Taped 3/2 Director – Noel Maxam

A lot of dragged out conversations today as Sami has her hands full of with a very rambunctious Johnny, who sasses his mom, refuses to listen, insisting he wants his daddy, and doesn’t want to go to bed.
Meanwhile, EJ is having a conversation with himself…well, to Johnny’s picture and to Sydney’s, rambling on about having kidnapped his daughter, making everyone suffer, how their grandfather will tell the world what a slimeball he is if EJ doesn’t do what he wants. He has a rather long soliloquy, wondering at the end what Sami would say if he told her that he has fallen in love with her again. He then flashes back to Sami praising EJ for “having gotten rid of him”, and how proud she is of that.
Sami tries to calm Johnny down, calls EJ, says she needs his help, there is a knock at her door. She tells Johnny to stay put, goes to answer and there is EJ on his phone, telling her he is right there. And then, of course, we get the nice, homey scene, of EJ returning to the living room, having not only gotten Johnny to sleep, but having found Sydney awake, managed to sing her back to sleep. Silly jabber follows about his ability to put children to sleep, must be his voice, and then Sami has something to tell him. Seems Lucas wanted Allie to stay with him in Hong Kong for a while, and she know he misses his daughter, loves her. No, she did not put Allie on a plane alone, Lucas flew all the way back here to take his daughter on this great adventure together, Allie will be gone a couple of weeks. Sami claims to miss her already, thinks Johnny does, too, which is why he was acting up as he was. She also claims they have hardly ever been separated. (huh?) & she figures he also misses Rafe. EJ asks if she & Rafe have made up, Sami says no, he cannot seem to forgive her for lying about the ransom notes, then starts babbling about how she lied to him about his child and he has forgiven her. (lol, Sami, you should only know!) She goes on and on about hiding the pregnancy, and how that set everything in motion…Nicole being able to con the nun, Sami giving birth in that clinic, Dr. Baker delivering, switching the babies, Sami adopting Grace. She is on a roll.

Philip is at Java Café, upset that he has a business meeting that will keep him away from his wife tonight. He decides to cancel it, he is a newlywed, is going home to be with his wife. However, that dear little wifey is going out the door, supposedly on her way to work, and who comes in….yep, Nathan, who wants to finish their conversation. Melanie tries to evade, Nathan points out she was avoiding him, avoiding talking about them. She offers again to quit the nursing program, as a student, she is more expendable than he is, and doesn’t want to distract him in any way. She finally has had enough, agrees to talk, then insists on telling him about the letter, and what it actually said, admitting she lied to him about it before. Nathan pulls her into a kiss, and of course, Philip spots them thru the door window, and leaves. However, Melanie tells Nathan that was good-bye, that she does not love him, she will always have feelings for him, but will not act on them. They are friends, period. Nathan leaves.

At the K mansion, Hope finishes applying her lipstick, checks herself in her handmirror, says “perfect”, puts that down, and next she is tightening the belt on her trenchcoat, goes to a drawer, takes out her gun, checks the clip, there is a knock at the door, Justin is checking on her. She puts him off, is fine, just wants to get some rest. He says he’ll be downstairs doing some paperwork if she needs him. And now Justin walks into the study to find Philip pouring himself a drink. Justin wonders why he is there, but Philip just pours another, and frankly, I don’t understand how he can even see with that hair hanging over his eyes. Ugh. Justin realizes something is wrong between Philip and his wife, urges Philip to go talk to her, work it out. Philip counters with “is that what you did when you & Adrienne had problems?”. Touche’. And now Philip is walking aimlessly in the park, past Benchie, swilling booze from his flask, even flashing back to Melanie telling him she married the right man.

Meanwhile, Vivian is gleefully watching as Chloe gives the 3rd degree to Nurse Greg, as to the whereabouts of Dr. Jonas and Carly Manning. Greg seems reluctant, but finally says they left together, he heard gossip, and mentions the seedy motel, the Mercer. Naturally, Chloe is there next, talking to the seedy clerk, lol, who denies anyone named Jonas or Manning is there, but, there are a lot of Smiths. Chloe pays him off, shows him a pic of Daniel, he stares hard, says yeah, he is pretty sure that guy is here. Chloe describes Carly, the clerk figures a guy like that only brings an uptown gal to a place like his for one thing. A dejected Chloe sadly returns to the apartment.

Vivian meets up with Gus, ecstatic over the success of her plan, but Gus doesn't think it funny, nor good. She explains to him how being engaged to Victor has put a halt to her dealing directly with Carly herself, so she is working on having Chloe do her work for her.

Daniel is prepped for surgery, and later wakes up, murmuring Chloe’s name. Carly takes his hand, says it is her, and we see her checking Daniel’s vision, telling him to focus on her finger, yep, only one. Yayyyy. He cannot wait to tell Chloe.

Chloe sits sipping a drink, gets a determined look on her face, picks up her purse, opens the door to leave, and there stands Philip. Both stare at the other, no words spoken.

Hope is sitting at a round table, playing poker with a bunch of guys, raking in the pot with a straight flush to the 10. Someone remarks she has cashed in all night, she claims to just have gone with the odds, then calls it a night. Not yet, says a voice, who adds something about buying a drink. And there stands the not so dead Dr. Baker (and wow, is he looking handsome, believe me!) They both smile, and later, outside the door to the room, Hope is counting all the money, with Baker telling her she has to buy him a drink. She finishes counting, , smiles, “why not”?

And over at Sami’s apartment, EJ is continuing his con job on Sami, reminding her that Will is comfortably at home back at DiMansion, and that he knows she cares about her children, puts their interests first. And he has come up with a way they can do that – you, me, our children. Instead of all this back and forth my place, your place visiting, why don’t you just take the children and come live with me.

Thanks for the recap Barb.
I really don't ike this Sami. I think she is to mush, no back bone where EJ s concrned. Wake up Sami he is still a slime ball!!!
damn you nathan. why couldn't you just keep your damn lips to yourself?

great writeup
Sounds like a great episode. I can hardly wait! Thanks Barb. Love your little aside remarks!
Thanks for the write-up, Barb.

So, Lucas travels 18+ hours each way to come & get Allie? Hope that since it's on business, that he flew 1st class, with one of those new plane seats that converts to a bed! BTW ... since he is on business for 'mommy', he didn't stop in to give her an update on how things were going??? :)

Hope is all re-dressed, including trenchcoat, when Justin knocks and he doesn't inquire as to where she's going? even though she says she's tired & needs rest? :duh:

And, who taught Hope to play poker?? :)

Chloe & Philip .... hope that if they 'do the deed' it's not at the apt. the budget be damned for another set! :(

Viv & Gus ... they're writing him a lot like Ivan .... a small voice of reason, even in the midst of her madness.

Didn't Daniel's double vision come & go?? So, seeing single right after surgery doesn't really prove anything, does it?? :duh:
LOL @genehunter. Justin never sees Hope, she just talks to him thru the door, pretending she is in bed, needs her rest.

As to Daniel, thought exactly the same thing myself. But....think there will be additionals tests, etc.
Thanks for the write up. Yea just half an hour till Doc Baker. Looking forward to seeing Sami's reaction to come and live with EJ at the mansion. Hmm she might say yes now that Allie is with Lucas, Will is at the mansion (Will he leave if Sami moves in? He left because he did not want to live with EJ and Sami. ) and Sydney and Johnny must stay at the mansion with there Dad some times anyway.
LOL @genehunter. Justin never sees Hope, she just talks to him thru the door, pretending she is in bed, needs her rest.

Oh, OK .... that's one reason it's really good to see the show, not just read the summary! You can't get everything by reading, alone! :D

BTW ... Justin moved out after the blowup with Victor .... so, why is he back 'downstairs' doing paperwork? He's making a brief overnight because of his attack/hospital stay???
If Sami moves in with EJ i'm truly finished with her.

Oh boy! Doc is back I can't wait.

I wish someone would kick Nathan's butt, he is always causing trouble and so is Stephanie.
Thank You

Thank you, Barb for the summary. I always look forward to reading them. I am a Sami and EJ fan, I like them togather they are the only reason I watch the soap. As far as living in the Dimera Mansion.. That would be a resounding H@!! no.. Sami would have to be out of her skull to do that. I don’t know how she is going to react when all the stuff comes out about what EJ has done but if you think about it turn about is fair play and all is fair in love and war.
Wow, does anyone in Salem possess a brain? It astounds how they make the same mistakes over & over again and do not learn from them.

No communication is the word for it! Dumb Phil & Chloe, and dumb Sami...she will move in. I don't doubt that. And Mel should have been totally honest with Phil.

Can't wait to see Doc Baker!!!

Thanks Barb!!!
Regarding Justin, he is not living at Victor's. In Wednesday's show, Victor saw Justin and said "what the hell are you doing here?" Justin replies that he brought over some contracts for Victor to sign.
When is that stupid twit going to realize that Rafe moved out because EJ moved in??

About the same time Rafe and EJ stop saying Sami is a great mother??

I can't wait to see Doc Baker again. John Callahan is a good lookin' guy. I liked Dr Baker-the bad guy you just have to love.

So, Lucas flew from Hong Kong, but didn't even leave the airport to see friends or family? How about Maggie, who is ill?? Even with the actor gone it could have been offscreen and just mentioned. IMO.
And I thought I was the only one who thought Dr. Baker was handsome. I even had him as my avatar for a day. But I had to go back. You all understand, I'm sure.
LOL @Kpatch! We all understand your undying devotion to Philip. I don't mind seeing his smile every time you post. :)

Thanks for the write-up, Poirot! Thursday sounds like a good show to me. I can't wait to see where they take Dr. Baker's character.