Days of Our Lives - Thurs., April 10, 2014


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
April 10, 2014

Eric wants to talk to Nicole who doesn't have time for a serious discussion, has to get to the hospital for a followup on her interview. She runs off. At the hospital, Anne gives her the runaround when Nicole shows up for her appt. with Seth Burns (hosp. admin), and makes a few insulting remarks besides. Next, Liam appears, mentioning seeing her at that rest area off the highway, and did not know she works at the hospital. No, just here about a story. He starts babbling about her being on TV, etc. how good it is. She replies it has it's down side, like complete strangers coming up and talking to you as if you know them. He gets the hint and leaves.
A frustrated Nicole asks Maxine to reschedule, since her appt. was cancelled, as Eric comes up, saying now she has time. She tries to evade, but he insists, and they go sit in the park. He starts in about how much the church helped him, why he became a priest, yes, she has heard it all before. She wants him to get on with it, give her the bad news, blah, blah. But Eric instead says he just cannot imagine his life without her, that God must not want him to be a priest any more, since no evidence appeared to clear him, and that it has been the church that put Eric and Nicole together, connected them all this time. So, he wants to marry her, though the church's blessings are important to him, he is willing to marry outside the church. Nicole is overjoyed, has wanted this more than anything. They both agree not to rush into anything, she even mentions not wanting to inter\fere with Sami & EJ's wedding. He leaves, she excitedly is going to let Daniel be the first to know. She starts to call, decides to go to his apt. to tell him in person.

Hope sits at the Pub, having breakfast with Ciara, who is going to judo class. She talks of kicking someone or learning how to kick someone in the right place. Out in the square, Aiden walks with Chase, who also is going to judo class. He asks if Chase is feeling better about staying in Salem. Yes, he guesses. Aiden says this is the place, tells Chase to go in, and goes off to answer his phone. Chase comes back out, calling for his dad, this is wrong place. He walks a few steps, attempting to call his dad on his cell. A guy notices him, and then tries to grab his phone. Chase is yelling no, leave me alone, the guy picks him up, Chase is kicking and yelling. Along comes Hope, gun drawn, makes the guy put Chase down, and arrests the guy, has him lay down on the ground. She comforts Chase, as Aiden returns, sitting next to Chase, hugging his son. Hope calls for a squad. After the guy is taken away, and Chase has gone to his class, Aiden is blaming himself for this, how he always taught Chase to stand up for himself, and though Chase still has his phone, Aiden realizes there are times it is better not to do so. He then makes a most profound apology to Hope for how he talked to her, the new respect he has for her, and how he has really not given himself the chance to know her.
Hope accepts the apology, and now Aiden mentions how Father Louie was so adamant that he not work the fund raiser alone, and he wants Hope to work with him. She almost says no....but ends up agreeing, and they shake on it. Ciara arrives, all excited about her class and new things she learned, and then Chase told her what happened, and her mom is a hero. Hope denies this, says any parent would do the same.

Theresa arrives at the K mansion, finds Brady there when he was supposed to be out of town. She goes on and on about him probably dumping her, he denies this, says he just got back at 6 a.m. and was out of town. She just continues her pity party, but Brady assures her he still wants to see her. Maggie observes, has an observation or two. Brady goes to answer his phone (always a convenient excuse) so Maggie & Theresa can have a few negative comments to each other. Brady returns, Theresa leaves, Maggie lets Brady know that Theresa is bad news for him, but Brady claims that every single person he knows in Salem, family, friends, fellow workers, all know how Kristen made a fool of him, what she did....except Theresa. So he likes hanging with her.

Jen sits with Abe, going over a party planned to honor Lexie. He talks of missing Lexie, but moving on with his life, wondering about it. Jennifer understands, mentions how she did a lot of things wrong after Jack died, that many people felt a certain amount of time should be spent mourning, but her feelings for Daniel felt so right. She knows Abe had a nice time with Maxine, tells him the love for his wife will always be there within him, but he has to live his life now, in the present.

JJ & Paige end their early a.m. run, make plans to hang together after school. Along comes MaryBeth, giving paige a hard time about being friends with JJ. Paige tells her to butt out, MaryBeth leaves, Paige is going home to change for school. Will see JJ later.
Rory & Bev pop out, Bev clearly jealous, telling Rory she is going to make sure Paige understands that JJ is not the person for her.

Daniel is having his morning protein drink, mixing a lot of powder with his Orange juice, and ...down the hatch. Off to the hospital. Liam is grinning in his room, remembering spiking the OJ, and figuring Dan should be downing the drink about now. At the hospital, Daniel is ready for surgery, but is yawning, feeling a bit tired. He drinks some coffee, Maxine is a bit worried, but he is fine.
In surgery, Daniel is starting to sweat, Dr. McClelland is assisting this double by-pass. A nurse wipe Daniel's forehead, his hands start to shake, he hands the scalpel to the other doctor, and leaves the OR. He nearly stumbles.
Later, Maxine is taking a blood sample, Jennifer rushes in, Daniel is beside himself. She thinks a virus, or maybe food poisoning, but he only had the protein drink that morning. His hands are shaking so badly, he thinks his palsy has returned. She gives him a reassuring pep talk, and finally, his hands stop shaking. He attributes stress. The lab tech comes in, Dr. Kayla will be there to talk with him. Daniel insists on knowing the lab results. The tech tells him he has 15 milograms of drug in him. Daniel comments that is an opiate. Anne is listening, and comes in...well, well, what do you know. The esteemed Dr. Jonas is addicted to prescription drugs. Gee, how will your office handle that press release, Jenny.

Liam is in Daniel's apt., exchanging a new jug of Orange juice for the drugged one. He makes sure that the new bottle has the same amount of juice gone, puts it in the frig. He washes out the sink where he emptied the new O.J. cleans the glass, puts the tainted O.J. in his bag, all the while wearing blue latex gloves. Satisfield there is no trace of anything left, he leaves the apt., takes off the gloves, pushes the elevator button. The door opens, and there is Nicole coming out, surprised to see him. Liam's grin is wiped off his face.
Pity poor NIcole. Eric agreeing to a future marriage must mean that disaster is just down the road. Also doomed to disappointment is snarky Anne Milbauer if she really believes that the mighty Love Doctor will ever really crash and burn. As for Aiden and his son, they've learned the hard way that the Town Square is one of the most unsafe places in Salem despite the fact that Hope and Rafe spend more time there than at the police station. Finally, sicko Liam seems to have a fine attention to detail. If his surprise encounter with Nicole proves harmless (as do most end-of-episode "cliffhangers"), Stefano should consider hiring him. His sick obsessions should prove no bar to employment with the DiMeras considering that both Stefano and EJ have extensive personal experience in this area.
Being this is Throw Back Thursday, Days has went back to last year with another drugging this time it is Dan not Eric. Glad Paige told her so called friend to mind her own business, but JJ will have to deal with the jealousy of Bev. Nice to also see Hope come to the rescue of Chase.
Wow, Liam probably seems like a crazy stalker in Nicole's eyes after all the scenes she had with him today. Yowza, makes sense Liam would go down this route with his job and all easy for him to get painkillers, too obvious. Wonder what awaits Daniel once Kayla finds out, since Anne has enough to get revenge on Daniel. This I am sure is where Nicole will be of huge assistance to Daniel, as she could vouch that Daniel does not use drugs. Seems like the two could help each other in their situations.

MaryBeth......can she just go away! She is actually, in my eyes, a lot more annoying than Theresa and Gabi at this rate. She is so annoying, I did not learn her name until today. Wish Liam would've drugged her instead. She needs to butt out of JJ and Paige's life and find herself a man. Clearly she is jealous because with her stuck up smug attitude no man will go near her.

Very good scene with Hope saving Chase from being abducted by a sicko. Definitely changed the course of the route with Aiden and Hope. They had some good scenes together. Maybe they'll become closer working together at the school.

Theresa and Maggie. Same ole run around...... MEH!
The man was not attempting to abduct Chase. He was trying to take his phone. He kept saying to just give him the phone.

I agree that Mary Beth is going a bit overboard, but then it does seem Salemites tend to do that a lot....stick their noses into what is not their business.
I thought it was odd that Hope drew her gun while the crook still had Chase in his arms. And she didn't even identify herself as a cop. :rolleyes: Wouldn't that be sufficient at first? I hope this truce with Aiden lasts longer than a day.

Liam let his guard down. He shouldn't have acted so shocked when Nicole saw him. He could have just said he was visiting a friend. This guy is a professional and has done this before. Why else would he be smart enough to have the gloves? He also seems fearless, likely from experience. Sadly, I think he is just getting started and isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

Also, there was powder residue from the gloves on Liam's bag. I wonder if Nicole will notice it. That could come into play later on.

Nice scenes with Jen and Abe. I guess TPTB do read this Board sometimes LOL.

I also enjoyed the Nicole and Eric scenes. Very romantic. I already feel for Eric for when the truth is revealed.

At least Nicole found a longer dress in her closet.

I thought Daniel's surgery was at 5am?!? Are there karate classes at 5am now?

Not interested in anything else that aired today
Ahhh, am glad others have noticed the time factors. Paige was going to begin her run at 5:30 a.m. and had to go home to change for school. Daniel had surgery at 5 a.m. Brady was in the Kmansion already, when Theresa arrived, saying he got back at 6 a.m. MaryBeth was already dressed for school, but Paige and JJ still had to go home to change.
And yet, Hope & Ciara are finishing off breakfast at the Pub, but had judo classes BEFORE school???? Gee, what time does that Pub. open. And my goodness everyone in Salem sure gets up early, don't they. Abe was already at Jen's, both dressed and ready for their day, and having a meeting.And Nicole is already on her way to the hospital.

And when Jen told Abe how she did a lot of things wrong after Jack died, I said aloud, well it is about time! But Jen came off today as though she had been through the same shrink course that Dr. Evans took. Her soothing advice to Abe, and the same to the worried Daniel. Quite different from the clueless mom who was giving her son and his female friend the 3rd degree yesterday. :)
I also thought Jen did a 180 from yesterday--thankfully. I wish they would write her like this more often. I'm not a fan of Ms. Oblivious. And the scene between Jen and Daniel at the hospital today marks the first time that I actually liked Jen and Daniel together. Hey writers: the relationship is much more rootable when Jen is being supportive than when she is throwing random accusations Daniel's way. Who'd have thought? :sarcasm:
People in Salem get up early.

I thought Daniel's surgery was at 5. JJ and Paige were going to meet at
5:30 to run. Brady told Theresa he was home at 6. So what time was it
really in Salem or was that odd time zone problem that happens? The sun
isn't up until 7.

I wonder how many cop shows Liam has watched. He sure knew a lot about getting
rid of evidence. He bought another orange juice and made sure it was at the same level.
Did he buy the correct flavor? I know you can get OJ with pulp, without pulp, extra calcium.

I wonder how Liam will try to cover up why he's there with Nicole. And has a drug
salesman, would he sell that type of drug. I guess in Salem they do

Great discussion with Abe and Jen. Yes, they do read the boards :)
Good that Aiden apologized to Hope; was waiting for her apology. I was yelling, "Stop preening, Hope!" at the TV. She kept playing with her hair while they were talking.

Liam's blue gloves were a color match with his shirt, today. His matching of the orange juice bottle levels was uncanny!

For what it's worth, I don't think judo involves kicking/punching.

Overall, a good show, today!
I thought it was interesting too, LIam's gloves matched shirt.

I was shocked when Ciara said she can kick someone.
I don't like wrestling even though they say it's fake
Liking the Abe/Maxine angle. Hope this goes somewhere.

I hope Nicole can save the day regarding Liam, but... If he has those shredded papers she was trying to burn, this could be tricky. Theresa knows what he's up to, though. This could be a good way to redeem herself.

Maybe now that Hope saved Chase, the truce with Aiden will stick this time.

Also not liking jealous Bev. If she cared about JJ at all, she would know he doesn't need any more drama in his life. I feel bad for him.